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Friday, April 19, 2019 10:08 PM

• Background
• As a boy passion began
• 4 months climbing and 8 months engineering

• 24000ft summit
• Experienced climbers
• Started at 2 am
• 1pm turnaround time- not followed because few days wait
• Falling light
• Test ice before using ice pick
• Slab of ice and snow- extending above underlying rock
○ Gauging supported weight not possible
○ Untied ropes
• Cornice fractured and fell
• Fell onto back and started sliding on snow
• Followed protocol in crisis
○ Ditched unnecessary gear- to avoid injury
○ Removed backpack with provision
○ Steered by digging feet into the snow
○ Punched through the snow
○ Abrasions and lacerations because of friction with mountain
• 3000 feet drop
• Torn through snow suit
• Bars of food
• Skin bloody, knees weak arms are heavy
• Broken hip and arches
• Slid down opposite to camp
• Terrain and bod condition made retracing impossible
• Began descent
○ Standing against rock for rest-sitting would take effort to get up
○ 24 hrs for 6-7 hr hike
• Dog bark- Civilisation

• Hear faint voices and laughter of children

• Jai collapsed
• Shepherd woman- man would not last long in the cold
• 40yr old woman taking care of the man, offering food and water
• Tried to rise- hip broken and feet swollen
• Ate and drank water
• Communicate using gestures- need to get down to opposite face
• Signal to carry down the mountain to village
• 500 feet at a time
• 3 days
• Village officials transported on donkey back to larger village with hospital
• Refused payment and refused to leave until Jai's ride was secured
• More painful donkey than shepherd woman's back
• Recognized fragility of life
• Doctor diagnosed broken hip and fallen arches
• Impermanent injuries

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• Impermanent injuries
 Why did the woman help Jai

Ethics Day 2- FBR

28 August 2018

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