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The Chakras

Chaar Padh Meditation

March 5, 1991

Posture: Easy Sitting Pose, chin in and chest out.

Eyes: Tip of the Nose; lock the gaze deeply toward the center.

Mudra: Soorya Mudra, thumb and Sun (ring) finger touch, resting on the knees.

Breath: Breathe consciously, long and deep.

Music: “Ang Sung Wahe Guru” by Nirinjan Kaur from Meditations for the Aquarian
Age, Volume 1

Time: 11-31 minutes

To End: Inhale deep, suspend the breath, and exhale. Repeat twice more. Then
stretch and relax.

The Sixth Chakra

Comments: This is the secret of prayer for health and happiness. On the
very first day, I don’t expect you to consistently do it, but I would like to tell you
something very straightforward and simple: if you can lock it like that, as you have
locked it today, and be consistent and constant and deep for thirty-one minutes, I
don’t think you need anything, for any reason, everything will come within yourself
for your own reasons. There is one Sutra which I am translating: “O my Lord, you
are everywhere, I can find you everywhere. But when I concentrate on my Agia
Chakra and lock you in, you who are everywhere; became only within me.”
One day, one time, if you can just solidly consolidate yourself for eleven minutes
only, you can take care of your entire glandular system and the chemistry of the
blood shall change. It’s a law which I didn’t make, like this line, “I searched God
everywhere and its secrets, but when I found in my Ajana, I laughed at myself,
what a fool I was, that I wasted all my time before, now I have found my own Lord,
within my own heart.”


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