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Fundamental Jasmelino Jardim

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Avaliação: ( ) Teste ( ) Prova Trimestral ( ) Trabalho ( x ) Recuperação
Nome: _____________________________________________ Nº: _______ Turma: __________
Professor: Patricia Chaves Batista Data: ______________________
Trimestre: 1º ( ) 2º ( ) 3º ( x ) Peso da Avaliação: 6 pontos

1) Circule a forma correta do verbo TO BE ( ) … do you prefer: fish or meat?

conjugado nas frases abaixo. ( ) … didn’t they call the police?
a) I is/am the school's director. ( ) … are we going to help her?
b)Only Anne is/are allowed entering in this room. ( ) … should I spend my Christmas vacation?
c)It am/is my cat called lazy cat. ( ) … will win the next Nobel Prize for literature?
d)Steven and I are/am cooking the dinner. ( ) … was he doing when the lights went off?
e)He is/am a security guard at the bank.
f)They is/are our new neighbors. Assinale a alternativa correta:
g)You am/are our best salesperson! a) Who did discovered America?
h)I am/are waiting for an email from my teacher. b) Who discovered America?
c) Did who discover America?
2) Complete as frases usando os pronomes pessoais d) What Columbus discovered?
a) _____ is a beautiful girl. e) What did Columbus discovered?
b) _____ is my litlle brother.
c) _____ are good friends.
d) _____ is my dog.
e) _____ are classmates in a public school.
f) _____ am a doctor in hospital.
Have a nice test!
3) Traduza as frases e descubra qual dos pronomes
interrogativos que estão dentro do balão, você deve
usar em cada uma delas!

What – Who -How old

- How Where

a) _________is your sister? She is 15.

b) ______________ is your first name? It is Janet.

c) ______________ are you boyfriend? He is at home.

d) ______________is that beautiful girl? She is my sister.

4) Leia, resolva e escreva o resultado em inglês:

a)Daciane resolveu levar algumas frutas para o piquenique.
Ela levou Nine laranjas, eleven tangerinas e seven maçãs.
Quantas frutas Daciane levou?
b).Daniel foi plantar no parque. Ele levou tem cajueiro,
thirteen mangueira e fifteen goiabeira.Quantas mudas
Daniel plantou?

5.Resolva e escreva o resltado em inglês:

a).Fifty seven – Twenty three = _______________
b).Ninety + Ten = _____________
c)Forty eight – Eighteen = ______________________
d) twenty - thirteen =___________________________
Match the QUESTION WORDS with the appropriate
sentences. All question words must be used:
a) Where
b) How
c) Which
d) What
e) Why
f) Who

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