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Elements of Discrete Mathematics: A Computer Oriented Approach, Third Edition (SIE) # PDF \\ OPHSBNFHQG

Elements of Discrete
Mathematics: A Computer
Oriented Approach, Third
Edition (SIE)

By C.L. Liu,D.P. Mohapatra

Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2008. Softcover. Book

Condition: New. 3rd edition. This book, intended for a 3rd/4th
Semester course on Discrete Mathematics, presents the subject
in an algorithmic point of view without adhering to any
particular language. The subject has been treated using
concepts and solved examples juxtaposed against each other.
Table of contents Chapter 1. Computability and Formal
Languages Chapter 2. Permutations, Combinations, and
Discrete Probability Chapter 3. Relations and Functions Chapter
4. Graphs and Planar Graphs Chapter 5. Trees and Cut-Sets
Chapter 6. Finite State Machines Chapter 7. Analysis of
Algorithms Chapter 8. Discrete Numeric Functions and
Generating Functions Chapter 9. Recurrence Relations and
Recursive Algorithms Chapter 10. Groups and Rings Chapter 11.
Boolean Algebras Printed Pages: 584.

[ 1.57 MB ]


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