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What is Word Association Test (WAT):

It is a test of imagination and not sentence framing. In the test, a candidate associates himself/herself with words
given in the test and conveys his/her personality (OLQ) accordingly. A word can be used as a noun, verb, adverb
or adjective depending on a candidate’s convenience. One must take care to be positive even in case of negative
words. Through every response, the psychologist judges the personality of a candidate. Candidates are shown
60 words on the screen one after the other. Each word is displayed for 15 seconds in which the response has to
be given in form of a short sentence. During 15 seconds that a word is shown to the candidate, the candidate
understands this word, creates a response, showing his/her personality and also writes it down in the form of a
complete and grammatically correct sentence.

The sentence made should not use he/she frequently. Similarly, no names should be quoted. There is no need
for using idioms/ proverbs/ quotations etc. or even Modals like ‘can’, ‘could’ etc. There is no need for using
Imperative sentences even.

How is it conducted:

Candidates are shown 60 simple words on the screen, one after the other.
Each word is displayed on the screen for 15 seconds.
The candidate has to respond to each word while the word is displayed for 15 seconds.
The response has to be preferably a short sentence

What is expected:

Candidates should preferably express the thought or idea that comes to his/her mind on seeing the word.
The sentence should preferably be of approximately 6-8 words.
Positive responses are preferred, displaying an attitude of optimism, honesty, responsibility, patriotism etc.
One should not display negative thoughts like cowardice, anxiety, fear etc.
Do not have mundane and repetitive response and avoid idioms and phrases

 Make use of the power point slide attached with this free ebook and try to frame the sentences.

 The slide is preset with the actual timing as per the SSB/AFSB interview.

 The words in the slide are original which candidates will face in the psychological test.

Furthermore you can refer WAT 1 SSB ebook and WAT 2 SSB ebook which consists of

Number of original SSB slides

150+ original solved WAT
Ways to frame a good sentence

 It also lays emphasis on mistakes commonly committed by candidates in WAT.

 In General WAT e-Book will help you to have an overall idea on “what psychologist expects from you” and
how to frame a good sentence.

Use coupon code COMBAT10 and get 10% off on

purchase of both the ebooks together.


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