Dermal Filler 1

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approval for a dermal filler must satisfy
Dermal Fillers HISTORY
the intense safety and efficacy criteria
In 1893, by transplanting fat from the including nonteratogenicity, nonmigra-
Leslie Baumann, MD arms into facial defects, Neuber became tion, noncarcinogenesis, biocompatibil-
Marianna Blyumin, MD the first physician to practice soft tissue ity, and optimal purity, as well as repro-
Sogol Saghari, MD augmentation.1 In the middle of the 20th ducible and durable efficacy in correcting
century, soft tissue augmentation could skin defects. Unfortunately, some physi-
best be characterized by the use of sili- cians and physician extenders choose to
cone. Although popular in the 1940s and use dermal filling substances that have
The dermal filler market is rapidly 1950s, silicone use was associated with not yet received FDA approval for any
growing worldwide. According to the the development of foreign body granulo- indication. This is not advisable for sev-
American Academy of Aesthetic Plastic mas, which ultimately prompted the ban- eral reasons including the fact that it is
Surgeons, 1,448,716 people received ning of silicone in 1992 until a new form illegal and that the safety of these prod-
hyaluronic acid (HA) injections by plas- of the substance (intended for ophthalmo- ucts has not been established. With the


tic surgeons in 2007 (Table 23-1). The logic use) was approved by the United multitude of safe, efficacious, and
actual number is likely much higher States Food and Drug Administration durable fillers on the market, there is no
when factoring in procedures performed (FDA) in the late 1990s. In the meantime, need or justifiable reason to use unap-
by dermatologists and other aestheti- though, the field of soft tissue augmenta- proved dermal fillers in the US.
cally oriented physicians and physician tion had come into its own, in the 1970s,
extenders. Although collagen products with the introduction by Stanford
(Zyplast and Zyderm) were the first der- University researchers of animal-derived PATIENT EVALUATION
mal fillers to become widely available, collagen implants.2 By the 1980s, the AND CONSULTATION
collagen fillers have largely been use of collagen injections for wrinkles
replaced by HA fillers. When embarking on soft tissue augmen-
had entered the mainstream. While
The ultimate goal of dermal fillers is tation, proper preparations are essential.
Americans were enjoying the benefits of
to smooth out wrinkles and folds, even An initial consultation should include
bovine collagen fillers (i.e., Zyderm and
out scars, volumize furrows and sunken distant and close evaluation of the
Zyplast), other countries began to experi-
valleys, contour unevenness and laxity, patient’s facial structure and discussion
ment with dermal HA fillers such as
and sculpt skin into a 360-degree, reju- of the cosmetic treatment options. The
Hylaform and later Restylane in the mid
venated look. Over the last quarter cen- patient’s history is taken to assess con-
to late 1990s. The beginning of the 21st
tury, several kinds of products suitable traindications including allergy to filler
century ushered in the introduction of
for soft tissue augmentation have components, herpes facialis, pregnancy/
newer nonbovine collagen fillers,
become available, with intense industry lactation, keloid predisposition, and
CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast, and HA
research yielding more and more filler autoimmune diseases. In addition, use of
fillers, such as Captique and Juvéderm, as
options with increasing regularity. medications that inhibit clotting such as
well as other synthetic fillers, Sculptra,
Different regulatory mechanisms usu- aspirin and ibuprofen should be exam-
Radiesse, and Artefill into the United
ally leave the US a few months or years ined. The ideal cosmetic outcome is
States market. With different forms of soft
behind other developed countries in achieved through a combination of vari-
tissue augmentation agents currently
making the latest products available to ous cosmetic procedures in order to
available in the United States and others in
patients. attain an even tone, smooth texture, and
the pipeline, selecting the appropriate
adequate facial volume and shape. The
filler is challenging for physicians and
discussion of the sequence and descrip-
patients alike. In order to achieve optimal
tion of each proposed procedure, alterna-
cosmetically-pleasing results, it is incum-
TABLE 23-1 tives, risks and benefits, financial cost,
bent upon dermatologists to obtain
Soft Tissue Augmentation Procedures and recovery period prepares the patient
thorough comprehension of the charac-
Performed in 2007 by Members of the for realistic expectations and informed
teristics of available fillers, their indica-
Academy of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons decision-making. After the treatment
tions, contraindications, benefits and
procedures are selected and informed
drawbacks, and ways to resolve potential
PROCEDURES NUMBER consent is signed and witnessed, the
complications. In this chapter, we will
PERFORMED patient should undergo pretreatment
review the basics behind the art and
IN 2007 photography for the purpose of docu-
science of the broad array of dermal fillers
Fat injections 44,547 mentation; posttreatment photography
on the market in the United States. This
Calcium hydroxylapatite 119,397 is scheduled immediately after and on
will be preceded by a brief discussion of
(Radiesse/Radiance) the follow-up visits. For novice patients,
regulatory issues and the patient evalua-
Collagen 63,769 it is better to start the soft tissue inter-
tion and consultation.
Hyaluronic acid 1,448,716 vention with the temporary and pre-
Sculptra (not yet 34,972 dictable fillers (e.g., collagen and HA),
FDA approved) and then gradually advance with more
Polymethyl methacrylate 12,075 lasting fillers (e.g., Sculptra and Radiesse)
(Artecoll, Artefill) In the US, dermal fillers are regulated as based on their comfort level and desire.
medical devices. In order to obtain FDA The best approach to minimizing the
Data obtained from approval, the company applying for side effects of soft tissue augmentation
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is, first, to prevent them. To reduce according to composition: collagen range of collagen products has in-
bruising, patients should avoid anticoag- fillers will be discussed first, followed by creased in recent years as manufactur-
ulant medications or supplements (e.g., HA fillers, and then other agents. ers have worked to extend the duration
aspirin, vitamin E, etc.) for 10 days prior of product effects.
and several days after the procedure (see
Chapter 21). The utility of Arnica mon- TEMPORARY FILLERS BOVINE COLLAGEN
tana oral tablets or topical gel or post- Overview With a record of safety and
Injectable fillers such as collagen and HA
procedure oral bromelain supplements efficacy spanning over two decades,
are biodegradable and last from 4 to
to decrease ecchymoses is anecdotal but bovine collagen was the traditional der-
9 months. These fillers commonly serve
these are often used in the primary mal filler agent used to ameliorate unde-
an important role as the initial step for
author’s practice. The pain associated sirable signs of cutaneous facial aging.5
new patients interested in soft tissue
with injection can be diminished with In 1977, Zyderm I was introduced as the
augmentation. Because of their transient
topical (e.g., lidocaine cream, ice), first injectable bovine collagen implant;
effect, the potential patient dissatisfac-
regional (e.g., infraorbital, dental nerve it was approved by the FDA in 1981 for
tion and side effects are also short-lived.
block), or intraprocedural anesthesia fine lines and shallow acne scars.
Therefore, temporary fillers should
(e.g., fillers that contain lidocaine). Zyderm II and Zyplast were introduced
always be the first line of therapy, sav-
Patients prone to regional herpes out- and approved, respectively, in 1983 for

ing the longer-lasting fillers for future

breaks should obtain antiviral prophy- moderate lines and deeper acne scars
patient visits.
laxis with systemic medications (e.g., and 1985 for deep dermal folds and
valcyclovir 1 g twice daily for 3 days, lines. Although these products were the
starting a day before the procedure). The Collagen standard for years to which newer
procedure should be conducted in a The major structural component of the implants were compared, because of
clean, safe, well-lit, and soothing envi- dermis, collagen is the most abundant better safety profiles, human-derived
ronment that is prepared to address any protein in the human organism as well collagen and HA products have become
potential complications. Vasovagal as the skin, in particular, and confers more widely used. Zyderm I is 96%
responses are not uncommon; therefore, strength and support to the skin. type I collagen and 4% type III collagen
orange juice should be available in the Collagen is also one of the strongest nat- derived from the bovine skin of US
event that the patient feels dizzy or ural proteins, imparting durability and enclosed cattle herds. Zyderm I and II
faint. Topical steroids may be needed in resilience to the skin, and comprising differ only by collagen concentration.
case of a contact allergy to lidocaine 70% of dry skin mass4 (see Chapter 2). Zyderm I contains 35 mg/cc, while
cream. Most importantly, nitropaste What is known as “collagen” is actually Zyderm II contains 65 mg/cc. The differ-
should be immediately available in case a meshwork of scaffolding-like structures ence in concentration is significant inso-
a purple duskiness is seen on injection, composed of a complex family of over far as it renders Zyderm II thicker and
warning of a possible arterial occlusion. 18 types, 11 of which are found in the stiffer than Zyderm I. Like Zyderm I,
Some physicians suggest keeping dermis. Type I collagen (80%–85%) and Zyplast contains 35 mg/cc of collagen,
hyaluronidase on hand in case an arterial type III collagen (10%–15%) are the pri- but this collagen is cross-linked with
occlusion occurs with HA.3 mary collagen constituents in the dermal glutaraldehyde, which makes it last
matrix of adult human skin. Dermal longer via resistance to degradation
fibroblasts produce a precursor form of (Table 23-2). Consequently, Zyplast is
TYPES OF FILLERS collagen,  procollagens, which in turn more viscous and less immunogenic
Dermal fillers can be classified based on produce both collagen types I and III, than Zyderm.6
various criteria: depth of implantation each of which is composed of three col- Zyderm and Zyplast are white sub-
(superficial upper and middermis, deep lagen chains. stances prepackaged in 0.5-, 1-, and 2-mL
dermis, and subcutaneous levels); Skin fragility and wrinkles result syringes and injected with a 30-gauge
longevity of correction (temporary, from the loss of collagen, which occurs 0.5-inch needle. The product should be
semipermanent, and permanent); aller- with aging as well as solar exposure stored in the refrigerator ideally at 4C.
genicity (whether preprocedure allergic and other insults. UV light, free radi- While Zyderm I is properly injected into
testing is required); composition of the cals, and other factors cause the body superficial dermis at 20- to 30-degree
agent (xenografts, allografts, or autolo- to produce collagenase, an enzyme that angles with the expectation of tempo-
gous, semi/fully synthetic); and stimula- breaks down collagen. The injection of rary skin blanching, Zyderm II can
tory behavior (capacity to drive physio- various forms of collagen into the skin be injected slightly deeper at 35- to
logic processes of endogenous tissue helps it regain a youthful appearance, 45-degree angles with less anticipated
proliferation) versus replacement fillers but such results are temporary. The blanching and minimal overcorrection.
(space-replacing effect). Safety and effi-
cacy studies of the available fillers are TABLE 23-2
required by the FDA; however, studies Collagen Concentration Comparison
looking at the durability of the filler are
not required and, therefore, subject to COLLAGEN FROM BIOENGINEERED
disagreement and frequent citing of COLLAGEN FROM COW HIDE SKIN CONCENTRATION
anecdotal evidence. The lasting effect of Zyderm I CosmoDerm I 35 mg collagen/cc
the filler is dependent on the composi- Zyderm II CosmoDerm II 65 mg collagen/cc
tion, amount used, depth injected, and Zyplast CosmoPlast 35 mg collagen/cc cross-linked
carrier of the agent. Our discussion of with glutaraldehyde
fillers will proceed by dividing them
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Since Zyderm is diluted with phosphate-

buffered sterile saline, which is rapidly
reabsorbed in skin, to achieve the opti-
mal effect, overcorrecting implantation
is necessary. Zyplast is implanted into
even deeper dermis at 45- to 90-degree
angles with minimal delayed blanching
and without overcorrection.

Benefits Bovine-derived collagen dermal

filling agents effectively reduce wrinkles
and scars. Zyplast is appropriate for
shaping the vermilion border of the lips
and treating moderate and deep wrin-
kles, such as nasolabial folds and
atrophic scars. Zyderm I is well suited
for treating superficial rhytides (e.g.,


horizontal forehead wrinkles, crow’s
feet, fine perioral wrinkles, and scars) or
for use over Zyplast in deeper wrinkles.
The higher concentration of collagen in
Zyderm II renders this product more  FIGURE 23-1 Collagen hypersensitivity reaction in a patient treated by another physician after only
appropriate for acne scar revision (see one skin test.
Chapter 26), but Zyplast lasts longer
because it is cross-linked. Collagenase treatments. Topical, intralesional, or a infections, beading, cyst and granuloma
ultimately succeeds in degrading these brief course of systemic corticosteroids formation, ecchymoses, and local necro-
products, returning the skin to its can be effective to treat these reactions. sis). Several previously discussed pre-
appearance prior to injection. Zyplast is Oral cyclosporine10 (Figs. 23-2 and 23-3) ventative steps can be taken to reduce
the most commonly used bovine colla- and topical tacrolimus11 have also report- the likelihood of such outcomes.
gen product and lasts approximately edly been used for the successful treat- Because of its viscosity, Zyplast should
4 months, just slightly longer than ment of recalcitrant hypersensitive reac- not be injected into the glabellar region,
Zyderm I and II. Bovine collagen can be tions to bovine collagen. Patients with as there have been reports of local
safely reinjected 3 to 4 times per year if lidocaine hypersensitivity are contraindi- necrosis and retinal artery occlusion
needed. Zyderm and Zyplast are the cated for obtaining these injections leading to visual loss.12 However,
least expensive dermal fillers on the because the fillers contain lidocaine. Zyderm I or II can be injected into the
market and typically engender less Nonhypersensitive reactions to glabellar area very slowly and with
bruising than products that contain HA. bovine collagen fillers can also infre- extreme caution. Vascular occlusion or
All the bovine collagen products contain quently occur (e.g., abscesses, bacterial compression manifests as prominent
0.3% lidocaine to reduce the pain asso-
ciated with the procedure.

Drawbacks Two skin tests, 6 and 2 weeks

before the scheduled treatment, are
required before the use of bovine colla-
gen agents to reduce the risk of inducing
hypersensitive or allergic reactions. Such
responses can occur as early as 6 hours
after the test, but are more likely to
emerge 48 hours or 4 weeks after the test.
A positive skin test disqualifies a patient
for treatment with bovine collagen.
Approximately 3% of the general pop-
ulation is thought to be sensitive to
bovine collagen.7 Although a patient is
unlikely to react to bovine collagen
implants after two negative skin tests, the
risk is never completely eliminated. The
risk of hypersensitive reaction is 1.3% to
6.2% after one negative test8,9 and 0.5%
after two negative tests (Fig. 23-1).
Patients should be advised that should
such a reaction occur, it can be expected
to spontaneously resolve within 4 to
24 months.8,9 Allergic reactions also  FIGURE 23-2 Collagen hypersensitivity reaction prior to treatment with cyclosporine. Note the indi-
arise, albeit rarely, following multiple cated lesions in the forehead and glabellar area. 193
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bioengineered collagen implants include

CosmoDerm I, CosmoDerm II, and
CosmoPlast (Allergan Corporation,
Irvine, CA), which contain human
collagen types I and III, and were
approved by the FDA in March 2003.
CosmoDerm I is composed of 35 mg/cc
human-bioengineered collagen distrib-
uted in a phosphate-based saline solu-
tion and 0.3% lidocaine. CosmoDerm II
contains twice the collagen concentra-
tion of CosmoDerm I. CosmoPlast
contains the same ingredients as Cosmo-
Derm I, but is cross-linked by glutaralde-
hyde, yielding a product more resistant
to degradation, thus lasting longer, and
more appropriate for use in treating

deeper furrows. While CosmoDerm is

indicated for superficial wrinkles and
shallow scars, CosmoPlast, which
exhibits a stiff consistency (even more so
 FIGURE 23-3 Collagen hypersensitivity reaction after 11 days of treatment with cyclosporine 5 than products containing HA), is well
mg/kg/d. The lesions flattened and had decreased redness. Only hyperpigmentation remained and suited to treating the vermilion border of
resolved after a week. the lips (Fig. 23-4), as well as raising the
corners of the mouth. In addition, it is a
immediate blanching and pain. Warm of bovine-derived collagen, have devel- good choice to correct deformities of the
compresses, topical nitroglycerin, and oped human-derived soft tissue fillers. bridge of the nose or to raise the nasal tip
meticulous wound care are necessary Unlike earlier cadaver-derived collagen (Fig. 23-5). CosmoPlast is typically used
treatments. Prior to 1990, beads and (i.e., Cymetra) and, more recently, autol- in combination, usually with an HA
cysts were reported at the injection site ogous collagen (i.e., Isolagen), bioengi- agent, to treat medium and deep wrin-
in 0.04% of patients treated with neered human collagen is pregenerated kles, with the collagen product injected
Zyderm or Zyplast, most likely caused to ensure ease of accessibility. The man- first to create a volume-filling base and
by injections that were too superficial.12 ufacturing process begins with the har- the HA filler injected more superficially
Injections should be made only into the vesting of dermal fibroblasts from bio- into the same location.
dermis to avoid such reactions.13 engineered human skin and placement Similar to bovine collagens, Cosmo-
Abscesses should be treated with inci- into a three-dimensional mesh. The Derm and CosmoPlast are white sub-
sion and drainage and a combination of fibroblasts are then cultured in a bioreac- stances prepackaged in 1-mL syringes
antibiotics and corticosteroids to reduce tor that simulates the conditions of the and injected via 30-gauge 0.5-inch nee-
secondary scarring. More than a decade human body. Then, the fibroblasts dles. Although some anecdotal reports
ago, there was some speculation that synthesize collagen and extracellular indicate better rheology of human colla-
autoimmune diseases, namely, poly- matrix proteins. The derived collagen is gen fillers, their technique of injection,
myositis and dermatomyositis, might be purified to enhance safety. Human- cosmetic outcome, and durability are
induced by the injection of bovine colla-
gen,14 but studies have demonstrated
that antibodies to bovine collagen do
not cross-react with human collagen.15,16
Therefore, the FDA has agreed that it is
unlikely that bovine collagen causes
connective tissue disease in humans.9,17
Further, a study by Hanke et al.
showed that the incident rate of
polymyositis/dermatomyositis in patients
receiving bovine collagen was not higher
than the control-matched population.18
However, the authors recommend
avoiding the use of bovine collagen-
containing fillers in patients with a his-
tory of autoimmune disease. Another
major downside to using bovine colla-
gen is the minimal durability of about
3 to 4 months.


Overview Over the last 10 years, several
194 companies, motivated by the drawbacks  FIGURE 23-4 A. Before CosmoPlast to vermilion border. B. Immediately after CosmoPlast.
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 FIGURE 23-5 A. This patient has a dropped nasal tip. Options to raise the tip include a dermal filler or a botulinum toxin. B. CosmoPlast or Restylane is
placed just below the cartilage of the central nose as shown with the white arrow. C. After CosmoPlast or Restylane is injected, the tip of the nose rises immedi-
ately. Note that it is now parallel to the ground rather than curling down.


comparable to bovine collagen fillers. tissue necrosis, CosmoDerm I can be through a 26-gauge syringe into a subcu-
Furthermore, like bovine collagen, used with great care in this region. At taneous plane, avoiding overcorrection.
CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast must be the time of publication of this text, there
kept refrigerated when stored. For were no HA fillers geared for superficial Benefits This acellular and purified filler
human-derived collagen devices, on placement, although Prevelle, Juvéderm, negates a potential sensitivity reaction
average, one syringe is used for patients and Restylane may have superficial and pretesting is, therefore, unnecessary.
in their twenties, two syringes for fillers soon. Therefore, CosmoDerm I, The cadaver collagen has somewhat
patients in their thirties, three syringes although it lasts only about 3 months, is longer durability versus other collagen
for patients in their forties, and as the filler of choice for periorbital wrin- products, lasting from 3 to 9 months,
needed for older patients in order to cor- kles and smoker’s lines above the top lip. although durability is controversial.6
rect age-related lines and folds. CosmoDerm II is most often used for Cymetra is indicated for use in deep
acne scars. rhytides (i.e., nasolabial folds), depressed
Benefits Given the absence of allergy scars, and volumizing of the lips.
risk associated with these agents, no Drawbacks Bioengineered human- Reconstitution with lidocaine yields
skin testing is required. This allows for derived collagen is expensive to pro- reduction in intraprocedural pain.
patients to be treated in their initial visit duce, rendering these agents somewhat
to the physician. The cosmetic effects of costly. Further, the cosmetic effects from Drawbacks Based on the composition of
CosmoDerm and CosmoPlast are imme- these products do not last, on average, the product, Cymetra is contraindicated
diate, lasting about 3 months for the for- any longer than the bovine-derived in patients with gentamicin allergies.
mer and about 4 months for the latter,19 products. The duration is thought to be The product is very viscous, which
and are typically associated with less around 4 months. However, these prod- makes it difficult to operate, generating
bruising than the effects of procedures ucts are associated with less bruising, more local tissue discomfort and trauma
using agents containing HA. Also similar erythema, and pain than other filling as well as leading to longer recovery
to the bovine-derived fillers, Cosmo- agents and, consequently, remain desir- time for patients. Fascian is an even
Derm and CosmoPlast contain lidocaine able options for those who cannot thicker and stiffer product, which trans-
to mitigate the pain of injection and afford to have downtime. Excluding the lates to more side effects and difficulty
lower the risk of edema and ecchymoses reduction in immunogenic potential, in administration. The implantation of
by inhibiting the activation of human collagen fillers have similar side cadaver products into superficial and
eosinophils.20 CosmoPlast can create the effect profiles to bovine collagen fillers. mobile wrinkles can induce migration
beautiful “Snow White line” and Likewise, patients with lidocaine aller- and, therefore, is discouraged. The
“Cupid’s bow” shape of the lip borders gies should avoid these agents. major issues with employing these
as well as upturn the tip of the nose to agents are the cumbersome preparations
create a poised appearance. Although CADAVERIC COLLAGEN and deficit of adequate clinical trials
HA fillers are favored because they last Overview Approved by the FDA in demonstrating their long-term efficacy
longer and are softer, CosmoDerm I can 2000 for soft tissue augmentation, and safety.
be used to plump the body of the lip. Cymetra® (LifeCell Corp., Palo Alto, CA)
CosmoDerm I can be layered over is a micronized collagen derived from
CosmoPlast for the purpose of ideal processed human cadaver skin. A similar Hyaluronic Acid
contouring of deep lines, such as product, Fascian (Fascia Biosystems, In the last few years, HA filler sub-
nasolabial folds and marionette lines. In Beverly Hills, CA), is obtained from stances have become the new gold stan-
addition, to treat medium and deep cadaver fascia, and has a heavier consis- dard, far outpacing in usage the other
wrinkles, HA fillers can be superim- tency. Cymetra is packaged as a 330-mg soft tissue augmentation agents.21 HA,
posed on top of CosmoPlast or injected white powder in a 5-cc syringe, stored at or hyaluronan, is a nonsulfated gly-
in the same plane as CosmoPlast. room temperature and reconstituted cosaminoglycan (GAG) that occurs nat-
Although fillers should be used rarely with 1 mL of 1% lidocaine to create a urally in the skin and other tissues
and with great caution in the glabellar thick paste.6 Tunneling and threading (specifically, connective, epithelial, and
rhytides because of the potential risk of injection methods are accomplished neural tissues) as space-occupiers of the 195
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extracellular matrix. HA is also ubiqui-

tous across animal species, which makes
it nonimmunogenic. This polysaccha-
ride has the capacity to bind water up to
1000 times its mass. The biologic behav-
ior of HA is predictable; it creates lubri-
cation and volume with an aqueous and
pliable framework that suspends and
adheres to collagen, elastin, and cells.
With age, the concentration of HA in
skin decreases, translating to more lax,
sallow, and dull skin. The viscoelastic
qualities of HA serve to plump up the
skin, yielding a more youthful appear-
ance. Naturally-occurring, unmodified,
or uncross-linked HA has a half-life of
about 24 hours. For this reason, HA is

cross-linked when formulated into a

dermal filler product. Higher concentra-
tions and moderate cross-linking of the
HA in a product impart greater
longevity. There exists a certain thresh-  FIGURE 23-6 This is a common site at which bruises occur after a dermal filler is injected.
old where beyond that value additional
cross-linking can cause biocompatibility acneiform eruptions, and, rarely, acute testing and the risk of allergy with all
issues. In effect, cross-linking has to be hypersensitivity.22 In addition, arterial products that are FDA approved is mini-
in the right balance to maintain duration occlusion, thought to be due to swelling mal. Cost, availability, duration of cor-
and biocompatibility of the HA filler. of the HA implant, causing vascular rection, and size of the required needle
HA is readily metabolized by the liver compromise, can rarely occur. (Fig. 23-7). for injection all play a role in product
into by-products, water, and carbon A major advantage of HA fillers is that selection and manufacturers all strive to
dioxide. In the skin, HA is broken down if skin nodules do arise, these reactions create an affordable, long-lasting product
by hyaluronidase, mechanical degrada- can be easily dissolved with intralesional that can be injected with a 30-gauge or
tion caused by facial movement, and by hyaluronidase (Fig. 23-8). The disadvan- smaller needle. However, there are
free radicals. Supplementation with oral tages of the currently available HA fillers other, less obvious, scientific considera-
antioxidants theoretically will increase are increased pain on injection and post- tions to be taken into account when
the duration of HA fillers, but this has procedure edema, erythema, and ecchy- choosing a filler (Table 23-3). The stiff-
not been proven (see Chapter 34). moses as compared to CosmoPlast ness or G (G prime) of a product is one
There are two main categories of HA injections. of the most important considerations.
fillers: animal derived (e.g., Hylaform) G is a measurement of gel hardness. It
and bacteria derived (e.g., Restylane, CONSIDERATIONS IN CHOOSING AN HA is obtained when a gel is placed on a
Captique, Juvéderm, etc). Medicis, the FILLER HA fillers do not require skin plate. A second plate is placed over the
company that sells Restylane, trade-
marked the name “nonanimal derived
synthetic hyaluronic acid (NASHA)” to
show that their products, Restylane and
Perlane, are not animal based. Because
of the expense of animal-derived prod-
ucts, the vast majority of HA products
are bacterial derived. At the time this
chapter was written, no HA products on
the market contained lidocaine and,
therefore, were more painful than fillers
that contain lidocaine. However, lido-
caine-containing injectables, such as
Prevelle Silk, have recently entered the
market. Because of their nonallergenic
nature and manufacturing, HA fillers do
not require prior testing and can be
stored at room temperature. Their
advantages over collagen products are
longer duration (6–12 months), better
pliability, and less immunogenic and
allergic side effects. On the whole, side
effects of various HA fillers are similar,  FIGURE 23-7 This patient developed redness, blisters, and lumps after receiving an HA injection.
mild, and rare; these include bruising The most likely cause was vascular compromise due to swelling of the implant. All cultures were nega-
196 (Fig. 23-6), temporary swelling, lumps, tive, other treated sites were normal and the lesions resolved without scarring.
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TABLE 23-3 Applied force

Factors to Consider When Choosing a
Hyaluronic Acid Filler Moving Plate

Concentration of HA
Cost Gel
Degree of cross-linking
Quantity of HA cross-linked versus Fixed Plate
Type of cross-linking technology used  FIGURE 23-9 Measurement of G. A force is applied laterally on the top plate. The more the gel
Duration of correction resists the movement, the harder the gel, the higher the G.
G (elastic modulus)
Hydration level of product in the syringe
Presence of lidocaine and cheeks. Low G products such as injection easier, which is the main
Required needle size for injection Hylaform and Juvéderm Ultra are neces- reason it is included. Therefore, the fact
Sizing technology sary in areas that require a softer agent, that Restylane contains 20 mg of HA/cc


Syringe such as the body of the lip or the tear and Juvéderm contains 24 mg of HA/cc
Design of syringe trough. As new products reach the mar- does not give a physician enough infor-
Size ket, knowing the G will help practition- mation to decide which filler will have
ers match fillers with indications. longer duration. It is actually the amount
The concentration of HA in a product is of modified HA that plays the primary
gel and a lateral force is applied. The important to consider as well (Table 23-4). role in duration.
measurement of resistance to deforma- Many authorities believe that the higher The type of modification (cross-link-
tion is known as the elastic modulus or the concentration of HA, the stiffer the ing) and the cross-linking agent used is
the G (Fig. 23-9). Together with the product and the longer its duration. This also important. Cross-linking can be
cohesivity of the product, G values is true in general when comparing prod- best visualized by imagining a ladder
could be used to determine the appro- ucts within a brand, for example, when (Fig. 23-10). Each side of the ladder is an
priate placement of an HA dermal filler. comparing Juvéderm 18 to Juvéderm 24. HA chain. The rungs of the ladder are
For example, more robust products However, this does not hold true across the cross-links. When the “rungs” of the
(higher G values and higher cohesivi- brands because not all of the HA in the ladder attach to both sides of the ladder,
ties) such as Juvéderm Ultra Plus and dermal fillers is cross-linked. Many HA the agent is considered completely mod-
Perlane, in the primary author’s opinion, fillers contain uncross-linked HA and ified. However, the cross-linking agent
should be used in deeper lines, such as lightly cross-linked chains and frag- used may incompletely cross-link the
nasolabial folds and marionette lines, as ments. The uncross-linked HA, frag- chains of HA, leaving the sides of the
well as to lift the lateral brow, to correct ments of HA, and lightly cross-linked rungs unattached and resulting in
the nasal bridge, to give the ear lobe HA are included in the overall concen- incomplete modification. Such a prod-
youthful volume, to evert the nipples, tration measurement but only remain in uct might not be as durable as a com-
and to raise the nasal tip. More fluid the skin for a limited time and should pletely modified product. In addition,
products such as Juvéderm Ultra and minimally contribute to the longevity of there are two types of rungs in the HA
Restylane are better suited to be used the filler. The uncross-linked HA does ladder. One is called an ether linkage and
over large areas such as the cheekbones help decrease extrusion force and make the other is called an ester linkage. Ether
linkages are formed by 1,4-butanediol
diglycidyl ether (BDDE, the cross-linking
agent in Restylane and Juvéderm) and
divinyl sulfone (DVS, the agent used in
Prevelle Silk, Captique, and Hylaform).
The cross-linking agent used in Prevelle
Dura, 1,2,7,8 diepoxyoctane (DEO),
forms both ether and ester linkages
(known as “double cross-linking”). It is

Complete crosslink

HA chain

HA chain

Incomplete crosslink
 FIGURE 23-10 Cross-links that occur dur-
ing the cross-linking process may be complete or
 FIGURE 23-8 Visible lumps of Hylaform in the upper lip. incomplete. 197
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extruding the gel through a sieve in the

TABLE 23-4
production process discussed above.24
Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Cross-Linking Agents and Concentration of HA
The smallest pieces of the gel are pack-
PRODUCT CROSS-LINKING AGENT CONCENTRATION (mg/mL) aged as Hylaform Fine Line, which is
Captique DVS 4.5–6.5 indicated for superficial wrinkles, but
Hylaform DVS 4.5–6.5 has never been approved for the US mar-
Juvéderm Ultra and Ultra Plus BDDE 24 ket. Hylaform, composed of medium-
Prevelle Dura DEO 20 sized (average size 400 m) particles, is
Prevelle Silk DVS 4.5–6.5 indicated for injection into the midder-
Restylane and Perlane BDDE 20 mis for medium facial wrinkles and fine
lines. Hylaform Plus is composed of
larger particles (average size 700 m)
and is used for deeper furrows. In 2004,
unknown at this time what advantages, Touch, Perlane, and Restylane Sub-Q, the FDA approved two products in this
if any, ether linkages impart to a dermal this gel is extruded through a screen. family, Hylaform and Hylaform Plus
filler. This produces various sizes of the gel (Allergan, Irvine, CA), the latter of
The hydration status of the filler once that are considered “sized.” The large which remains on the US market. The

it is packaged in the syringe also affects pieces become Perlane or Restylane moderate density of cross-linking ren-
filler performance. HA is well known to Sub-Q, while the small pieces are mar- ders the Hylaform fillers biocompatible,
bind up to 1000 times its weight in keted as Restylane Fine Line or soft, and pliable. The G of this filler is
water. The amount of water bound to Restylane Lip. The medium-sized pieces low compared to other HA products
the HA prior to its packaging in the are Restylane. The larger pieces yield on the market; therefore, this is the
syringe determines how much more products that are best used in the mid to softest HA filler currently on the mar-
water the filler can absorb once it is lower dermis while the small pieces ket. This softness makes it an ideal
injected into the skin. In other words, such as Restylane Fine Line can be used filler for use in the lips. The Hylaform
fillers that are completely hydrated more superficially. The Juvéderm family products contain 5.5 mg/mL of cross-
in the syringe will bind less water on of products is not sized. In other words, linked HA.
injection and the volume will expand Juvéderm is not pushed through a screen
less upon injection as compared to fillers and broken into sized pieces and, there- Benefits Hylaform has a low G, which
that are not completely hydrated in the fore, it consists of randomly sized and means that it is not very stiff and has a
syringe. Fillers that are not completely shaped pieces.23 It is unknown at this very natural feel in the skin. It is soft and
hydrated in the syringe will swell some- time what role sizing technology plays, malleable making it ideal for use in the
what within 24 hours after correction; if any, in the performance of a filler. body of the lip, smoker’s lines, and the
therefore, it is prudent to slightly under- There are many factors that must be periorbital tear-trough as well as in large
correct with these substances. In addi- understood in order to make the most areas such as the cheekbones and jowls.
tion, patients can be told that they suitable choice of HA filler. There are no Hylaform is very easy to inject with a
will “look even better” 24 hours after peer-reviewed publications that review low extrusion force through a 30-gauge
the injection. Restylane and Juvéderm the above mentioned properties so it is needle. The side effects of Hylaform are
are not completely hydrated in the syringe difficult at this point to know how rare, mild, and temporary.
while Captique and Hylaform are close important these various characteristics
to being fully hydrated (Table 23-5). are in choosing a filler. More data need Drawbacks Side effects, which are rare
Another process that may affect the to be collected to properly ascertain if, and relatively mild, typically include
performance of the filler is referred to as for example, sizing technology makes a bruising, erythema, induration, and
“sizing technology.” This term is used difference or if ester bonds last longer pruritus.25 The contraindications for
by Allergan to differentiate Juvéderm than ether bonds. These distinctions Hylaform products are similar to those
from the other HA fillers. When an HA will become clearer and more important for most fillers (e.g., autoimmune and
filler is cross-linked, the chains of modi- as more HA fillers are introduced onto inflammatory disorders, allergic back-
fied sugars form a gel. In the process of the market and more data are collected. ground, history of anaphylactic reac-
manufacturing Restylane, Restylane A discussion of the individual HA tions, immunosuppressant therapy, and
Fine Line, Restylane Lip, Restylane brands follows. pregnancy or breastfeeding). In addition,
patients allergic to products of avian
HYLAFORM (NO LONGER ON THE MARKET) origin (e.g., eggs) cannot use these
TABLE 23-5 Overview Although Hylaform is no agents.25,26 Hylaform is close to being
Hyaluronic Acid Filler Hydration in the longer on the market, it will be dis- fully saturated with water in the
Syringe cussed because it was the first product syringe;27 therefore, there is no volume
on the market that used the DVS cross- expansion of the filler after injection.
ALMOST COMPLETELY NOT COMPLETELY linking system. The knowledge gleaned Additionally, the injection of Hylaform,
HYDRATED IN HYDRATED IN from this revolutionary agent has led to as with other fillers that do not contain
a b
THE SYRINGE THE SYRINGE many spin-off products using similar an anesthetic, could be painful. How-
Captique Restylane technology such as Captique and ever, the softness of Hylaform renders it
Hylaform Juvéderm Prevelle. Hylaform is an animal-based less painful than other HA fillers to
Prevelle Silk Prevelle Dura HA product derived from rooster inject. The use of topical anesthetics
combs. It is produced by cross-linking reduces the pain on injection. The cos-
No need to undercorrect. the hydroxyl groups of HA with DVS to metic effects of Hylaform and Hylaform
198 b
Slightly undercorrect. yield a gel-like substance that is sized by Plus are believed to last only about 3 to 4
MCGH046-C23_191-211.qxd 04/12/2008 08:10 AM Page 199 Aptara Inc.

months, most likely because of their highest G´ of the fillers currently on the a downside if the product is used by a
cross-linking properties and lower con- market, denoting that it is a slightly poorly skilled physician, with bumps
centration of HA than the newer HA stiffer product. It is the most popular of and blue blebs possibly arising from
fillers (e.g., Restylane and Juvéderm). the HA fillers in the US because of its improper injection technique. Injection
safety profile, brand recognition, and into the tear trough may result in visi-
CAPTIQUE (NO LONGER ON THE MARKET) ease of injection. Restylane is com- ble blebs. Slower injection of any HA
Overview Captique (Allergan, Irving, posed of approximately 100,000 parti- filler will limit the risk of inflammation.
CA) differs from Hylaform only insofar cles/mL (approximately 250 m on Restylane can be used in the vermilion
as the former is derived from bacterial average)28 and contains 20 mg/mL of border to augment the shape of the lip.
fermentation rather than rooster combs; HA. Restylane is indicated for midder- In the primary author’s opinion,
otherwise, it is also composed of mal wrinkle reduction and was the first Restylane and Perlane are a poor choice
5.5 mg/mL of HA. In 2004, it was HA filler approved in the US in 2003.29 for the body of the lips. However, out-
approved by the FDA for moderate to Perlane, another product in the side the US, Restylane Lip is available
severe wrinkles. The bacterial origin of Restylane family, was more recently and is a better choice for use in this
Captique renders it slightly stiffer than approved by the FDA for significantly area. As with other fillers that do not
Hylaform, but not as firm as Restylane. deeper folds and furrows. Restylane is contain an anesthetic, the injection of
Captique is packaged as a clear gel in a made of medium-sized particles of HA Restylane can be painful. The use of


0.75-mL syringe and injected dermally gel, while Perlane is composed of larger topical anesthetics and/or dental nerve
with a 30-gauge needle via the serial HA gel particles (approximately 1000 blocks is recommended to reduce the
puncture method. Like Hylaform, m),28 but with the same HA concen- pain on injection. Restylane tends to
Captique is no longer available. tration. The Restylane family of prod- sting less after injection when com-
ucts also includes Restylane Fine Line, pared to Juvéderm. It is unknown why
Benefits This product is suitable for Restylane Touch, Restylane Lip, and this occurs as they are both the same
treating similar periorbital and perioral Restylane Sub-Q, which are not cur- pH of approximately 7.0.
wrinkles as Hylaform as well as enhanc- rently approved for use in the US.
ing lip fullness and shallow scars. No These products have the same formu- JUVÉDERMTM
testing or refrigeration is required and lation as Restylane and differ only in Overview Juvéderm (Allergan, Irvine,
the agent can be injected in the initial their particle size. Restylane and CA), is manufactured by a bacterial fer-
physician’s visit. As an HA filler, it has a Perlane are packaged as transparent mentation process similar to that used
low side effect profile because of its gels, with a shelf life of 18 months, and for other stabilized bacterial-based HA
immunogenic inertness and low likeli- stored at room temperature. Restylane fillers and was approved by the FDA in
hood of allergic reactions. The equilib- is enclosed in 0.4- and 1-mL syringes late 2006. There are many products in
rium hydration of Captique is also com- while Perlane is packaged in a 0.7-mL the Juvéderm line (Juvéderm 18,
parable to Hylaform, meaning that it is syringe; both are injected via a 27- Juvéderm 24, Juvéderm 24 HV,
fully hydrated with water in the syringe. gauge needle. Restylane is implanted Juvéderm 30, and Juvéderm 30 HV), but
In the primary author’s experience, using linear threading anterograde or only Juvéderm 24 HV (also known as
patients complained of less stinging after retrograde techniques. It is important Juvéderm Ultra) and Juvéderm 30 HV
injection with Captique as compared to avoid injecting at withdrawal of the (also known as Juvéderm Ultra Plus) are
with Juvéderm. needle, which can result in superficial currently approved by the FDA and
injection, creating blue-colored nod- sold in the US. All the products in the
Drawbacks The longevity of Captique is ules. A fanning threading technique line vary by the amount of HA concen-
questionable but believed to be about 4 can also be employed with Restylane tration, the amount of cross-linking,
to 6 months. Few duration studies were at the nasolabial fold or lip commis- and the regularity of the cross-linking.
performed, however. It has a high extru- sures. Both Juvéderm Ultra and Ultra Plus
sion force when injected through a 30- consist of 24 mg/cc of HA, but
gauge needle, which renders injection Benefits The stiffness of Restylane ren- Juvéderm Ultra Plus has a higher degree
more difficult than that for Hylaform or ders it well suited for moderate to deep of cross-linking than Juvéderm Ultra,
Restylane. Captique does not contain wrinkles and it is this quality among which makes Ultra Plus more suitable
lidocaine, thus it is similar to other HA other factors that is thought to impart for the deepest facial grooves and fur-
fillers in the capacity to cause moderate greater longevity in human tissue as rows. Unlike Restylane, which consists
pain, bruising, edema, and redness on compared to Hylaform and Captique. of stiff and a fairly narrow range of
injection. Captique has been taken off The cosmetic effects of Restylane are particle sizes, Juvéderm is a smooth
the market because its parent company, thought to last over 6 months; Perlane consistency gel composed of a broad
Allergan, is focusing on promoting delivers a durability of 6 to 9 months. range of particles of various sizes and
Juvéderm. Product stiffness makes Restylane and shapes 30 (referred to as “Hyalacross
Perlane more suitable for moderate and technology”).
RESTYLANE deep wrinkles than for use in the body Juvéderm products are packaged as a
Overview Restylane (Medicis, Scottsdale, of the lips or the tear trough. Restylane clear gel in 0.8-mL syringes. They are
AZ) was the first nonanimal HA prod- is ideal to fill nasolabial and marionette stored at room temperature. Juvéderm
uct approved in the US. It is a NASHA lines, chin and jowl depressions, nasal Ultra is injected into the middermis via
gel formulated through fermentation, deformities, and for nasal tip-lift as well a 30-gauge needle while Juvéderm
with sugar present, in bacterial cultures as acne scars and other defects. Ultra Plus is implanted deeper via a 27-
of equine streptococci. Restylane has a gauge needle.27 The needles must be
higher concentration of HA compared Drawbacks Bruising is associated with tightly attached to the Luer-lock
to Hylaform and Captique and the all HA fillers. However, the stiffness is syringe to prevent detachment during 199
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injections. Various techniques of injec- the Captique formulation with moder- Drawbacks Prevelle Dura is slightly
tion can be used with Juvéderm, ate softness illustrated by its G´ in the more viscous and, therefore, requires
including serial puncture and tunnel- middle of the spectrum. This product is more pressure on injection.
ing. softer than Restylane and is similar in
softness to Juvéderm. Prevelle Silk has a
Benefits Juvéderm Ultra and Ultra Plus higher degree of cross-linking density Hyaluronidase
are in the medium range of stiffness; than Hylaform and therefore is slightly Hyaluronidase is a soluble enzyme that
therefore, they can be used in any wrin- stiffer than Hylaform. The gel contains hydrolyzes HA, other GAGs, and other
kles, moderate or deep, and to correct 5.5 mg/mL of cross-linked HA with an connective tissue components in the skin
scars. Juvéderm Ultra is easily placed in average particle size of 300 m. Prevelle and vitreous humor of the eye.32 It has
the vermilion border or the body of the is suitable for treating shallow to moder- been approved by the FDA, as Vitrase
lips. The high concentration of HA in ate wrinkles, lips, and scars. The and Amphadase, for enhancement of
Juvéderm Ultra and Ultra Plus and the longevity of the product is unknown but injectable drug absorption and resorp-
high degree of cross-linking results in reported to be about 4 months. Prevelle tion of radiopaque agents. However,
longer-lasting aesthetic effects as com- Silk contains 0.3% lidocaine. It was effective off-label uses include wound
pared to products such as Hylaform. As approved in the United States in 2008. care and postsurgical flap care among
other HA products, these agents have This product is suitable for use in the lips other uses.

an overall low, mild, and transient since it generates less pain during injec- Several reports have indicated the
adverse-event profile. Juvéderm is not tions. Side effects, which are rare and rel- usefulness of hyaluronidase to dissolve
completely hydrated in the syringe,27 so atively mild, include redness, swelling, HA filler overcorrection for symmetric
it will slightly expand after injection as and pruritus. contouring, as well as to manage impend-
it absorbs more water. This is important ing tissue necrosis because of HA skin
to remember when injecting the body injections.33–35 Specifically, Hirsch et al.
Benefits This product is softer than
of the lips, which should be slightly published two cases of imminent tissue
other products on the market since
undercorrected to allow for the expan- necrosis caused by intra-arterial injection
Hylaform and Captique were discontin-
sion. Similar to Restylane, the longevity of HA and surrounding tissue compres-
ued. It can be used in any moderate to
of Juvéderm Ultra is about 6 to 9 sion of vital vessel, which resolved with
deep facial wrinkles, the body of the lip,
months and Ultra Plus may last up to 12 employment of hyaluronidase. After
and periorbital areas. Prevelle Silk is
months. using other appropriate techniques to
the first lidocaine-containing HA in the
manage impending tissue necrosis
United States.
Drawbacks All HA products can cause including systemic aspirin, Nitro BID
erythema, swelling, and bruising after under occlusion, and hot compresses with
Drawbacks Longevity of the correction
implantation (see Chapter 21). Pain dur- massage without significant response, the
is not known but thought to be 4-6
ing injection caused by lack of anes- authors injected 30 units of hyaluronidase
thetic can be alleviated with the use of into deep dermal tissue and subcutis using
topical or regional anesthesia. Juvéderm a serial puncture method along the
can be placed with care in the tear PREVELLE DURA distribution of affected arteries, which led
trough area, but the proximity to the Overview Prevelle Dura (Mentor Corp.) to the resolution of symptoms within a
eye is unnerving with the risk of the is another bacterial-derived filler day.32,33 Although early reports have rec-
needle popping off, so injections should approved for the US market in 2008. It is ommended the utility of hyaluronidase
be very slow with only moderate extru- composed of 220-μm HA particles cross- only within 16 minutes of the critical
sion force. The needle is more likely to linked with DEO. As mentioned previ- event, Hirsch et al. reported successful
pop off when the syringe is almost ously, DEO cross-linking results in both responses after several days.32 Further-
empty; therefore, the tear trough area ether bonds and ester bonds, known as more, the effectiveness of hyaluronidase
should be injected with a new syringe double cross-linking. These ester bonds for bluish (Tyndall) manifestations and
and the last part of the syringe can be may confer better stability and longer asymmetric lumpiness from HA overcor-
saved for less dangerous areas such as duration but this has not yet been rection has also been reported at various
the nasolabial folds. As with all fillers, proven.31 Prevelle Dura is touted for concentrations.34–36
the skill and experience of the physician suitability in any dermal layer to correct Because of the described benefits of
is crucial for optimal outcome. If middermal and deep rhytides. The G hyaluronidase for the treatment of com-
Juvéderm is injected too superficially, it (stiffness) of this product is 900 Da, plications of the popular HA fillers, it
can create a bluish hue. Caution should which renders it slightly stiffer than has been recommended as a necessary
be taken in overinjecting the vermilion Restylane. agent to keep in an aesthetic physician’s
border and creating an unnatural “duck- office.37 Hyaluronidase is a clear liquid
bill” appearance. In addition, superficial Benefits Preliminary studies demon- that is stored in the refrigerator and
placement of Juvéderm in the tear strate the safety of this product;31 how- reconstituted with 1 mL of normal saline
trough defects can result in blue nod- ever, more trials need to be performed to to generate 150 units. Very rare adverse
ules. Blue nodules and unwanted bulges establish its strengths and weaknesses. acute and delayed-type hypersensitivity
can be corrected with the use of Based on double cross-linking technol- reactions to hyaluronidase have been
hyaluronidase. ogy, the company claims that this device reported, so it may be prudent to
may last longer than previous HA fillers; perform a skin test prior to the use of
PREVELLE SILK however, this has not been proven. The this agent. Injection of hyaluronidase
Overview Prevelle Silk is sold by the role of the double cross-linking technol- into patients with an allergy to
Mentor Corp. (Santa Barbara, CA). This ogy in terms of duration of the filler has hymenoptera stings and thimerosal is
200 bacterial-derived product is similar to not been ascertained. contraindicated.33,38
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Semipermanent Fillers amount of money spent on the actual Radiesse is a white material packaged
filler. The procedure also has an attrac- in a 1-mL syringe and injected via a 25-
Fat, Radiesse, and Sculptra are consid-
tive double-gain, where two cosmetic to 27-gauge and 11/4-inch needle into
ered semitransitory because they are
areas can be simultaneously addressed, the deep dermis or subcutis without
partly biostimulatory and partially
lipoexcess and lipodystrophy. Stem overcorrection.33 The product should be
biodegradable; this balance allows them
cells have been isolated from fat cells. It stored at room temperature. A reason-
to last approximately 1 to 3 years.39 The
is believed that the stem cells found in able injection method for Radiesse is
adverse events associated with semiper-
fat lead to increased skin rejuvenation tunneling or crisscross threading tech-
manent fillers include rare granuloma
(see Chapter 3). When performed by a niques.32 A placement of Radiesse in the
formations. The aesthetic effects of
skilled physician, the results of lipo- supraperiosteal plane yields better con-
these fillers are best preserved with
transfer are remarkable.42 trol and ability to contour skin with this
annual touch-up sessions.
stiffer filler.43
Drawbacks Fat injections require pro-
AUTOLOGOUS FAT phylactic local or regional anesthesia. Benefits Since Radiesse is immunologi-
Overview Originating in the 1890s, Because of the fact that the procedure is cally inert, it does not require skin test-
transplantation of fat from a patient’s more surgically invasive, more complex ing. With more than 20 years of use as
excess adipose areas to other skin preparations and settings are required implantable devices for otolaryngology


defects is the oldest soft tissue augmen- with longer and more frequent office and orthopedic specialties, CaHA pos-
tation method.1 Fat injection filling has visits. Although the harvesting portion sesses an excellent safety record. The
gained recognition for several reasons. can cause a longer recovery time and an average duration of Radiesse is 9 to
Naturally, the patient’s own cells are increased risk of side effects (e.g., infec- 18 months. The proper locations of
unlikely to cause sensitivity or inflam- tion, scarring), the actual injection has a injection include the nasolabial folds,
mation and are therefore considered similar adverse event profile to the other marionette lines, prejowl sulcus, and
supremely biocompatible. Furthermore, fillers (e.g., edema, redness, bruising, cheek depressions. Unlike Sculptra,
the technique of fat implantation has and discomfort lasting a few days).34 where time is necessary to build up new
undergone remarkable polishing over Another variable to consider when collagen, Radiesse offers the advantage
many years, especially with the advent selecting candidates for this procedure is of immediate wrinkle ablation.
of harvesting subcutis through liposuc- to ensure that the patient has a sufficient Interestingly, although Radiesse induces
tion. The procedure is a multistep graft supply. In some patients, the fat foreign body reaction, it is not known to
process, whereby the fat cells are injections last several years and in other cause granuloma formation.36 In its gel
obtained from the buttock, thigh, and patients the injections last merely form, the device is also quite pliable,
abdominal regions, then segregated, months. Many tricks are employed to permitting timely manipulation and
stored (refrigerated up to 18 months), try and increase longevity, but at this appropriate modification. In addition, it
and injected back into the patient’s sub- time there are no guarantees.32 can be combined with other fillers, such
cutis on the face, hands, and any other as Sculptra, HA, and collagen.
areas requiring volume enhancement. RADIESSE
As anticipated, this process is more inva- Overview Radiesse (BioForm Medical, Drawbacks The main drawback of
sive, time-consuming, both for the clini- San Mateo, CA) was approved by the Radiesse is that it is not reversible like
cian to prepare and perform as well as FDA in 2006 for the correction of mod- HAs. Radiesse also does not contain an
the patient to recover from, as well as erate to severe folds and wrinkles along anesthetic and because of its high vis-
more costly. In effect, the optimal effi- with HIV-associated lipoatrophy. It is cosity, requires administration through a
cacy with minimal adverse effects is composed of 30% calcium hydroxylap- high-bore needle. However, Radiesse
mainly achieved in the hands of a quali- atite (CaHA) microspheres (25–45 μm) can be combined with lidocaine in the
fied dermasurgeon. Approximately 0.1 suspended in an aqueous gel carrier syringe to decrease pain on injection.
cc aliquots of fat are inserted into sub- (1.3% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, Hence, the use of topical or regional
cutis through a 17- to 18-gauge needle 6.4% glycerin, and 36.6% sterile water). anesthesia is recommended. Minimal
via a tunneling technique, without over- As the gel carrier of this filler dissipates side effects such as ecchymoses, edema,
correction.40 Postprocedure massage is in several months, the microspheres and erythema appear soon after
recommended for proper shaping of stimulate cutaneous cells to generate Radiesse injection and are transitory.
contours. focal foreign body reaction and neocol- Rare nodules have also been associated
lagenesis.32,33 This leads to envelopment with Radiesse and can be managed with
Benefits Because of its autologous char- of the microspheres by fibrin, collagen, intralesional steroids or excision. Similar
acter, lipotransfer is unlikely to cause and fibroblasts, and slows the degrada- to Sculptra, an implantation of Radiesse
sensitivity and reactivity of the tissue, tion by macrophages and metabolism in the superficial and mobile wrinkles
minimizing potential long-term side into calcium and phosphate ions. (e.g., lips and periorbital area) and the
effects and obviating prior testing. Because of a similar mineral constitution body of the lips is discouraged because
Nasolabial folds, sunken cheeks, tear as human bones, and no foreign anti- of the palpable and visible white
troughs, marionette lines, scars, and lips genic properties, CaHA is particularly papules that can develop (also known as
are the most appropriate areas of cor- biocompatible. It is critical for patients “popcorn lips”). Radiesse should not be
rection with fat. Furthermore, fat trans- to be aware that Radiesse is a radio- performed in the nose of a patient antic-
fer provides a reported duration of opaque material that can be visualized ipating rhinoplasty. Several facial plastic
about 12 months; although the concrete and misinterpreted on facial radi- surgeons have given anecdotal reports in
duration is controversial.41 Because the ographs, but importantly, it does not lectures suggesting that this complicates
injectable material used is the patient’s radiographically mask surrounding rhinoplasty surgery. An HA or collagen
own tissue, its use decreases the tissues. filler would be a more appropriate 201
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choice in preoperative rhinoplasty threading techniques, a 25- or 26-gauge used and then an HA filler is used after
patients. needle is utilized to implant Sculptra Sculptra at the last visit. Sculptra should
into overlapping deep dermal and sub- always be used first, then massaged,
SCULPTRA cutaneous layers of the skin. before the HA is injected so that the
Overview. Sculptra is a synthetic, The mechanism of action and proper lidocaine and epinephrine in the
biodegradable, biocompatible, immuno- technique of injecting Sculptra require Sculptra will reduce the pain and bruis-
logically inert peptide polymer (also practitioners to restore volume to a ing of the HA injection, and the massag-
known as NewFill).44–46 Sculptra selected treatment plane rather than a ing will not affect the placement of the
(Dermik Laboratories, Sanofi-Aventis, specific wrinkle.50 Indeed, injecting HA filler.
Bridgewater, NJ) is composed of poly-L- Sculptra is more similar to fat injection
lactic acid (PLLA) microspheres, sodium procedures than collagen or HA injec- Benefits Sculptra does not require prior
carboxymethylcellulose, and nonpyro- tions, because it serves to sculpt the skin testing. It is ideal for treating vol-
genic mannitol and is manufactured prominent hollows and deep grooves ume loss in the cheeks, nasolabial folds,
from powdered, absorbable suture associated with loss of deep soft tissue. and the malar area. Once the desired
material (e.g., Vycryl). This agent is not a In addition, specialized training to use result is achieved, results last about 18 to
true dermal filler because it does not fill Sculptra is required prior to injections. 24 months.42,44,51,52 The correction is
the dermis the way collagen and HA do Small and exact aliquots of Sculptra are very natural looking. Having been used

but, rather, it promotes the production injected in the correct tissue plane with- successfully in various medical devices
of new and organized collagen in the out overcorrection. In general, 2 to 3 cc for more than 30 years, PLLA has an
dermis. Many physicians refer to it as a of the product are used for patients in established safety record.53 Moreover,
“dermal stimulator.” Sculptra is thought their thirties, 4 cc for patients in their new product guidelines and injection
to foster neocollagenesis by stimulating forties, and 5 cc or more for older techniques (e.g., using a more dilute
fibroblasts and gradually restoring facial patients. The cost is approximately $230 product, avoiding overcorrection, not
volume.47–49 However, Sculptra is even- per syringe. injecting too superficially, and postinjec-
tually cleared from the skin via phago- Once Sculptra is injected, there is a tion massage) have reduced the inci-
cytic digestion. In the US, Sculptra was transient period lasting about 1 hour dur- dence of side effects (i.e., formation of
approved by the FDA in 2004 for the ing which the patient can see a slight granulomas and nodules) as compared
treatment of HIV-associated facial lipoa- effect because of the volume of fluid to when the product was originally
trophy, but it has been used off-label for injected. Once this resolves, results are packaged as NewFill.54
cosmesis, and Dermik is currently not seen until about 4 weeks after treat-
applying for approval for its use in facial ment when results may begin to appear. Drawbacks Sculptra injection results are
rejuvenation. NewFill has been used in Injections are performed on a monthly not immediate and multiple courses are
Europe and Asia for many years. When basis until desired results have been required to achieve the optimal cosmetic
it was first introduced, NewFill was obtained. The number of injection ses- effect, with the number of treatments
diluted with a lower amount of saline sions required varies greatly from person depending on volume of the defect
and many granules and nodules were to person and it is difficult to predict the being treated.45 Preinjection reconstitu-
reported. This led to new recommenda- total number of sessions needed. Injections tion can contribute to scheduling limita-
tions to dilute one bottle with 5 to 10 cc are performed 3 to 6 weeks apart. tions because it must be made at least 2
of sterile water and massage after appli- Anecdotal reports state that premeno- hours in advance. Injecting suspension
cation. With the new recommendations, pausal women and postmenopausal can be slightly difficult because of recur-
adverse events have been minimal. women on hormone replacement therapy rent clogging of the needles, which leads
Freeze-dried Sculptra powder is (HRT) require fewer sessions than post- to frequent needle changes. Adverse
stored at room temperature and recon- menopausal women not on HRT. events are rare, but PLLA can cause
stituted approximately 2 to 4 hours prior Postmenopausal women not on HRT postinjection site pain, bruising, and
to injection. The package label states may require up to eight sessions. Men swelling, as compared to other products,
that the product should be used within tend to correct more quickly than partly because of the larger needle used.
72 hours. In our practice, we prefer women for unknown reasons. After the Adding lidocaine to the diluent miti-
using Sculptra that has been reconsti- procedure, the patient’s skin is strenu- gates injection pain. Ecchymoses can be
tuted for at least 2 days because the ously massaged with topical arnica (for reduced by mixing epinephrine into the
solution is easy to work with and results its anticoagulant properties) for about PLLA suspension and taking bromelain
in less needle clogging. Sculptra is recon- 5 minutes to reduce bruising, pain, and supplements (500 mg twice daily) after
stituted and kept in the refrigerator for 2 nodule formation. Patients should be told injection (see Chapter 21). Hyperkinetic
days to 2 weeks. Although the package to massage the treated area for 5 minutes areas (e.g., crow’s feet and the corner of
label recommends that the formulation every night for five nights. the mouth) and regions with thin skin
be reconstituted with 5 cc of sterile Sculptra treatments can be combined (e.g., around the eyes, smoker’s lines
water, many physicians reconstitute with other fillers for instant gratifica- above the lips) should not be treated
with 4 mL of sterile water and 1 mL of tion. In this case, Sculptra is injected with Sculptra because of irregular
2% lidocaine with epinephrine. The first, the massage with arnica is per- papules that can emerge. Most lumps
lidocaine decreases pain while the epi- formed, and then the HA or collagen that do arise are from superficial admin-
nephrine reduces bruising. Strong agita- filler is applied in the treatment area. istration of Sculptra and are not visible,
tion of the filed syringes is recom- Sculptra is often used in the cheeks and although they are palpable by the
mended directly before injection to cheekbone area while an HA filler is patient. Reassuring patients that these
homogenize the white suspension. used in the nasolabial folds, marionette lumps are transient in nature is impor-
(Sculptra tends to settle in the bottom of lines, and the lips. Alternatively, a course tant. Nodule and hematoma formation
202 the syringe.) By means of tunneling and of three to four Sculptra treatments is are the other rare adverse effects that
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have been reported, but are less likely if and resistance to phagocytic degrada- this product, it is currently discouraged
the new injection guidelines are fol- tion and migration as well as ensure for lip augmentation or any superficial
lowed.55,56 Sculptra injection technique encapsulation by patients’ collagen lead- wrinkle correction. Having to inject
is very different than that of HA fillers ing to lasting nonimmunogenic results. through a larger bore needle may
and the learning curve is higher. In addi- Artefill is packaged in a kit of three induce more posttreatment edema and
tion, there is lack of reversibility as with 0.8-mL and two 0.4-mL syringes that are ecchymoses, which require slightly
HA fillers. Specialized training is required injected through a 26-gauge needle into longer downtime. The disadvantage of
by the manufacturers of Sculptra before subdermal and subcutaneous space via a implanting permanent fillers such as
they will sell the product to a physician. tunneling technique without overcorrec- Artefill is the inability to foretell the
tion.33 After injection, gentle massage is long-term appearance of the patient;
Permanent Fillers recommended to evenly distribute since the skin changes with age, the nat-
material in the skin and prevent clump- ural look may be altered. Time will tell
Although the current momentum in the ing. Artefill must be stored via refrigera- the exact risk-to-benefit ratio of this
cosmetic market is toward the less inva- tion (2C–10C) and warmed before use. filler.
sive procedures, which are safer, perma- In order to achieve optimal correction of
nent fillers are very popular outside the rhytides, two to three treatment ses- SILICONE
US because of the lower cost. Many of sions, a few months apart, are sug- Overview Silicone is composed of


these products are used by unskilled gested.51 Like Sculptra, specific injection dimethylsiloxane chains linked by oxy-
practitioners and lead to disfiguring training for Artefill is required. gen with varied viscosity based on the
results. If practitioners are to use a per- length of the polymer. Used in patients
manent filler, they should be skilled in Benefits Artefill offers the dual action of since the 1940s, the liquid form of this
the technique and certain of the immediate wrinkle correction from col- product is one of the oldest soft tissue
patient’s expectations. In the primary lagen (lasting about 1–3 months) and augmentation materials.58 The use of this
author’s opinion, it is best to use a tem- permanent deep-fold ablation from injectable filler is fraught with contro-
porary filler first, to make sure that a PMMA (lasting for more than 5 years).51 versy because the initial unpurified prod-
patient is pleased, before proceeding to a The long-term efficacy is believed to be uct was associated with long-term disfig-
permanent or semipermanent option. because of the stimulatory influence of uring side effects, including migration
Newer fillers (e.g., Artefill) as well as PMMA on the surrounding skin, causing and granuloma formation. It was illegal
older fillers (e.g., silicone) are being used fibroblast and collagen proliferation to perform silicone injections in the US in
for this purpose. These nonbiodegrad- around the material starting at 1 some states until recently. However,
able fillers stay enclosed by the skin for month.33 Although approved only for because of the purification of liquid sili-
an indeterminate and lasting period of nasolabial folds, PMMA has also been cone and honing of the injection tech-
time. However, these fillers are not to be successfully used in other deeper defects nique, this soft tissue filler has returned
used for and by the lighthearted. They (e.g., the cheek and malar regions). and is very popular in Brazil. At the turn
are associated with rare, significant side Lidocaine content eliminates the neces- of the 21st century, the FDA approved
effects such as granulomas, migration, sity for alternative anesthesia and allevi- two forms of medical-grade silicone
and asymmetry and are best implanted ates intrainjection discomfort. As com- oils: ADATO (or Sil-ol 5000, Bausch &
into a patient experienced with prior pared to the standard of bovine Lomb Surgical, Inc., San Dimas, CA) with
soft tissue augmentations and by a profi- collagen, PMMA filler has been found 5000 centistoke (cs) viscosity and Silikon
cient physician. Remember, as with any- to be superior in efficacy with a compa- 1000 (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort
thing enduring, if one is not pleased rable safety profile.51 Widely used in Worth, TX) with 1000 cs viscosity. These
with the results, one has to live with implantable medical devices for more are both indicated for the ophthalmo-
long-term consequences. than 50 years, PMMA has a long safety logic uses of retinal temponade and
record.32 detachment.32,33 Although neither of
ARTEFILL these products have been approved by
Overview In October 2006, the FDA Drawbacks Artefill contains bovine colla- the FDA as skin injectables, they are used
approved the novel permanent filler gen; therefore, skin testing prior to injec- off-label. Furthermore, there are ongoing
Artefill (Artes Medical, Inc., San Diego, tions is strongly advised to reduce studies in the US assessing the safety and
CA) for the correction of nasolabial the incidence of hypersensitivity. This efficacy of SilSkin (a 1000 cs, highly
folds.57 Artefill is constituted with 20% means that patients cannot be treated on purified polydimethylsiloxane, OFAS-
homogenous polymethylmethacrylate the initial office visit. Furthermore, Therapeutic Silicone Technologies, Inc.,
(PMMA) suspended in equilibrium with because of Artefill’s higher viscosity, New York, NY) for the correction of
partly denatured 3.5% bovine collagen more administration pressure is required nasolabial folds and HIV-associated
(from enclosed US cattle herds) and by the clinician, and the product is more lipoatrophy. Pilot studies in patients with
0.3% lidocaine. As opposed to the origi- difficult to inject than collagen and HA HIV-lipoatrophy have revealed satisfac-
nal European product, Artecoll, which fillers. Although the majority of side tory results with minimal side effects.59
contained different size microspheres of effects caused by Artefill are mild and Similar to PMMA and PLLA, silicone
PMMA that potentially contributed to a transient (e.g., swelling, redness, hyper- oil biostimulates the surrounding skin to
higher risk of granulomas, Artefill is sensitivity, and temporary lumpiness, slowly generate a focal fibro-granuloma-
composed of uniform size PMMA which is amenable to massage), rare tous reaction that leads to a permanent
microspheres (30–50 m) that are less moderate-to-severe effects have been volumizing. Zappi et al. analyzed the
likely to result in the formation of gran- reported (e.g., granuloma and inflamed microscopic biologic behavior of liquid
ulomas. Small size, uniformity, and nodule formation, manageable with silicone and concluded that it was an
smoothness are refined characteristics of intralesional steroids or excision).51 effective, durable (up to 23 years), and
Artefill that promote biocompatibility Because of the reported lumpiness with immunologically compatible filler.60 203
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Silikon 1000 is the preferred injectable

filler over ADATO because of its lower
viscosity and therefore easier injectabil-
ity. It is stored at room temperature and
packaged as clear oil. The proficiency in
the injection technique is the crucial vari-
able in achieving successful soft tissue
augmentation with silicone. The favored
technique is a serial puncture of micro-
droplets and subdermal implantation of
0.01 to 0.02 mL silicone aliquots at 2- to
4-mm intervals using a glass syringe with
a 30-mL needle.32,52 The key is not to
overcorrect. Instead, patients should
anticipate steady changes with multiple
treatment sessions, 1 to 2 months apart,
in order to achieve the most natural and

safe outcome in several months.

Benefits Since it is immunologically

inert, no prior skin testing is required.
Practitioners with experience in using
Silikon have reported its value in cor-
recting wrinkles and scars, augmenting
lips, and panfacial contouring of deeper
folds and valleys.61 Its low cost and
longevity are obvious benefits.
 FIGURE 23-11 Patient who had an unknown substance injected by an aesthetician in a hotel room
Drawbacks As with any temporary filler, in Miami. Analysis of biopsy material showed silicone. No treatments have been effective long-term in this
potential long-term consequences patient.
should be broached when discussing
this treatment option with patients. mentation, several forms of expanded (Atrium Medical Corporation, Hudson,
Most side effects associated with med- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) are cur- NH).62,63 PTFE is a synthetic material
ical-grade silicone injectables are mini- rently on the market: Gore-Tex strings or used in medical devices since the 1970s
mal and include anticipated temporary strands (Gore Advanced Technologies with a good safety record. These are
pain, edema, bruising, and redness.53 Worldwide, Newark, DE); Soft-Form and spongy products that provide significant
The pain is likely because of the absence UltraSoft tubes (Tissue Technologies, volume enhancement and stimulate local
of anesthetic as part of the product for- Inc., San Francisco, CA); and newer dual- tissue fibrosis and integration, which
mulation, so appropriate preprocedure porous, soft, varied-shape Advanta relays permanence and stability. PTFE is
anesthesia should be provided. However,
it is important to keep in mind that rare
reports of appropriately-injected, puri-
fied silicone causing significant nodules,
granulomas, cellulitis, and ulceration
also exist.53 The skill of the physician is
crucial as this is a permanent filler. The
primary author has seen myriad
unhappy patients who have lumps and
asymmetry after treatment by other
physicians (Figs. 23-11 and 23-12). In
addition, many patients who are treated
by nonphysicians are treated with
impure silicone. This results in disfigur-
ing edema and long-term complications.
In our clinic, we have tried to treat com-
plications of silicone injections by non-
physicians with injectable steroids,
tacrolimus, cyclosporine, and Aldara
with minimal and short-term improve-
ment. Surgical excision has remained
the only effective long-term treatment.

Overview. Approved by the FDA in the  FIGURE 23-12 Patient who had silicone injections to the lips. She is unhappy with the large size of
204 1990s for the purpose of soft tissue aug- her lips.
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biocompatible with rare instances of biologic similarity between pig and ISOLAGEN
inflammatory reactions. human skin versus bovine and human Overview Although presently approved
The extended PTFE subdermal implants skin, this filler has potentially lower in the UK, Isolagen (Isolagen Inc., Exton,
require a more invasive procedure via sur- immunogenicity than bovine collagen PA) is undergoing clinical studies in the
gical implantation, which translates to fillers, with no preprocedure sensitivity US to obtain FDA approval. Utilizing
higher procedural risks and the necessity testing required.65 It is currently only the patient’s skin, fibroblasts are cul-
for a more specialized setting and training. approved in Europe and Israel as two tured and stimulated to generate
Because of these complex features and products, Evolence and Evolence injectable material for aesthetic augmen-
generally lower physician satisfaction, the Breeze (finer version), for soft tissue tation. The appeal of Isolagen is that it
use of these devices by cosmetic derma- augmentation. uses a minimally invasive harvesting
tologists is not popular.57 Evolence is injected through a 25- to technique, employing very little tissue
27-gauge 1.25- to 1.5-inch needle into (a 3-mm skin punch biopsy from a non-
Benefits PTFE fillers have been shown to mid-depth dermal space using tunneling cosmetic area), to produce an individual,
impart an enduring correction of the and cross-hatching techniques, while immunologically inert supply of vol-
nasolabial folds, marionette lines, malar Evolence Breeze is injected in 0.1-mL ume-enhancing product.68 About 2
and mandibular deficits, and enhance- aliquots via a 31-gauge needle using a months after harvesting, a 1 to 2 cm3
ment of the lips.56 Additionally, these serial puncture technique into the super- amount of product is created and


products do not require prior testing ficial dermis; overcorrection is to be injected at about 2-week intervals in
because of immunologic inertness. avoided.66 Postimplantation massage is several sessions to provide longer-lasting
Although the implants are considered advised to enhance molding. results. This product may contain
permanent, if patients are dissatisfied fibroblasts that could confer long-term
with their image alterations, the products Benefits Without prior allergy testing benefits not found with other fillers.
can be removed in bulk within 3 months. needed, these products can be injected
on the first visit. Special cross-linking Benefits The crucial benefits of Isolagen
Drawbacks The side effects of bleeding, technology, Glymatrix, yields a more are biocompatibility and safety. This
bruising, redness, postoperative pain, stable collagen product that creates product contains the donor’s own
scarring, palpability, and secondary immediate effects potentially lasting fibroblasts, which may provide amelio-
infection occur more frequently with for up to 1 year. Evolence products may rative effects by increasing the produc-
PTFE fillers as compared to HA fillers be used in combination with other tion of desired cytokines and growth
and the recovery time is longer.64 These agents such as HA fillers. This collagen factors, stimulating collagen and elastin
products have high displacement and filler is stored at room temperature. A production. Correction is believed, but
extrusion rates and an unnaturally stiff recent study comparing the safety and not proven, to last about 6 to 12 months.
appearance.58 In addition, they can efficacy of Evolence and Restylane As other collagen fillers, it is injected at
shrink with time leading to an asymmet- showed that Evolence performed simi- superficial and moderate dermal depth
ric correction. larly to Restylane.67 to treat rhytides and nasolabial folds as
well as the lips.
Drawbacks Evolence does not contain
Fillers on the Horizon lidocaine as other collagen fillers do. It is Drawbacks This product is particularly
As noninvasive cosmetic interventions more difficult to inject than Restylane expensive because of the specific engi-
have become more prominent, the man- and Juvéderm. Needle jamming has neering technique of cultured autolo-
ufacturing market has responded by been noted on occasion, which makes gous fibroblasts and collagen. There is a
developing newer products. In fact, injections a bit awkward.60 Religious waiting period of 2 months and the
there are so many products to consider, beliefs have to be considered prior to product derived from the biopsy is rela-
it has become ever more challenging for implantation because this product con- tively sparse. However, this product can
regulatory organizations, physicians, tains porcine collagen, which may be be used in conjunction with other fillers
and patients to discern their differences. rejected on religious grounds by Jewish to make up the volume difference.
While some clinicians opt to jump on and Muslim patients. This product had Special product shipping, handling and
the bandwagon and use novel filling not yet been approved by the FDA at storage, as well as a narrow time-frame
agents by interpreting newer as better, the time of publication, but approval is of implantation (within 24 h of Isolagen
others await satisfactory clinical evi- expected shortly. Although postproce- delivery) are limitations. The side effects
dence before integrating these fillers into dure side effects of porcine collagen of the product have not been clarified,
their practices. It is crucial to appreciate fillers are comparable to HA fillers but are likely similar to other fillers on
the fact that the products once pro- (e.g., transient edema, erythema, pain, the market.
claimed innovative have either stood the ecchymoses), the development of
test of time, with manufacturers reaping infrequent lumps and nodules that last LARESSE
the rewards, or they have been super- several months has also been noted.60 Overview Laresse is a novel dermal filler
seded. This section provides an overview These papules can be treated with composed of two polymers in solution,
of the up and coming soft tissue aug- massage and intralesional corticos- carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and
mentation devices. teroids. Because of these side effects, polyethylene oxide (PEO), both of
injecting Evolence into thin skin areas which are hydrophilic. The product is a
EVOLENCE should be avoided.60 This filler is new viscoelastic gel that is injected into the
Overview Evolence (Colbar LifeScience and does not have the years of experi- dermis as a space-filling substance.
Ltd., Herzliya, Israel) is cross-linked ence associated with other collagen Although the clinical data are limited, it
porcine-derived collagen (30 mg/mL and HA fillers. Its use should be has been available in the UK since mid-
concentration). Because of the greater approached with caution. 2006 and has become a competitor to 205
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cross-linked HA products. Since Laresse

is not cross-linked, it is smoother to
inject than HA fillers and imparts a soft
contour to the dermis.

Benefits Skin testing is not required

with this product. The components
have been used in numerous injectable
therapeutics and medical devices and
are known to be immunologically inert.
Laresse is easily injected and is reported
to produce less pain on injection than
other fillers. The product is particularly
smooth and natural feeling in the skin
and it has been used in nasolabial folds
and other superficial wrinkles. Because
of its ability to stabilize and compact in

higher concentrations without a need

for cross-linking, it is hypothesized that
Laresse will have longer durability than
HA fillers.69 However, no studies have
been published in the US to support  FIGURE 23-13 Patient with prolonged facial swelling one month after Aquamid injections.
these claims.

Drawbacks Although studies have yields an inert and durable device that Although postimplantation side effects
shown that Laresse lasts 6 months in can last indefinitely. Aquamid has are similar to those of HA fillers (e.g.,
some patients, limited clinical studies shown efficacy in lip augmentation, cor- temporary erythema, edema, redness),
have been performed so its duration will rection of nasolabial folds, depressed rare long-term and more severe adverse
become evident as it becomes available mouth commissures, as well as glabellar effects are more prominent with
in the marketplace. The extent of its and perioral rhytides.33 Aquamid. The primary author has seen
potential applications in facial augmen- several patients treated in South
tation is unclear as the product has been Drawbacks Lacking lidocaine content, America with prolonged swelling and
used clinically only since 2007 and its Aquamid requires local or regional edema (Fig. 23-13). The exact duration
use in the hands of practitioners is still anesthesia prior to the procedure. of Aquamid in the skin is still unclear,
being evaluated. Laresse does not con-
tain lidocaine and, therefore, preproce-
dure anesthesia is usually topical or a
nerve block, similar to HA fillers. Side TABLE 23-6
effects are analogous to the HA fillers The A, B, C, D Approach to Choosing the Appropriate Filler
and consist mainly of transient swelling,
bruising, and redness. Other adverse A—Assess the patient
events are yet to be revealed as Laresse a. Which areas show aging or asymmetry?
is being investigated by the FDA. b. Which areas can be easily corrected?
c. Imagine how the patient will look if various areas are corrected.
AQUAMID d. Determine the best areas of injection and proceed to next step.
Overview A novel permanent filler, B—Budget
Aquamid (Ferrosan A/S-Contura Inter- a. Determine the patient’s financial budget.
national SA, Cophenhagen, Denmark) b. Determine the patient’s time budget.
has been approved and used in Europe, c. Refine plan in your mind about which areas are most important to treat.
South America, and the Middle East for C—Considerations
the past few years.33 Aquamid is com- a. Learn more about the patient.
posed of 97.5% pyrogenic water linked b. What bothers the patient most?
to 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide c. Ask about prior experience with fillers.
polymer. When it is introduced into skin d. Are there any religious restrictions?
tissue, acrylamide stimulates fibrotic e. Can the patient return for future treatments?
and localized foreign-body reactions. f. Does the patient have an event coming up?
The gel is packaged in a 1-mL syringe g. Is the patient on anticoagulants?
and stored at room temperature. It is h. Are there any concerns about outcome?
injected through a 27-gauge needle i. Are there any product promotions going on?
using a threading technique without D—Device
overcorrection. a. Assess pros and cons of available fillers.
b. Match attributes of fillers to what was learned in steps A, B, and C.
Benefits The material is inert, obviating c. Choose the appropriate device.
prior sensitivity testing. Aquamid is bio- d. Discuss the plan with the patient.
206 compatible and nonabsorbable, which
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with most recent studies demonstrat-

ing about 2-year durability.70 Rare
hematomas, lumps, granulomas, and
indurations do occur with the use of
Aquamid.33 Use of this filler should be
discouraged until more safety data are


HOW TO SELECT A FILLER  FIGURE 23-14 A. Those with a normal to large buccal fat pad are best treated with injections
directly into the nasolabial folds and marionette lines. B. Immediately after treatment of nasolabial folds
There are many filler options available, and marionette lines.
so deciding on which filler to use is dif-
ficult. The A, B, C, D approach can help
(Table 23-6). “A” stands for assess the
patient. Determine which areas can be
treated with the greatest potential for


improvement. Look at the entire face
and decide where to get the “best bang
for the buck.” For example, if the
patient has prominent nasolabial folds,
there are two main options: treating the
nasolabial folds, or treating the cheek
or cheekbone area to add volume that
will improve the fold by pulling the
skin back. A patient with large round
cheeks would do better to have the
nasolabial fold treated (Fig. 23-14),
while a patient with thin cheeks and
facial volume loss would have a better
result if the cheeks were treated (Figs.  FIGURE 23-15 This patient has thin cheeks from buccal fat pad wasting; therefore, she is a good can-
23-15 and 23-16). As a practitioner, it is didate for a filler such as Sculptra, Juvéderm Ultra, or Restylane to the cheek area below the cheekbones.
important to form your own impres-
sion first before the patient tells you
their thoughts. In some cases you may
notice factors that the patient does not
even realize are contributing to an aged
appearance (Figs. 23-17 and 23-18).
These observational skills are devel-
oped with experience. Table 23-7 pro-
vides an overview of which fillers are
best suited for each facial area. Once
you have an idea of what areas would
make the most significant impact if
treated, then move to the “B” section,
which is budget. It is crucial to deter-
mine how much money the patient is
willing to spend. It is often the case that
the budget is lower than what is neces-
sary, so the physician must determine
what areas to treat to achieve the best
cosmetic effect possible within the  FIGURE 23-16 This patient appears to have buccal fat pad wasting, but actually is missing a tooth on
patient’s budget. In addition, the practi- this side, leading to the defect. A dental consult is more appropriate for this patient rather than a dermal filler.
tioner must consider the patient’s time
budget or schedule. For example, if a
patient is visiting from another country
and planning to leave the following
day, a course of Sculptra injections is
not an option. Once the time and finan-
cial budget have been determined, the
practitioner should talk to the patient
about other considerations. The most
important question is what bothers
them about their face. It is often differ-  FIGURE 23-17 (A and B) Soft tissue loss around the mental area is often one of the first signs of
ent than what the physician sees. facial aging. It is hard to capture on film and patients do not really notice it until it is pointed out to them. 207
MCGH046-C23_191-211.qxd 1/21/09 1:32 AM Page 208 Aptara Inc.

Patient happiness is contingent on

improving what they see as the prob-
lems on their face, not what bothers the
physician. The following or similar
questions may be appropriate to frame
such a discussion, then, in the attempt
to identify the most suitable filler for a
patient: What have you tried before?
Were you satisfied with the results?
A B Why or why not? What concerns do
 FIGURE 23-18 (A and B) Once the soft tissue around the mental bone has been filled, the face looks you have? Are you a frequent bruiser?
more youthful. An HA filler was used in this patient. Are you worried that your lips will look
too big? Do you hate it when your lip-
stick bleeds up into the lines on the top
lip? Do you have any religious restric-
TABLE 23-7 tions? Do you have any events coming
Fillers by Region (Listed from the Top of the Face Down) up? What amount of downtime can

Forehead lines Nasolabial folds you tolerate? These are all critical
CosmoDerm I CosmoPlast issues in determining the most appro-
Restylane Fine Lines, Juvéderm18, or Prevelle Silk Evolence priate filler. Once all this information
Zyderm I Juvéderm Ultra has been gathered, the physician must
Raising lateral brows (almost any will work) Juvéderm Ultra Plus choose a filling device that meets all the
CosmoPlast Perlane criteria. It is a relatively easy choice
Evolence Prevelle Silk after the preceding questions have been
Juvéderm Ultra Prevelle Dura answered. In addition, the physician
Juvéderm Ultra Plus Radiesse should have many filler choices on
Perlane Restylane hand to give the patient the best result.
Prevelle Silk Sculptra
Prevelle Dura Zyplast
Radiesse Vermilion border of the lip
Injection Technique
Restylane CosmoPlast Injection technique varies from filler to
Zyplast Evolence filler. Most physicians use either an
Glabella (use with caution) Juvéderm Ultra anterograde, retrograde, or serial punc-
CosmoDerm I Prevelle Silk ture technique. Most collagen and HA
Zyderm I Restylane fillers are injected at a 45-degree angle
Tear trough (soft fillers preferred) Zyplast (Fig. 23-19). It is important to be individ-
Hylaform Body of the lip ually trained on the injection techniques
Juvéderm 18 Hylaform of each filler. Fillers can be used in com-
Prevelle Silk Prevelle Silk bination with botulinum toxins and
Restylane Touch Restylane Lip other cosmetic procedures (Fig. 23-20).
Crow’s feet Marionnette lines Although this chapter focused on facial
CosmoDerm I CosmoPlast use, fillers can also be injected in other
Juvéderm 18 Evolence areas of the body such as the hands
Prevelle Silk Juvéderm Ultra (Fig. 23-21). Many injection techniques
Restylane Touch Juvéderm Ultra Plus can be used. However, it is difficult to
Zyderm I Perlane teach various techniques without video
Cheek bones Prevelle Silk and live demonstrations. In the future,
Juvéderm Ultra Prevelle Dura instructional videos will be available at
Juvéderm Ultra Plus Radiesse and training courses will
Perlane Restylane be offered at the University of Miami. In
Prevelle Dura Zyplast addition, the American Academy of
Prevelle Silk Pre-jowl sulcus Dermatology and the American Society
Radiesse CosmoPlast of Dermatologic Surgeons offer training
Restylane Evolence courses for dermatologists.
Sculptra Juvéderm Ultra
Juvéderm Ultra Plus
Prevelle Silk
Filling agents for soft issue augmenta-
Prevelle Dura
tion procedures are now widely avail-
able, based on the long-standing suc-
cessful track records of the earliest
products. Most agents in the soft tissue
augmentation armamentarium can be
208 safely used alone or in combination. The
MCGH046-C23_191-211.qxd 04/12/2008 08:11 AM Page 209 Aptara Inc.

most frequently used agents are those

that contain HA. Given the widespread
popularity of soft tissue augmentation
and the ever-present need to develop
safer fillers that last longer than the cur-
rent products, new fillers frequently
enter the market. Soon to be made avail-
able in the US is an HA filler that con-
tains lidocaine as well as more durable
and safer synthetic agents. In short, the
demand for soft tissue augmentation
procedures has steadily increased since
their inception and research is ongoing
to develop products that address the
shortcomings of the earlier products
while incorporating and expanding on
their advantages. Moreover, the “cou-


pling” of fillers with other cosmetic
interventions (e.g., Botox injections)
 FIGURE 23-19 Most collagen and HA fillers are injected using a 45-degree angle. Injecting over the
enhances their longevity and efficacy,
thumb can help ensure this angle.
and creates an overall realistically aes-
thetic appearance.71 To keep astride
with the rapidly changing cosmetic der-
matology arena, it behooves the aes-
thetic practitioner to be aware of the
current availability, application, and
future potential of dermal fillers.

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