In This 10 Days Course You Will Learn The Basic NLP Tools and Techniques For Website

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Saturday April 13, 2019

First time ever in Davao City: a 10 days NLP Practitioner training organized by NLP Davao. Neuro
Linguistic Programming is a modern method to get more insight in your interaction with
yourself and the world around you. This first training ever is a promo. The more participants
the less the fee.

What will be the effect of a NLP Practitioner training?

NLP training brings you to a higher level of awareness of yourself and your environment.
You will learn how to free yourself from limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs and behavior.
Free hidden powers and possibilities inside of you, you even didn’t know you have. Level up
your communication skills to a higher plan.

What will it give you?

You will experience more freedom in the choices you make, more control over your
emotions and a deeper contact with your inner self, with who you really are. You will learn
to live your life more from inside-out than from outside-in. NLP gives you responsibility over
yourself and your happiness. NLP stops you being a victim of yourself and your

NLP is about internal states, not about thinking. Thoughts are only used to get in an internal
state. NLP provides divers tools to enter internal states that empower you or others.
Internal states are the drivers of how we feel, how we choose, how we perform and
The core of NLP is that you will get aware of the choices you always already had. The
difference is that you now can choose. Choose from your inside instead of outside.
So inside-outside instead of outside-inside. It is not about good or bad choices, choices are
always the best at a certain time. Just like your behavior is. As for now your internal state is
defined by the situation where you are. Your choice is a reply on what happens outside of
you. Reaction.
Why should I do this NLP Practitioner? Where can I use NLP?
All fields of life. Family, job, interviews. Empower yourself now and in the future. More
control over your emotions. Instead of being the victim of. More effective communication.


The curriculum of the 10 days NLP Practitioner can be:

Presuppositions: foundations and starting points to work with NLP.

E.G.: The map, meaning of communication, positive intention, failure-feedback, body-mind.
Smart Outcome: creating powerful, reasonable, specific, ecologic, measurable, and time
oriented goals and how to get there.
Internal processes: Index computations, sorted by’s, representation systems, eye accessing
cues, sorted by self, other and soul.
Calibrating – Observing without giving a meaning. Recognizing patterns that are connected
with an internal state.
Chunking: from the whole to details and from a detail to a bigger picture.
Making rapport: rapport is the basic for a good understanding with the person you are
talking with. Rapport creates an atmosphere of trust. Rapport is created in diver’s ways.
Matching posture, gestures, voice and breathing. Active listening, matching representation
systems. Matching criteria. Matching internal processes.
Modalities and Submodalities:
Modalities are our senses Visual, Auditive, Kinestetic, Olfactoric, Gustatoric. (VAKOG).
Submodalities: Submodalities are the qualities of each modality. E.g. Visual can be black &
white or color, far or close, sharp or blurred etc. define how you experience inner
representations such as memories. Changing the submodalities of a memory will change its
impact. Patterns with submodalities are Swish-pattern, Mapping Across.
Associated vs dissociated: being in a situation or observing yourself in a situation
Future Pace: Connecting a powerful state a future situation.

Anchoring: An Anchor is an external stimulus that triggers a internal state. You will learn
how to use Anchors to empower yourself. You can also use covered anchoring with other
persons. E.g. Anchoring a productive internal state in an employee can be very useful.
Directionality: towards or away from
Logical Levels: the Logical Levels provide a helpful structure for looking at what’s happening
in any individual, group or organization. They define six levels of thinking or situation:
environment, behavior, capability or competence, beliefs, identity and spirituality, and are
usually visualized as a hierarchy. The Logical Levels is a simple and yet very strong pattern in
Logical levels in an example: a problem in public speaking.
1. Location and time - Where is this problem happening? When and with whom?
2. Behavior – What are you doing? Are you able to speak at all? Breathing problems?
3. Capability – do you have the necessary skills to behave in another way? If you’ve
never had any training in how to speak in public, and you’ve never spent time
developing your skills, then no wonder it’s a struggle.
4. Beliefs/values – do you believe that you can change, and do you believe that it’s
right to do so? Examine your underlying values, and you may find lurking a hidden
thought, for example, that only certain people do presentations, and you’re not one
of them, or that it’s wrong to stand up in public and ‘blow your trumpet’.
5. Roll-Identity – who are you? Is your behavior tied up in your sense of self? Maybe
you really hate speaking in public, because you dislike being the center of attention.
It’s going to be hard to change your behavior until you have addressed this dislike.
However, address the dislike and your dislike of public speaking could vanish
6. Mission, Higher self – Who you are. Above all the roll ID’s. What makes who you
are? That what cannot be taken away from you?

Timelines: A timeline is a projection (in real or imaginary) of your live on a line on the floor.
On a timeline you can easily find resourceful moments you can use in the present or even
use in the future. Because (presupposition) every person already has the resources
(dragons) he needs inside, you only need to free and to train them.
Circle of Excellence / Ring of Fire: An integrated collection of NLP skills to empower
yourself. To awake the Dragon inside of you. Free yourself on the spot. The Circle of
Power/Ring of Fire is a combination of Anchoring, Timelines, Submodalities and Physiology.
Language patterns: Meta and Milton model. From specific to vague, from vague to detailed.
Believe change patterns: Change a limiting belief from the past while respecting the
positive intention it has when it was made. Beliefs are generalizations.

Dates of the training in 2019.

May 5, 12, 19, 26,

June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
July 7.

Venue: Villa Josefina Resort Village, Dumoy.

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