Ued 496 Chapman Micayla Integration of Technology and Media Resources Rationale Reflection

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Integration of Technology and Media Resources

Micayla Chapman

Regent University

In partial fulfillment of UED 496 Field Experience ePortfolio, Spring 2019


Integration of Technology and Media Resources


Technology and media resources help to create a classroom environment built on real-

time engagement. When it comes to the use of media or technological resources, technology is

already a major part of the daily classroom routine. Many schools have the one-to-one personal

device program where each student is assigned a device like a tablet, Chromebook, or laptop.

This opens the door for how teachers can integrate technology in their lessons because there can

be more personalization and specific targeting of students’ needs or areas of improvement. Also,

technology and media resources allow for the class to relate to their education more or make it

more interesting and entertaining. The teacher has access to thousands and thousands of online

resources that enrich the lesson and help to reach different learning styles. Not all students can

succeed with a typical quiz using their paper and pencil, but rather changing that quiz to an

online trivia game or fun activity, students can find enjoyment in their learning. A big part of

students’ attitude towards learning is centered around the teacher’s ability to use techniques that

make learning fun, challenging, and competitive. This is especially true for students in secondary

education, because independence and self-discovery are two common markers of their

development. By using technology and media resources, teachers can help make learning

relevant and fun for their students.

Rationale for Selection of Artifacts

When considering my artifacts, I decided on two different approaches to using media and

technology in the 7th grade classroom. Grammar rules are the most boring aspect of studying

English and this is evident from the number of groans and complaints middle school students

have when they hear the word grammar being used in a lesson. However, one way to make

grammar more engaging and memorable is through song. An online resource called Flocabulary

is known for its educational hip-hop songs for all Kindergarten through 12th grade subjects. Their

grammar lessons keep the students entertained, while also helping them remember important

grammar rules. In my first student teaching placement, the 7th graders had a commonality across

their narrative essays in which they all had possessive nouns and apostrophe errors. My

cooperating teacher wanted me to reteach possessive nouns and apostrophe rules to them using a

different approach. I used the “Possessive Nouns” Flocabulary video and I made an

accompanying worksheet. I played the video twice; first, they just had to listen, second, they had

to try and sing along. By the second time I had played it, students were singing along, and I

could tell they enjoyed it, even if it was a little silly. The accompanying worksheet had the lyrics

on one side while the other side had a chart with the possessive noun apostrophe rules and a short

activity for them to practice what they learned. After reviewing with the Flocabulary video, the

students had a much better understanding of the content.

The second artifact is a Kahoot I used to help the 7th grade students review for their final

assessment after studying a class novel. The students love doing Kahoot and this was made

apparent to me when my cooperating teacher used one during my first week at this placement.

The students were engaged and excited about the content because the game encourages friendly

competition. I used this Kahoot as an incentive for them at the end of class as a reward for

getting their work completed and submitted. The students were more focused and on-task

because I used this as an incentive. Once most of the students had submitted their independent

work for the day, I started the Kahoot and the students used this as extra review of literary

devices and narrative structure in the class novel. This was also a great way to check their

understanding and gauge the overall class comprehension. The students clearly enjoyed it and

were very vocal the entire game which helped me know they were engaged with their own

learning. At the end of the game, the top three winners get spots on the WOW Board which is a

board at the back of the classroom where students who have shown to go above and beyond class

expectations get to write their name. At the end of each quarter, there is a raffle style drawing

and winners receive prizes for their achievements. By encouraging friendly competition and

awarding positive behavior, there is good rapport among the students and the teacher.

Reflection on Theory and Practice

For secondary students, their education is most valued when they own it and are directly

engaging with their learning. A fun and educational way to do this and use technology and media

resources, is to turn learning into games. Based on a study done by Abrams and Walsh (2014),

“the inclusion of a game…afforded students opportunities to become motivated, self-directed

learners who seemed to enjoy receiving immediate and relevant feedback, earning points and

status levels, and engaging in independent learning” (p. 57). This is essentially what happened in

the 7th grade classroom because during the Kahoot, they received immediate feedback and were

able to quickly learn from their mistakes. This independent, yet guided practice is necessary for

7th graders to develop healthy and positive understanding of independent and critical thinking.

This also encourages self-reflection because the student immediately stops and thinks about why

they got something wrong. Another aspect of Kahoot that is important to mention is that the

students do not get so competitive that it becomes an issue which is important in middle school

because this is the time when insecurities of the self are the most problematic. Luckily, Woodard

and Mabry (2018) said that this teaching tactic is, “in popular trivia game style, it is fun,

motivates students, brings out students' competitive nature, and has the non-threatening feel of a

game while allowing you to assess student mastery of course objectives” (p. 303). It is accessible

to everyone because any device can be used to connect and play. Students can immediately see

feedback without the pressure of a grade which in the long-run, helps both the student and the

teacher to better understand learning target weaknesses and strengths.

On the other hand, the Flocabulary video offers a more musical approach to remember

information and this audio-visual experience engages the student in a more impactful way than

just taking notes during a lecture. Music with a catchy beat is easier to remember and making

complicated grammar rules accessible is important because they are foundational for reading and

writing skills. According to Boche and Henning (2015):

Using film, optical illusions, graphics, non-fiction broadcasts, and a host of other

technological and multimodal resources may help students realize that meaning can be

found and made in multiple places and multiple modes. Print-based literacies are no

longer the only medium by which information can be accessed and gathered. It is in the

interaction between print-based and digital literacies that meaning can be expanded and

understood at a deeper level. (p. 588)

This quote embodies my own approach in the classroom in the sense that I prefer combining

technology with print-based activities. This was my approach to the lesson involving the

Flocabulary video because I want to engage students’ aural, visual, and reading/writing learning

styles all at once. This is effective and allows for significant differentiation through just one part

of a lesson. I can also use this video to help them recall the information in later lessons to help

them understand the importance of referring to their own knowledge and continuing to practice

those skills. Practicing and reinforcing their efforts through material that is accessible is a key

way to keep middle school students engaged because they feel empowered to keep moving

forward in their learning.



Abrams, S., & Walsh, S. (2014). Gamified Vocabulary: ONLINE RESOURCES AND

ENRICHED LANGUAGE LEARNING. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(1), 49-

58. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.regent.edu:2048/stable/24034541

Boche, B., & Henning, M. (2015). Multimodal Scaffolding in the Secondary English Classroom

Curriculum. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(7), 579-590. Retrieved from


Woodard, R., & Mabry, J. (2018). Give and receive immediate feedback and kickstart

discussions with kahoot. Teaching Theology & Religion, 21(4), 303-303.


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