Bloat in Ruminants: Robert W. Dougherty

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Bloat in Ruminants

BLOAT, a digestive disorder of rumi- no more than a mild distention of the

nants, is the distention of the stomach rumen and with no apparent distress
with gas. The swelling is limited or aftereffects, they may bloat severely
mainly to the first two compartments and die. Some cattle in Mississippi
of the stomach—the rumen (or paunch) bloated mildly more than 100 times
and reticulum (or honeycomb). before serious or fatal bloat occurred;
The occurrence of bloat has increased they were grazing Ladino clover pas-
remarkably since 1930, perhaps a re- tures ofl* and on and showed mild dis-
flection of changes in management and tention of the rumen almost every day.
feeding practices, a great increase in The classification of bloat into mild,
acreage of legumes, and other factors. moderate, and severe forms reflects a
Bloat is a major disease of cattle and person's own variable and inexact in-
sheep. It is hard to assess the actual terpretations. Sometimes an animal
numerical or monetary losses for two may not appear to be greatly distended
reasons. Postmortem gaseous distention and yet may actually be close to death.
of the full ruminant stomach usually Other animals may seem to be greatly
occurs following death from other distended but in no particular distress.
causes and sometimes the death may Body conformation, thickness of the
be attributed wrongly to bloat. The body wall, and muscle tone may have
most serious loss from bloat to many a pronounced influence on the appar-
dairymen and cattlemen is the loss in ent distention of the rumen and even
milk production and the slower gains the feel of the distended left side of
in weight that usually follow recovery bloated animals.
from severe bloat, but such losses are We have little data on the actual
not easily estimated. Nevertheless we pressures in the paunches of severely
have some estimates that in the United bloated cattle or sheep. Investigators
States bloat costs dairymen and pro- in California devised an instrument
ducers of beef cattle and sheep about that, pressed against the area at the
40 to 45 million dollars a year. top part of the left flank where the dis-
One must also take into account the tention is usually most evident, can
great losses that occur because of sud- measure indirectly the pressures in the
den changes that have to be made in rumen. Difí'crences in the ways in
management practices, such as the which the instrument is applied make
abrupt cessation of the pasturing of the data of only relative value.
lush and productive legume pastures The most accurate and direct meth-
after the loss of a few animals. ods of obtaining existing pressures in
the paunch available in 1956 were
GENERAL CLASSIFICATIONS of bloat de- rather hard on the animal and were of
scribe it as acute (of short duration) practical use on only a few animals for
and chronic (of long duration); as experimental purposes.
mild, moderate, and severe; as frothy Critical pressures vary in diflPerent
or foamy and nonfrothy; and in other animals of the same breed and species.
ways. Those classifications are inade- In man, accurate, indirect methods of
quate in one way or another. Some measuring blood pressure are in use,
animals that never have had serious but it is impossible to set up definite
trouble may suddenly bloat and die. pressure standards for difí'erentiating
Others may bloat mildly; that is, after between high or low blood pressure
Bloat in Ruminants 109
and the normal vcilues that can be would weight the stomach down and
applied for all individuals. make the cardia (the esophageal open-
The classification of bloat into ing into the stomach) less capable of
** fro thy" and "nonfrothy," or free-gas opening. The fermenting mass of fresh-
types, is probably a matter of degree. ly eaten food would be buoyed up by
Some cases may have a large pocket or the gas of fermentation and would also
a number of pockets of gas in various make belching more difiicult. As the
parts of the rumen; in other cases most pressure increases, the tendency for the
of the material in the paunch may be cardia to be blocked would be still
a frothy or foamy mass. It is unlikely greater.
that there is an absolute absence of free Excessive gas formation once was a
gas (gas pockets) in any case of bloat. widely accepted theory. It is true that,
The amount of gas so retained may be pound for pound, there may be con-
relatively small, however. siderable difference in the rate of gas
The extent of frothing becomes se- formation from difí'erent feeds. But
rious because of its possible efifects on investigators generally have come to
eructation, or belching. The rumen believe that an animal that can belch
gases are formed from bacterial fer- normally has no difficulty in eructat-
mentation of food material in the ing all the gas formed in its stomach.
paunch. The retention of the gases The surface tension theory holds
largely in millions of small bubbles that bloat is caused by any material
throughout the feed in the paunch that will alter surface tension so that
probably would lower the efficiency of the gas of fermentation will be en-
the animal's belching mechanism. trapped in countless bubbles through-
out the feed mass in the rumen.
BLOAT generally is believed to be due Saponins—substances found in high-
to some dysfunction of the eructating est concentrations in some of the
mechanism. If the belching mechanism legumes—are most apt to cause bloat.
is working normally, the animal can Eight saponins have been isolated from
eructate more gas than can be expected alfalfa. We have no good quantitative
to form in the rumen under normal feed- method for determining the amounts
ing conditions. Because our knowledge of saponins in various plants. Saponins
of the physiology of normal eructation do have an effect on surface tension,
is incomplete, we can list the causes of but in this respect the part they have
bloat only as theories. in causing bloat is moot. Either sapo-
Theories for the cause of bloat nins or something else does influence
may be classified in general as physical, surface tension so that the gas of fer-
biochemical, and hereditary and as mentation does not rise freely to the
connected with soil fertility and the top of the rumen.
climate. Research in the Animal and Poultry
The physical theories suggest there is Husbandry Research Branch at Belts-
too much dense feed, or excessive for- villc, Md., the Western Utilization
mation of gas, altered surface tension, Research Branch at Albany, Calif.,
or physical deficiency. The biochemi- and at Cornell University has thrown
cal theories have to do with the pres- new light on the saponins. The sapo-
ence of hydrogen cyanide, flavones, nins were found to be extremely toxic.
saponins, and allergies. The investigators induced bloating
Scientists at Iowa State College noted and death by feeding or by injecting
that alfalfa forms a more compact relatively large amounts of alfalfa
mass than bluegrass when treated in saponins into the blood stream. W^hen
the same way. They also observed that the internal organs were examined
grazing cows may eat 50 to 100 pounds after death, lesions were found that are
of succulent feed before resting. This not usually seen in animals dying from
material, remaining in a compact mass. ordinary bloat. This could be a matter
lio Yearbook of Agriculture 1956

The approximate position of the stomach of the cow: (a) Esophagus; (h) dorsal sac of
rumen; (c) ventral sac of rumen; (d) reticulum; (e) omasum; (f) abdomasum; (g) duodenum.

of dosage or lack of purification of the it is assumed that most of the total

alfalfa saponin extracts. The findings amount of saliva is secreted during
may eventually be of great impor- rumination.
tance, but so far they must be regarded Research workers at the University
as tentative. Alfalfa probably contains of California investigated aspects of
no more of the saponins than other physical deficiency and came to the
legumes. It was the first plant to belief that the belching mechanism is
undergo such extraction. There may stimulated in the same manner as the
be marked difí'erences between what rumination mechanism—that is, by
happens to legumes in the extraction the scratching of the wall of the rumen
processes and the changes that occur and reticulum by coarse material in
in the digestive tract of ruminants. the feed. Thus they agree with scien-
The amount and kind of saliva may tists in South Africa that coarse ma-
have an influence on surface tension terial in the feed has a direct or indirect
and foam formation. Succulent leafy influence on belching. The two groups
feed, such as that of legume pastures, of investigators difí'er as to whether
stimulates a minimum secretion of coarse feed stimulates belching by di-
saliva. The presence of coarse feed in rectly stimulating the mechanism or
the rumen refíexly stimulates the whether the feed afi'ects belching in-
salivary glands to increase greatly directly by stimulating an increased
their output. Copious amounts of rate of salivary secretion.
saliva apparently prevent the gas of
fermentation from accumulating as HYDROGEN CYANIDE, a highly toxic
foam in the food mass, and therefore poison that occurs in certain plants,
it rises to the top where it can be was thought by some to be a primary
easily eructated. Cattle on lush legume cause of bloat. Experimental work has
pastures spend little time ruminating; disproved that theory. Experimental
Bloat in Ruminants 111
feeding of hydrogen cyanide does not were sired by one bull. In a limited
inhibit belching, at least when gas is number of experiments with identical
pumped into the rumen of the animals. twins, members of the same set showed
Some varieties of birdsfoot trefoil may a tendency to bloat. The importance
contain 19 times as much cyanide as of heredity as a factor in bloat cannot
Ladino clover; trefoil causes little or no be ignored. Even if the tendency is
bloat, but Ladino clover has probably inherited, however, it is unlikely that
caused as much bloat as any other bloating will occur unless aggravated
legume. by other factors.
Flavones in legume juice are active There is some indication that bloat
substances that have a paralyzing ef- rarely occurs on certain types of soil.
fect on rabbit gut (a smooth muscle Climatic and weather conditions must
similar in structure to the muscle of the be involved also, but until the definite
rumen wall), according to investiga- substances are found in plants that are
tors in England. They theorized that responsible for bloat, little can be defi-
fiavones might influence the belching nitely said regarding the eflfect of soil
mechanism, but we have no direct evi- fertility and weather.
dence. Safe grass juice contains small
amounts of flavones. How DOES BLOAT CAUSE DEATH? We
do not know exactly. Some researchers
THE THEORY that an allergy might assign a physical basis—that is, the
be responsible for bloat was offered by increased pressure in the rumen inter-
veterinarians in Ireland, who noted a feres with blood flow and respiration
high incidence of bloat following the and the animal actually dies of suffo-
second dose of trichomonal antigen, a cation. Others think that absorption
vaccine. The first, or sensitizing, dose of certain gases from the rumen and
had been received 7 to 10 days previ- possibly other toxic substances might
ously, about the proper spacing for an be responsible. It is possible that in-
allergic response. This is an interesting creased pressure may increase the rate
theory and may eventually open up of absorption of certain substances that
new fields for the study of allergic re- ordinarily might be detoxified or ex-
actions originating from the digestive creted as fast as they were absorbed.
tract. It is, however, no more than a Investigations at the New York State
theory. Veterinary College at Cornell Univer-
sity indicate that the effects of in-
SOME THEORIES are chiefly biochemi- creased pressures in the rumen may be
cal in nature. One is that certain toxins responsible for a complex set of symp-
that might inhibit belching are ab- toms.
sorbed from the rumen. Another, de-
veloped in Germany, is that the high TREATMENT with turpentine and
phosphatase content of rumen ingesta phenol preparations or coal tar deriva-
and the rich phosphate content of tives, commonly used in the treatment
bloat-producing plants are responsible of bloat, did not reduce the amount of
for an increased rate of gas production gas formed. The benefits of such treat-
in the bloating animals. ments were due to their surface ten-
The theories are interesting to re- sion—defoaming—action. A number
search workers but of little practical of American scientists have reported
value to farmers in 1956, but some of on methyl silicone, another defoaming
them may eventually prove to be very agent, as an effective treatment in
important in the prevention and treat- bloat. Such defoaming agents appear
ment of bloat. to act by changing the surface tension
Heredity is listed as a possible cause of liquids. Studies in New Zealand in-
of bloat only on limited experimental dicated that antifoaming agents never
evidence. A number of bloating steers failed to protect animals from bloat
112 Yearbook of Agriculture 1956

and to relieve the bloated ones. This bloat are known, it may be possible to
should not be interpreted as meaning change those characteristics.
that all bloat is due to frothing and Certain feeding practices may offer
that antifoaming agents are the com- considerable relief in areas where bloat
plete solution to the bloat problem. is a serious problem. There is some evi-
The New Zealand research workers dence that pure legume pastures are
discovered that paraffin, silicones, pea- more dangerous than pastures that are
nut oil, soybean oil, and turpentine, 50 percent legume plants or less. Weath-
all of which are surface-active agents, er and other conditions may make it
would successfully relieve and prevent difficult to maintain such ratios.
bloat. Here, again, it must be remem- Bloat occurs occasionally in the feed
bered that conditions may be different lot; with the use of fresh, field-chopped
in different parts of the world and that legumes, the number of cases may in-
further experimental work will be nec- crease. Some feeders control this type
essary under the existing conditions in of bloat by mixing coarse, nonlegume
various parts of this country. feed or straw with the roughage. One
It is doubtful even in "frothy" bloat large feeder puts a bale of straw to every
that defoaming agents would be effec- 3 or 4 bales of alfalfa hay through the
tive in the critical stages of bloat. chopper (dry hay) and believes that it
In the acute cases, time is of utmost greatly reduces bloat.
importance so that an emergency ru- Technicians in California reduced the
menotomy would probably be the only incidence of bloat by feeding Sudan-
effective method of treatment. grass to animals before they were turned
In cases that are not critical, the on the pastures each day.
stomach tube method of relieving gas Experimental work has started in
pressure is always worth a trial. In the England on the spraying of harmless de-
"frothy" type, however, it may be dis- foaming agents on bloat-producing pas-
appointing, because it is difficult to tures.
locate the possible existing gas pockets Investigators in Wisconsin found
before the tube, or trocar, becomes some evidence that common household
clogged. detergents may be effective in pre-
Extensive work is being done on venting bloat.
more effective and efficient defoaming
agents. It will be necessary to study FEW DEFINITE recommendations can
the effect of these agents on the rumen be made other than the use of mixed
bacteria and protozoa and their direct pastures and the feeding of coarse non-
effect on the treated animals. There is legume roughages daily before turning
little experimental evidence that phys- on pastures or supplying it to animals
ical methods or drugs now in use are on legume pastures. In dry-lot feeding,
effective in stimulating belching. It is the inclusion of straw or other nonleg-
difficult to evaluate clinical data, as a ume hay with legume roughage may
high percentage of bloated animals help to prevent bloat.
recover without treatment. Studies of the physical, chemical, and
pharmacological characteristics of sap-
PREVENTION OF BLOAT should be the onins have been undertaken by scien-
primary aim of investigations. When tists of the Department of Agriculture
enough basic knowledge is available at Bcltsville, Md., and Albany, Calif.
as to the cause of bloat, it should be The innervation of anatomical struc-
possible through feeding and manage- tures involved in belching is being stud-
ment practices and animal and plant ied at the University of Minnesota. Men
breeding programs to reduce the inci- at the University of Wisconsin began
dence greatly. If plants are the pri- studies of the efifect of detergents on
mary cause and if their chemical and foaming and other physical character-
physical characteristics that cause istics involved as possible causes of bloat.
Chemical Poisoning 113
The physiology of belching and the physiology in the New Tork State Veterinary
place of rumen bacteria in bloat are College^ Cornell University. He has done
studied at Cornell University and the extensive research with rumen physiology and
University of Maryland. bloat. He has published many papers on
problems connected with the digestive and re-
ROBERT W. DOUGHERTY is professor of productive tracts of cattle and sheep.

Chemical Poisoning

ARSENIC poisoning in livestock may and much like the symptoms of other
be caused by arsenic trioxide (white diseases. Some of the common symp-
arsenic), paris green, sodium arsenite, toms are loss of flesh; a bright-red
and sodium arsenate. Arsenic has coloration of the mucous membranes;
been a common cause of accidental digestive disturbance, with slight to
and criminal poisoning of animals marked diarrhea, irregular pulse, and
because it often is used to kill insects, depression.
parasites, weeds, and rodents and as Animals poisoned with arsenic usu-
a tonic for animals. ally have taken such large amounts
Arsenic compounds usually are palat- that treatment is of no value.
able to animals, especially when they
are hungry for salt. Many cattle and FLUORINE is an active chemical cle-
sheep have died from eating arsenic- ment. It is widely distributed in the
treated plants, grasshopper bait, or soil, rocks, water, and plants. It com-
discarded arsenic residues. The toxic bines with other elements to form
dose of arsenic depends on the species fluorides.
of animals, the type of arsenical com- The main naturally occurring fluo-
pound, its physical state, and the rine compounds, which are used for
method of administration. commercial purposes, are fluorspar,
cryolite, and apatite (rock phosphate).
ARSENIC POISONING may be acute or Chronic fluorosis results from the
chronic, depending on the amount ingestion of small amounts of fluoride
consumed. for a long time. It occurs in livestock
In acute poisoning, a form frequent- from the use of mineral mixtures con-
ly encountered, the symptoms may taining rock phosphate, water high
include intense abdominal pain, sali- in fluorine, and from contaminated
vation, a diffuse diarrhea, depression, forage grown near industrial plants
weakness, incoordination, and poste- that emit fluorides into the atmos-
rior paralysis, and a subnormal temper- phere. It is possible that surface
ature. These symptoms terminate in contamination of growing plants with
convulsions and death within a few dust from soil high in fluorides may
hours, or the animals may linger for cause chronic fluorosis in animals sub-
3 or 4 days. Some eventually recover. sisting entirely on such forage.
The chronic form of arsenic poison- All classes of livestock may be
ing in animals is hard to diagnose be- aflected by excess amounts of fluorides.
cause the symptoms may be obscure Considerable variation exists among
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