Letter From Christa Ludlow Crown Solicitor Dated 17 February 2006

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Your Ref: (02) 9224-5230
My Ref: EDU057 .02162 (02)9224-5222
T1 Christa Ludlow Email: crownsol@agd.nsw.gov.au

17 February 2006

Mrs. Jolanda Challita


Dear Mrs. Challita

Defamatory Material concerning Department of Education and Training employees·

My client instructing officer at the Department of Education and Training has become aware
of the contents of an email dated 14 February 2006 which you sent to numerous people,
including principals of New South Wales selective high schools.
In that email you make a number of allegations including bias, victimisation and corruption,
against several employees of the Department, and refer the recipients to two websites where
further material is provided.

It is my client's view that the emails and the contents posted by you on the websites contains
a number of defamatory imputations against those employees, and as such my client
requires that you take the following action immediately:
1. That you send an immediate full retraction to the persons who have received the
emails referred to, retracting the allegations made .
. --- --
2. That you remove or cause to be removed all material posted by you which relates to
Department of Education employees from the websites
http://www.yourdemocracy.netau/drupal/node/858 and

3. That you undertake not to publish any further such defamatory material.

4. That you provide written confifmalion of tr...e above immediately to my client.

Yours faithfully

Christa Ludlow
Senior Solicitor
for Crown Solicitor

CROWN SOLICITOR'S OFFICE ABN 50 132 □05 544 • 60-70 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 • GPO Box 25 Sydney 2001 • DX 19 Sydney
Telephone 02 9224 5000 • Fax 02 9224 5011 • Email crownsol@agd.nsw.gov.au • www.cso.nsw.gov.au

EDU057 .02162 D2006/26043

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