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2, MAY 2002 385

PMU Configuration for System Dynamic

Performance Measurement in Large
Multiarea Power Systems
Innocent Kamwa, Senior Member, IEEE, and Robert Grondin, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Effective assessment of the dynamic performance of actions a few seconds ahead or display a short list of possible
the power system requires wide-area information from properly preventive measures on the operator’s screen [8], [9].
distributed phasor measurement units (PMUs). However, to maxi- Intuitively, comprehensive monitoring of the grid behavior
mize the information content of the captured signals, the sensors
need to be located appropriately, with due account given to the over time requires instrumentation of all its topological nodes.
structural properties underlying the given system. In this paper, In practice, in addition to being a sufficient but not necessary
two numerical algorithms are proposed to achieve this goal. They condition, this naive view is countered by the curse of di-
aim to maximize the overall sensor response while minimizing the mensionality [10], considering that a standalone medium-size
correlation among sensor outputs so as to minimize the redundant system requires between 500 and 1000 busses for an ade-
information provided by multiple sensors. The sensor responses of
interest are the bus voltage magnitude, and the angle and frequency quate representation. There is also a cost issue: many meters
coherency indexes, which are estimated by means of a statistical means high capital costs in terms of equipment, maintenance
sampling of power system response signals from a transient-sta- and an information management system. Furthermore, any
bility program. Through the “successive addition” scheme, one of single phasor measurement unit (PMU) addition to an already
these algorithms easily incorporates mandatory locations such as well-equipped grid tends to compound the complexity of the
tie-line busses and large generator step-up transformers. The pro-
posed approaches are first illustrated on the Hydro-Québec trans- telecommunication infrastructure, with all the resulting relia-
mission grid and then on a 9-area/67-bus/23-machine test network bility issues. In this context, how can we minimize the number
designed with well-defined geographical boundaries and pre-spec- of PMUs while maintaining “good” monitoring of the system
ified weak interties between electrically coherent areas. dynamic performance? When the state estimation concept was
Index Terms—Digital fault recorders, optimal sensor location, first introduced at the end of the 1960s, Schweppe et al. [1]
phasor measurement unit (PMU), state estimation, wide-area con- immediately emphasized the importance of dispersing the me-
trol, wide-area monitoring. tering devices optimally throughout the grid so as to maximize
the achievable accuracy of the steady-state estimate from a
I. INTRODUCTION least-mean-squares filtering of the available measurements.
A direct synchronous measurement of the complete state

I N contrast with practices today, the control and supervisory

agents of future power systems will exchange not only static
information (used, for instance, in the state estimator) [1]–[3] or
vector involving the actual phasors at all busses could, in the
long term, become an economically viable alternative to the
current iterative and approximate state estimation methods
quasistatic information (used in load-frequency control) but also [11]. However, with today’s technology, it seems important
dynamic synchronous information [4]–[7]. In various places all to look for effective means to reduce the number of PMUs
over the world, researchers are trying to introduce in the oper- required for inexpensive yet reliable real-time monitoring of
ating mechanisms of primary controllers (power systems stabi- the system-wide dynamic behavior. Even with the significant
lizers, for instance) and special protection systems for defence reduction in capital cost expected soon in large-scale PMU pro-
plans, a new class of wide-area input data (so-called phasors), curement as the GPS technology spreads in consumer products,
accurately time-tagged and transferred at high throughput be- the goal of minimizing their number is still as justifiable as it
tween measurement and decision/actuator units. was in the past for static-state estimation: simplification of the
In addition, supplementing the dynamic information acqui- telecommunication infrastructure with, as benefits, a reduced
sition system with artificial intelligence based on analytical computational burden on the central processing facilities,
tools such as decision trees and expert systems could allow for enhanced reliability, and lower long-term maintenance costs.
a measurement-based dynamic security assessment [8]. With In 1995, quite independently from the many authors who
fast detection of real-time signatures associated with events an- have recently reported on this subject [12]–[15], Hydro-Québec
nouncing widespread system failure, this measurement-based began to develop PMU placement algorithms aimed at max-
decision tool could initiate effective automatic corrective imizing the “amount of information” about disturbances that
can possibly be gleaned from a given restricted set of metered
Manuscript received February 23, 2001. busses, while minimizing cross correlation (i.e., redundancy) of
The authors are with Hydro-Quebec/IREQ, Power System Analysis, the bus measurements [16]. Implementation of these algorithms
Operation, and Control Department, Varennes, PQ J3X 1S1, Canada (e-mail: supposed at first that a significant number of representative dis-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8950(02)03820-8. turbances had been simulated on the target network (short-cir-
0885-8950/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE

cuit with and without the loss of single or double lines, load dition, is the power spectral density [21] of while
and generation steps, etc.). These simulations were carried out is the cross spectrum of and . Interest-
for various operating scenarios, selected in a way very similar to ingly, the conditional entropy is an effective measure of the
the statistical sampling approach of [17]. Careful analysis of the electrical distance between busses and [20], [22]. It suffices
signal responses allows the candidate busses to be compared in to note that the complex coherency coefficient
a statistical framework according to the relevance and distinc-
tive nature of the information recorded at its location (i.e., over (3)
a significant number of operating scenarios and plausible dis-
turbances). the logarithm of which is integrated between 0 and in order
to obtain the conditional entropy, is equal to 1 whatever the fre-
II. PMU CONFIGURATION CRITERIA quency when . Since its logarithm then is 0, this corre-
Let us assume an -bus network: . sponds to a zero distance between the two busses with identical
We can first define a reduced set of busses, so-called candidate (or proportional) signal responses. By contrast, when the sig-
busses, among which we will select the appropriate PMU sites: nals are completely uncorrelated, their cross spectrum is
. Finally, the optimal sit- nearly 0, which raises and, hence, its integral, the cross
ting of selected among the candidates yields another set: entropy of and , to infinity. The latter measures how far the bus
. In other words, the is electrically from . A good PMU configuration should
problem consists of building the set while fulfilling some include only the busses that are electrically far from each other,
performance and admissibility criteria. The following formal i.e., busses with large cross entropy values.
setting is to be considered here. Let denote a set of
B. Information and Coherency
responses received by the PMU located at the candidate sites, in
a given operating scenario and for a given disturbance A group of busses is said to be coherent with respect to
angle stability when any network disturbance (busbar or line
(1) short-circuit, single- or multiple-line outage, load or generation
where is the time-response of the th bus variable at switching, etc.) applied outside the group results in all incre-
the discrete time-index time while is the number of sam- mental time variations and of the bus angle and
ples. Placement of PMU in the bus set frequency having the same sign within the group [18]. It is
is “optimal” if there is little or no loss of information when intuitively sound to state that the time variation of all phasors in
replacing the signal matrix by . In other a coherent group can be satisfactorily approximated by looking
words, if is a measure of the “information content” of at a single phasor appropriately selected from within the group.
signals associated with a bus set , we should try to ensure that Consequently, it is not necessary to place a PMU at all busses
. belonging to a coherent group. According to [18] and [19], two
busses are coherent for disturbance when the following
A. Information and Entropy criterion is below a specified threshold [see (4) at the bottom of
According to [20] and [21], one measure of the information the page], where is the time variation of variable at bus
content of a signal set is the norm of the corresponding entropy during the th disturbance while is the observation time
matrix, defined as follows [21, p. 604]: frame. Similarly, it is possible to define a disturbance-based
voltage coherency criterion [14]

.. .. .. (2) (5)
. . .

Instead of the entropy-based criterion (2), the performance

of configuration during the disturbance can be assessed
equally well based on the angle or voltage-coherency matrix

.. .. .. (6)
where is the self-entropy of the th signal while . . .
is the conditional entropy of given the th signal. In ad-

and (4)

It can be observed that all the diagonal elements of this ma- we can achieve if only PMUs are to be allocated. In other
trix are zero, meaning that the coherency of a given bus with re- words, more than busses should be metered in order to fur-
spect to itself is exactly zero. Generalizing this result to , ther reduce the approximation error.
it appears that the coherency is “large” when busses and
pertain to two distinct coherent groups and “small” when both III. SEQUENTIAL PLACEMENT ALGORITHMS
and busses are members of the same coherent group. Clearly,
A. Problem Formulation
the coherency coefficient is as good a measure of the electrical
distance separating two busses as the entropy [18], [22], [25]. The various criteria studied in Section II suggest that a re-
Therefore, as far as possible, a good PMU configuration stricted size of PMU configuration is suitable if it achieves
should avoid including too many busses from the same coherent the same information content as that obtained by monitoring
group; i.e., busses retained in should have large cross co- the full candidate set. Therefore, since the maximum amount
herency indexes . of information available for a given disturbance is , our
objective is to find a set , given the number of PMUs to be
C. Redundancy and Dominant Subspace placed , which minimizes the loss of information,
i.e., the discrepancy between the actual information measure
Instead of seeking a placement set “maximizing the informa-
and the target . This problem is formalized
tion” captured through the bus signal responses, we can look
as follows:
at the problem in a quite complementary way by asking for
a solution “minimizing the correlation” among these signals. Minimize
While still emphasizing busses incorporating original and dis-
tinctive information in their signals, this viewpoint will dis- subject to (9)
card along the way all redundant busses yielding similar in-
where is a measure of the information contained in the
formation in order to relieve congestion of the data communi-
signal response set recorded at the bus set during
cation infrastructure. Let us again consider the time-response
a disturbance . When multiple operating scenarios are consid-
signal matrix whose columns are signal responses of
ered, the signal responses are random variables, making the cost
the corresponding busses. If we have exactly (redun-
function a random variable also. In what follows, we assume
dant) columns of , which can be expressed as a linear
that a random variable can capture the stochastic nature of dif-
combination of the remaining independent columns, these
ferent operating conditions regarding different load levels and
columns together constitute an optimal configuration set ,
network topologies. For each scenario, the same set of dis-
since there is no loss of information when is replaced
turbances is considered over an observation time frame . In
by , i.e.,: . Looking at the problem
addition, let be a set containing all the scenarios considered
this way shows that selecting the appropriate configuration is
and let , , be the probability (weight) associated with
basically a rank reduction of a large matrix. In linear algebra,
scenario . Then (9) becomes
it is well known that singular value decomposition (SVD) [23],
[24] is an ideal tool for this problem, since it allows a vector Minimize
space to be split into two subspaces: one dominant , the
other subdominant , where denotes the sub- subject to (10)
space spanned by the columns of the matrix . That is, in the where


where is a diagonal matrix consisting of the singular It should be noted that any scenario is characterized by a
values of , the subspaces and may performance measure associated with the
be used in a direct sum to reconstitute the subspace given placement . For each scenario, the performance mea-
sure is averaged (expectation operator) over the disturbances
considered in set . Also, notice that the scenarios are defined
This decomposition of subspaces is equivalent to the least- according to
squares approximation of the -column matrix by a • seasonal load levels, i.e., peak and off-peak load levels for
low-rank -column matrix , which is quite close to our different seasons of the year;
objective of configuring a reduced set of PMUs at busses in • different network topologies for every seasonal load level,
, such that the least-squares errors of the approximation of as a result of forced and scheduled outages of generators,
by is “small.” The “smallness” of the approxi- lines and transformers.
mation error is measured by the corresponding singular values So far, we have not discussed the numerical evaluation of
: if they all equal 0, the approximation error is 0 and matrix norms introduced in (2) and (3) or (8), which constitute
the PMU configuration is therefore strictly optimal. If not, the backbone of the various information metrics in (10). Several
the placement set is only optimal in a loose sense, i.e., the best choices are available, including the following:

• : Frobenius norm B. Solution by “Greedy” Optimization

of the —matrix ; Let us first recall relevant properties of the above problem.
• : SVD norm of , where , the sin-
• The decision variables are 0–1 integer: a bus is either se-
gular values of are also the eigenvalues of the “infor-
lected for PMU installation or not.
mation matrix” ;
• The objective function, whether in a loss (9) or yield (11)
• : Gramian norm of format, is particularly nonlinear and random, due to the
. consideration of multiple scenarios and disturbances.
This last criterion offers interesting interpretations in the con- • The problem is of a very large dimension: a system
text of time-response-based PMU placement, aiming at maxi- model for operation studies may consist of 500–1000
mizing the following time-response signal matrix [16]: busses. If PMUs are to be allocated to 10% of 500 busses,
i.e., 50 metered busses, the total possible selections is
, a huge number. An exhaustive
enumeration of the solution space is therefore not an
.. .. .. appropriate technique for realistic system size.
. . .
For all these reasons, we opted not to tackle the optimization
directly but to use a so-called “greedy” algorithm [26], which
• Defining the overall response of a placement set as the builds sequentially following an incremental expansion or
sum of squares over the time-window of interest of the elimination strategy. The idea behind our approach is simple.
time-responses recorded at the corresponding busses, it is For the expansion strategy, which relies on a yield type objective
evident that the diagonal elements of account for function, we assumed a set consisting of busses at iteration
the overall response of the sensors. Since this Gramian is . The next bus to be added to the set is the one that produces the
a positive semidefinite matrix, its determinant increases greatest immediate increase in the value of the objective func-
with its diagonal elements. tion, provided such a bus exists. Moreover, once a bus is selected
• The off-diagonal elements of account for the cor- for PMU installation, it is kept in the set throughout the al-
relation among the sensor responses. The determinant of a gorithm. For the elimination process, which relies on a cost-type
positive-semidefinite matrix decreases with large-in-mag- objective function, we started from the candidate set . Then,
nitude off-diagonal elements. at iteration , the bus to be discarded for PMU installation is
• The exponent scales the units appropriately such the one that produces the least immediate decrease in the value
that the criterion is measured in the same physical units as of the objective function. The process is iterated until
the responses constituting the columns of . busses have been eliminated, resulting in a set of busses re-
tained. We will now explain the major steps of the two “greedy”
The cost function in (9) assumes a placement process that
optimization algorithms in more detail.
starts with a large set of possible PMU locations and then re-
duces it to a minimal set according to some rigorous cost-func-
tion minimization procedure. However, it is possible and some- C. Yield Maximization Through Sequential Addition
times more effective to take a dual approach to the problem: Let us assume that, for each scenario and each distur-
assume a small (or empty) initial set of busses equipped with bance , a set of time-responses with the number of
PMUs and extend the set up to a pre-specified size . Naturally, candidate busses in set is obtained by simulating the con-
for the solution to be attractive, the number of busses equipped tingencies in a stability program such as PTI’s PSS/E. Let us
with PMUs should ultimately be much smaller than the number also assume that these responses are sampled (regularly or not)
of system nodes. over a time-grid of points, from time 0 to s, including
Remember that denotes the set of busses samples in the pre-fault period that are discarded from the co-
to be equipped with PMUs. The yield of any tentative config- herency evaluation. The greedy maximization of the yield pro-
uration can then be easily assessed from the quantity of ceeds as follows.
information associated with a given disturbance. The 1) Initialization Phase 1: Define the set of candidate busses
dual-objective function [with respect to (9)] consists therefore in from which to choose the new PMU installations:
finding a set which maximizes the actual information mea- . Then select the number
sure of the configuration given the number of PMUs of PMUs to be placed in the grid.
to be placed. The dual approach is formalized as follows: 2) Initialization Phase 2: Let us assume the existence of
an initial set of busses where we already have allo-
Minimize cated mandatory PMUs:
. If there is no mandatory PMU allocated beforehand,
subject to (11)
and .
3) Define a new set of candidates busses excluding any
where is an upper bound on the number of PMUs al- busses where a PMU is already installed
lowed in the grid, while measures the amount of infor-
mation in the signal-response set recorded at the bus
set during a disturbance .

4) Do the following while 3) Do the following while

1) Compute the SVD of and then its information 1) Compute the SVD of and then its information
content according to the Gramian norm content according to the Gramian

2) For
2) For
1) Build a new PMU configuration set ex-
1) Build a signal matrix cluding the th bus:
2) Compute the SVD of and then its infor-
mation content according to its Gramian
whose first -columns are associated with
the busses already equipped with a PMU
and whose last column consists of the th bus
candidate for a PMU. 3) Compute the loss function for the tentative
2) Compute the SVD of and then its infor- set:
mation content according to its Gramian
3) Sort the loss function values . The bus to
be eliminated for the next PMU placement round is
the one minimizing the information loss from
to , i.e., corresponding to the smallest value of
3) Compute the yield function for the tentative
set: .
3) Sort the yield function values . The bus
retained for the next PMU placement is the one that
maximizes the information improvement from 4) The number of candidate busses for the next step
to , i.e., corresponding to the highest value of is then reduced by 1 while the
number of busses discarded for PMU installment is
increased by 1 . The new candidate
set now excludes the bus .
4) The busses not discarded in the above process are
4) The number of candidate busses for the next step is
those where PMUs should be placed. They are contained
then reduced by 1 while the number
in the set , which is therefore a solution to the
of busses to which a PMU has been allocated is
problem of optimal configuration of PMUs.
increased by 1 . Now define a new
candidate set, which excludes the bus , as well E. Simple Practical Illustration
as a new set of busses equipped with PMU
As a quick check of the above algorithms, we can consider
and the problem of placing PMUs on the 735-kV transmission net-
work of Hydro-Québec’s power system schematized in Fig. 1.
The restriction to the UHV network is necessary to simplify the
5) The busses where PMUs were placed in step 4 are
map and help the reader follow the basic steps of the placement
contained in the set : this is the solution to the problem
of optimal configuration of PMUs.
With only 29 substations at 735 kV, our objective will be
roughly to place 10–20 PMUs at selected busses. We consid-
D. Loss Minimization Through Sequential Elimination
ered two equally probable scenarios [ in (10)]: a
Let us assume again that, for each scenario and each strong grid, corresponding to the 1996 winter peak load (36 677
disturbance , a set of time-responses, with the mW generation), and a summer grid (25 000 mW generation),
number of candidate busses in the set , is available. The with the network weakened by the outage of two 735-kV lines
greedy minimization of the information loss proceeds as fol- in the eastern and western corridors. Twelve contingencies were
lows. selected, among those most frequently encountered in operation
1) Initialization Phase 1: Define the set of candidate studies [12], essentially short-circuit faults, cleared in six cycles
busses from which to choose new PMU installations: and followed in a few cases by a single- or double-line outage.
. Then select the All the disturbances for each of these scenarios are simulated
number of PMUs to be placed in the grid. in Hydro-Québec’s stability program (ST600) and
2) Initialization Phase 2: Define the number of busses to be time-responses are recorded, representing signal-response sig-
eliminated, and let . natures of the candidate busses for PMU installation. These re-


When comparing the selected busses with those ranked worst

Fig. 1. Overview of the Hydro-Québec bulk transmission system. (last versus first entry of Table I), the discrepancy is in the range
of 1:10 for elimination and 1:20 for addition, which means that
sponses are sampled unevenly (higher sampling rate just after a purely random choice is rather ineffective from the point of
the fault) over a 20-s time lapse. In implementing the perfor- view of strategic information. Notice too that in the sequential
mance indexes of the placement algorithms, the coherency cri- addition scheme the two busses least likely for the next selection
terion in conjunction with the Gramian norm will be adopted is “720” (Radisson) and “710” (Montagnais). The reason for this
as the measure of the information content of a given PMU con- is that they are quite close to the LG2 and Churchill generating
figuration. However, this measure is first computed separately plants, respectively, which are already present in the PMU bus
using the angle and voltage stability-based coherency criteria in set: .
(6) and (7). Then, the geometric mean of the two results is taken Fig. 2 presents the location of the 19 first busses selected
as a combined information measure accounting simultaneously for PMUs by the sequential addition algorithm. After the first
for angle and voltage stability phenomena. two have been arbitrarily assigned, the next is LG4, which is a
Table I illustrates the internal behavior of the placement pro- large plant strategically located center-north of the James Bay
cedures at the first steps of addition and elimination. For the area. Then the sitting process jumps to the far south, close to the
addition, the initial set defined in the second step of the al- Unites States border and the load center (Montreal area), which
gorithm (see Section III-C) consists of the LG2 and Churchill is quite reasonable. The 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th PMU sites are
busses, associated with the two largest plants in the network: substations that occupy critical locations in their respective cor-
, where the numbering of the busses is from ridors. Considering that a good configuration should not only
Hydro-Québec’s System Operation Department. preserve the information (performance issue) but also not be
The incremental yield is computed according to (11) while myopic about regional events, i.e., there should not be regional
the loss is derived from (9). The busses are ranked according “black holes” deprived of PMUs, at least 11 PMUs are needed
to the incremental yield or loss resulting from adding them to in Fig. 2 to achieve a satisfactory configuration, with at least
or discarding them from the PMU bus set. The results of these a single PMU in each major load or generation area. However,
objective function computations are normalized to one for the additional requirements for statistical redundancy, or topolog-
largest yield and smallest loss, respectively, only to simplify the ical observability and reliability may make it necessary to use
readings. With these conventions, the bus with a yield equal to 1 more PMUs than required by dynamic performance only. These
should be retained in a sequential addition process while the bus considerations will be further developed in Section IV, using a
with a unity loss will be discarded in a sequential elimination. well-defined multiarea network.
These two busses can be found at the bottom of Table I, i.e., the
next bus for addition is “724” (LG4) while the next candidate IV. IMPROVEMENTS AND VALIDATION ON A 9-AREA NETWORK
for elimination is “701” (Boucherville). Interestingly, while the
first bus for addition is not ambiguous (the second best ranked A. Additional Constraints on PMU Placement
for addition having about 18% less yield), the elimination pro- So far, we have focused on the dynamic performance as-
cedure ends with the two first-ranked busses separated by less pect of placement, irrespective of the cost for instance, the only
than 3% loss, which is quite natural considering that, at this ini- requirement being that the number of PMUs should equal a
tial stage, the set of 29 candidate busses is still highly redundant. pre-specified number. If the required investment for installing

automatic control area selection algorithm (ACASA) of [25],

which also aims at grouping busses in coherent islands and
identifying the links between these groups as weak ties, moni-
toring of which is mandatory for voltage-collapse prevention.
These weak inter-ties consist of high-impedance branches (e.g.,
long transmission lines), which are therefore limited in their
reactive power transfer capability. For instance, applying fuzzy
clustering techniques to a large number of response signals
to small and large disturbances, it was possible to identify
about nine areas in the entire 1000-bus Hydro-Québec grid
(Fig. 1) that were interlinked by a number of 315- and 735-kV
lines [12], [27]. However, to study the impact of incorporating
tie-line constraints into the placement process without plunging
into the heavy process of a disturbance-based coherency
analysis [17]–[19], we built from scratch a simple network
whose various electrical areas and inter-ties are intrinsically
well defined, so that they can be mapped to the corresponding
geographical areas without any ambiguity.

Fig. 2. Geographical spread of 19 PMUs placed by sequential addition. A B. System Description

bus number (in bold) indicates its selection rank (the first two were arbitrarily
assigned). The test system discussed here was fundamentally aimed to
illustrate dynamic interactions in multiarea power systems. It
and operating a PMU at a site is assumed to be , the consists of two relatively small-size cells of six or nine busses
overall cost of a given solution is simply replicated a number of times with different dynamic data and
interconnected using tie-lines of different power transfer capa-
bility. The overall network has 67 busses, 79 branches, and 23
machines modeled in detail (with speed and voltage regulators,
in addition to a few power system stabilizers) and about 7000
mW of nonlinear loads spread over nine geographical areas
We should therefore be seeking a configuration that maxi- closely overlapping the underlying electrically coherent areas.
mizes the yield of the PMU set, albeit not at any cost, i.e., under Fig. 3 illustrates the topology of this network.
the constraint that the overall installation cost of the selected The numbers of the tie-lines between the different areas are
configuration be below a given threshold shown along with the active/reactive power across them in the
basic scenario. In addition, the number of busses in each area
Maximize is indicated in the circle defining the area, together with the
area active/reactive generation and load. Three scenarios were
subject to (12) selected from a previous study [12]:
1) the base system with small inter-area power flows, as
shown in Fig. 3;
Although economics is important, especially for today’s 2) the base system with a forced 180-mW power flow from
deregulated utilities, this aspect has been put aside for future areas 7 to 2;
research, chiefly because deriving the above function 3) the base system with a forced 180-mW power flow from
for all substations in a large grid is a sizeable task. However, areas 7 to 8.
the algorithms proposed in this paper are well prepared for
taking into account basic regional constraints. Hence, if it is Moreover, two disturbances were considered in each area for a
possible beforehand to specify which busses absolutely must total of 18. Sample responses are shown in Fig. 4, corresponding
be equipped with PMUs in order to fulfill regional metering to a fault on the border of areas 8 and 9, resulting in the outage
requirements, these busses can be included in the initial set of one of the tie-lines.
of busses: , defined
in the second step of the sequential addition process (see C. Placement Results on the Test System
Section III-C). Similarly, for the sequential elimination pro- Since sequential addition proceeds incrementally from an
cedure, the set of mandatory busses should be discarded from empty PMU set to a larger one, it is fundamentally more com-
the candidate set putationally efficient than an elimination procedure when only
defined in the first step of the corresponding algorithm (see a few PMUs are to be placed (as is usually the case) in a large
Section III-D). network. For this reason, sequential addition will be our choice
One set of busses that it makes sense to monitor in a context in the sequel. Furthermore, a given PMU configuration will be
where regional behavior is of concern is the set of tie-line assessed using a coherency-based information measure with
busses. Basically, this monitoring idea is quite similar to the the Gramian determinant as matrix norm and the geometric

Fig. 3. Topology of a 9-area artificial test system.

Fig. 5. Cumulative information during sequential addition. For the constrained

case, the following natural order is assumed when adding the 16 intertie-busses:
f2 6 23 26 27 33 37 46 47 53 56 57 50 68 40 78g.

Fig. 4. Sample bus responses to a typical disturbance: bus angle and frequency
deviations are obtained by subtracting their respective overall mean response
averaged over the 67 busses.

mean of the voltage and angle stability-based information

measures as yield function. The following two approaches will
be compared:
1) direct placement of 20 PMUs without any constraint; Fig. 6. Placement results of 20 PMUs in the 67-bus test network. Bulleted
2) placement of the same number of PMUs under tie-line are placement results under 16 intertie-bus constraints, while numbered busses
resulted from an unconstrained placement.
Fig. 5 illustrates the cumulative information gained about the
system during the addition process. With no constraints, the jacent to the busses, represent their selection rank during the
yield improves only slowly after the first ten PMUs are allo- unconstrained sequential placement of 1–20 PMUs. It is inter-
cated. Above 25 PMUs, the improvement rate becomes nearly esting to see the good geographical spread of the latter config-
zero. It seems reasonable therefore to conclude that, if eco- uration where the first nine PMUs are allocated (as expected
nomics is not an issue, a good configuration should consist of at intuitively) in areas 1–9. After this point, it is no longer easy
least ten and at most 25 PMUs. for a human being to heuristically place additional devices, al-
More information about the placement results are given in though the algorithm continues to select suitable locations that
Fig. 6. On this more detailed topological sketch of the test net- further improve the dynamic information content of the signal
work, 16 of the busses marked with a bullet are border busses. responses recorded by the PMUs.
The four remaining “bulleted” busses are the results of the con- The constrained solution turns out to be qualitatively very
strained placement. Furthermore, the numbers in roman, ad- different from the unconstrained one, with for instance, a cu-

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[27] I. Kamwa, R. Grondin, and Y. Hebert, “Wide-area measurement based Robert Grondin (S’77–M’80–SM’99) received the B.A.Sc. degree in electrical
stabilizing control of large power systems—A decentralized/hierar- engineering from the University of Sherbrooke, PQ, Canada, in 1976, and the
chical approach,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 16, pp. 136–153, Feb. M.Sc. degree from INRS Energie, Varennes, PQ, in 1979.
2001. He joined the Hydro-Québec Research Institute/IREQ, Varennes, where he
is involved in power system monitoring, modeling, and identification and in
the development of real-time computer-based systems applied to power system
control and protection.
Innocent Kamwa (S’83–M’88–SM’98) received the B.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees Mr. Grondin is a member of CIGRÉ, and is a Registered Professional Engi-
in electrical engineering from Laval University, PQ, Canada, in 1984 and 1988, neer in the province of Québec.
Since 1988, he has been with the Hydro-Québec Research Institute/IREQ,
Varennes, PQ, Canada. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher in the Power System
Analysis, Operation, and Control Department. He is also an Associate Professor
of Electrical Engineering at Laval University.
Dr. Kamwa is a Registered Professional Engineer.

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