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1. Answer who, what, when, where, why, how questions.
2. Identify the action words.
From Grass Huts to Clay Houses
“The Story of Houses” – a story
REFERENCE: Building English Skills 3: Book 2 Pages 156-160

MATERIAL: Flash Cards, cut outs, pictures or drawing of houses.

KBI: Speak/ answer clearly and cheerfully.

Teacher’s Actvity Pupils’ Activity
1. Good morning class! Good morning Miss Zamoras.
Everybody Stand up. Greet
your classmates. Good morning classmates.
Lets sing the song “If all of the
Raindrops” Pupils sing the song.
2. How do you answer the
questions given? Answer clearly and cheerfully.
What else? Answer in a complete sentence.

3. Check up of Assignment.

Group Leaders kindly collect the

assignment notebooks. Group leaders collect the
assignment notebooks.
4. Reading the DOLCH words
using flashcards. Pupils read the DOLCH Words in
the flashcards.
5. Spelling:Pretest
1.cave-The first house that
people lived in was a cave.
2. Framework – They used
wood as a framework of a
grass hut.
3. Soft – cotton is very soft.
4. Cliff – People before dig and
carve at the side of the cliff.
5. Gift – Mother gave me a gift
last Christmas.
Exchange papers with
your seatmates.
Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1?
Copy the correct spelling
and study them.
6. Pronunciation Drill
Look at the chart and listen.

/v/ /f/
Lived family after Pupils listen.
Cave framework soft
Carve found roof
Everywhere fire cliff
Weaving forests rafter
Covered few gift Pupils follow.
Repeat after me. Yes, ma’am.
Teacher ask pupils to read by
group, then by individual.

B. 1. Motivation
Do you want to play?
Okay, listen as I give you the
instructions on how to play.
(Teacher distributes four envelopes
with cut outs inside.)
Assemble the cut outs into a
whole figure, for 5 minutes only. Pupils follow.
Ready go!
(Teacher waits for 5 minutes.)
Stop! Who was the first to Group 3
finish? Very good!
What figure did you assemble? It’s a house.
How about group 4 It’s a house.
Group 1? It’s a house.
Group 2 It’s a house.
Which of the four houses do
you like to live? Why?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties
This morning, we are going to read
“ The Story of Houses” but before
we will read let us first understand
the following words and phrases.
Side of a cliff – is often
Made of hard rock that has to be
hammered and chiseled out to make a
hole or dugout.
Ladder – stairs
Permanent – not moved from one
place to another. Pupils use the words in the
Who can use the words in a sentence? sentence.
Very good!
Okey I have here the words and its
meaning now who can match the Pupil: side of a cliff
words to its meaning?
Read this word. Pupil: match the word.
Put side of a cliff to its corresponding
Ladder –
Permanent – Pupil: read the words.
Read again the words.

3. Raising of Motive Question

Look at the different pictures of Pupil: people need houses.
(Teacher shows pictures of houses) Pupil: why do people need houses?
What do people need
So start your questions with why.
Pupil: Read with your eyes and not
4. What will you follow with your lips.
When reading silently? Pupil: Understand what you read.

What else?
Pupil: Why do people need houses?
5. Recall of motive question:
Again what we are going to find out in
a story?
Pupil read a paragraph or two.
6. Guided silent reading
(Teacher let the pupils read the first
two paragraphs of page 156) Pupil: The first house that people
lived in was a cave.
Comprehension question Pupil: They lived in a dugout.
1. What was the first houses that Pupil: Dugout is a room that is dig
people lived in? and carve at the side of a cliff.
2. What else?
3. What is a dugout? Pupil: The use ladder.
Pupil: read the 3 paragraphs.
4. What do they use to get in and
out of the dugout? Pupil: They learned to plants so
Okey read paragraph 3,4 & 5 on page that if they had plants, they would
157. have food.

Why did people learned to plant?

Pupil: read the 2 paragraphs
(Ask more questions)

Read the last 2 paragraphs Pupil: point the houses.

(Teacher shows the pictures)

Look at these pictures, which pictures
here is grass house or mud house?
A tent?
(Ask more questions) Pupil: People need houses to
protect them from hot and cold
7. Answering of Motive Question weather.
Why do people need houses?
Pupil: To protect them from wild
Very nice answer? animals.
What else?
Pupil: People need houses so that
Very good! Another reason? they could eat, sleep and study well.

1. What kind of houses are Pupil: grass house,
mentioned in the story? mudhouse, cave, tent

2. What did the early people use

for building houses? Pupil: mud, clay, grass, wood,
animal skin.
3. What do people use in building
now a days?
Pupil: cement, wood, hollow
blocks, steel, stones.
Lets go back to the
different paragraphs. Spread lived
Pupil: Dig used
Pick out the action words found in each Carve pulled
paragraphs. Put hung

What form of the action word is dig? Pupil: Simple form of an action word.
Put? Carve?

How about used? Pulled? Lived?

Hung? Pupil: Past form of an action word
Use the words in the sentence. Pupil: Use the words in the



A. Read the paragraphs silently and answer the questions that follow.

Aling Nora is a sampaguita vendor. She grows sampaguita in her garden. She picks
the flowers every morning. She makes them into garlands. She sells the garlands
infront of the church.

1. Who is the sampaguita vendor?

2. Where does she do with the sampaguita?
3. What does she grow with the flowers?
4. Why did she picks flowers in the morning?
5. Where does she sell the garlands?

B. Underline the correct action word.

1. Aling Nora (pick, picks, picked) flowers every morning.
2. She (make, makes, made) them into garlands.
3. She (sold, sell, sells) them infront of church.
4. Women (like, likes, liked) sampaguita garlands.
5. So they (buy, buys, bought) them all.


For your assignment

Answer Exercises B, C, D, & E of your book Building English Skills book 2 pages 159 –

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