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Third Party Inspection for Fan and Blower

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The Third Party Inspection for Fan and Blower article provides a sample procedure for fan and blower testing and
inspection in the manufacturing shop. This article needs to be reviewed with fan and blower inspection and test

This content guides you through all the necessary stages in the production of the fans and blowers, including the
raw material, final inspection, preservation and packing, and dispatch to site.

You need to take this point into account: this article is written for a typical fan and blower and might not be detailed
for special cases.

All fan or blower inspection and testing is done against the approved drawings, purchase order specifications,
purchasers or company standards, and within the practices and rules of the country, state or province and any
government decrees, laws, ordinance or regulation as may apply.

The fans and blowers which are covered by this guide are four types as below:

Type A Free Inlet, Free Outlet

Type B Free Inlet, Ducted Outlet
Type C Ducted Inlet, Free Outlet
Type D Ducted Inlet, Ducted Outlet

Fans designed for air circulation are not covered by this content.

The applicable codes and specifications for Fan or Blower which is under construction process are:

Design code
Purchase order specif ication
Purchaser's standards
Approved drawings

The applicable codes and standard may be based any international standards. This content is general and can be
useful for all applicable standards.

Required Document s f or Third Part y Inspect or Review:

The list of documents normally is agreed upon in the Pre-Inspection meeting, which is held several weeks before the
actual commencement of the inspection work. The parties that participate in this meeting are the manufacturer,
purchaser and third party inspection agency representatives.

These are the list of documents that are normally agreed upon to be presented to the inspector:

Fan / Blower Purchase Order or Contract

Fan / Blower Manufacturer Quality Control Manual
Fan / Blower Manufacturer Quality Control Plan
Fan / Blower Inspection and test plan
Fan / Blower Data Sheet
Fan / Blower Approved Drawings
Fan / Blower Material Test Reports
Fan / Blower Fabrication and ducting drawings
Fan / Blower Welding Specification Procedures (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records(PQR)
Fan / Blower Welding Map
Fan / Blower Welders Qualifications Reports
Fan / Blower NDE procedures (Radiography, Ult rasonic, Magnet ic Part icle, Dye Penet rat ion, PMI, et c.)
Fan / Blower NDE Personnel qualifications Reports
Fan / Blower Calibration Certificates for Test Equipment
Fan / Blower Casing/ ducting Pressure Testing Procedure
Fan / Blower Mechanical Running Test Procedure
Fan / Blower Performance test procedure
Fan / Blower Preparation and Painting Procedure
Fan / Blower Preservation, Packing and Shipping Procedure
Fan / Blower Packing List

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Mat erial Inspect ion

The first actual inspection work in the fan or blower is the materials inspection.The original or authenticated copies
of mill certificates of material normally are available at the manufacturer's premises.

The third party inspector examines these certificates for compliance with specifications, and where appropriate,

The review includes checks on:

Certificate No.
Heat or cast No.
Chemical composition.
Mechanical properties.
Heat treated condition.
NDE applied and results.
Surface finish

Then the inspector witnesses the materials identification on the certificates against the materials marking. It is also
necessary to check these with the fan or blower drawing datasheet, material list and other specifications as

Visual inspection for surface finish and probable defects is done and dimensional compliance with specification need
to be controlled, as well.

When the third party inspector carries out the material inspection, then provides the inspection visit report (IVR), the
report contains the following items:

Confirmation of satisfactory document review

Record of the endorsement of certification reviewed/witnessed
Record of all non-conformities
Record of any tests witnessed and the result

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Fabricat ion Inspect ion (Welding)

When the fan or blower raw material inspection is carried out, and the results were satisfactory or non-conformities
were closed by remedial action, then the fan or blower manufacturer will start fabrication.

The third party inspector checks the following points on the fan or blower, based on the inspection and test plan
(ITP), which has already been agreed upon between the purchaser and the fan or blower manufacturer.

The inspection scope is determined in the ITP. Some purchasers prefer to have stringent controls and assign the TPI
for more “hold or witness points” for inspection and test activities, and some others prefer less “hold or witness
points” and assign the TPI much more work in the “review document.”

This depends in the inspection budget, which purchasers assign for inspection. Much more inspection will have a
much larger cost and less risk, and conversely, less inspection will have less cost but more risks.

Following the completion of fabrication and assembly operations the fans / blowers are inspected as required by the
specification or contract and purchase order by third party inspector. The inspection consists of:

Visual inspection f or damage

Dimensional check to drawing requirement
Inspection of bought out parts
Review of welder qualif ications
Review of weld procedures
Conf irmation of satisf actory NDE

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower – Duct ing

Ducting may be of rolled, welded or riveted construction depending on the service requirements. The inspector
ensures that the drawing and specification requirements have been met. Particular attention is paid to site
connection points.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower Duct ing - Pressure Test

When required by the specification ducting may be subjected to low pressure pneumatic test.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Const ruct ion

The fan and Blower unit is inspected for correct construction, rating, direction of rotation etc. to the drawing and
specification requirement.

Evidence of proper impeller dynamic balance and overspeed testing are witnessed when required by the contract or
purchase order.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Mechanical Run Test

After construction it is usual for the fan and blower unit to be subjected to a mechanical run test using the onsite
driver if possible. Particular attention is paid to the following aspects of the test:

Perf ormance characteristics

Direction of rotation
Bearing temperatures
Noise level

The test would be acceptable if the test result meets the specification.

The fan performance test is performed if required by the specification.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Name Plat e Cont rol

The third party inspector checks the content in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications and
makes sure it is stamped in accordance with the code requirements.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Paint ing and Coat ing Inspect ion

Surface preparation for painting is checked for the following points, according to specification by third party

Surf ace preparation type i.e white metal blast cleaning or near-white metal balst cleaning
Surface profile requirements
Freedom f rom weld spatter, blow-holes and other def ects
Dry f ilm thickness is checked according to specif ication
It is necessary that the surface condition is free from pin-holes, runs damage and other discontinuity.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Spares and Accessories:

The third party inspector controls spares, tools and accessories and make visual and dimensional inspection for
materials, workmanship and quantity according to purchase order specification and packing list.

Test marks and tags are checked for correct identification.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Report ing:

The third party inspector provides an Inspection Visit Report (IVR) after each visit, as well as a final report
summarizing the activities carried out during the fan or blower production in accordance with the contract
requirements and circulated within the time limits specified in the contract.

The report is in the format required by the client and clearly indicates final acceptance or rejection of the fan or

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower - Release Not e:

When required by the contract or purchase order, a release note is issued by the third party inspection agency and
given to the manufacturer when the fans or blowers have been accepted.

Third Part y Inspect ion f or Fan and Blower Packing, Marking and Shipping:

The following points are checked by the third party inspector:

All exterior machined surfaces are coated with rust preventative

All internal surfaces which are susceptible to corrosion are coated with rust preventative
All flanged openings are fitted with metal protectors in accordance with the specification
All threaded connections are provided with steel plugs
Ducting is packed in such a manner as to prevent damage or distortion during transportation.
Manuals and instructions are included as the specification requirements
Packing style and suitability for overseas shipment meet specification
Shipping marks control and packing inspection
Pre-assembled systems are marked as required by the specification

Third Party Inspection f or Fan and Blower - Fabrication Shop Documents

The following final documents are reviewed and signed off by the third party inspector in accordance to contract or
purchase order requirement.

Manufacturer's data reports, Material certification, Dimensional record, NDE reports, Pressure test reports, Rotor
balance report, Mechanical run test report, Final inspection report, Marking inspection report, Packing list, Spare
parts list

Return to Third Party Inspection
Relat ed Art icles:

Third Party Inspection for Reciprocating Compressor, Third Party Inspection for Centrifugal Pump, Third Party Inspection for Gas Turbine,
Third Party Inspection for Steam Turbine, Third Party Inspection for Centrifugal Compressor, Third Party Inspection for Water Tube Boiler,
Third Party Inspection for Fire Tube Boiler, Third Party Inspection for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger, Third Party Inspection for Fin Tube
Heat Exchanger, Third Party Inspection for Pressure Vessel, Third Party Inspection for Storage Tank, Third Party Inspection for Line Pipe,
Third Party Inspection for Valve, Third Party Inspection for Steel Structure, Third Party Inspection Services, Third Party Inspection Agency ,
Third Party Independent Inspection, Third Party Quality Inspection

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Pre-Shipment Inspect ion

Third Part y Inspect ion

Vendor Inspect ion

Commodit y Inspect ion

Inspect ion and Test Plan

Fact ory Accept ance Test
Indust rial Inspect ion

Qualit y Cont rol

Plant Inspect ion

Coat ing Inspect ion


Pressure Vessel

Heat Exchanger

Piping Syst em

Indust rial Valve

St eam Boiler

St orage Tank

Process Heat er


Cent rif ugal Pump

Cent rif ugal Compressor

Reciprocat ing Compressor

Gas Turbine

St eam Turbine

Fan & Blower

Elect ric Generat or

Elect ric Mot or

Power Transf ormer

Cont rol Panel

Swit chgear

Power Cable


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