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4118/2019 < Background * Council ori to: + Criminal justice Financial Challenges + Sustainable Funding + Public Safety Levy vote in November of 2017 + Matrix Consulting awarded contract to assess the feasibility and provided a preliminary report in September of 2016 «+ Fire District Ad Hoc Committee fourth quarter 2018 nally adopted this objective in January 2016 due 7 Background Feasibility study focused on forming a Fire Rescue Services District ‘that would start out with a boundary the same as the City limits boundary + With the same initial taxpayers between City / new Fire District, City could donate fire specific equipment and fire assets to the new District to help the District be more financially sustainable right from the start * If voters approved the District, all current City Fire Rescue staff would transition over to the new District and the City would provide similar services to the District during what would likely be ~2 year transition + Would be relatively seamless process from the Public's standpoint 4/18/2019 District Benefits Provides stable governance and management, not subject to the fiscal pressures of competing services Can concentrate on the sole mission the provision of fire rescue services Voters would have greater influence over fire protection spending by electing a Board specifically focused on fire rescue services Eliminates the community cost associated with continually needing to pass a temporary levy for services District drawbacks * Creates another taxing district + Permanent Property Tax Rate * Creates separate administration * Election Board of Directors + 1FTE= Fire Chief 4/18/2019 g District Financial Projection + Proposed that the District would include at formation all properties in City limits plus Service & Annexation agreement properties — all properties that are currently paying for and receiving Police and Fire services Fire District Formation & Public Safety Levy Timeline Juty 2018 November Public 2019 Fire July 2020 safety Levy District Fire District year Election Levies Taxes July 2019 June 2020 Public Pubic Safety Levy Safety Levy Year 2 Terminates

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