Site Visit No.5

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DATE: 14/11/2017

LOCATION: Waterloo Secondary School’s Aquaculture Tanks

The distance from the Waterloo Secondary School to Port of Spain is about 32.5km. The Latitude is
10.471941 and the Longitude is -61.432698.

Refer to Figure 1

Figure 1: Map of Trinidad showing the distance from Waterloo Secondary School (Aquaculture
Tanks) to the capital of Trinidad, Port of Spain.

OBJECTIVES: 1. To observe the scale of operations.

2. To observe the inputs.

3. To observe the productivity of systems.

4. To observe the waste generated at aquaculture.

ACTIVITES: 1. The scale of operation was observed by using sense of sight. Refer to figure 2.

2. The inputs were asked about.

3. The waste materials that were produced by the aquaculture were observed using
sense of sight and recorded. Refer to figure 3.

4. The productivity of the aquaculture was observed by using sense of sight.

OBSERVATIONS: Scale of operation- Small scale because it utilizes small areas of water and the

labour provided is by students and it is manual .

Inputs- Fishing nets and PVC pipes.

Production- There are 4 ponds. Each consists of 40 Tilapia fish.

Waste Generated- Twigs, tray and a tree.

COMMENTS: The aquaculture is not properly maintained. Scums were seen on the surface of the
water and a tray was also in the water. The walls of the pond were mossy and the
water was dirty. This causes water pollution and can affect survival of the fish. Also,
the fish may try to eat the tray and in result, die.

FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES: 1.Water sample was taken to determine pH in the lab.

2. Water sample was taken to determine nitrate nitrogen content.

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