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Choose the appropriate idiomatic expressions:

1. The teacher asked us to talk about the pros and cons of industrial
2. The police found nothing special in the house of the criminal as he had taken

all the important documents with him, leaving just odds and ends .
3. Don’t worry about the problems you have in your business. You know there

are always ups and downs in business.

4. If you think that doing this maths problem is a piece of cake just try it.

Choose the appropriate word to complete the meaning of the idiom:

1. All these promises these politicians make are just pie in the sky.
2. The small amount of money donated is just a drop in

the ocean compared to the large sum of money needed.

3. I had to face the music all by myself although I was not the only one
responsible for the problem.
4. They had had a dispute yesterday. That's why she gave him the

cold shoulder

5. He has been successful in his life. He went from rags to riches.

6. He spends his time drinking and watching TV. He's no use to man or

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