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"Life must be lived forwards, but can only be understood backwards.

" ~Kierkegaard

Life is beautiful, everyone has they’re on story of how they got to where they are today. Two people
stories may be similar, but no two people journeys are the same. We make decisions for our future on
the lessons of the past. Therefore, not everyone makes the same choices. This quote sticks out and
really speaks to me for many reasons, I am always questioned on many decisions I make for my life,
because they usually are not what everyone else would pick. I pick each road I choose to go down in live,
knowing I am making the right decisions for myself based on the lessons I have learned through the
journey I have taken. I have overcome so much through my life that have shaped me for my future. I live
my day for the future, I believe we should always be moving forward and not reliving past mistakes. I am
very open about my past; I always say anyone who doesn’t know my full story will never understand
why I am and do the things I do. I grew up with a father that was addict to drugs and he was very
emotional abusive to our whole family. It was very hard to be in the environment for so long, I then
walked out of my father’s life and removed him from having any part of my life. The lessons I have
learned with that and how it made me feel that’s why I refuse to allow toxic people to stay in my life,
people tell me that I cut people out of my life to soon but I will never allow myself to feel the pain I did
as a kid. I have many more examples of why I do things and say the things I do, but I think you get the
understanding of it. I believe that you can’t tell where a person is headed in life only based on the
persons past. People learn to over come the past they went through to as bigger and better place;
people do this at different speeds, and it may take someone more time to heal and learn from what they
went through to move forward. We cannot push people to heal and move forward, someone needs to
completely heal from the past in order to move forward. If we are always living in the past. I love to be
present with the people around me, I wouldn’t be able to be present with the people I care about if I
was still carrying the pain and stress of my past. This quote is a one that many more people should not
just read but allow themselves to fully understand it. This will always get better, you just need to allow
yourself to heal and start to move forward.

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