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Class #1: Intro/Community Builders

8/27/17, 3:55 - 5:10 PM

Prior to Class/Materials Needed:

● Email to Students
● x21 Syllabi
● x21 Student Information Sheets
● x21 Cardstock for name tents
● x21 notecards

Brian/Julia Introductions
● Provide our backgrounds
● How we can be reached
● Why we are both involved with UNIV 101
● What you hope the students take away from this class

Student Introductions ​Julia

● Peer to Peer Intros
● Name, hometown, intended major, 1 fun fact

Student Information Sheets ​Julia

● Have students each fill out an information sheet
● Create name tents

Purpose of U101 ​Brian

● UNIV 101 aims to foster a sense of belonging, connect students to the life, culture,
and people of the university, assist students in discovering the resources and
opportunities available to them, articulate to students the expectations of the
University and its faculty, and to help students refine their purpose, meaning, and
● Over 80% of first year class; 85% of students enrolled chose to take it as an elective

Promise of U101 ​Brian

● Resources
● Community
● Skills
● Average first-year GPA was higher for those who took U101
● 5 year graduation rate significantly higher for those who took U101
● Over 93% of the first year class last year recommended taking this course

Semester Preview ​Brian

● Syllabus
● Attendance policy
● Importance of all syllabi for classes
● Class expectations (Expectations of the class, Expectations of each other, Instructor
Expectations of Students)
○ Give each student 3 post its to write 1 thing for each category
○ Go over as a class and place in themes
● Blackboard login
● Highlights of the semester

Community Builders
● I Have a Link/Find a Connection ​Brian
● Mingle, Mingle, Mingle ​Julia
○ Everyone has three note cards, each student writes one question on each of their
○ Pick one question and find someone to pair up with.
○ Introduce yourselves.
○ Each person asks their question.
○ After each person asks their question, swap cards.
○ Find a new pairing.
○ At the end, what are the most interesting things you all learned about each other?

● Slide About Me sent to Brian & Julia by 8/29 @ noon.
● Reminder: First Home Game

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