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“Awareness and preference for mutual funds”

1) Personal detail:

1.1 Name: _________________________________________________________

1.2 Address:_______________________________________________________

1.3 Age(Year): 15-25 25-35 35-45 45 &above

1.4 Gender: Male Female

1.5 Marital Status: Married Unmarried

1.6 Qualification: please tick (✓) in appropriate box.

Under Graduate
Post Graduation
Others: ____________

1.7 Occupation: please tick (✓) in appropriate box.

Govt. Service Business
Private Service Student
Others: ____________ Retire

1.8 What is your monthly income (in Rs.) approximately? Please tick ( ✓) in appropriate
Up to 10000 20001 to 30000
10001 to 20000 30001 & above
2) Are you Aware of Mutual Fund?

Yes No

3) How do you know about mutual fund? Please tick (✓) in appropriate box.
Advertisement Banks
Peer Group Financial Advisor
Agent Stock brokers
Friends/relatives Internet
Other (Specify):_______________________

4) Following are the major mutual fund types. Please tick ( ✓) in appropriate box according to
your awareness.
Close Ended Open Ended
Load Fund Tax exempted fund
Non tax exempted fund

5) Following are the different schemes available in mutual fund. Please tick ( ✓) in appropriate
box according to your awareness.
Equity Schemes Fixed Income Schemes
Debt Schemes Sector Specific Schemes
Balanced Schemes Commodity Linked Schemes

6) Do you prefer to invest in mutual fund? Please tick (✓) in appropriate box.
Yes No

If yes, then answer the following question.

If no, then go to question no. 7

7) Why you do not invested in mutual fund? Please tick (✓) in appropriate box.
Lower return Inaccessibility
Complex services low savings
Not aware of it high risk

8) What is the preferred tenure for the investment made by you in mutual fund?
Less than one year One to three years
Three to five years More than five years
9) Following are the factors consider by investor to invest in mutual fund, out of following which
factor you prefer while investing in mutual fund. Please tick ( ✓) in appropriate box.

Sponsoring organization’s name

Risk return trade off
Income Tax Benefit
Minimum Investment amount
10) Which channel will you prefer for investing in mutual fund? Please tick ( ✓) in appropriate
Financial Advisor

11) Which type of payment option you prefer while investing in mutual fund?
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Investment in Lump sum

12) What is your expected return from the mutual fund investment?
Less than 05% 05-10%
10-15% 15-20%
20-25% Above 25%

13) How would you like to receive return every year?

Dividend Payout
Growth in dividend


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