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First things first, in order for makeup to last long and look fresh, the canvas upon which it is applied must also be smooth and fresh. In order to have a fresh canvas, you must exfoliate no
more than twice a week (any more and you may irritate your skin, leading to irritation, broken capillaries, or acne). Don’t forget that your lips need to be exfoliated too! A quick and easy
scrub to exfoliate your skin with is sugar and coconut oil.Keeping Your Face Clean DailyPat your skin dry with a clean towel.

2. Moisturize
Moisturizer is a step that should never ever be skipped! Applying moisturizer before your primer will ensure that your makeup stay in place and look fresh all day long. If you have oily, acne-
prone skin, go for a moisturizer that is oil-free; on the other hand, if you have dry skin, pick a moisturizerUse a simple face wash twice a day

Tip 1:Stay Hydrated

Drink water. This is nothing you haven't been told before, but drinking water is crucial for a number of body functions, especially those of the skin. Water plays a major role in healthy blood circulation and is
extremely important for maintaining healthy, young-looking skin. If you're not drinking the standard "eight glasses per day," start now, and notice the benefits of clarity and evenness that water delivers to the
Tip 2:
Quit smoking and drinking. Both of these habits are direct causes of poor blood circulation and, therefore, greatly affect the complexion. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol weaken the connective tissue
by depleting it of oxygen and nutrients, which thins and weakens blood vessels and causes them to appear at the surface of the skin. This is the reason many heavy drinkers and smokers have red, blotchy skin
and broken capillaries.
Tip 3:Perform Aerobic Exercise Regularly
Exercise. Increase blood circulation by becoming more active. Even light activity, such as walking around the block a few times, will improve blood flow, and improve the skin's appearance. Obviously,
heavy exercise will increase these effects. Yoga is an effective way to improve blood flow while receiving other health benefits.
Treat the skin around your eyes gently.
Tip 4:
Improve the diet. Make sure you're eating a balanced, healthy diet (i.e., the opposite of fast-food), and keep cholesterol and saturated fat at a minimum, as these things poorly affect blood circulation. An
unhealthy diet will hinder the aforementioned steps. Include an adequate amount of vitamin C in the diet, since vitamin C helps maintain the tone of blood vessels and promotes good circulation, in addition
to its other skin benefits. Aloe vera juice is a great source of many nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin C, that benefit the skin and improve circulation.

5.Get Regular Facial Treatments

sleepMake sure you get at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and the best way to do that is by switching of your phone and keeping your room free from all electronic devices.
Keep Your Pillow Case Clean

Don’t Stress
Not stressing out is easier said than done. Stress causes more damage to our bodies than we think. When you’re tense, your body releases stress hormones including cortisol, which may increase the skin’s oil
production, making you prone to pimples. Some things we suggest to avoid stress:
Exercise- exercising releases endorphins that boost your mood and make you feel good, while also serving as a valuable distraction to your daily worries.
Healthier Eating- Well-nourished bodies are better prepared to cope with stress.
Get Enough Sleep- Adequate sleep fuels your mind, as well as your body. Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

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