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Case Report:

“Job analysis and Hiring decisions at Ovania Chemicals”

Course: BUS 601.2
Submitted to:
Dr. Nazmul Amin Majumder
Professor, School of Business & Economics
North South University
Group Members:
Name ID
Tashkin Mahmud 1825285660
Nafisa Zaman 1825286060
Ahnaf Mosaddek 1825384060
Abdullah Musa Talukder 1835226660
1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................3

1.1 History ..........................................................................................................................................................4

1.2 Present position of the company .................................................................................................................4

1.3 Competitors of Ovania Chemical .................................................................................................................5

1.4 Products and Services of Ovania Chemical ..................................................................................................5

1.5 HR Related Information ...............................................................................................................................5

1.6 Objectives .....................................................................................................................................................6

2 Main Body .............................................................................................................................................................7

2.1 Question 1: ...................................................................................................................................................7

2.2 Question 2: .................................................................................................................................................10

2.3 Question 3: .................................................................................................................................................11

3 Recommendation: ..............................................................................................................................................12

4 Conclusion:..........................................................................................................................................................13

5 References ..........................................................................................................................................................14
1 Introduction
In this paper, we are going to be looking at the recruitment case of Ovania Chemical

Corporation, a small chemical corporation specializing in creating polythene terephthalate (PET)

thermoplastic resins that's accustomed to build containers for soft drinks and drinking water as

well as making packaging for food and pharmaceutical products.

Although chemicals were created and used throughout history, the birth of the chemical industry,

that is, the production and use of chemicals in large proportions and quantities for industrial use

had initially begun during the Industrial Revolution.

The late nineteenth century saw an increase in the number of production and also the type of

chemicals that were manufactured. Large chemical industries conjointly took form in Europe and

later within the U.S.

Sir John Lawes pioneered production of artificial fertilizer for agriculture at his purposeful

Rothamsted research center. The first synthetic dye was discovered by William Henry Perkin in

London. He partly remodeled aminobenzene into a crude mixture that, once extracted with

alcohol, created a substance with an intense purple color. He conjointly developed the first

artificial perfumes.

However, it was a German industry that quickly began to dominate the field of synthetic dyes.

The three major firms in Germany included BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, who produced many

different dyes, and by 1913, the German chemicals industry had produced around 90% of the

world supply of dyes and sold about 80% of their production abroad. In the United States,

Herbert Henry Dow's used electrochemistry to produce chemicals from brine. This became a

commercial success eventually solidifying the chemical industry in the US.

The petrochemical industry can be traced back to the oil works of James Young in Scotland and

Abraham Pineo Gesner in Canada. In 1856, he patented Parkesine, celluloid based on

nitrocellulose treated with a variety of solvents. (History of Chemical Industry, 2018)

By the 1920s, chemical companies consolidated into giant conglomerates; immune globulin (IG)

Farben in Germany, Rhône-Poulenc in France and Imperial Chemical Industries in United

Kingdom. Though the business of chemistry is worldwide in scope, the bulk of the world’s $3.7

trillion chemical output is accounted for by only a handful of industrialized nations (Chemicals

Domain, 2012). Presently chemical production may be a sophisticated industry, where the

competitiveness is more based on capacity in investment on R&D than the labor cost.

1.1 History
Ovania Chemical Corporation is a specialty chemicals producer. Its core product is synthetic

resin terephthalate (PET) thermoplastic resins, which are used mainly to form containers and

packages for drinking water, soft drinks, foods, and prescribed drugs.

Their main plant is located in Steubenville, Ohio. Though smaller than other chemical producers

that produces globally, it has competed successfully in its niche of the US specialty chemical

business. Recent advances in technology have changed the nature of chemical production which

makes it essential for Ovania to modernize their facilities. Not surprisingly, these technological

advances are accompanied by redesigning in employee jobs, in this case the system analyzer


1.2 Present position of the company

Chemical production involves extremely integrated method technologies; as a result, someone

will monitor all of the individual elements simultaneously. The system analyzer is primarily
responsible for this specific position. It is one of the most prestigious non managerial jobs in the

entire plant, and its importance is likely to grow.

Formerly, the position was classified as that of a semiskilled maintenance technician, but as the

plant has become more automated, the requirements of the system analyzer job have become

much more extensive. Knowledge of mechanics, hydraulics, information technology,

programming and electrical wiring are all increasingly critical aspects of this job.

The 3 men who presently hold the position admit that they'll be incapable of performing their

responsibilities adequately in the future. It is estimated that within two years, the task, duties,

responsibilities of the system analyzer will have changed more than 70 percent. For these

reasons, the decision was made to recruit and choose 3 new individuals for the quickly

remodeling position.

1.3 Competitors of Ovania Chemical

The competitors of Ovania Chemical are most of the chemical producers in the United States.

Though smaller than other chemical producers that produces globally, it has competed

successfully in its niche of the US specialty chemical business.

1.4 Products and Services of Ovania Chemical

Its core product is polythene terephthalate (PET) thermoplastic resins, which is used primarily to

form containers and packages for drinking water, soft drinks, foods, and pharmaceuticals.

1.5 HR Related Information

Job analysis is the method of getting information concerning jobs by determining the duties,

tasks, or activities of those jobs (Bohlander& Snell, 2003, p.94). Job analysis is the base of

Human resource management. The purpose of Job analysis is to consistently study the character

of jobs to identify the work activities, tasks, and responsibilities related to a specific job. Job
knowledge obtained by job analysis serves a spread of structural functions and provides a basis

for decision making in job transformation, recruitment and selction. It provides objective proof

of the skills and abilities needed for effective performance within the job.

The job analysis ought to verify the foremost vital and significant aspects of the work. It is upon

these that the key attributes and choice and analysis for the work ought to be based mostly. For

instance, if the aim of the work analysis is to hunt out the competencies for employment that

presently doesn't exist, we have to require a future-oriented approach. This approach should take

into account the organizational needs when restructuring the job.

The job analyst needs to identify and predict the new job activities, as well as, knowledge, skills,

and abilities required for those activities. To do this, the job analyst would possibly seek out the

people, particularly those, that satisfy the organizational requirements. "Job analysis; generally

speaking, ought to be operated by skilled personnel, personnel of this position and supervisor"

(Siddique, 2004) This may embrace human resources workers, consultants and the experts for

this job (managers, supervisors, etc.). Together they will be able to determine the long-term

problems that affect a job. Finally, identifying the KSAOs of the jobs is essential.

1.6 Objectives
Through discussion, analysis and research and in order to solve the assigned questions based on

the case of Ovania Chemical Corporation’s recruitment decisions, we answer these questions:

1) To find how to go about conducting a job analysis for a job that does not yet exist;

2) To understand the reasons the selection committee had for selecting only those factors that

could not be acquired in a two-year training program;

3) To figure out whether or not the concern for women getting down into the dirty treatment

tanks should be a selection issue.

2 Main Body
2.1 Question 1:
How would you go about conducting a job analysis for a job that does not yet exist?

Employment examination is the way toward getting data about employments by figuring out

what the obligations and objectives of those jobs are (Snell, 1988). Employment examination is

one of the core functions pertaining to Human resource management. The Employment

examination is conducted to systematically figure out the concept of employments to

differentiate the task lessons, assignments, and responsibilities concerned to a specific job.

Knowledge about employment achieved from the examination provides support for goals of the

talents and capabilities required for fruitful implementation in the employment. The Employment

examination should choose the most basic and important sections of the profession. Based on

these, the criteria for the decision making and evaluation for the profession should be

established. For instance, if the inspiration behind the profession inspection is to look for the

abilities for a job that doesn’t currently exist, we need to prosecute a plan arranged for future.

This approach identifies the core KSAOs needed for the certain job.

The employment examination will have to differentiate and anticipate the new tasks and KSAOs

required for the new position. For doing so, the employment examiner might look for those

individuals in particular, that meet the certain core essentials for the job. “Employment

examination is an immensely technical job; generally speaking, it should be conducted by

professional officers, officers of this position and supervisor” (Wanghao, 2007). This might
include staff from human resources, consultants and the other specialists for conducting the

recruitment and selection process.

By identifying these characteristics that define the nature of the job, they can work out the issues

that are critical to the certain profession. Consulting with specialists who are knowledgeable

about the present market requirements of a job will also assist in the job analysis process.

Finally, perceiving the essential data, fitness, and capabilities with respect to the future work is

extremely critical. “The utilization of Employment examination to plan determination

methodology should not just give clients the conspicuous advantages of utilizing fitting choice

strategies, additionally it must conform them should any inquiries emerge” (Commission for

Racial Equality information, 1993). It is also crucial to identify the demographics of the aspects

of the job nature such as age, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc.

In order to conduct a job analysis for a job that doesn’t currently exist, there are a few things that

can be done. The current and available job description can be used as a foundation upon which

the additional responsibilities and requirements can be established. Even though the job

description is not the same, the core knowledge, skills and abilities can be identified from that.

Due to the modernization of the organization, Ovania Chemical Corporation faced the need to

upgrade the employment of its representatives. Possibly, the most fundamental change to be

made at the Ovania plant is the job change of the system analyzer position. The system analyzer

is basically in charge of overlooking and monitoring the production process. The position once

was classified as a semiskilled maintenance technician. Regardless, with automation, the

necessities for the work are dramatically changing. In near future, a system examiner needs to

have knowledge about pneumatics, power through pressure, information advancement,

programming, and electrical wiring.

Ovania has evaluated that within a couple of years, a system analyzer’s exercises, obligations,

and responsibilities will change by more than 70 percent. The three men who currently occupy

the position yield that they will be cut off for working out the new sections of the profession.

Ovania is constrained to upgrade the job of a System analyzer and select new individuals to

make the company be consistent to the changing nature of jobs.

They formed a decision council and drove employment examination for the new position of

system analyzer. The Selection leading body of trustees included Ovania's Steubenville plant

chief Jack Sarabe, the HR executive Emily Claire, and two senior engineers, Dave Packley and

Mark Young. The two senior authorities could give a basic learning about the potential skills and

capabilities whose inadequacies made the position of maintenance technician outdated. The

decision-making authority must face the challenges to add new features and requirements for the

job while conducting an overall extensive job analysis. Moreover, in addition to internal

recruitment via training and development, they can look towards an external recruitment process

to search for new talented people that can bring in new ideas and creativity to this position.

They could use the current position as a base to identify the weaknesses and the KSAOs that are

inadequate in a maintenance technician to build some perspective and be capable of modifying

and enhancing to the new system analyzer position. Moreover, they could consult with various

external experts to develop a realistic picture of the job analysis. This would also help in

understanding the required aptitudes, as well as the KSAs needed for a successful recruitment in

this future job.

On the other hand, since Ovania Chemical is a small yet reputable company that strives to grow

in its industry, it must learn from the industry leaders. The technological changes that are

requiring a change in the job description are also applicable for other companies in the industry,
including the industry leaders. In order to cope with this, Ovania Chemical should look up to the

industry leaders and utilizing these trends as a learning experience to benefit from economies of

scale gradually. This also includes taking note of the equipment and machineries to be used in

the future by the System Analyst, so that the company can recruit people who possess sufficient

skill to work with those machineries.

Since the job itself does not exist currently, the selection committee identified the job description

and the required job specification that might be needed to perform the job of a System Analyst in

an appropriate manner. “Job analysis isn’t accumulating work information mechanically, instead

of explaining characteristic and request overall, and to public the main work contents and key

factor of position according to analyzing and summarizing” (Campbell, 1989). Keeping this in

mind, the selection committee has derived a set of personal qualities that the System Analyzers

will require in this job. Some of those abilities were absolutely critical; not possessing those

abilities would disqualify any applicants in this post. This was tested via tests where the cutoff

score was set at 800 to be considered for the new system analyzer position.

2.2 Question 2:

What reasons did the selection committee have for selecting only those factors that could not
be acquired in a two-year training program?

Let us discuss why the company wants to pick only those variables/factors in the determination
process that couldn’t be achieved by training and preparation in two years.

To cope with the rapidly changing technological advances, companies nowadays must require a
competent pool of employees who are creative, innovative and be updated with the modern
dynamic business world. Recruiting workers externally will have a better chance of providing
innovative and creative ideas that can help the business evolve. On the other hand, internal
employees know a lot about the organization, but eventually they stop coming up with new
imaginative ideas. Thus, they might lack creativity which would help the business evolve. External
employees with extra credential abilities and innovative ideas can help sustain the business in the
long-term. As mentioned, internal employees may be resistant to changes and can be stuck with
same outdated ideas. Therefore, managers may require to look for external candidates to fill this
void, as they are more likely to bring fresh and new information, creativity and innovation, which
will be an advantage for the organization. (The Importance of Training and Development in the
Workplace, 2012). Moreover, external recruitment of candidates allows the company to be highly
diversified in their selection process and recruit those people who would be a perfect fit in the

We can look at Selfridges for example. This company let go of all its old chiefs who had a
conventional approach of leadership and running the organization. Instead, Selfridges employed
young and innovative employees, mostly females, to fill those positions. They run the organization
with a different approach, with youthful and cutting-edge ways, and made Selfridges one of the
most commercially successful retailers in UK (Selfridges career, 2008).We saw that the selection
committee of Ovania Chemical Corporation initially was inclined on recruiting “new blood”. But
they later decided to give a chance to internal employees as well as hiring externally. Over the next
two years, the responsibilities of the System Analyzer position will change by over 70%. Within
these two years, it is indeed possible to train employees, but it would be very difficult. Moreover,
there are some skills and knowledge that may not be completely trained within two years. At the
end of these two years, if the trainees do not perform well, it would be a complete loss for the
company, as training of such rigorous skills require a lot of cost. That is why the company is
focused on selecting only those factors that cannot be trained within a two-year training period.

Having said that, the company did not use other factors for selection which can be acquired by
training since those contain less risk of failure, and can be taught in due time.

2.3 Question 3:
Should the concern for women getting down into the dirty treatment tanks have been a

selection issue?

All sorts of discrimination in the corporate world is to be avoided during recruitment process, be

it race, sex, or others because everyone is subject to Equal Employment opportunity by law
(LII/Legal Information Institute, 2017), and in most employment discrimination lawsuits, the

employers fall prey. Apart from this fact the imperative for success of a company is ensuring a

diverse workforce where no discrimination takes place.

During the recruitment stage for the position of System Analyzer at Ovania Chemicals there

were concerns as to whether female candidates would be comfortable in getting down the dirty

treatment tanks to get gauge readings and it was assumed that female candidates would not be

able to perform their jobs properly. Ovania having a history of employment discrimination

charges is willing to adapt new strategies to encourage women and minorities to erase their past

accusations and to ensure a fair selection process. A good job description “should include any

extraordinary conditions applicable to the job (for example, heavy lifting, and exposure to

temperature extremes, prolonged standing, or travel).” (Bruce, 2012). Therefore, it is a must that

Ovania clearly states that the System Analyst will be required to get down in dirty treatment

tanks to take gauze readings. In such case only those women willing and comfortable to perform

these tasks will apply for the job and they will not be subject to pre assumptions that they will

not be willing to get down in the dirty treatment plants and get reading. Applicants as a result

will be evaluated only on the basis of their merit as a result of their test scores and aptitudes

required as per the job specification. This will also help Ovania attain a fair selection process.

3 Recommendation:
We believe that all the measures taken by Ovania chemicals to find the right applicant for the job
was correct. Ovania is doing quite a good job at selecting factors in the recruitment drive that
cannot be taught through a two-year training program. This will in fact ensure that only the right
candidates get selected for the job. It will also alleviate risk of failure from the training program,
as well as eliminate cost of training. However, there are still some gaps that Ovania must fill in
order for a more fruitful, fair and successful recruitment for the position. Battery tests and
crunching numbers are being administered by more and more companies to get information about
present and future employee performance. Job analysis as a selection procedure gives the users
clear benefits of using correct selection techniques as well as evidence of their relevance. (The
Commission For Racial E quality, 1993). There has been research which has pointed out that
Realistic Job Preview (RJP) technique is useful in improving the recruitment process. As already
implied by the name RJP gives the candidate an insight on what actually needs to be performed by
the employee on the job. Potential candidates are allowed to self-select whether they actually want
to continue with the process based on what they have learned on the job. For example there was
an issue regarding if women would want to get down in the dirty treatment plant as a part of their
job requirement. Through RJP this could be resolved by getting the consent of female candidates
during the time of their selection. The need for the position of system analyzer in the organization
is likely to grow as it requires a combination of extensive analytical skills in an unsanitary
environment. For obvious reasons attractive remuneration would help Ovania chemicals regarding
this issue. This will also help Ovania get candidates irrespective of their gender and race and help
Ovania create a diverse pool of employees and erase past history of its employment charges. Out
of fifty six employees who applied for the job, twenty one were female and fifteen were black and
only two of the current system analyzers reapplied for the job. Ovania had set a minimum score of
800 in the twelve tests to be considered as a cut off mark for the applicants with 100 points total
for each criteria. We suggest that it would be better if Ovania could introduce weights for each of
the twelve criteria and each criteria having respective weights according to their importance. As a
result, rather than adding the 12 skill test scores, Total score could have been calculated as follows:
Total Score = (Skill test Score × Skill Weight).

4 Conclusion:
Advancement of technology has forced Ovania chemicals to transform the job of a semi-technical
system analyzer into a highly skill and knowledge oriented job which is of high prospect. Ovania
needed to redesign a job which did not exist yet. The first task was to conduct an analysis of a non-
existent job including the design of the job, decision of the program, data collection and writing
an elaborate job analysis report.
5 References
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8. George Bohlander&Scott Snell, “Managing Human Resources”, Dalian: Dongbei University of Finance &

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9. Wanghao, “Human resources Management”, Beijing: Huawen Press, 2003.

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