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Weekly Friday Newsletter

Term: 4 Week: 3
October 2010

Upcoming Dates in
Term 4:
Monday 25th October
Labour Day Public Holiday-
no school this day.

Monday 25 October Labour Day (No school) Talent Quest 4th Nov

Tuesday 26 October NZEI Union Meeting 1:00pm (Suzanne & Brigid) Calendar Display 1st -5th Nov

Wednesday 27 October Yr 7 & 8 Technology at Mount Cook School School Photographs 11th Nov

Thursday 28 October School Assembly Practice Hosts:

Yr7&8 Immunisation Information session 11am
Piano Performance 5:30pm
Friday 29 October ASB School Banking
Spanish (Raquel’s last day this term) Terms 4 Ends:
Monday 20th December
Labour Weekend: A reminder this weekend is Labour Weekend. Monday is a Public Holiday so the school will not be
open that day. School resumes Tuesday.
NZEI Union Meeting: On the afternoon of Tuesday 26th October, two staff members will be attending the
Primary School Union meeting held at Cardinal McKeefry School. Two other staff members will remain at CTMS to
run the afternoon school programme.
School Photographs: These are scheduled for Thursday 11th November in week 5. Please return your order forms
prior to this date.
Community Survey: The survey is currently on-line and is an opportunity for parents to provide valuable feedback
on school organisation and curriculum. Your feedback informs the BOT in the 2011 Strategic Plan. The Survey is
available for another week. It will go off-line week 5??.
School Calendars: Each child in the school is developing their own calendar cover. This is an annual PTA school
fundraising activity. Parents will be able to order these as a 2011 calendar and/or cards with their own child’s
artwork as the cover design. The children’s cover designs will be on display in the staffroom from Monday 1st
November – Friday 5th November. Once they are up in week 4, we would love you to come and have a look at your
child’s work and place your calendar orders!
Sexuality Education: Beginning in week 5, each homegroup will be working on health units related to Sexuality
Education. Sexuality Education is part of Personal Health and Physical Development in the NZ Health and PE
Curriculum. The units are used to develop concepts of well-being, Hauora, Health promotion; the Socio-ecological
Perspective; and Attitudes and Values which underpin the Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand
Curriculum. Next week, we will attach a letter to Events outlining the Learning Outcomes of each of the units for
each level of the school. If you would prefer to receive a copy in person rather than attached to Events, please let
us know at the office so this can be arranged.
Liz’s Farewell: As most of you are aware, Liz Williamson who taught at CTMS in 2008/2009, has tendered her
resignation and will not be returning from parental leave to teach in Kowhai. We are holding an afternoon tea for
Liz, Mark and Amy for parents and children at Sharon and Mike Paine’s to celebrate her time at CTMS.
Where: The Paine family home, 3 Cornford St Karori; Time: 2-3pm Sunday 31 October; What to bring: A plate of
food to share for afternoon tea. In lieu of a present, we will be collating a book of messages for Liz, Mark and
Amy. The book, with colourful pens, is in the office until 3pm on Friday 29 October. Please feel free to write a
message in the book or glue in any photos.
Small Xmas Tree: The PTA is kindly donating two real Xmas trees for later in the term. If anyone has an small
artificial tree to donate to the school, we would appreciate it.
Term 4 Calendar: Next week we will be publishing Term 4 diary dates with upcoming end of year events.
Raquel Direnzo: Raquel will be returning to Argentina at the end of the week to visit her family. She will be
returning in to teach Spanish in 2011. Homegroup teachers will be continuing the weekly Spanish programme and
will be making Christmas cards to send off to our Sister-City School in Jalisco.

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