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Public Private Partnership, Ngo, Ingo and


Muhammad Waseem
BS Public Administration


Adobe Photoshop Assignment

Resource Person:

Mr. Salman Zaheer

Submission Deadline:

28th April, 2019 PST 1600

University of Management and Technology Lahore


Tip No: 1


In this phase, the shortcut of Undo option about work done, to perform this action ‘’command
Z’’ is used as shortcut. Moreover, in this by selecting layers of the objects can be moved or
replaced through using the shortcut keys ‘’alt + z’’ thus, multiple layers can be selected to mover
all objects’ layers around.

Tip No: 2


In this handy tip, the option of zooming in the object has been discussed, to zoom the object
press key ‘’Z’’. For the purpose of zooming out press shortcut keys “alt + click’’. Furthermore,
from the control panel the option of ‘’scrubby zoom’’ for selecting the area by which you can
move specific any layer of the object swiftly. This is also helpful for zooming in whole object. In
addition, to zoom to fit the application frame by pressing the keys “ctrl + 0”.

Tip No: 3


It is used by pressing “space bar”, in this function whole object can be moved or
maneuvered swiftly. Press and hold “space bar”. All work is maneuvered by this.

Tip No: 4

Layer Tips and Shortcuts:

It is used to manage the layers in Photoshop. In this, particular part can be selected fast.
These multiplayers in the object can be managed through pressing the key “V”. The object
has multiplayers layers, the layers which needs to move do click right on the object, there
will be popup and select that layer what you want to do, and alternatively object can be
moved around. Moreover, in this phase we can also copy the layers by pressing the keys
‘’alt + click’’ and drag. The purpose of duplicating the layer, you can use the keys ‘’ctrl +
J’’. If you are wanting to create the new layer, it can be easily created through the keys
‘’shift + N”. If you want to opt multiple layers simply use the keys ‘’shift + click’’ and press
“V” to move multiple layers at a time. To opt individually multiple layers you can use the
keys ‘’ctrl + click’’ and by pressing ‘’V” to move that layers.

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