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Physics Chapter 3:

Summary of Terms:

 Speed: How fast something moves; the distance traveled per unit of time.

 Velocity: The speed of an object and a specification of its direction of motion.

 Vector Quantity: Quantity in physics that has both magnitude and direction.

 Acceleration: The rate at which velocity changes with time; the change in velocity may be in
magnitude, or direction, or both.

 Free Fall: Motion under the influence of gravity only.

Summary of Equations:

 Speed=

total distance covered

 Average Speed=

c h ange of velocity
 Acceleration=

c h ange∈speed
 Acceleration ( along a straig ht line )=
time interval

 Velocity Acquired∈ Free Fall , ¿ Rest :v =¿

 Distance Fallen∈Free Fall , ¿ Rest :d= > ¿2

 Total Distance Covered = Average Speed x Time

Review Questions:

1. Q. As you read this, how fast are you moving relative to the chair you are sitting on? Relative to the
A. I’m moving 0 kilometers relative to the ground, and 107,000 kilometers per hour relative to the

2. Q. What two units of measurement are necessary for describing speed?

A. Kilometers and miles for long distances, and meters for short distances.

3. Q. What kind of speed is measured by an automobile speedometer—average speed or instantaneous

A. The speed measured by an automobile speedometer is instantaneous speed, since it only
measures how fast you are going at that specific moment.

4. Q. Distinguish between instantaneous speed and average speed.

A. Instantaneous speed is the speed at any instant, meaning it’s usually temporary. Average speed is
the whole distance covered divided by the total time of travel. Therefore, it doesn’t indicate the
different speeds and variations that may have taken place.

5. Q. What is the average speed in kilometers per hour for a horse that gallops a distance of 15 km in a
time of 30 minutes?
A. Average Speed is total distance covered divided by the time interval, which means it would be 15
km divided by 30 minutes, which would be .5 kilometers per hour.

6. Q. How far does a horse travel if it gallops at an average speed of 25km/h for 30 min?
A. Since total distance covered = average speed x time, then the equation would be 25km/h x 30
min, which would be 25km/h x ½ of an hour, which would be 12.5km/h.

7. Q. Distinguish between speed and velocity.

A. While speed and velocity are both considered how fast an object is going, velocity also needs a
direction to be complete.

8. Q. If a car moves with a constant velocity, does it also move with a constant speed?
A. Yes, because velocity is speed, only with a direction.
9. Q. If a car is moving at 90km/h and it rounds a corner, also at 90km/h, does it maintain a constant
speed? A constant velocity? Defend your answer.
A. It would be moving at a constant speed, but not a constant velocity. The speed stays the same,
but the direction does not, which would only affect constant velocity.
10. Q. Distinguish between velocity and acceleration.
A. Velocity is when you know the speed and direction of an object, and when velocity changes, it
means either the speed, direction, or even both have changed. Acceleration applies to the
decreases as well as increases in velocity.

11. Q. What is the acceleration of a car that increases its velocity from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 10
A. Since acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time interval, it would be 100
kilometers divided by 10 seconds, which would make the acceleration 10km/s.

12. Q. What is the acceleration of a car that maintains a constant velocity of 100 kilometers per hour
for 10 seconds?
A. There is no acceleration, because there is no change in speed or velocity.

13. Q. When are you most aware of motion in a moving vehicle—when it is moving steadily in a straight
line or when it is accelerating? If a car moved with absolute constant velocity (no bumps at all),
would you be aware of motion?
A. You feel motion more when there is acceleration; when there is a steady path, you adapt to it,
and only feel a change once there is acceleration. If a car moved with absolute constant velocity,
you would not be aware of motion.

14. Q. Acceleration is generally defined as the time rate of change of velocity. When can it be defined as
the time rate of change of speed?
A. When direction doesn’t change, acceleration may be expressed as the rate at which speed

15. Q. What did Galileo discover about the amount of speed a ball gained each second when rolling down
an inclined plane? What did this say about the ball’s acceleration?
A. Galileo found that a ball rolling down an inclined plane picks up the same amount of speed in
successive seconds; that is, the ball rolls with unchanging acceleration. For example, a ball rolling
down a plane inclined at a certain angle might be found to pick up a speed of 2 meters per second
for each second it rolls. This gain per second is its acceleration. Its instantaneous velocity at 1-
second intervals, at this acceleration, is then 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and so forth, meters per second.

16. Q. What relationship did Galileo discover for the velocity acquired on an incline?
A. The instantaneous speed or velocity of the ball of the ball at any given time after being released
from rest is simply equal to its acceleration multiplied by the time.

17. Q. What relationship did Galileo discover about a ball’s acceleration and the steepness of an incline?
What acceleration occurs when the plane is vertical?
A. Galileo found greater acceleration for steeper inclines. The ball attains its maximum acceleration
when the incline is tipped vertically. Then the acceleration is the same as that of a falling object.
Regardless of weight or size of the object, Galileo discovered that, when air resistance is small
enough to be neglected, all objects fall with the same unchanging acceleration.

18. Q. What exactly is meant by a free-falling object?

A. When an object is free of all restraints—no friction, with the air or otherwise—and falls under
the influence of gravity alone, the object is in a state of free fall.

19. Q. What is the gain in speed per second for a freely falling object?
A. During each second of fall, the object gains a speed of 10 meters per second.

20. Q. What is the velocity acquired by a freely falling object 5 seconds after being dropped from a rest
position? What is the velocity 6 seconds after?
A. The velocity of the freely falling object would be 50 meters per second, and then it would be 60
meters per second.

21. Q. The acceleration of free fall is about10 m/s 2. Why does the seconds’ unit appear twice?
A. Because the unit of time, the second, enters twice—once for the unit of speed and again for the
time interval during which the speed changes.

22. Q. When an object is thrown upward, how much speed does it lose each second?
A. Once released, an object thrown upward continues to move upward for a time and then comes
back down. At its highest point, when it is changing its direction from upward to downward, its
instantaneous speed is zero. Then it starts downward just as if it had been dropped from rest at
that height. During the upward part of this motion, the object slows as it rises. It slows at the rate
of 10 meters per second.

23. Q. What relationship between distance traveled and time did Galileo discover for accelerating
A. How far an object falls is altogether different from how fast it falls. With his inclined planes,
Galileo found that the distance a uniformly acceleration object travels is proportional to the
square of the time. The distance traveled by a uniformly accelerating object starting from rest is
Distance Traveled= (acceleration x time x time)

The relationship applies to the distance something falls. We can express it, for the case of a freely
1 2
falling object, in shorthand notation as d= gt

24. Q. What is the distance fallen for a freely falling object 1 second after being dropped from a rest
position? What is it 4 seconds after?
A. After 1 second it will be 5m/ s2, and after 4 seconds it would be 80m/ s2.

25. Q. What is the effect of air resistance on the acceleration of falling objects? What is the acceleration
with no air resistance?
A. The effect on air resistance on the acceleration of falling objects is, for example, a feather and a
coin. With the presence of air, the feather and coin will drop and very different rates. The coin
will drop much quicker than the feather due to the air resistance of the feather. The acceleration
with no air resistance, however, would change that. They would both fall at the same rate of
speed if there is no air present.

26. Q. Consider these measurements: 10m, 10m/s, and 10m/ s2. Which is a measure of distance, which of
speed, and which of acceleration?
A. 10 meters is of distance, 10 m/s is of speed, and 10m/ s2 is of acceleration.

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