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Submitted by:

Nida Khalid
Nasir Abdullah
MBA 2008
Department of Management Sciences, Bahria
Institute of Management and Computer
Sciences, Islamabad

Bahria University, Islamabad i

Training Need Analysis of PTCL




Viva-Voice Examination



TOPIC: Training Need Analysis of PTCL.






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Training Need Analysis of PTCL


The project is about TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS of PTCL.

Conducting TNA of PTCL is important because of many
reasons. One of the reasons is that PTCL is going through
transitional phase. It was government organization for
more than 5 decades; therefore employees had a typical
mindset, most of them were not inclined to work hard,
training sessions were rarely conducted and hence
organization was going with same flow. Than in 2006,
Pakistan government sold 26% shares and top management to
a Dubai based private company Etisalat through bidding
process. Etisalat took control of top management and
hence there was a paradigm shift from public to private
company. Being the private company, Etisalat decided to
reduce its abandoned employees and launched Voluntary
Separation Scheme (VSS), around 35000 employees were
separated by giving golden handshakes and other benefits.
They were successful in reducing a handsome number of
employees but through Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS)
they also lost their key talent and some of the most
required persons also accepted VSS and left PTCL. So the
new dilemma the management facing is to train existing
employees so that they may have required training to
perform their task more efficiently and effectively. This
TNA will help them identify the areas in which training
can be required and how different individuals can be sent
for training.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


“In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and merciful”

Innumerable thanks to Almighty Allah, who

enabled us to complete this project. We would like
to express our heartiest gratitude to our supervisor
Ms. Fazeelat Nawaz for her support and guidance
throughout this project. In addition, we would like
to thank Mr. Tahir Mushtaq EVP HR&A PTCL, Mr.
Tehseen Chuhan EVP Training PTCL and Mr. Muhammad
Naeemullah SM Recruitment PTCL, they all deserve
sincere acknowledgements for providing their
precious time and information for the completion of
this project.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

We dedicate our work to our parents, our teachers, all

our loved ones who have always been there for us, for
their love, prayer, trust, support and encouragement in
the making of this project.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND........................................1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................2
1.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES................................3
1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................3
1.4.1 Target Company:................................4
1.4.2 Type of Study:.................................4
1.4.3 Subject:.......................................4
1.4.4 Sample:........................................4
1.4.5 Procedure:.....................................4
1.4.6 Nature of research:............................4
1.4.7 Type of data:..................................5
1.5 RESEARCH DESIGN...................................5
1.5.1 Direct Observations:...........................5
1.5.2 Unstructured interviews:.......................6
1.5.3 Structured Interviews:.........................6
1.5.4 Review of the current literature:..............7
1.5.5 Questionnaires:................................7
1.5.6 Strategic Design:..............................8
1.6 EXPECTED OUTCOMES.................................9
2. LITERATURE REVIEW...........................10
2.1 Voluntary Separation Scheme:.....................11
2.1.1 Strategic objectives of VSS:..................11
2.2 VSS Targets:.....................................12
2.2.1 Primary Target:...............................12
2.2.2 Secondary Target:.............................12
2.2.3 Retention Target:.............................12
2.2.4 Redundant Employees...........................13
2.2.5 New Terms and Condition Contract..............13

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

2.3 Total cost of VSS................................14

2.4 Purpose of Training Analysis.....................16
2.5 Levels of Training Need Analysis.................18
3. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS...........................26
3.1 Growth of telecom sector in Pakistan.............26
3.1.1 Mobile Sector:................................27
3.1.2 Fixed Line Sector:............................29
3.1.3 Wireless Local Loop (WLL) Sector:.............30
3.1.4 Payphone Services:............................31
3.1.4 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):..............32
4. ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW.....................34
4.1 Historical Background............................35
4.2 Milestones:......................................37
4.3 Vision:..........................................38
4.4 Mission:.........................................39
4.5 Core Values:.....................................39
4.6 Subsidiaries:....................................39
4.7 Main offices:....................................39
4.8 Structure of PTCL................................40
4.8 Departments of Human Resource:...................42
4.8.1 HR & A........................................42
4.8.2 Organizational Development & HR Planning......42
4.8.3 Training & Career Development.................42
4.9 Product Lines:...................................42
4.10 Culture of PTCL.................................44
4.10.1 Terminal values of PTCL:.....................44
4.10.2 Instrumental values of PTCL:.................44
4.10.3 Norms of PTCL:...............................44
5. IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUE.....................46
5.1 Theoretical Framework............................47
5.2 Hypothesis Development...........................47
6. POSSIBLE OPTION.............................49
7. ANALYSIS....................................50

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

7.1 Organization Analysis............................50

7.1.1 Recruitment Process:..........................51
7.1.2 Findings:.....................................55
7.2 Person Analysis..................................56
7.2.1 Findings:.....................................59
7.3 Task Analysis....................................59
7.3.1 Findings:.....................................61
8. RECOMMENDATIONS.............................63
9. BIBLOGRAPY..................................68
10. APPENDICES.................................70

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Table of Figures

Figure 1: TNA Process..................................23

Figure 2: Stages of TNA................................24
Figure 4: Training Cycle...............................25
Figure 5: Performance..................................25
Figure 6: Cellular Subscibers Growth...................28
Figure 7: Shares in Mobile Market (Oct, 09)............29
Figure 8: Fixed line subscribers.......................30
Figure 9: WLL Subscribers..............................31
Figure 10: PCO shares by Service.......................32
Figure 11: Foreign Direc Investment....................33
Figure 12: Structure of PTCL...........................41
Figure 13: Theoretical Framework.......................47
Figure 14: Recruitment Process.........................52
Figure 15: Organizational Analysis I...................52
Figure 16: Organizational Analysis II..................53
Figure 17: Organizational Analysis III.................53
Figure 18: Organizational Analysis IV..................54
Figure 19: Organizational Analysis V...................54
Figure 20: Person Analysis I...........................57
Figure 21: Person Analysis II..........................57
Figure 22: Person Analysis III.........................58
Figure 23: Person Analysis IV..........................58
Figure 24: Task Analysis I.............................60
Figure 25: Task Analysis II............................61

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


With the birth of a new soul comes a new voice and

with it a series of innocent new stories that we treasure
all our lives. The circle of the family grows and is
strengthened with every addition of a voice, and who
understands it better than PTCL .For 60 years it has been
the one and only connection between families and the
voice of little ones who share thousands stories with the
world. From the first faltering “HELLO” to the most
eloquent speech, PTCL has given voice to many little
angels of Pakistan and today it has become one strong
voice of the country.
PTCL has shared joys, the love, the obstacles and
the sorrows together, it’s time that PTCL move a head
keeping the trust we have on each other and relying on
the connection that is stronger than ever before. PTCL
are transforming our world by changing the way we
communicate globally. Our every thought, word and emotion
when shared will send out ripples that will alter every
one’s life globally and locally. Our progress will
inspire others to speak up and voice their views and
emotions as freely as possible .PTCL today, is an open,
borderless medium for communication. PTCL have worked
hard to preserve a seat in the center of the world, and
to be ever ambassador to the world.


With the business environment becoming increasingly

competitive, companies are aggressively aiming to derive
the maximum from their employees. One of the widely
deployed practices among corporations to pump up an
employee’s performance through enhanced motivation is
providing them with adequate training programs, for this
purpose different organizations conduct training need
analysis to find out the gaps in the existing skills,
knowledge and attitudes of employees. Our research is
also based on the training need analysis of Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited.


PTCL is the biggest telecommunication service provider in

Pakistan and had 65000 employees with no major
competitors. It was a government owned entity and like
many other entities of the government, the employees of
this organization were not inclined to work hard.

Etisalat right after taking the control of organization

realized the fact that a major portion of revenues is
being wasted by many ways. A huge number of surplus and
un-trained employees are a major reason of wastage of
revenues. Thus the management had to make some strategies
to reduce surplus employees and get skilled labor from
existing market.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

To have a proper documentation of the problem they hired

an external consultant BearingPoint, which carried out a
thorough survey in the organization. The result of the
survey showed that they have 25000 to 30000 non-skilled
employees. The survey also showed that they have plenty
of over age, non skilled workers, which lacked the
required knowledge and competency to do a particular job.

Thus PTCL announced a Voluntary separation scheme that

was a 100% voluntary scheme for all regular employees. A
programme that offered employees the Voluntary option of
separating from PTCL in exchange of for financial

Voluntary separation scheme (VSS) was launched for

surplus of un-trained and un-educated employees which
lacked required educational background and technical
competency to perform their tasks. PTCL had derived a
criterion to retain their competent employee. But when
VSS was launched, instead of those un-trained employees a
lot no of their trained and competent employees opted it


PTCL is facing problem of acquiring new talent and

training their existing one.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


PTCL requires to conduct a thorough Training need

analysis in order to find the particular skills and
personnel required for training.


 To study the current system of training in terms of

the type of training conducted, the resources
available and the process followed.
 To provide an overview of the steps involved in the
human resource development.
 To elaborate the role of training required to make
PTCL a competitive organization in the telecom
 To critically examine the requirements at the
organization, person and task level for devising
appropriate training programs.
 To align the training function with the strategic
orientation of the company for providing effective


The research methodology is as under:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

1.4.1 Target Company:

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL)

1.4.2 Type of Study:


1.4.3 Subject:

The samples are drawn randomly from a population in which

the data are normally distributed. The subjects for this
project belong to the Pakistan Telecommunication Company
limited. A total of fifty respondents have been included
in the survey while five interviews have been conducted
for research purposes. The respondents included in the
survey mainly belong to middle and top managerial level.

1.4.4 Sample:

The sample is taken from the Human Resource Department of


1.4.5 Procedure:

The procedure for carrying out the research is given as


Training Need Analysis of PTCL

1.4.6 Nature of research:

The research is of a quantitative as well as qualitative

nature as the aim is to classify features, count them,
and construct statistical models in an attempt to
explain what is observed. It is also required to develop
and employ hypotheses pertaining to the phenomena.

1.4.7 Type of data:

Most of the data collected is primary data; collected

from the filled questionnaires and by analyzing the
interviews, however we also went through the secondary
data the organization already has carried out research.


We gathered information about the current system and

training needs this information is gathered using the
following techniques:
 Direct observation
 Unstructured Interviews with persons in key
positions, and/or with specific knowledge
 Structured Interviews
 Review of current literature
 Questionnaire

1.5.1 Direct Observations:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Direct observation was done for understanding the

workflow and the lack of professionalism in the
departments if there was any. For this all the
departments were visited and the work processes were
observed. The departments visited are as follows:

 Recruitment
 Training and development
 Operations
 Admin and Maintenance
 Compensation and Benefits
 Man power planning

1.5.2 Unstructured interviews:

After the direct observation, unstructured interviews

were held with different persons who appeared to be
competitive in direct observation to realize their real

1.5.3 Structured Interviews:

The structured interviews were followed by a list of

questions which were decided upon beforehand and changes
or additions to the questions were not made unless
absolutely necessary. However, each person could ask to
clarify the questions from interviewer. Each interview
was taken between one to two hours, taking into account
that the respondent sometimes needs time to find the
right answers.

Interviews were with the directors or high ranking

officers’ in-charge of departments, divisions, sections

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

or specific working practices and with the responsibility

of supervising a number of staff. The staff at the lower
levels was also interviewed for gathering information
about the tasks performed on the job.

1.5.4 Review of the current literature:

The current literature available on Training in general

and on TNA in particular was studied in detail. The
importance of carrying out TNA and the methods used were

1.5.5 Questionnaires:

The approach taken to evaluate the needs for training

that was using a Structured Questionnaire. The reason
for using this method was that it can be administered to
a large number of people and the responses can be
quantified. The required responses can be elicited with
ease. Both the process of answering the questions and the
feedback will contribute to self awareness, especially if
the results include contributions from line manager,
peers and direct reports. The training need is the
difference between the current performance and the
required performance. For some questions the options for
answers have been listed. This not only makes it easy to
analyze responses but also helps those responding to give
the accurate information in the limited time available

So a thorough research was carried out in this particular

fashion to collect the information of all the employees
who need training.
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

1.5.6 Strategic Design:

 Levels: The questionnaire has been designed to

follow a specific format which divides the analysis
into three portions. Instead of using a random
approach to collecting information a sequential
method is used. The flow of the document allows for
the understanding of the importance of training in
the broader context. The strategic orientation of
the company and the training implications are drawn.
The person and task analysis follow, which help in
extracting the critical information needed to
determine the right target for training and also to
determine the areas for which training is most

 Areas of investigation: Within each of the three

levels the areas of investigation have been
specified so a thought process is developed while an
individual is answering questions related to a
particular area. This also ensures that all critical
areas have been covered.

 Target: The target audience has been specified for

the reason that those who are most concerned with a
particular area would be able to give invaluable
information in that part. The Corporate Strategy
Department has been addressed for answering
questions related to the strategy because this
department is responsible for determining the
strategic orientation of the company. The questions
related to the task and people are best answered by
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

those who are either performing the tasks or are

subject matter experts.


 A complete training need analysis for PTCL will be

 The training deficient areas in the organization
will be high lighted
 The employee’s response for training will be
 A complete survey will be conducted regarding who
needs training and what the employees need to learn.
 The company will be able to introduce the innovative
culture and make use of new technology to make their
operation more efficient.
 The employees training will have a direct impact on their
job performance i.e. they will be more motivated towards
their work; they will be able to learn new technologies.


Training Need Analysis of PTCL

PTCL, the largest of telecom operator in Pakistan is now

managed by Etisalat, a UAE based Telecom Company. Its
current operations include UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Niger, Ivory Coast, Benin,
Togo, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Gabon and Central African
Republican. The company is expanding its operations in
the Middle East and Africa with a vision to become one of
the top ten telecom service providers in the global
market by the year 2010.

The company carried out a Voluntary Separation Scheme

(VSS) for its employees that were absolutely “non-
binding” and nobody was forced to leave the company.

Etisalat had made a solemn commitment with the employees

that all our efforts shall be made to bring everybody on
board. Etisalat considered PTCL staff as a precious asset
and therefore would never lose it.

PTCL management was taking a number of steps to transform

PTCL into a leading regional telecommunications operator
for fixed line and data services. The VSS is one of those
steps; where it recognizes the years of hard work and
commitment shown by its employees and rewarding them for
that. Etisalat, the UAE based Telecom Company now manages
PTCL, and its current operations include UAE, Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Niger, Ivory
Coast, Benin, Togo, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Gabon and
Central African Republican. (

2.1 Voluntary Separation Scheme:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

PTCL has announced a Voluntary separation scheme that is

100% voluntary scheme for all regular employees

 A programme that offers employees the Voluntary

option of separating from PTCL in exchange of for
financial compensation.
 It is designed to streamline operations, improves
customer service, and increase shareholder value.

2.1.1 Strategic objectives of VSS:

VSS will help reduce labor costs and right size ptcl
organization by:

 Creating an incentive for as many as 25,000 to

30,000 non critical skill employees at the
appropriate level to voluntary leave the
 Reducing the number of job functions with outdated
technologies and skill sets or can be outsourced
 Reducing the number of employees in over-staffed job
 Reducing the number of older workers deemed
unsuitable for training
 Reducing the number of employees in Basic Pay Scale
levels below 16.

2.2 VSS Targets:

2.2.1 Primary Target:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 Redundant Employees: The employees that are no

longer needed due to outdated technologies,
functions and skills.
 Surplus Employees: Employees in positions that are
currently overstaffed in PTCL.S

2.2.2 Secondary Target:

 Employees in BPS 16 & Below: Comprising of 80 % of

PTCL’s regular employee population with a
considerable number of redundant surplus positions.
 Aging Employees: Employees older than 45 who
generally have outdated skills and are not suited
for retraining.

2.2.3 Retention Target:

 Key talent: Employees considered being among the

organization potential future leaders.

 other needed talent: Important for PTCL

 Surplus needed: Employees in positions that are over

staffed in PTCL, but whose skills set and
performance have made them essential to PTCL’s
operations (

2.2.4 Redundant Employees

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

"Redundant" was the word which was being used by the

management on the encoded electronic forms of the
employees who clicked for their fate for an exit or to
stay back. The company which eyes a face change with new
young and energetic breed from country's top financial
intuitions or foreign qualified persons. On the other
side PTCL management has also gave a zinc laden solution
its employees of TEVTA based training in which all the
expenses for the said training will be bored by PTCL. The
employees who mostly hold degrees not more than bachelors
with their VSS amount will be totally vulnerable to the
ever rising competitive business market. (Imran Ali
Teepu, December 2007, Privatization of PTCL: The
Redundant Employees)

With property market souring high, professional education

getting out of the normal income of ordinary government
servant, health facilities not in sight and a grim future
the employees who will opt for the VSS will ultimately
have to face the music of the harsh economic realities of
the already tightening economic Pakistan.

2.2.5 New Terms and Condition Contract

On the other side if these employees do not opt for the

VSS they will have to come on PTCL NTC (New Terms and
Condition Contract) which seems a total bet for the job
Vs. VSS.
As if they stay away from the VSS it all depends on the
PTCL management as what to do with these employees either
to sent them home with their standard financial perks as
given by the company or just fire them after June 2008
promise which is between the government and (Etisalat

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

/PTCL) management as not to fire any employee before June

2008. (Babar Bhatti, PTCL Voluntary Separation Scheme
Announced, November 2007)

2.3 Total cost of VSS

According to an article “PTCL Voluntary Separation Scheme

Announced “ by Baber Bhatti the Total cost is about Rs 35
billion, out of which 50 per cent amount will be paid by
the good old Government of Pakistan. The intended /
eligible target of VSS is PTCL employees who are not over
58 years of age – probably management does not consider
them relevant to the latest technology and strategy.
According to insiders, this scheme works well for those
who are relatively new at PTCL. As I have written before,
if PTCL management handles this well, then this could be
good for both the company and its employees in the long
run. Business Recorder provides more information.

The government has imposed ban on re-employment of those

employees of Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
(PTCL) who will opt for Voluntary Separation Scheme
(VSS), informed sources told Business Recorder.

“The Ministry of Information Technology will ensure that

optees who are granted voluntary separation will not be
re-employed by PTCL,” the sources quoted Cabinet
Committee on Privatization (CCoP) as giving directions to
the Privatization Commission.

The sources said that GoP share of VSS would be available

to only those optees who apply within 60 days of the
launching of the scheme. Under the Sale Purchase
Agreement (SPA) and Share Holders Agreement (SHA) between
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

GoP and Etisalat International Pakistan (EIP), the new

management of PTCL has the right to offer voluntary
retirement or departure to the employment and GoP was
committed to pay 50 percent gross expenses.

Prior to its privatization, PTCL had also signed an

agreement with the CBA unions providing for VSS for
employees. The PTCL-specific VSS developed by consultants
was approved by the company’s board and was placed for
discussions in a series of meetings of the PC board,
Ministries of Information Technology, Finance and
Privatization held between 14 and 24 September 2007.

The scheme was projected to cost Rs 34.858 billion,

assuming that 60 percent of the employees avail this
package. The share of GoP will be Rs 17.429 billion to be
paid out of the privatization proceeds.

About two months proposed time for acceptance of the

package by the employees; the sources said that PTCL may
take its time in implementation of the scheme. However,
the government would honor its commitment of sharing 50 per cent cost of
VSS towards those employees who opt for the scheme within two months of its
announcement, the sources added.

The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL)

management has enlisted 161 employees, presently appointed
at the PTCL Headquarter in Islamabad, to put into the
surplus wing and out of which 17 employees have been
transferred to surplus wing through two separate
notifications issued during the last couple of days.

However, in surplus pool, these employees will get their

basic salary but would not be given any type of

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

allowances. Confirmed sources in PTCL management have

revealed that ultimately the employees in the surplus wing
would be given Voluntary Separation of Service (VSS) when
it would be announced. (Sajid Gondal, PTCL to transfer
161 workers to surplus pool, January, 2007)

Similarly, last month, the PTCL management had also

transferred some gazetted officers into the surplus pool.
The PTCL management on Friday held a meeting with the
members of action committee consisting of leaders of the
PTCL employees regional unions. The purpose of the meeting
was to take the action committee members into confidence
before announcement of the VSS. At present, PTCL has
65,000 employees throughout Pakistan, out of which only
3,500 are present employees of the company, while the
remaining 30,000 belonged to the contractors or hired on
daily wages. The new management of PTCL has decided to cut
its surplus manpower by offering VSS-type package.

It is expected that about 30,000 to 35,000 employees would

be relieved from the service through VSS.

2.4 Purpose of Training Analysis

Carter McNamara, Overall Purpose of Training Analysis

A training analysis is conducted ultimately to identify

training goals, that is, what areas of knowledge or
skills that training needs to accomplish with learners in
order that learners can meet organizational goals
(usually in terms of a performance standard).

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Usually this phase also includes identifying when

training should occur and who should attend as learners.
Ideally, criteria are established for the final
evaluation of training to conclude if training goals were
met or not.

Note that employees can require training for a variety of

reasons, which usually fall into two categories:

1. Training to fill a "performance gap" as identified

during the performance management process
2. Training to fill a "growth gap", that is, to be
promoted or be able to fill another open position in the
organization (Cornell University Press, What is training
needs analysis, 2000)

TNA is the systematic gathering of data to find out where

there are gaps in the existing skills, knowledge and
attitudes of employees. It involves the gathering of data
about existing employees’ capabilities and organizational
demands for skills, and the analysis of the implications
of new and changed roles for changes in capability.

It often flows from the business strategy, as the aim of

identifying needs is to be able to build a plan to offer
appropriate learning opportunities to fill the gaps
identified and ensure that there is sufficient capability
for the organization to meet its objectives. When to
undertake training needs analysis

2.5 Levels of Training Need Analysis

TNA can be undertaken at a number of levels.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 For the organization as a whole - usually undertaken

by the Learning and Development (L&D) team or the HR
department. The aim is to understand the amount and
types of learning that will be needed to ensure that
all employees have the right knowledge, skills and
attitudes to perform the jobs they do. Ultimately
such a survey is ensuring that the skills will be
available for the organization to meet its strategic
objectives, and may cover the short-term (within a
year) or look to the longer term in order to ensure
the supply of the right skills at points in the
future. The latter may be very important if human
capital needs are going to be changing with business
circumstances, if it will take several years to
either recruit people with the right skills, or
develop existing employees’ skills and knowledge to
the level required in the future. Such an analysis
may also investigate the alternative routes of
deciding whether to buy in talent (if it is
available) or grow the capabilities of those
currently employed.

 For a specific department, project or area of work.

These may be one-off projects, where a change or a
new way of working, or a reorganization necessitates
changes in the jobs people do. Research will have to
be carried out on what demands the new or changed
jobs will make and any gaps identified between
employees’ current skills and the skills needed to
meet the new demands. Even if no radical changes are
planned senior managers expect their business
partners to continuously analyze and update the
requirements for learning in their areas of

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 For the individual - often this will take place at

appraisal with the employee and their line manager.
Needs may cover enhancing skills to improve
performance on the current job, to deal with
forthcoming changes, or developmental needs that
will enable the individual to progress their career.
(Carter McNamara, Authencity consulting, LLC, 2008)

Training Needs Analysis

Many problems or shortcomings which prevent organizations

or employees from achieving their objectives can often be
overcome, or at least minimized, through training and
development activities. A thorough Training Needs
Analysis is conducted by using the following steps:

1. Adopt a framework for identifying needs

Training needs can be identified at three levels:

• The individual: an employee lacks certain skills,
understandings or behaviors that limit performance, eg a
discourteous receptionist.
• The strata: employees doing the same kind of work lack
a certain skill, e.g. with the introduction of new
computerized cash registers, the checkout people need
training but drivers do not.
• The organization: throughout the company certain
behavior hinders achievement of a corporate goal, eg poor
interpersonal skills are affecting employees and customer
retention. Consider that framework when deliberating on
the need for training in your organization.

2. Be aware of the work that may be involved

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Just as employee training does not simply happen, nor

does its identification. The process of assessing the
need for training demands time and energy in planning and
analysis. It demands the full involvement of employees in
the discussion process, beyond the traditional approach
where management decided what was best for employees. It
demands co-ordination, allowing managers in all parts of
the organization to integrate common needs and priorities
to avoid duplication of effort and cost.

3. Be ready to tackle any anticipated problems

Be prepared to initiate training when a need is obvious,

e.g. before or after the installation of new equipment in
the workplace. Keep on the lookout for more difficult
problems to identify. For example, you may have accepted
for some time that the high turnover of employees in the
accounts office was a result of the cramped, stuffy
environment in that part of the building. You may argue
that it’s a budgetary issue, not a training problem. But
what if the real cause was poor selection of employees or
the accounts manager’s poor interpersonal skills? In this
case, training may well be required.

4. Use proven techniques to identify needs

There is a strong case for ongoing, systematic

monitoring. To identify training needs, or when problems
arise, there are several instruments that may be used to
locate the actual symptoms.

Some of these needs assessment instruments are:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

• Literature research: Scrutinize budget and quality

control documents, goal statements, evaluation reports,
staffing and scheduling reports for problems.
• Interviews: Talk to supervisors, managers, employees
and customers.
• Appraisal interviews: Individual training needs will
become apparent.
• Observations: Watch the job or task being performed.
• Surveys: Send out questionnaires.
• Group discussions: Involve employees and their
• Online monitoring: Frequency of employee inquiries to
in-house online resources.

5. Ask relevant questions

Essential questions that you might need to ask to

determine training needs would include:
• What are my employees doing that they shouldn’t be
• What specific things would I like to see my employees
doing, but they aren’t?
• When I visualize my employees performing a job
properly, what do I see them doing?
• What prevents them from performing a prescribed task to
a set standard?
• Is that standard reasonable? Why not?
• If an employee could change one thing in the way
current work is performed, what would it be?
• What skill or behavior would I like to see my employees
trained in? Why?
• What would they like to be trained in?
• What new technology would benefit my employees the most
in the performance of their work?

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

• What new technology would I like to see invented to

help them with their work? Why?

6. Know the benefits of a systematic approach

There are advantages in embracing an ongoing and

systematic approach to identifying training needs. It’s
an essential requirement for improving performance, and a
natural consequence of employee performance appraisals –
morale, satisfaction and motivation are enhanced when
employees and teams know that their development is a
priority. Also, importantly, it allows management to
priorities resources, in accordance with an effective
organizational development plan.

7. Integrate training needs wherever possible

To avoid duplication of effort and increasing costs, it

is sensible for managers to aggregate training needs
information and, whenever possible, to work towards
integration of organization-wide training activities.

8. Begin a training program

Having identified needs, training can begin at the
individual, strata or organizational level. The bottom
line is that no training should be arranged without first
establishing that there is a clear need for it.

Figures Explaining Training Need Analysis:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 1: TNA Process

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 2: Stages of TNA

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 3: Training Cycle

Figure 4: Performance

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


Since the inception of Pakistan, basic telecom services

were being provided by a monopolist, previously called as
Telephone and Telegraph department (T&T). The department
was being run by the government and played multiple roles
as regulator, policy maker, operator and service provider
in the country. The T& T department was later converted
into a corporation. Although the corporation was earning
huge profits from the services, it was re-investing the
same profits into the sector for the provision of more
telecom service but the investment was not enough.
Further, with the technological advancement, more and
more telecom services were becoming available but there
was not enough money available with the corporation to
install new telecom systems for the provision of modern
services. Resultantly, a digital divide prevailed in
Pakistan keeping it behind its neighbors and other
comparable countries in terms of telecom access.

3.1 Growth of telecom sector in Pakistan

Although tremendous growth has taken place in the

Pakistan telecom sector but most of it can be attributed
to the cellular growth. Fixed line is still awaiting a
takeoff. Similarly Value Added Services have grown but
are still a drop in the bucket. Now that the competition
has been introduced in the telecom sector some very
positive impact have been observed on the growth of the

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

sector in a short span of time which is expected to

continue to grow for at least next five years if the
daring investors influx continue as in the last 3 years.
A brief account of the growth in telecom sector is given

3.1.1 Mobile Sector:

Driven by lowest tariffs, maximum coverage, and

relatively better quality the Pakistan mobile market
maintained rapid growth during 2009. The newly
deregulated mobile market is now working on sustaining
the mobile boom that hit Pakistan 2 years back and on the
brink of adding Value Added Services to increase ARPU
along with customer satisfactions.

The cellular subscriber’s growth squeezed after Pakistan

Telecommunication Authority has blocked millions of
unregistered connections after the launch of SIM
information system-668. Although the new system was
introduced officially in mid-October, the subscriber’s
based widened only by 10,452 in this month, which showed
that users’ base may contract after blocking of
unregistered numbers.

In October 09, the overall customers’ base reached 95.918

million with only 0.01 percent growth from preceding
month. Besides Ufone, all four cellular phone companies
witnessed minimal addition of users on their network. .
Figure-1 shows the subscribers growth of different
Cellular Mobile Operators.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 5: Cellular Subscibers Growth

In 2009 the share of each company in mobile market

exhibited a change, except for Ufone whose subscriber
share remained more or less the same. Mobilink kept on
losing its share for another year in favour of Telenor
and Warid despite its secure subscriber base, whereas
zong is struggling with transitional phase. Figure-2
depicts the Cellular mobile operators share in the
telecommunication market.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 6: Shares in Mobile Market (Oct, 09)

3.1.2 Fixed Line Sector:

Fixed line services are experiencing declining trend across

the globe, and so is the case in Pakistan. This is mainly due
to introduction of new services that are more economical, cost
effective, easy to deploy, easy for mobility and have array of
value added services attached to them. Out of four major
operators, PTCL and PTC have the privilege of being the mature

Nayatel and WorldCall have joined in very aggressively;

especially the innovative value added services provided by
Nayatel have made it popular service provider in the capital
city. Brain and Union communication have still not been able
to make the mark in fixed line sector and are providing
services to very small market.

Availability of mobile service on lower rates along with other

attractive features also resulted in pushing down the
popularity of fixed line. Total fixed line subscribers in
Pakistan stood at a total of 3.7 million as of March 2009,
yielding total teledensity of 2.3 percent. Figure 3 depicts
the fixed line Subscribers position.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 7: Fixed line subscribers

3.1.3 Wireless Local Loop (WLL) Sector:

Wireless local loop services are becoming increasingly

popular both for addressing the rural areas communication
needs and the low population density areas due to its
deployment advantages and cheaper rates.

The WLL solution in relation to fixed line requires less

investment with high returns. Today WLL services are
available across the Pakistan in 14 telecom regions. WLL
operators provide services such as EvDO, that make them
more usefull while on the go.

Popularity of WLL services are also obvious from the

dropping figures of fixed local loop subscriptions –
especially with reference to PTCL’s case, where a

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

balancing effect of gain and drop in WLL and FLL

subscriber is going on for last one year now.

There are currently 7 operators providing services in

their licensed areas in addition to PTCL – which is
offering WLL services across the country.

Total WLL subscribers stood at 2.5 million and density in

the country touched 1.5 percent in March 2009.

There were total of 12,000 cities/ towns /villages

covered by WLL operators by March 2009.

Figure 8: WLL Subscribers

3.1.4 Payphone Services:

Card payphone services in Pakistan were deregulated in

1990s. Telecard is the first to introduce this service in
Pakistan. Growth of fixed line PCOs remained impressive
till 2004-05 where it was going at an outstanding pace.
PTA allowed mobile companies to establish their PCOs.
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

After 2004-05 growth trend of fixed line PCO declined but

wireless PCO services flourished in Pakistan.

PCO service is functional in all four provinces and

majority of them are wireless. Overall growth of the PCOs
remained 10% in the year 2006-07 which was 26% in the
year 2005-06. PTA allowed mobile companies to establish
their PCOs. Mobilink was the first to start its PCO
service and has a claim of 57,936 PCOs.

Figure 9: PCO shares by Service

Figure 3.5 PCO share by service (Dec-07)

3.1.4 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):

Despite a slowdown in economy, as well as of telecom

sector, Foreign Direct Investment in Telecom sector of
Pakistan continued in last few years, which indicate the
confidence of foreign investors Pakistan’s Telecom

Telecom sector continued to attract major share of FDI in

the country. During first two quarters (July to December
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

2008), telecom sector received over USD 716 million FDI

inflows which become 31 percent of total FDI landed in
Pakistan during this period.

Figure 10: Foreign Direct Investment

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is

Pakistan’s most reliable and largest converged services
carrier providing all telecommunications services from
basic voice telephony to data, internet, video-
conferencing and carrier services to consumers and
businesses all over the country.

PTCL is the largest telecommunications provider in

Pakistan, with an employee strength of 30,089 and 4
million land line customer base PTCL also continues to be
the largest CDMA operator in the country with 0.8 million
V-fone customers.

The company maintains a leading position in Pakistan as

an infrastructure provider to other telecom operators and
corporate customers of the country. It has the potential
to be an instrumental agent in Pakistan’s economic
growth. PTCL has laid an Optical Fiber Access Network in
the major metropolitan centers of Pakistan and local loop
services have started to be modernized and upgraded from
copper to an optical network.

4.1 Historical Background

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is the

largest telecommunication company in Pakistan. The
Government of Pakistan sold 26% shares and control of the
company to Etisalat in 2006.

From the humble beginnings of Posts & Telegraph

Department in 1947 and establishment of Pakistan
Telephone & Telegraph Department in 1962, PTCL has been a
major player in telecommunication in Pakistan. Despite
having established a network of enormous size, PTCL
workings and policies have attracted regular criticism
from other smaller operators and the civil society of

Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) took over

operations and functions from Pakistan Telephone and
Telegraph Department under Pakistan Telecommunication
Corporation Act 1991. This coincided with the
Government's competitive policy, encouraging private
sector participation and resulting in award of licenses
for cellular, card-operated pay-phones, paging and,
lately, data communication services.

Pursuing a progressive policy, the Government in 1991,

announced its plans to privatize PTC, and in 1994 issued
six million vouchers exchangeable into 600 million shares
of the would-be PTCL in two separate placements. Each had
a par value of Rs. 10 per share. These vouchers were
converted into PTCL shares in mid-1996.

In 1995, Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization)

Ordinance formed the basis for PTCL monopoly over basic
telephony in the country. It also paved the way for the
establishment of an independent regulatory regime. The

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

provisions of the Ordinance were lent permanence in

October 1996 through Pakistan Telecommunication
(Reorganization) Act. The same year, Pakistan
Telecommunication Company Limited was formed and listed
on all stock exchanges of Pakistan

PTCL launched its mobile and data services subsideries in

1998 by the name of Ufone and PakNet respectively. None
of the brands made it to the top slots in the respective
competitions. Lately, however, Ufone had increased its
market share in the cellular sector. The PakNet brand has
effectively dissolved over the period of time. Recent DSL
services launched by PTCL reflect this by the
introduction of a new brand name and operations of the
service being directly supervised by PTCL instead of

As telecommunication monopolies head towards an imminent

end, services and infrastructure providers are set to
face even bigger challenges. Pakistan also entered post-
monopoly era with deregulation of the sector in January
2003. On the Government level, a comprehensive
liberalization policy for telecom sector is in the

In middle of 2005 Government of Pakistan had decided to

sell at least 26 percent of this company to some private
agency. There were three participants in the bet for
privatization of PTCL. Etisalat, a Dubai based company
was able to get the shares with a large margin in the

In 2006 when Government was going to privatize the

company there was country wide protest and strike by PTCL

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

workers. They even disrupted Phone lines of some big

Government institutions like Punjab University Lahore and
many lines of public sector were also blocked. Military
had to take over the management of all the Exchanges in
the country. They arrested many workers and put them
behind bars. The contention between Government and
employees ended with a 30% increase in the salaries of

4.1.1 Ehtisalat:

In April 2006, Emirates Telecommunication Corporation,

commonly known as Etisalat, acquired 26% shares of PTCL.
Etisalat has been the telecommunications service provider
in the UAE since 1976 and stands 140th among the
Financial Times Top 500 Corporations in the world in
terms of market capitalization, and is ranked as the 6th
largest company in the Middle East in terms of
capitalization and revenues. . Etisalat is currently
operating in 14 countries namely UAE, Saudi Arabia,
Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Niger, Ivory Coast,
Benin, Togo, Tanzania, Bukina Paso, Gabon, and Central
African Republic and is continuing to pursue new mobile
and fixed line opportunities in many growth markets.

4.2 Milestones:
 1947:Inception Posts & Telegraph Dept established

 1961: Conversion into Pakistan Telegraph & Telephone


 1990-91:Conversion into Pakistan Telecom Corporation

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 1995: About 5% of PTC assets transferred to PTA, FAB

& NTC.

 1996: PTCL Formed listed on all Stock Exchanges of


 1998: Mobile (Ufone) & Internet (PakNet)

subsidiaries established.

 2000: Telecom Policy Finalized

 2003: Telecom Deregulation Policy Announced

 2006: Etisalat Takes Over
 2008: lunching of I-PTV

4.3 Vision:

To be the leading Information and Communication

Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving
customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders'

The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we

will be the link that allows global communication. We are
striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By
becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a
future that offers telecom services that bring us closer.

4.4 Mission:

To achieve our vision by having:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 An Organizational environment that fosters

professionalism, motivation and quality.
 An organization that is cost effective and quality
 Services that are based on the most optimum
 “Quality” and “Time” conscious customer service
 Sustained growth in earnings and profitability

4.5 Core Values:

 Professional Integrity
 Customer Satisfaction
 Team work
 Company loyalty

4.6 Subsidiaries:

1. Ufone

4.7 Main offices:

The PTCL at present has offices at

 Headquarter in Islamabad

The main regional offices which deal the revenue and

expenditure matter on headquarter instruction are as

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 Karachi
 Hyderabad

 Sukker

 Lahore

 Faisalabad

 Multan

 Gujranwala

 Quetta

 Peshawar

 Rawalpindi

4.8 Structure of PTCL

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 11: Structure of PTCL

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

4.8 Departments of Human Resource:

4.8.1 HR & A
 HR Administration
 Employee Relations
 Recruitment
 Manpower Planning

4.8.2 Organizational Development & HR Planning

 Organizational Design
 Compensation & Benefits
 HR Policies

4.8.3 Training & Career Development

 Training Administration
 Career Development
 Evaluation, Monitoring & Research

4.9 Product Lines:

PTCL achieves its customers’ satisfaction by providing

them with features and services like network coverage,
performance, reliability & security at their specific

PTCL’s offers services to two types of Customers:

1. Consumers Services
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

2. Corporate Services

4.9.1 Consumer Services:

1. PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Network)

2. V fone

3. Broadband

4. IPTV (PTCL Smart TV)

5. VMS (Voice Mail Service)

6. Free Internet Facility

7. Kehdo SMS

8. PTCL Calling Cards

9. Evo Wireless Broadband

4.9.2 Corporate Services:

1. UAN (Universal Access Number-111)

2. UIN (Universal Internet Number-131)
3. Business DSL
4. DPLC (Domestic Private Leased Circuit)
5. IP Connect
6. ISDN BRI (Integrated Services Digital Network Basic
Rate Interface
7. ISDN PRI Integrated Services Digital Network Primary
Rate Interface
8. Co -locations
9. DXX Connectivity
10. Call Centers
11. Audio Conference
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

12. VPN (Virtual Private Network)

13. Premium Rate Service (0900)
14. V-Connect
15. International IP services
16. PTCL Webhosting
17. Payphones

4.10 Culture of PTCL

4.10.1 Terminal values of PTCL:

 Professional Integrity
 Customer Satisfaction
 Team work
 Company loyalty

4.10.2 Instrumental values of PTCL:

 Working hard
 Being responsible
 Being alert
 Coming with new ideas
 Maintaining high standards

4.10.3 Norms of PTCL:

 Helping co workers
 Completing the work on time

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

 Properly and honestly doing duty

 Coming to the office on time

Now in PTCL Fresh graduates are hired in the organization

as management trainees; they are given proper training
before giving the responsibility. The newly hired
employees learn and internalize the values and norms of
the organization’s culture by socialization. Individuals
are allowed and encouraged to be creative and to
experiment with changing norms and values.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


The area under examination is the “Training function”

which currently is not effective enough to support the
competitive orientation of the company. This function has
been merely been used to fulfill some of the basic
training requirements in the technical area. Previously
being a government owned entity in a non competitive
environment PTCL used training as a formality. There is
no structured system in place. Training is imparted to
those who are nominated by the regional heads without
determining whether these candidates are suitable for
training. Identification of the areas in which
individuals are to be trained is not preceded by thorough
analysis. With the new management in charge, all the
systems are being scrutinized. The problems and flaws are
being identified so that remedial actions can be taken
promptly. PTCL has a huge infrastructure available for
training which has been appropriately dispersed in the
country. However these resources are not being utilized
efficiently. There is a shortage of trainers who can
develop the required level of skills in the employees. A
well designed appraisal system is also missing which is
essential if the training needs of the employees are to
be accurately determined.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

5.1 Theoretical Framework

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 12: Theoretical Framework

Training Job Performance

Independent variable Dependant Variable


Moderating Variable
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

5.2 Hypothesis Development

The main hypothesis has been taken in the form of a null

hypothesis. If training has an impact on employee
performance then the hypothesis will be rejected.

Ho (Null Hypothesis) = There is no relationship between

training of the employees and improved job performance.

In order to verify the relationship between training and

job performance, the hypothesis was developed on the
basis that if employees are given adequate training the
performance will improve that will ultimately increase
the revenue of the organization.

The sub-hypothesis is given as under:

H1: Training will increase the job performance of the


Training Need Analysis of PTCL


Keeping in view the gap between what the current system

is delivering and what it should actually deliver, a
disciplined approach to training has to be taken. For
this purpose PTCL requires to conduct a thorough Training
need analysis in order to find the particular skills and
personnel required for training. Training Needs Analysis
provides a faster needs analysis approach that is
realistic in today's climate. It demonstrates the highly-
effective procedure for determining whether or not
training is the solution to a job performance problem. It
enables employees to return to their jobs with the key
skills and confidence to gain acceptance and recognition
for the recommendations to the management. Once the true
requirements of the company have been identified, the
system can be developed to efficiently cater to the

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


Questionnaires were distributed among HR department of

PTCL Headquarters. The questionnaire was divided into
following three parts.

1. Organization Analysis
2. Person Analysis
3. Task Analysis

The analysis of each part resulted in following findings.

7.1 Organization Analysis

The main purpose of Organization Analysis was to

investigate employee’s compatibility with Mission, Goals,
Objectives and Resources of organization. This
investigation was important because it is related with

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

employee’s satisfaction with their organization. If they

are satisfied with mission, goals, objectives and
resources of the organization than they are satisfied
with the organization they are working in. Employees
satisfaction with their organization is a key reason
towards their job performance.

For the analysis of the organization we interviewed the

senior manager recruitment, he gave us a brief overview
of the recruitment process.

7.1.1 Recruitment Process:

Requisition is received from the department via e-mail or

through movement of file. It is followed with strong
follow-up from the department head. The Recruitment
department checks for HR Budget .If the budget is
available, the job is posted:

 on internet portal (Bright spyre)

 In leading newspapers

When the deadline is reached the Resumes are collected

and short listed based on the specifications provided by
the department for a particular position. A panel
constituting of two or more people is nominated which
includes an HR representative, and department
representatives. Interviews are scheduled as per
availability of the panel and candidates are informed
telephonically. Interview evaluation is done on Interview
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Assessment Forms which are different for MT level,

Management level and Senior Management level. Upon final
selection of candidates, cases are prepared which
includes 1 copy of CV and assessment sheets of all the
panel members. An approval sheet is attached and
forwarded for approvals. The channel includes Senior
Manager’s approval, EVP HRA approval, approval from the
SEVP of the respective department and SEVP HR&A’s
approval. The file reaches the compensation and benefits
department from the SEVP HR & A department, the salary
package and benefits are determined and sent to SEVP HR &
A for approval.

Figure 13: Recruitment Process

By analyzing the questionnaires following are the


Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 14: Organizational Analysis I

Figure 15: Organizational Analysis II

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 16: Organizational Analysis III

Figure 17: Organizational Analysis IV

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 18: Organizational Analysis V

7.1.2 Findings:

The organizational analysis includes the following


1) Mission and strategies

2) Resources
3) Organizational environment

1) Mission:
The employees of PTCL agree with the mission and vision
of PTCL. The mission of PTCL includes development of a
professional environment with motivation as a prime
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

factor. Emphasis is placed on employing new technology

which not only improves quality but also reduces costs,
thus increasing the profitability. Quick responsiveness
in customer service is also valued. By analyzing the
questionnaire we find out that employees of PTCL are
satisfied with their hiring process, they are selected on
the merit. The major concern of the employees is with the
Structure and Culture of PTCL.

2) Resources:
PTCL has a huge infrastructure and has placed training
facilities at various parts of the country. But the
resources are not effectively used. Trainers are also
available along with the equipments. But The Training
function has been merely been used to fulfill some of the
basic training requirements in the technical area.

3) Organizational environment:
There is a tall hierarchy prevailing in the organization
because of which the organization is facing a lot of
problems, communication takes longer, which slows
decision making. Information gets distorted most of the
times, as it goes up and down the hierarchy. The decision
making is centralized the authority rests with the top
management as they decide everything and the employees
have to work accordingly.

7.2 Person Analysis

Person analysis is related with the performance level,

job design and required training areas of the employee.
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

This part determines whether employees need training or

are the issues because of motivational problems. The
employees and their immediate bosses are involved in the
process. A major pressure point for training is poor
performance. This can be explained by the following

Performance gap = Expected performance – Current


Figure 19: Person Analysis I

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 20: Person Analysis II

Figure 21: Person Analysis III

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 22: Person Analysis IV

7.2.1 Findings:

The employees and low level managers are not motivated to

work because of tall structure, there is less managerial
authority and responsibility. The Tall hierarchy
decreases motivation among managers, with less authority
and responsibility. The decision making is centralized;
the authority rests with the top managers they decide
everything and the employees have to work accordingly.

The area under examination is the “Training function”

which currently is not effective enough to support the
competitive orientation of the company. This function has
been merely been used to fulfill some of the basic

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

training requirements in the technical area. PTCL

previously being a government owned entity use training
as a formality. There is no structured system in place.
Training is imparted to those who are nominated by the
regional heads without determining whether these
candidates are suitable for training. Identification of
the areas in which individuals are to be trained is not
preceded by thorough analysis. There is a shortage of
trainers who can develop the required level of skills in
the employees. A well designed appraisal system is also
missing which is essential if the training needs of the
employees are to be accurately determined.

7.3 Task Analysis

This process identifies how the job can be performed

effectively by determining the knowledge skills and
behaviors that need to be accentuated. This helps ensure
that the training which is developed will include
relevant links to the content of the job.

The analysis requires that those knowledge, skills and

abilities should be identified which are essential for
completing the job successfully. The work environment
should be studied to determine the workflow, availability
of the equipment required and the ergonomics. This is
essential so that it can be analyzed whether training is
required for the rectification of problems or there are
some other problems in the work flow or environment which
are negatively affecting the performance

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Figure 23: Task Analysis I

Figure 24: Task Analysis II

7.3.1 Findings:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

The result of task analysis resulted in following


Different trainings were showed in the questionnaires so

that person may identify trainings they require the most.
Most of the people identified following trainings and
second that these trainings will not only increase their
work efficiency but will also be beneficial for personal
growth. These trainings are as follows.

 Leadership skills
 Communication skills
 Interviewing skills
 Managing change
 Organizational learning
 Conflict Management
 Stress Management
 Time Management and
 Report Writing

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has undergone

an immense transition due to privatization and then the
right sizing of the employees. Although at the surface
the company has started operating as a private
organization but the structural and policy changes are
still to follow for a complete metamorphosis.

The challenges which the organization has undergone are

the restructuring effort which has reduced PTCL’s surplus
employees. Now the organization requires introduction of
new technology, creation of an open culture and most
importantly preparation of a workforce which would have
the necessary skills to help the company achieve a
competitive position in the market. The environment of
the organization would be such which fosters innovation.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

After thoroughly analyzing questionnaires, studying

culture of PTCL and interviewing different persons at key
positions, we come up with following recommendations.

Training to support Business Strategies:

Since there has been a shift in the organization towards
privatization therefore the structure and strategy to be
adopted for competing effectively in the telecom sector
have rendered the existing practices inefficient.
Therefore the problems related to lack of skills,
bureaucratic attitudes and unproductive procedures
already exist. This would require a reactive approach to
deal with the problems which are plaguing the
organization. The performance deficiencies would be
identified by examining the goals and objectives of the
companies and then analyzing whether the required staff
is available to meet these goals competently. PTCL needs
to use training to support its business strategies and
gain a competitive advantage. Training facilitates the
employees in learning job related skills.

To support New Culture:

Training is required for PTCL employees because a new
culture has to bring in and there has to be a significant
change in attitude from the government to a commercial

To identify potential employees:

Training is required with the downsizing measure to
retain and motivate the talented individuals. These
brilliant employees would have to be trained so that they
can keep their knowledge up to date. The training

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

opportunities would also enhance their future

marketability by providing them with the skills necessary
to move up the ladder.

To support Performance Appraisal System:

For PTCL to be at par with Etisalat in terms of the best
practices one of the main tool which is to be completely
rehashed is the performance appraisal system. The current
ACR system needs to be replaced. Under this system the
involvement of the appraise is minimal. No feedback is
given by the supervisor and thus there is no mechanism
for taking corrective actions. The information is kept
confidential and except for the few people who were in
charge of creating the ACRs no one is aware of the

Self evaluation:
The concept of “Self rating” can be introduced when the
organization has achieved a sufficient level of maturity.
The individuals normally tend to overrate their
capabilities therefore these self appraisals should not
be used for administrative use. However the individual is
the best judge of his weaknesses and can provide useful
input for developmental purpose. The appraisal form could
include a section for appraisee’s suggestions. At a point
when the individuals are well aware of the system and
realize that accurate assessment is necessary and
beneficial for both parties a form similar to the one the
supervisor would use to evaluate the performance could be
given to the appraisee as well. Then by starting from the
area where the disagreement is the least they could move
to the one where the disagreement is the greatest.

Alternate performance assessors:

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

The 360 degrees feedback is also a solution but this also

requires a significant level of maturity in the
organization. The benefit of using this approach would be
the improvement in the validity of the data. Since
evaluation of the employee would come from various
sources therefore a bigger picture can be seen. The
peers, subordinates and the supervisor each view the
appraise under circumstances. For now however the aim
should be to at least introduce 180 degrees. The
subordinates and the supervisors should be involved in
the evaluation process. If the peers are included the
opinions would be biased because everyone would be
striving to reach the top.

Change in Structure of Organization:

PTCL should move to an organic structure with a
horizontal hierarchy, People with similar and related
roles should be grouped into subunits. They should use
integrating mechanisms that focuses on coordinating the
functions and activities of the organization. So that
every employee could be aware of the work of other
employees and there could be no duplication of work and
miss understandings in addition there could be a free
flow of information in the organization.

More empowerment of employee:

The higher management of PTCL should encourage employee
participation and they should involved them in decision
making by giving them authority and responsibility to a
certain limit.

Outside Trainers:
The management has to bring some experts from outside the
organization for conducting the training sessions in the
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

organization. The mental level of all the employees may

differ and therefore organization has to design different
courses to match their skills.

After Training Assessment:

After completion of training, employees should be given
certain projects in which they will have to apply their
skills and the techniques which they have learned from
the training. If the project proves out be successful
that means that the training has also been a success.

Proactive approach to social responsibility:

PTCL should use the Proactive approach to social
responsibility. The managers should go out of their way
to learn about the needs of different stakeholder groups,
and should willingly utilize organizational resources to
benefit all stakeholder groups, not just shareholders

Combined Bargaining Agent:

There should be officers Combined Bargaining agent, if an
employee is asked to resign the employee should be given
proper reason/justification of the forced resignation. An
Inquiry committee must be formulated before giving any
verdict about an employee.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

9. BIBLOGRAPY (October 7,
2008), PTCL’S Press releases (October 7,
2008), PTCL’s Vision and Mission
The News, 2008, “PTCL Voluntary Separation Scheme
Announced”, Babar Bhatti, 16th November, p.18

APPELBAUM et al (2000) Manufacturing advantage: why high

performance work systems pay off. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press

Training Need Analysis of PTCL (October 7,
2008), PTCL’s Company Profile

Dawn News, 2009, “PTCL to transfer 161 workers to surplus

pool” Sajid Gondal, January 27, p.5

separation-scheme-announced (November 19, 2008), PTCL
Voluntary Separation Scheme announced (November
19, 2008), Voluntary Separation Scheme of VSS.
alat_telecom.php (December 23, 2008), Privatization of
PTCL: The Redundant Employees

Carter McNamar (2008), Overall Purpose of Training

Analysis, Authenticity Consulting, LLC

Dawn News (2007), ‘Voluntary separation scheme’ for PTCL

staff likely, Sher Baz Khan, 4th June, p.5

Industrial Analysis Report (2008), Pakistan Telecom

436 (November 2009), Growth of Cellular Subscibers

Training Need Analysis of PTCL



GM General Manager
CE Chief Engineer
MD Managing Director
CE (S.E) Staff And Establishment
GM (I&I) Inspection and Investigation
GM (T & T) Telephone and telegraph
GM (P.R) Public Relations
GM (T & R) Tariff and Revenue

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

GM (F.P) Funds And Pensions

GM (D.S.R) Digital Switching region
GM (O.F.C) Optical fiber Cable
GM (B.T.P) Build Transfer Project
GM (T.D) Transmission and Derailment
GM (V.A.S) Value Added Services
GM (V.O.I.P) Voice over internet Protocol
GM (O.F.S) Optical Fiber System
GM (S.T.R) Southern Telecom region
GM (O.T.R) Overseas Telecommunication Region
CAO Chief Accountant Officer
CE. Pro Chief Engineer Procurement
CE (B.T.P) Build and Transfer Project
CE (Q.A) Quality Assurance
CE (P.S.P) Private Sector Planning
CE (S.E.D) System engineering and Design
CE (M.O) Maintenance and Operation
CE (I.T.T.R) Islamabad Telecommunication Training Region
MD (T.I.P) Telephone Industries of Pakistan
MD (C.T.I) Carrier telephone Industries
MD (T.F) Telecom Foundation
RRR Rules and regulation Recruitment
H.R.M.P Human Resource Management & Planning
DEN Divisional Engineer Network

Telecommunication Bodies in Pakistan

 MOITT (Ministry of IT and Telecoms)

Generation of Policy, and Oversight on PTA, FAB and
 PTA (Pakistan Telecom Authority)
Regulates the establishment, operation and
maintenance of telecommunication systems.
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Responsible for promoting rapid modernization of

telecommunication systems and services.
 FAB (Frequency Allocation Board)
Allocates radio frequency spectrum to the
Government, providers of telecommunication
services, radio and television broadcasting
operators, public and private wireless operators and
 PTCL (Pak Telecom Ltd.)
Sole provider of fixed line domestic and
international telephone service in Pakistan
 NTC (National telecommunication Corporation)
Limited mandate to provide services to the
 SCO (Special Communications Organization)
Limited mandate to provide services to Azad Kashmir

Training Need Analysis Questionnaire

(Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited)

Name: _________________________ Department: _____________________

Designation: _____________________ Date: ______________________

Years of Experience: __________________

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

We request your completion of this assessment tool, using the following scale to rate the
degree of proficiency of developmental need in each area. It will help us learn more about
your training and information needs and preferences. The information you and others provide
will assist us in our continuing effort to provide better training.
You answers will be handled in the strictest confidence. Your answers will be tabulated with
those of others to determine information needs, usage pattern, content requirements, format
preferences, and overall quality.


AREA OF INVESTIGATION: Mission, Goals, Objectives, Resources and Human

Resource Department

Rate the following: (1=Low and 5= High)

No. Questions: 1 2 3 4 5
1. Do you think PTCL has a clear, well-
defined purpose
2. To what extent is the vision of the
organization shared amongst all levels
and departments?
3. Management style of PTCL is
4. The culture of PTCL is conducive to
5. The top management supports the
training initiatives.
6. Do you think PTCL has flexible work
7. The rules and regulations of PTCL are
thoroughly followed.
8. There are coaching and mentoring
systems available for all staff.
9. Orientation is given to all new
10. There are job descriptions, but not very
detailed or accurate

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

11. The structure of PTCL is consistent with

and supports the organization's purpose
12. . The roles and functions of offices and
units are clearly defined
13. The organization has no problem
recruiting the right kind of people.
14. Staff members have the right
15. Promotion is based on merit.

16. In your opinion, which of the following are important for organization’s
 Automation
 Continuation of old procedures
 Mentoring and Coaching
 Leadership
 Training
 Employees learning new skills and abilities
 Other: ___________

17. Which of the following should be adopted to be the employer of choice?

 Offer career development
 Offer better salary packages
 Enhance the work environment
 Other: ____________

18. What HRM policies should be revised in light of the organization’s strategic
 Recruitment and Selection
 Performance management
 Training and Development
 Compensation
 Reward system

19. If you think you need training, how would you like to be trained?
 By Internal trainers
 By External trainers/Vendors
 Other: ____________

20. What kind of training you will prefer.

 On the job training
 Off the job training
 Other: ____________

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

21. What kind of work environment you will prefer.

 Strictly professional
 Flexible
 Other: ____________

22. Which resources in PTCL are available for the successful completion of the
training program?
 Infrastructure
 Equipment
 Trainers
 Budget

23. Which of the following trainings and HRD interventions are most effective? Rate
the following: (1=Low and 5= High)

On the job
Class room
Behavioral modeling
Case Studies

24. How is it ensured that training is transferred on the job? Rate the following:
(1=Low and 5= High)

Manager Support
Peer Support
Technological Support
Opportunity to use learned capabilities


AREA OF INVESTIGATION: Performance Level, Job Design, Training Areas

No. Questions: 1 2 3 4 5
25. The performance expectations are
communicated to the employees?
Training Need Analysis of PTCL

26. How would you rate your level of satisfaction

27. Do you have access to resources and
information needs to perform your duties.
28. Are you satisfied with your compensation
29. Are you satisfied with reward system of
30. The reward system of PTCL motivates you to
work hard?
31. Do you think enough training sessions are
carried out for employees of PTCL?
32. Employees are encouraged to identify their
own developmental needs.

33. Is the performance of employees better while working individually or in a

 Individually
 In Groups
 Both

34. Should the decisions be made top-down or bottom-up? To what extent would you
want to have control over the decision-making process?
 Top down
 Bottom up

35. Is there a mechanism for providing feedback to employees regarding their

performance deviations?
 Yes
 No

36. Should the soft skills training be centralized with HR?

 Yes
 No

37. Have you ever received any local training before?

 Yes
 No

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

If yes, please specify the area(s).


38. Have you ever received any international training before?

 Yes
 No

If yes, please specify the area(s).


39. How could training help the organization reach any or all of its strategic goals?

40. How useful are the training calendars?



AREA OF INVESTIGATION: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Tasks, Duties,


Training Need Analysis of PTCL

41. Please tick in front of each task to show which knowledge or skills are needed
for your job and next indicate your actual competence level. (1=Low, 5=High)

Knowledge or skills Needed Required Level Actual Level Training Needs

Handling meetings 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Time management 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Stress management 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Conflict management 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Negotiating 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Report writing 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Counseling skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Interviewing skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Communication skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Interpersonal skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Leadership skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Analytical skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Customer skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Appraisal of staff 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Motivation of staff 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Organizational learning 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Organizational strengthening 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Managing change 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Principles of management 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Other (Please specify) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

42. What duties and responsibilities are parts of your job?


43. Identify and rank the tasks in your job in the order of priority/ importance?
(1=Least Important, 5=Most Important)

No. Task Importance

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


44. Which of the following approach is adopted for the completion of task(s)?
 Outcome oriented
 Process oriented

45. Which tasks should be emphasized in the training? Rank(1=Most important)

 Important
 Difficult
 Frequently performed

46. What area you think needs to be improved to make PTCL more progressive

47. Are there any comments or suggestions for improvement you would like to make?

Training Need Analysis of PTCL



Viva-Voice Examination



TOPIC: Training Need Analysis of PTCL.






Project Supervisor


Wajeeha haider



Naveed Akhtar




Research Coordinator


Head of Department

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


The project is about TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS of PTCL.

Conducting TNA of PTCL is important because of many
reasons. One of the reasons is that PTCL is going through
transitional phase. It was government organization for
more than 5 decades; therefore employees had a typical
mindset, most of them were not inclined to work hard,
training sessions were rarely conducted and hence
organization was going with same flow. Than in 2006,
Pakistan government sold 26% shares and top management to
a Dubai based private company Etisalat through bidding
process. Etisalat took control of top management and
hence there was a paradigm shift from public to private
company. Being the private company, Etisalat decided to
reduce its abandoned employees and launched Voluntary
Separation Scheme (VSS), around 35000 employees were
separated by giving golden handshakes and other benefits.
They were successful in reducing a handsome number of
employees but through Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS)
they also lost their key talent and some of the most
required persons also accepted VSS and left PTCL. So the
new dilemma the management facing is to train existing
employees so that they may have required training to
perform their task more efficiently and effectively. This
TNA will help them identify the areas in which training
can be required and how different individuals can be sent
for training.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


“In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and merciful”

Innumerable thanks to Almighty Allah, who

enabled us to complete this project. We would like
to express our heartiest gratitude to our supervisor
Ms. Fazeelat Nawaz for her support and guidance
throughout this project. In addition, we would like
to thank Mr. Tahir Mushtaq EVP HR&A PTCL, Mr.
Tehseen Chuhan EVP Training PTCL and Mr. Muhammad
Naeemullah SM Recruitment PTCL, they all deserve
sincere acknowledgements for providing their
precious time and information for the completion of
this project.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

We dedicate our work to our parents, our teachers, all

our loved ones who have always been there for us, for
their love, prayer, trust, support and encouragement in
the making of this project.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND........................................1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT.................................2
1.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES................................3
1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................3
1.4.1 Target Company:................................4
1.4.2 Type of Study:.................................4
1.4.3 Subject:.......................................4
1.4.4 Sample:........................................4
1.4.5 Procedure:.....................................4
1.4.6 Nature of research:............................4
1.4.7 Type of data:..................................5
1.5 RESEARCH DESIGN...................................5
1.5.1 Direct Observations:...........................5
1.5.2 Unstructured interviews:.......................6
1.5.3 Structured Interviews:.........................6
1.5.4 Review of the current literature:..............7
1.5.5 Questionnaires:................................7
1.5.6 Strategic Design:..............................8
1.6 EXPECTED OUTCOMES.................................9
2. LITERATURE REVIEW...........................10
2.1 Voluntary Separation Scheme:.....................11
2.1.1 Strategic objectives of VSS:..................11
2.2 VSS Targets:.....................................12
2.2.1 Primary Target:...............................12
2.2.2 Secondary Target:.............................12
2.2.3 Retention Target:.............................12
2.2.4 Redundant Employees...........................13
2.2.5 New Terms and Condition Contract..............13

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

2.3 Total cost of VSS................................14

2.4 Purpose of Training Analysis.....................16
2.5 Levels of Training Need Analysis.................18
3. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS...........................26
3.1 Growth of telecom sector in Pakistan.............26
3.1.1 Mobile Sector:................................27
3.1.2 Fixed Line Sector:............................29
3.1.3 Wireless Local Loop (WLL) Sector:.............30
3.1.4 Payphone Services:............................31
3.1.4 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):..............32
4. ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW.....................34
4.1 Historical Background............................35
4.2 Milestones:......................................37
4.3 Vision:..........................................38
4.4 Mission:.........................................39
4.5 Core Values:.....................................39
4.6 Subsidiaries:....................................39
4.7 Main offices:....................................39
4.8 Structure of PTCL................................40
4.8 Departments of Human Resource:...................42
4.8.1 HR & A........................................42
4.8.2 Organizational Development & HR Planning......42
4.8.3 Training & Career Development.................42
4.9 Product Lines:...................................42
4.10 Culture of PTCL.................................44
4.10.1 Terminal values of PTCL:.....................44
4.10.2 Instrumental values of PTCL:.................44
4.10.3 Norms of PTCL:...............................44
5. IDENTIFICATION OF ISSUE.....................46
5.1 Theoretical Framework............................47
5.2 Hypothesis Development...........................47
6. POSSIBLE OPTION.............................49
7. ANALYSIS....................................50

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

7.1 Organization Analysis............................50

7.1.1 Recruitment Process:..........................51
7.1.2 Findings:.....................................55
7.2 Person Analysis..................................56
7.2.1 Findings:.....................................59
7.3 Task Analysis....................................59
7.3.1 Findings:.....................................61
8. RECOMMENDATIONS.............................63
9. BIBLOGRAPY..................................68
10. APPENDICES.................................70

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

Table of Figures

Figure 1: TNA Process..................................23

Figure 2: Stages of TNA................................24
Figure 4: Training Cycle...............................25
Figure 5: Performance..................................25
Figure 6: Cellular Subscibers Growth...................28
Figure 7: Shares in Mobile Market (Oct, 09)............29
Figure 8: Fixed line subscribers.......................30
Figure 9: WLL Subscribers..............................31
Figure 10: PCO shares by Service.......................32
Figure 11: Foreign Direc Investment....................33
Figure 12: Structure of PTCL...........................41
Figure 13: Theoretical Framework.......................47
Figure 14: Recruitment Process.........................52
Figure 15: Organizational Analysis I...................52
Figure 16: Organizational Analysis II..................53
Figure 17: Organizational Analysis III.................53
Figure 18: Organizational Analysis IV..................54
Figure 19: Organizational Analysis V...................54
Figure 20: Person Analysis I...........................57
Figure 21: Person Analysis II..........................57
Figure 22: Person Analysis III.........................58
Figure 23: Person Analysis IV..........................58
Figure 24: Task Analysis I.............................60
Figure 25: Task Analysis II............................61

Training Need Analysis of PTCL


With the birth of a new soul comes a new voice and

with it a series of innocent new stories that we treasure
all our lives. The circle of the family grows and is
strengthened with every addition of a voice, and who
understands it better than PTCL .For 60 years it has been
the one and only connection between families and the
voice of little ones who share thousands stories with the
world. From the first faltering “HELLO” to the most
eloquent speech, PTCL has given voice to many little
angels of Pakistan and today it has become one strong
voice of the country.
PTCL has shared joys, the love, the obstacles and
the sorrows together, it’s time that PTCL move a head
keeping the trust we have on each other and relying on
the connection that is stronger than ever before. PTCL
are transforming our world by changing the way we
communicate globally. Our every thought, word and emotion
when shared will send out ripples that will alter every
one’s life globally and locally. Our progress will
inspire others to speak up and voice their views and
emotions as freely as possible .PTCL today, is an open,
borderless medium for communication. PTCL have worked
hard to preserve a seat in the center of the world, and
to be ever ambassador to the world.

Training Need Analysis of PTCL

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