Writing Evaluation Assignment

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Now-a-days, career oriented and open-minded people want following things in live
which leads them to be single: Self decision making, a life without interference and a
life of full of pride and self-respect.

Though in many countries like India, where society plays a major role in an individual
life, living single is like a tough job. Though tough, but then it has its own pros and
cons. People who are single are more focused and matured. They get opportunities to
express their views freely without thinking about someone. But, sometimes, it does
make you feel lonely too. One who is single is responsible enough to take their own
decisions and there after effects too. One becomes independent to do anything of
his/her wish. Standing alone does not mean that one is alone, it means that he/she is
strong enough to handle all the challenges on their own.

On the other hand, if someone is in a relationship or in a company with whom they are
not comfortable enough, it will be like a night-mare for them. There will be difference of
opinions which will cause stress to both the persons. Each member will suffer. One
must compromise a lot with their own views or ethics just to please the other person.
One example of such a relationship was of my friend where she was with a person who
liked to dominate and impose his way of living and views on her. At first, she accepted
everything and started compromising. Later, she felt suffocated and that affected her
personality as well as self confidence too. As a result, she broke the relationship with
him because it was leading her to heavy depression.

It is better to have company of a person with whom you are comfortable enough. And if
not, then it is better to be single. One can have a happy life only if you have a good
and comfortable company. It can strongly be believed that one should not be with
someone if not comfortable, just for the sake of others happiness. Being single, it is not
easy to manage everything, but it is good rather than being in a feelingless relationship
with a bad company.

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