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June 2016

Production questionnaire for products exported to Australia

Animal feed (stock feed, stock feed supplements, pet & fi sh food, aquaculture feed)

Plant-based ferti lisers

Section A: General information

Purpose of this form Information provided in this form will be used to assess the biosecurity risk of product being imported into Australia i.e. the risk of imported product
introducing a pest or disease into Australia. Based on this assessment a decision will be made as to whether a permit can be issued allowing product to be
imported and what conditions are necessary to manage biosecurity risks to an acceptably low level.

 It is the responsibility of the MANUFACTURER of the product(s) intended for export to Australia to complete this questionnaire.
 Please submit this questionnaire with the application for a permit to import animal feed or plant-based fertilisers into Australia.
 Commercial-in-confidence information should be marked as such by the manufacturer and the questionnaire returned directly to the Department
of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department).

 Several provisions of the Biosecurity Act 2015 relevant to imported goods. It is the responsibility of the owner and importer to be aware of
What you must know
relevant Australian state, territory and Commonwealth laws.
 In accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2015, biosecurity officers may decide to suspend, vary or revoke your import permit.
 The Department may contact overseas government competent authorities to verify any information provided in this questionnaire.
 It is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 to knowingly give false or misleading information to a Commonwealth officer exercising
powers under Commonwealth law. This offence carries a potential penalty of 12 months imprisonment.

To complete this form Electronically

Enter data in all relevant fields, expand text boxes if space is insufficient and save the document.

Production questionnaire for products exported to Australia – Animal feed and plant-based fertilisers 1 of 11
Email your application to Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Animal and Biological Import Assessments Branch

Section B: Importer and Manufacturer

1. Importer’s details
Importer company name
Import permit application Previous import permit number for
number (if known) this product (if applicable)

2. Manufacturer’s details (establishment where final product is made)

Name of manufacturer
Street address
City Country
Phone Fax

Has there been any change of ownership or management of the manufacturing

facility in the past 12months?
If yes please provide details.

3. Exporter’s details (Note: If different from Manufacturer details)

Administrative office
Street address
City Country

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Phone Fax

Section C: Product
4. Name of product(s) to be imported (Please list all products below or attach a list)
Product Name (e.g. RumiBurst) End use (e.g. stock feed)

5. Ingredients – List all ingredients in each product referenced in point 4. A separate table is required for each product.
(Please note: Percentages must add up to 100%.)
Ingredients Composition in product (%) Origin i.e. Animal, plant, microbial, synthetic or Country and species of origin (*)







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* This is a requirement for animal and grain (e.g. wheat, barley, oats, soy, rice, corn, sunflower) derived ingredients only. For animal derived ingredients the country of
origin is the country where the animals were born, raised and slaughtered. For grain-derived ingredients the country of origin is where the grain was grown and

6. Are any of the ingredients derived from fermentation? E.g. bacteria, microbial derived enzymes
No (Go to question 7)

If yes:
a) Provide the names of all microbes used in manufacture of the ingredient (Genus and species):

b) List all ingredients used in the culture media used to propagate the microbe(s). Alternatively attach a list of culture media ingredients. (Please note: Percentages must add up to
Culture media ingredient Composition in product Origin i.e. Animal, plant, microbial, synthetic or Country(*) and species of origin
(%) chemical Required for animal derived material only. The
country in which the animals resided at the time
of collection. Please note: the EU is not a country.

* For animal derived ingredients this is the country where the animals were born, raised and slaughtered.

c) Provide details of the sterilisation of the culture media including times and temperatures (e.g. autoclave sterilisation at 121°C for 20 minutes)

d) Provide details of the method of harvest, extraction and/or purification for ingredients derived from fermentation

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7. Processing and manufacture
a) Describe the manufacturing process for the product(s) intended for export to Australia. Please attach a flowchart detailing the processing of raw material into finished product.
Check if Commercial-in-confidence information

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b) Has the final product been heat and/or pressure treated?

If yes, please provide the heat and/or pressure parameters:

Minimum Temperature Duration (minutes or hours) Heat type (e.g. dry, moist)

Minimum pressure (bars or Duration (seconds or

kPa) minutes)

c) What other products does the facility manufacture? (Please list all products below or attach a separate sheet.)
i) ii)
iii) iv)
v) vi)

d) List all ingredients for all products manufactured at this facility (Please list all products below or attach a separate sheet.)
i) ii)
iii) iv)
v) vi)
vii) viii)

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e) Does the manufacturing facility store or use any animal derived materials (including materials derived from marine animals or dairy)?
No (Go to question 8)

If yes, please provide details below:

If yes, please provide a description of how animal derived materials are segregated from all other materials on site:

Are the animal derived materials processed on the same production lines as those used for manufacture of product for Australia?

If yes, please describe the controls that are in place to manage the risk of contamination of Australian product with animal derived materials:

8. Transport
a) Describe how raw materials are transported to the manufacturing facility (Provide details below)

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b) Describe how the finished product is transported from the production facility to the point of export (Provide details below)

c) Has the product been transported in bulk (not individually packaged units) from the production facility and packed into bags/containers at another facility? (If finished product is packaged
at another facility please complete a separate questionnaire for that facility)

9. Risk of cross contamination

a) What systems and processes has the manufacturer adopted during production and post-production to manage the risk associated with contamination of product with extraneous
materials including soil, faeces, feathers, insects, viable seeds or bark? (Provide details below)

10. Quality Systems and Government approvals

a) Has the manufacturing facility been approved and certified against a code of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and/or any other Quality System (e.g. ISO, HAACP)?

If yes please provide details below and attach copies of current certificates.

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b) Is the manufacturing facility inspected and approved by the relevant national or regional veterinary service or department of animal health or department of agriculture and water

If yes please provide details below and attach copies of current certificates of registration or approval.

c) Is the manufacturing facility inspected and approved by an international, independent auditing company?

If yes please provide details below and attach copies of current certificates of approval.

11. Product Packaging and Storage

a) How has the product been packaged?

i) In packaging that is clean and new? Yes No

ii) Packaged in bags, drums or other retail/bulk Yes (Please specify packaging type and individual packaged unit size) No
kg or litres
iii) Bulk (not in individually packaged units) packed into shipping containers at the production facility? Yes No
iv) Bulk (not in individually packaged units) packed into shipping containers elsewhere (i.e. not at the Yes No
production facility)
v) Bulk (not in individually packaged units) packed into the ship’s hold Yes No

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vi) Other (please specify):

b) Is the product ever stored at any location other than at the manufacturing facility and the wharf at the point of export?

If yes please provide details below:

12. Product label

a) Please attach a copy of the product label or tag.

Section D: Applicant declaration

To be completed by the Manufacturer listed in Section B of this application.
I declare that the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
If manufacturing processes change, so that product is no longer compliant with all conditions on the import permit, I will provide details of the change to the Australian importer so that a
new application for import permit (or an application for amendment to the current import permit) can be submitted to the Department.

Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Full Name Email

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Section E: Privacy notice
Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. ‘Personal information’ that is collected under or in accordance with the Biosecurity Act 2015 is also ‘protected information’ under the
Biosecurity Act 2015. The collection of protected information including personal and sensitive information by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) in relation to this form is being collected under the Biosecurity Act 2015 for the
purposes of providing supporting information to assist in the assessment of the biosecurity risk related to your application to import animal feed and plant based fertilisers and related purposes. If the relevant personal information requested in this form is not
provided by you, the department may be unable to process your application. Information collected by the Department will only be used or disclosed as authorised under the Biosecurity Act 2015. The personal information requested on this form may be disclosed to
other Commonwealth or State Agencies. It will usually be disclosed overseas. In every case it will only be disclosed if authorised by the Biosecurity Act 2015.

See our Privacy Policy web page ( to learn more about accessing or correcting personal information or making a complaint. Alternatively, telephone the department on +61 2 6272 3933.

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