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Appendix A: Practicum Reflective Journals

Reflective Journal 1: Planning and Implementation of Learning Programs

Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:
1. To what extent are your learning lesson outcomes achieved? How do you know? What are the

2. How do you ensure that your learning activities are relevant to the topic? What factors do you consider?
Do you implement these effectively? How?

3. Do your lesson plans contain all essential elements? What are these elements? What do you do to
consider the learners’ needs and capacity, available resources and your teaching skills?

4. What verbal and non-verbal communication skills do you apply to make your teaching effective? What
evidences will show that you are effective in what you do?

5. To what extent do you participate in and/or cooperate with your cooperating teacher in the planning and
implementing of the classroom activities that contribute to the development of your learners? Provide
two examples.

6. How often do you make use of available instructional materials in teaching? What evidences would show
that these materials contribute to the attainment of your lessons’ objectives?

7. Comments/Other Learning Insights

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback


Areas for Improvement

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor

Use separate sheets when necessary.

Reflective Journal 2: Using Instructional Materials

Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:

1. What instructional materials have you used in your actual teaching? Have you used them effectively?

2. At what point in the lesson did you present instructional materials? Why is there a need to use them in
those instances?

3. Are your instructional materials interesting enough to arouse and sustain the interest of the learners?
What evidences would show that you have been successful in ensuring their effectiveness?

4. What two insights have you gained regarding the use of instructional materials?

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback

Areas for Improvement

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor
Reflective Journal 3: Actual Teaching
Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:

1. Describe 2 measures you took to make your test items clear?

2. Explain how you overcame two of the problems you encountered during test preparation.

3. What did you do to cater for the testing of slow learners, and of advanced learners?

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback

Areas for Improvement

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor
Reflective Journal 4: Test Preparation

Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:

1. What measures have you taken to assure yourself that your test items were clear and simple?

2. What problems have you encountered? How can you respond to them?

3. Do your test items provide for a wide range of differences in ability? Describe how this has been
catered for.

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback


Areas for Improvement

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor
Reflective Journal 5: Checking, Marking and Interpretation of Test Results
Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:

1. What types of information about your pupil’s /student’ progresses have you obtained? How have you
recycled this?

2. If there were learners who did poorly in one subject area, what did you do to address this?

3. What have you learned about assessing learners?

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback


Areas for Improvement

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor
Reflective Journal 6: Self-Evaluation
Name: Date:
Course/Major Field: Cooperating Teacher:

1. What major problems did you encounter during your Practice Teaching?

2. What immediate actions or solutions did you make to solve these problems?

3. What risks did you take during your practice teaching? Why? What happened?

4. What questions have arisen and major issues and /or concerns have encountered? How did you
resolve these matters?

5. Did you consult with and/or ask advice from your cooperating teacher, TEI practicum supervisors and
other practicum mentors? What did you ask? How did they respond?

6. What is the most important learning insight did you have about teaching that will surely inspire you in
your chosen profession?

7. Comments/Other Learning Insights

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback


Areas for Improvement

Signature of the TEI Practicum Supervisor

Use separate sheets when necessary

Appendix B: Rubric for Reflection/Journal Entries

Performance 5 4 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Proficient) (Satisfactory) (Developing) (Needs Improvement)
Reflection journal  Presents  Presents very clear  Presents some  Presents few  Presents no
includes PSTs learning comprehensive description of description of description of description of
experiences, judgments, description of worthwhile worthwhile worthwhile worthwhile
performance and other worthwhile experiences, explains experiences, explains experiences, explains experiences, does not
insights gained in the experiences, explains sound judgment on sound judgment on sound judgment on explain sound
course sound judgment on personal strengths and personal strengths and personal strengths and judgment on personal
personal strengths and weaknesses anchored weaknesses anchored weaknesses. strengths and
weaknesses anchored on some theories on few theories weaknesses.
on theories learned. learned. learned.

1- Needs Improvement (75-79)

2- Developing (80-84)
3- Satisfactory (85-89)
4- Proficient (90-94)
5- Excellent (95-100)

FS Practice Teaching 7
Interpretations of Performance Levels/Ratings

1 – Needs Improvement (75-79) The pre-service teacher is introduced to the elements and/or
demonstrates only a basic level of knowledge and understanding.
S/He has yet to acquire skills for effective classroom teaching.
2 – Developing (80-84) The pre-service teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and
understanding of the elements. S/He is able to demonstrate, with
assistance, the significant elements in a classroom teaching or field
setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the success of
teaching performance. S/he has still to improve on this element to
improve teaching performance.
3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The pre-service teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and
understanding of the elements but commits mistakes in some
aspects. S/He is able to exhibit this element satisfactorily to
perform a classroom teaching with self-confidence but still has to
exert more effort to improve teaching skills.
4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The pre-service teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial
knowledge and understanding of the element and has the
competent ability to apply the elements in a field setting.
5 – Advanced/Excellent (95-100) The pre-service teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge
and understanding of the element. S/He can consistently apply the
elements for an effective classroom teaching. S/He can also
skillfully integrate the elements into an overall lesson. S/He can
critically evaluate student learning and teaching effectiveness in
order to guide subsequent instruction.

FS Practice Teaching 26
Appendix C: Pre-Service Teacher’s Actual Teaching Rating
Name of Pre-service Teacher Date:
Subject Taught:

100-95 94-89 88-83 82-78 77-72

Excellent VS S Fair Unsatisfactory
A. Objectives were stated in behavioral terms.
B. There was congruence between:
1. objective and subject matter
2. objective and teaching procedure
3. objective and formative test
4. objective and assignment
A. Method/s used was/were suited to the needs and capabilities of
the students.
B. The teacher was creative enough to adapt his/her method to
the students’ capabilities.
C. Visual aids and other examples were used to illustrate the
D. The teacher made effective use of the formative test after
A. The teacher had a systematic way of checking:
1. Attendance
2. Assignment/homework
3. Practice exercises
4. Group work/projects
5. Passing in and out of the room.
6. Correcting, distributing, and collecting paper
B. Order and discipline were present in the classroom.
C. Visual aids were within easy reach of the teacher during hi/her
A. The teacher spoke clearly with a well-modulated voice.
B. The teacher used correct grammar in speaking
C. Correct responses were given by the students through the
teacher’s skillful questioning.
D. He/She observed correct pronunciation.
E. The board work of the teacher was free from errors in grammar
in spelling.
F. The teacher’s handwriting on the board and lesson plan was
legible enough to be read and understood.
A. The teacher is neat and well-groomed.
B. The teacher is free from mannerism or physical defects that
tend to disturb the student’s attention.
C. The teacher’s personality is strong enough to command respect
and attention.
Additional Comments/ Suggestions:

Adopted from Basic Education Assistance for Midanao

Adopted from Basic Education Assistance for Midanao
Name of Pre-service Teacher Date:
Subject Taught:

AREAS 5 4 3 2 1
1. Reports to class regularly and promptly.
2. Observes policies on student discipline and exudes a desirable conduct expected to
a student teacher during an off-campus teaching.
1. Attends and participates in school assemblies, meetings and other co-curricular
activities required of them during the off-campus teaching.
1. Relates well with, and teach effectively and manage efficiently diverse and multitude
type of learners;
2. Works effectively with the cooperating teacher.
3. Goes along with the co-interns and is helpful to them.
4. Shows respect to the school heads and other personnel.
1. Shows respect and belief to oneself.
2. Maintains professional poise and good grooming.
3. Assumes responsibility and exhibits initiative, resourcefulness and commitment.
4. d. Accomplishes work on time and is able to produce quality work and good output.
1. Neat in appearance; observant of personal hygiene; has professional bearing; Wears
appropriate attire during classes and school functions.
2. Maintains composure when under pressure.
3. Courteous and respectful.
4. Manifests honesty and integrity in dealing with others.
5. Accepts criticisms open-mindedly.
6. Acts optimistically in his or her undertaking and responsibilities.
7. Develops feeling of mutual trust with other pre-service teachers.
8. Projects self-confidently with others.
9. Communicates clearly, sensibly and comprehensively.

1. Reports to classes regularly and attends school functions and other required extra
curricular activities.
2. Shows creativity and resourcefulness in his/her performance.
3. Attends sessions well prepared; participates intelligently and actively in discussions.
4. Shows mastery of the subject matter taught and prepares lesson plans promptly.
5. Learns new teaching methods and acquires new teaching techniques and skills.
6. Cooperates with other teachers to accomplish desired goals.
7. Accomplishes all required assignments and tasks promptly and diligently.
8. Observes efficiently management skills.
9. Quality of work acceptable.
10. Inspires other pre-service teachers with his/her ideas, plans actions resulting to
better performance.
11. Possesses physical ability to work long period of time with sustained energy and
soundness of the mind.
12. Draws logical conclusions and make decisions easily from given situations.
Adopted from Basic Education Assistance for Midanao
Adopted from Basic Education Assistance for Midanao
By Cooperating Teacher:

By Practicum Supervisors:


Interpretation of Performance Levels/Ratings

1 – Basic ( 75-79) The student teacher is introduced to the elements and/or demonstrates only a basic
level of knowledge and understanding. S/He has yet has the enhanced skills to apply
the significant elements to be an effective teacher.
2 – Developing (80-84) The student teacher demonstrates an increased knowledge and understanding of the
elements. S/He is able to demonstrate, with assistance, the significant elements in a
classroom teaching or field setting. S/He is able to evaluate, with assistance, the
success of teaching performance. The teaching performance and other professional
competencies still needed to be improved.
3 – Satisfactory (85-89) The student teacher demonstrates satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the
elements but commits mistakes in some aspects. S/He is able to perform teacher’s
responsibilities with self-confidence but still has to exert more effort to improve one’s
4 – Proficient ( 90-94) The student teacher is able to demonstrate a substantial knowledge and
understanding of the element and has the ability to apply the elements in a field
setting. S/He is also able to continuously exhibit progress in her or his performance.
5 – Advanced/Excellent (95-100) The student teacher demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of the element. S/He can consistently apply the elements for an
effective classroom teaching. S/He can also skillfully integrate the elements in her or
his teaching responsibilities with an excellent performance. S/He produces very
outstanding output in every teaching task assigned and expected of her.

Adopted from Basic Education Assistance for Midanao

Performance 5 3 1
Criteria (Good) (Fair) (Poor)

Components include: cover/title

 Some of the  Many of the
page, table of contents, main  All components are
components are components are
contents, references and present.
missing. missing.

 Follows the  Slightly follows the  Does not follow the

sequence sequence sequence
prescribed in prescribed in prescribed in
organizing the organizing the organizing the
contents of the contents of the contents of the
portfolio. portfolio. portfolio.

 Presentation
 Presentation
demonstrates  Presentation is
neatness and
Presentation neatness and neither neat nor
creativity in all areas
creativity to some creative.
and pages of the

 Submitted on or  Submitted two days  Submitted five days

Promptness before the after the prescribed after the prescribed
prescribed deadline. deadline. deadline.

Appendix F: Pre-Service- Teacher’s Classroom Based Research

1. Identify a particular problem that you observed in any of your FS experience

2. List down possible causes of the problem

3. What could be the possible solution (s) to solve this problem?

4. Cite a theory (ies) that will support the solution.

5. How will you gather data about the problem?

Adopted from Basic Education Assistance for Midanao

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