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Allegedly IRB Component


1. Tiffany D. Jackson the author of Allegedly is focused on a little girl named Mary
B. Addison who killed a baby Alyssa Richardson, Allegedly. Mary is a smart and
intelligent girl who has been taken advantage of since she was 9 years old. She
was first placed in baby jail then a group home. Mary is now 16 and has been a
mute since the tragedy has happened. Mary and her mother is the only two who
knows what had actually happened that night. According to the media she is a
baby killer, and a mute to the detectives and the girls in the group home. Mary is
now pregnant and wants to finally come clean and say something. Mary’s mother
is acting delusional and pretends not to know what Mary is talking about when
asked if she would tell the truth. Mary has been taking the blame for her mother's
actions. She was told not to say anything, and she has done just that.
2. I believe there are a few themes that goes with this book such as character build
up, Fear of Failure, Darkness & Light, and Growing Up (In vision of Pain and
Pleasure) to name a few. The title of the book relates to the purpose of Mary’s
testimony. Allegedly. Mary is infamously known due to her killing Alyssa;
Tiffany D. Jackson is still an upcoming author whom has also written Monday’s
Not Coming and soon to be on display on March 21st, 2019, Let Me Hear A
3. Character experience is very important when reading this book because without the
back story you wouldn’t know the true story. The main character Mary has lived a
unique and difficult life story starting at the age of nine. Character experiences also lets
the reader feel for the character and you get more meaning and understanding of the
text. Mary has experienced lost, love, confusion. Mary has been falsely accused of
killing a baby, and has been detained since she was 9 years old. She is now 16, with a
baby; she has a bad support system due to everyone not seeing her as a human, as a
child. Her experience is what shapes her and what develops her intersectionality. Mary
is finally finding her voice and going against the person she loves, her “mother”. She
understands that her freedom and her responsibility has a mother she has to fight for
her freedom.
4. This book doesn’t really help me with my research topic; but the book shows how
hard it is to save and receive money. There were times where Mary couldn’t afford thing
such as her materials she needed for her to take the SAT; she always made due.

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