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Ejemplo :
Football, basketball, tennis, baseball pueden ser sustituidos por Sports

Asì mismo Lemon, Orange, Strawberry Fruits

 Seleccionar la oración tópico si la hay, esta es el resumen del párrafo
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Lea el pàrrafo y el resumen. Note la diferencia en las dos lecturas.
Advances in organic chemistry and practical experience have harnessed the
natural and artificial flavoring materials for use in the fruit juice beverages. In recent
years, detailed chemical analyses and isolation of flavoring components have been
made through use of vacuum distillation, gas-liquid chromatography and infrared
spectroscopy. These data have contributed to improving the procedures of
beverage formulation. They have established the scientific approach and the use of
instrumentation in beverage formulation and quality control. New methods of
analyses and techniques have raised beverage formulation from an art to a
science. The use of gas-liquid chromatograms in checking flavors has been
demonstrated by Teitelbaum. Establishing the desired ratio of synthetic chemicals
in flavors may be aided by the use of gas-chromatography. Flavor quality has been
increased as a result of scientific knowledge of all flavoring ingredients. The
constituents as detected in citrus oils analyses by Stanley, Ikeda, Vanvier and
Rolle are typical data for testing and selection of natural flavoring oil by laboratory
Advances in organic chemistry have permitted the development of several
techniques in beverage formulation with the natural and artificial flavoring
Topic sentence: Advances in organic chemistry and practical experience have
harnessed the natural and artificial flavoring materials for use in the fruit juice

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The changes in utilization characteristic, wholeness, serum viscosity, per cent

insoluble solid and per cent soluble solid that can occur with machine harvesting,
subsequent bulk handling, transportation, and storage before processing are
discussed in the section on composition. The extent of damage during harvest and
storage is markedly influenced by the method of mechanization, the variety, and
the degree of ripeness at the time of harvest. It has been learned that mere
mechanization of the harvest system is only the first step in changing the tomato
handling systems. Additional steps and precautions are necessary. Drastic
changes in handling and processing procedures are needed before the immediate
long-term gains that are possible to achieve can be realized. With mechanical
harvest there has been a tendency to harvest when there is a higher percentage of
well-colored tomatoes. This means that a higher percentage of soft-ripe tomatoes
is obtained, than with the multiple-harvest hand-picked system.

TOPIC SENTENCE:______________________________________________________________

Equivalente en español:.____________________________________________________


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In common with many vegetables and fruits, tomatoes do not rank as an

outstanding source of vitamins but to the extent that they are present, these
nutrients are well retained in the manufacture of tomato Juice. Cameron and Esty
indicate an average retention of 89% for thiamine, 96% for riboflavin, and 98% for
Tomatoes contain from 0.2 to 0.6% acid calculated as citric, the amount varying
according to maturity, seasonal and climatic conditions, and cultural methods.
Since the pH is related to total acidity, and since low pH (other things being equal)
is helpful in sterilization by heat, there has been interest in the factors connected
with acidity. Tomato juice blends and tomato juice cocktail control total acidity and
pH by the nature of their formulation.
Everson found that in tomato Juice concentrate essentially 100% of the thiamine
present was retained during both an experimental aseptic and a well-designed
conventional processing procedure. These same workers further indicate that
tomato juice concentrate retained a full pyridoxine activity during aseptic and
conventional processing and throughout the storage period.
These two papers by Everson thus reveal little or no difference between
experimental aseptic and well-designed conventional processing.

However, the values reported in these papers are considerably above values
reported in Table 104. An investigation by Simandle
indicates very clearly that panel flavor scores were significantly correlated with
soluble solids, pH and soluble solids/titratable acidity ratios in the six varieties of
tomatoes studied. In studies on the effect of processing on the viscosity of tomato
juice, shows the influence of insoluble structures on the consistency of tomato
juice. Whittenberger and Nutting found that although insoluble structures may be
building blocks for tomato juice and may be required for the development of
acceptable degrees of consistency these properties are markedly modified by the
presence of pectic substances.

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Escriba un resumen en castellano.

The volume of frozen concentrated grapefruit juice has lagged its Cinderella sister,
frozen concentrated orange juice. Probably the chief reason for this is the flavor of
the frozen product is only -slightly, if at all, superior to the cheaper single-strength
canned juice. The production of frozen concentrated grapefruit juice involves the
same general principles in processing single-strength juice up to the point of filling.
The frozen concentrated juices, which have not been pasteurized or heat treated to
inactivate the peptic enzymes are subject to "gelation," that is, solidification in the
can to a jelly-like mass which is difficult or impossible to reconstitute. Grapefruit
juice is more susceptible to gelation than is orange juice since it contains more
pectin and peptic enzymes. For this reason it must be heat treated, prior to
concentration, to inactivate these enzymes.
This heat treatment varies from mild pasteurization for a fraction of a second to
about one minute at temperatures ranging from 160'" to 265°F. Rouse and Atkins
have reported the pectin esterase in grapefruit juice to be completely inactivated by
heating 0-8 sec to temperatures of 195°, 200°, and 205°F when the pH of the
juices is 3.0, 3.5, 3.8, respectively, and immediately cooled by flash evaporation.
The juice is then concentrated under high vacuum at temperatures below 80° F to
about five-fold, diluted with fresh and unconcentrated, heat treated juice having a
higher pulp and oil content to about four-fold.
Often cold-pressed grapefruit oil is added to replace that lost during the
concentration. It is filled into lithographed cans, sealed, and frozen. Often the
concentrated juice is frozen before filling to lower the freezing load of the final
freezing system. Freezing is effected by immersion in very cold solution such as
alcohol or by a refrigerated air blast. Most frozen concentrated grapefruit juice
produced to date has been sweetened by the addition of sugar.
Excellent tasting and unique appearing products have been made on an
experimental scale from the red fleshed grapefruit, the color of which is stable
when frozen concentration is accomplished in the same evaporators used for
frozen concentrated orange juice and the multistage, multieffect TASTE
(Temperature-Accelerated-Short-Time-Evaporator) has largely replaced the older
low-temperature evaporator. Concentration and pasteurization are achieved in the
same equipment

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