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Assignment for Entrepreneurship

(Materials and Chemical Engineer)

DEADLINE: Sunday; 21st April 2019 (00.00 Midnight)

SUBMISSION: Assignment should be emailed at: before
Midnight. Any email received after Midnight will be rejected and moved to Spam.

Activity 1:
Write a summary essay (Ideally is should be maximum one-tenth of the length of the actual article)
about the article you read.

a) Give the correct, full citation for the article at the beginning of the paper. (1 point)
b) The summary must be written in your own words and it must be complete. (5 points)
c) You may use quotes from the article very cautiously (I don’t want to see an entire paragraph in
groups or even ½ of a paragraph in quotes).

Activity 2:
Answer the following questions about the article.

a) What is the problem or question(s) this research concerns? You should be able to identify the
central focus. If there are additional secondary problems, identify these too. (1-4 sentences)
b) What is the source of the data? (That is, questionnaire, intensive interview, documents, existing
statistical information, observations, laboratory manipulations, field manipulations, etc.) In
some studies there are two or more sources of data. Give a brief overview of how the data were
acquired. (2-5 sentences)
c) What is the source of the data? (That is, questionnaire, intensive interview, documents, existing
statistical information, observations, laboratory manipulations, field manipulations, etc.) In
some studies there are two or more sources of data. Give a brief overview of how the data were
acquired. (2-5 sentences)

Activity 3:
Give the following information about the sampling procedures in outline/Table form, saying “not given,”
if it is not:

a) Definition of the population of theoretical or substantive interest; what is the population of

theoretical or substantive interest; that is, to whom does the author seem to want to be able to
generalize? Your answer to this should be based on what the author says in the introduction
to the article, not in the methods section.
b) Geographic areas, organizational units (e.g. what state, University, county), or other primary
sampling units and how these were chosen. Was the sampling of these units’ probability or
c) The sampling units (e.g. people, organizations, sentences). These may or may not be the same
as the units of analysis;
d) Sampling frame, or operationalization of the actual population studied; by what rule or list were
units of analysis located?
a) Method of selecting the units of analysis from the sampling frame. Was the sampling of these
units’ probability or nonprobability?
b) What kind of sample (e.g., convenience, stratified random, etc.) does this seem to be?
c) Response rate (e.g., to a mailed survey) and sample size; if analyzed sample size is different from
initial sample size (e.g., cases were dropped for missing data) explain why.
d) Does the author discuss any shortcoming in the sample or the sampling procedures? If so, what
does s/he say?


Your assignment should be well written and grammatically correct. 5 points will be given for proper
sentence structure, spelling, and grammar. Your assignment should be formatted in the specific
formatting such as:

1. Margins should be 1 inch on each side.

2. Line Spacing should not be more than 1.5
3. Text font used should only be from Serif or Sans Serif category (Ariel, Calibri, Cambria, Times
New Roman, Georgia, Eras ITC, Garamond, Tahoma, Trebuchet etc.)
a) Text fond used should only be 10, 11, or 12 point (depending upon your font). Note, your title
can be a maximum of 14 point.
4. Enjoy! I look forward to reading your Last homework assignment!

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