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Carroll Community College NURS 233 ~ Nursing Concepts 3 SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Evaluation -gusent LS Slay pate]: 20-18 week # Faculty J6 Taylor Salkiacion TW Needs imorovement [ U= Unsalslacory [NA Nol appicable | C) Creat behav ‘Sluderis who meet any ofthe folowing cfera willbe given a remediation plan and may be placed on probation Failure to progress in these areas may result in failure ofthe course -One unsatistactory grade n a critical behavior “Two needs improvements in a erteal behavior “Two unsatisactory grades ina nor-criical behavior __-Four needs improvements ‘Stodent | testuctor | “Sete” | “Evatot Outcome 1 | Eva | Sudent Analyze the effectiveness ofthe pian of care (CO1) | smu | sow [1 “Priostizes patient care based on assessment with faculty 8s @ resource s 2__*Demonstrates accurate pation! assessment skils as S 3, Analyzes and incorporates data from the patient's medical recordin the provision of care _ Uses patient assessment daia lo implement incividualzed plan of care with facuty as @ | © S Establishes appropriate ning prowies Wat based on colcted evidence and patent | = ‘assessment wih facully 2s a resource i = &- Establishes measurable patent outcomes based on nursing proiies with fecully 58 | > a L resource iS s 7 Estabishes appropriste nursing interventions based on assessment with faculty a8 @ = = resource S &._Evaluates patent response Io care and revises plan as needed wih faculy 2s a resource S [| Suent | rstwcior @ [Sar "Brier Outcome 2 | Eval Student Seek opportunities that promote professional growth (CO2) sNU_SNU 9, Demonstrates professional behavior and appearance ~ “10: Seeks input from patient, instrucor, and healthcare team inthe delvery of patient centered care “Ti "Demonstrates accountabily and accepts responsibil for own actions and atitudes S 12. “Adneres to attendance policy - S 13, Pantipates actively in all cinial experiences . 14. Engages in sa/-evlecSon and communicates earring needs to insirucor 15. Completes assignments as required and submits ca time 16. Demonstrates intiatve in assisting poers and healthcare team members in the cinical setting Spee 17. "Implements appropriate infection control precautions 18. Provides culturally sensitive care 5 49, Documents patient care accurately si S y 20,_Uses therapeutic communication skils 21. Follows through wit all patient care 7 22. Demonstrates knowledge of medications for assigned patients (@ 25 Aasninsters mesicatin safely using six ights of mesicaton administration 24, Derhonstrates caring behaviors : 25. Uses SBAR effectively ‘Approved ‘24/14 Revised 21102014, 012015; S168 Carroll Community College NURS 233 ~ Nursing Concepts 3 ‘SUMMATIVE Student Clinical Performance Eval a. my onstrates lime manag nig a 2 S [36 implements patent and family education and evaluales elective 5 z healthcare team regarding changes inthe pliant’ co Sj using Care based onthe policies end procedures ofthe facil 2 2 : = Be B | 35. -Prenees care according wo ANA Scope and Nuraing Pracien a : * ‘Siodent | insvuctor a Set | “Evalof | fare sng cre bowed on siento [sau _| i eogere tenesea nae bette ons an ocre | Student Reflection (Thoroughly. or all questions L | How has this clinical rotation helped to define your role as a nurse? Please explain. ¢ joie } TWS clincut rlad or welped ME to Sec dire NUsSe a | cure 6£ pot Mom und baby. Lis notjost one by Patient, but Down patient = | Which objective aid you accomplish during this rotation? How ald you do it? yc CUA fe | | @ os able 40 ACcompl isn ermorratY te | pe nt ossessment ShillS. I did this 1 bye O dt BSS Sraitls thee oa daly and pods seme | ml baltic bab Hi Pcing Coos Ge om and buby bes ‘ yy doo! 1S +6 Upp poly wit Lie eagle 15 EL Oy ange and he yGve tor +he patie bid the Knuwiedge Tve 0 eine inthis Clinical nih OF, f iny, Faculty belt ‘Student Learning Goals (Goals must be established even f performance is satistactony |" | Han item was identified as N or U, narrative comments are necessary to clarify student performance along | | oe to improve pesommancs | Sa ah ay well YET eee eine face | demure bly and skill. Your arhning +o Gouy UpCommn, | Th eRe oe, rage seh webct ©. ord fs or” 1% enfeots Bien dpont oF OF WIUEING WUE Dat anquly ‘Aewrom IS Rens 12102014, OV2016, BB Ptoude permed e_ J Poheonts ban PRuser Many. «

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