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When the author stops the action for acharacter to remember an earlier time in his or her life... When the author describes a scene using words that appeal to the readers’ senses to help them picture what the scene was like... Aman is about to give a speech on biology to a large audience. He is very nervous. Suddenly, he remembers playing with frogs and toads in his backyard as a curious child. He smiles at the memory. With confidence, he begins to speak to the audience about a new, groundbreaking discovery about frogs. The Olympic diver stood on the end of the platform, looking down at the still blue water ten meters below. He had worked towards this his whole life. He wasn’t nervous, even though what would happen in the next few seconds would determine his future. He arched his heels, balanced on the balls of his feet, and extended his arms. He filled his lungs with air; then he exhaled calmly, and dove. A woman is about to get married. As she puts on her veil, she remembers her fiancé three years before, swearing he would make her his wife someday. A tear comes to her eye and she prepares to walk down the aisle. The second book in the Hunger Games series, Catching Fire, ends with Katniss being rescued from the games, but Peeta is still stuck in the capital. A superhero is struggling to figure out where his enemy would keep a hostage. Suddenly, he remembers another battle, many years ago, when this enemy said, “Dark things happen in dark alleys.” He hurries towards a hidden alley to rescue the hostage. In the play “The Tempest” by William Shakespeare, there is a horrible storm and a shipwreck in Scene 1, and at the end of the scene, the audience is unsure if anybody on the ship has survived. Imagery clife hanger cliee hang ec chfPhanger flash baciz Plachback, Q ash bacld Crash back When the author ends a section or chapter at an exciting or interesting point so that the reader will want to keep reading... When the author gives hints or clues about what is going to happen later in the story... A professionally dressed woman hurriedly leaves the house, slamming the front door. She frantically searches for her keys while balancing a briefcase under her other arm. She finds her keys, gets in the car and begins backing out of the driveway, and then slams on the brakes. “I feel like I’m forgetting something,” she says. She shrugs and drives away. In the next chapter, the reader finds out that she left her cell phone at home. After the long run, he collapsed in the grass with tired and burning muscles. His chest was heaving and he could feel his heart pounding. The grass tickled his skin and sweat cooled on his brow. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the students have an Herbology lesson with Professor Sprout. They learn all about the Mandrake plant. The professor teaches them that one of the Mandrake’s healing properties can bring a cursed (or petrified) person back to their normal state. Later in the book,several characters are petrified, and mandrake potion is used to cure them. The candy melted in her mouth and swirls of bittersweet chocolate and slightly sweet but salty caramel blended together on her tongue.

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