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NIM : 2109160077


Grade : 3th Grade (9 Years Old)

Topic : Animals
Skills : Listening & Vocabulary
Competency standard : Students will be able to understand names of animals
Basic Competency : a. The student will be able to mention names of
animal, shape of the animal, gesture of the animal
b. The student will be able to listen and respond
through body language of vocabulary and commands
Lesson Goals : Building a teamwork with class mate
Adding knowledge of characteristic animals
Adding listening skill in the class
Method : TPR
MATERIALS : Flash cards of commands (“clap”, “snap”, “twist”,
“jump”, seal, octopus, lobster, dolphin) and video.

Opening :
The teacher greets the students
The teacher starts the lesson with pray together with the students
The teacher checks the attendance
The teacher play a song about animal and sing together with the students
The teacher makes explanation about what they will learn

Lesson :
The teacher shows the students a video of sea life. The video show different
types of sea life that is real footage, and student need to see and listen carefully
the video 3 times.

The teacher ask the student to all stand up, and the teacher will demonstrates the
animal model and command in the flash card, for example :
Example 1 :
The teacher will start laying out each flashcard one by one (speaking in clear
voice). The teacher will set out the flash card saying “seal”. The flash card that
set down will be a picture of seal; The teacher will then repeat the word “seal”
NIM : 2109160077
Example 2 :
the teacher will model by saying “clap like a seal” and then the teacher clap
with the students do the same motion and the student and the teacher do once
more. Each time pointing the flash card etc.

After the teacher gives the demonstrate, the teacher will divides the students
into 2 groups. Each group will gave some flash cards. Each group will
demonstate what they get in the flash card and will followed by another group.
After the game, each group will get a worksheet and the teacher wants them to
do the worksheet by discussion.

The teacher recheck about understanding of student in lesson
The teacher elaborates the simple conclusion of the lesson
The teacher close the lesson with pray hamdalah together

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