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Statistics MCQs on Time Series and Forecasting

Q1: The moving averages in a time series are free from the inuence
A) seasonal and cyclic variations

B) seasonal and irregular variations
C) trend and cyclical variations
D) trend and random variations
Q2: Seasonal variation means the variation occurring within:
A) a number of years

B) parts of a year
C) parts of a months
D) none of the above
Q3: The time series analysis helps to
A) compare the two or more time series

C) make predictions
D) All
B) know the behaviour of business

Q4: Moving average method suers from:

A) the loss of information
B) the element of subjectivity
C) the decision about the number of years in groups
D) all of the above
Q5: Secular trend is indicative of long term variation towards:
A) increase only

B) decrease only
C) either increase or decrease
D) none of these
Q6: Link relatives in a time series remove the inuence of

A) the trend
B) cyclic variation
C) irregular variation
D) all of the above
Q7: Residual methods for measuring cycles in a time series consists of:

A) removing the trend from the series

B) removing the seasonal variation from the series
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Muhammad Imdad Ullah
03017454791, Pakistan,
Statistics MCQs on Time Series and Forecasting

C) removing the inuences of the trend, seasonal and irregular

D) none of these

Q8: The component of a time series which is attached to short term
variation is:
A) seasonal variation
B) cyclic variation
C) irregular variation

D) all of the above
Q9: The general decline in sales of a product is attached to the
component of the time series:
A) secular trend
B) cyclical variation
C) seasonal variation
D) all of the above tur
Q10: Linear trend of a time series indicates towards:
A) constant rate of change
B) constant rate of growth
C) change in geometric progression
D) all of the above
Q11: The component of a time series attached to long term variations
is termed as:
A) cyclic variation

B) secular trend
C) irregular variation
D) all of the above
Q12: Time series analysis helps to:

A) understand the behaviour of a variable in the past

B) predict the future behaviour of a variable
C) plan future operations
D) all of the above
Q13: Irregular variations in a time series are caused by:

A) lockouts and strikes

B) epidemics
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Muhammad Imdad Ullah
03017454791, Pakistan,
Statistics MCQs on Time Series and Forecasting

C) oods
D) all of the above

Q14: The best method for nding out seasonal variation is:
A) simple average method
B) ratio to moving average method
C) ratio to trend method
D) none of these
Q15: The forecasts on the basis of a time series are

A) 100% true
B) true to some extent
C) never true
D) none of these
1) b 2) b 3) d 4) d 5) c
6) a 7) c 8) d 9) a 10) a
11) b 12) d 13) d 14)b 15) b
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Muhammad Imdad Ullah
03017454791, Pakistan,

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