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Weekly Friday Newsletter

Term: 4 Week: 4
November 2010

Upcoming Dates in
Term 4:

Talent Quest: Tuesday 9 Nov

Calendar Display 1st -5th Nov

Monday 1 November Calendar display up this week
School Photographs 11th Nov
Tuesday 2 November e-asTTle with Lynley Ball Yr 4-8 11am

Wednesday 3 November e-asTTle with Lynley Ball Yr 4-8 11am

Yr 7 & 8 Technology at Mount Cook School
Thursday 4 November School Assembly Practice Hosts: Anastasia, Annie,
Terms 4 Ends:
Valentina, MacKenzie
Monday 20th December
Friday 5 November ASB School Banking
‘World Harmony Run’ team visit 12pm

Talent Quest: A reminder to all families that the Talent Quest has had a change of date from the 4th to Tuesday
the 9th of November. The change of date is to enable us to have the good services of judges Deirdre Tarrant (ex
CTMS parent) Director of Footnote Dance Company & Principal of Tarrant Dance Studios and her son Jono
McKenzie (brother of Bret McKenzie) also ex CTMS students. The interest in our Talent Quest has been as a
result of the recent article about CTMS in FishHead magazine. We are thrilled to have both Deirdre and Jono as
our judges for the Talent Quest.
E-AsTTle Workshop: E-asTTle is a web-based assessment tool that enables teachers to create and analyse
literacy and numeracy tests for curriculum levels 2–6. On Tuesday and Wednesday next week Years 4-8 students
will be working with Lynley Ball from Learning Media. The students will be learning how to interpret their latest e-
asTTle assessments and to set Next Steps and Learning Goals based on these results.
World Harmony Run: The World Harmony Run is a global relay that seeks to promote international friendship and
understanding. As a symbol of harmony, runners carry a flaming torch, passing it from hand to hand, travelling
through over 100 nations around the globe. The World Harmony Run does not highlight any political or religious
cause, but rather, it strives to create goodwill among peoples of all nations. The World Harmony Run began in NZ
on 12th October. During this time they have run the length of the country and complete their NZ Run in Wellington
on November 4th. From NZ they travel to Australia. We are very fortunate to have a team of 12 runners visiting
our school to share their message of harmony and their experiences as a runner in this world event. They will be at
the school at 12pm. You are welcome to join us and hear their message and experiences.
Sexuality Education: A reminder that this topic is starting in week 5. Sexuality Education is part of Personal
Health and Physical Development in the NZ Health and PE Curriculum. Attached to Events this week, is a letter
outlining the Learning Outcomes for each unit at each level of the school. Please contact us if you would like
further clarification as to the content of your child’s programme.
Photo Board: We are asking families to supply a 4” x 6” recent family photo for a new photo board in the school.
This is to enable families to become familiar with other families that they might not see on a regular basis.
2011 Term 1 Enrolments: Over the next week we have 7 new entrants starting school visits who are commencing
in term 1. We also have 10 new students (6 in Kahikatea and 4 in Kowhai) who are doing whole day school visits and
will be joining us in term 1. Some of these families we have invited to the Talent Quest as a way of welcoming
them to CTMS. Please say hello to any new faces you might see over the next week.
Calendar and Cards Fundraiser: Your child’s artwork for a calendar cover will be on display in the staffroom from
Monday 1st to Friday 5th November. You can order these as 2011 calendars and/or cards with your child’s artwork as
the cover design for $12.00 for a calendar or a set of 10 cards. Order forms are beside the display. This is an
annual PTA school fundraising activity so could all cheques please be made out to CTMS PTA – thank you.
Liz’s Farewell: A reminder for those families at CTMS who would like to join us in farewelling Liz Williamson. Liz
taught at CTMS in 2008/2009 and then went on maternity leave. Liz has decided to resign to be a full time
mother and therefore we are holding her farewell now. In celebration of Liz’s time with us an afternoon tea will be
held at Sharon and Mike Paine’s house this Sunday at 2.00 p.m., 3 Cornford St, Karori (look for the balloons outside
as the numbering is a bit tricky). Please bring a plate of food for adults and children to share for afternoon tea.
Raquel Direnzo: Today, Raquel completes her Spanish programme with us for the year. Raquel leaves next week to
visit her family in Argentina. She will be returning to teach Spanish at CTMS in 2011. We farewell Raquel, wish her
a great time with her family and we thank her for all her wonderful work in teaching our students Spanish this
year. Homegroup teachers will be continuing the weekly Spanish programme and will be making Christmas cards to
send off to our Sister-City School in Jalisco.
School Photographs: These are scheduled for Thursday 11th November. Please return your order forms prior to
this date. We cannot accept orders/payments on the day as the photographer needs final numbers at 8.00 a.m. on
the morning.
E-Day: Westpac Stadium will be hosting an e-Day on Saturday 6 November for anyone who wants to dispose of
any old IT equipment.
Small Xmas Tree: The PTA is kindly donating two real Xmas trees for later in the term. If anyone has a small
artificial tree to donate to the school, we would appreciate it.
Term 4 Calendar: We have included a calendar of events leading up to the end of the school year.

Term 4 Calendar of Events

Weeks Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4 1 Nov 2 3 4 5
5 8 9 10 11 12
Talent School Te Papa Kauri
Quest Photos
6 15 16 17 18 19
BOT Meeting BP Challenge Te Papa Kowhai
7 22 23 24 25 26
Helpers Te Papa Kahikatea
Morning Tea Yr 7 Immunisation
8 29 30 1 Dec 2 3
BOT Meeting
9 6 7 8 9 10

10 13 14 15 16 17
Carols 1pm

11 20
School finishes School Holidays

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