Coupled Circuits

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Magnetically Coupled Circuits

•Mutual Inductance
•Energy in a Coupled Circuit
•Linear Transformers
•Ideal Transformers

•Conductively coupled circuit means that one loop
affects the neighboring loop through current
•Magnetically coupled circuit means that two loops,
with or without contacts between them, affect each
other through the magnetic field generated by one of
•Based on the concept of magnetic coupling, the
transformer is designed for stepping up or down ac
voltages or currents.


Magnetic Flux


Φ is the magnetic flux
B is the magnetic field
S is the surface area
denotes dot product
dA is the infinitesimal vector

Self Inductance
An inductor :

inductance L

 N turns

For each turn, the induced volatge is + +

d v_1T
v1T  (Faradays' s Law)
dt +
For N turns, the induced volatge is v_1T
d ddi di
v N N L +
dt di dt dt v_1T
d _
 L N (self - inductance)


Mutual Inductance (1/5)

self - inductances L1
Coil 1 : 
 N1 turns
self - inductances L2
Coil 2 : 
 N 2 turns
Assuming no current in coil 2,
the flux generated by coil 1 is
1  11 (only coil 1) 12 (both coils)
The mutual - inductance of
d d di di coil 2 with respect to coil 1 is
 v1 N1 1
N1 1 1 L1 1
dt di1 dt dt d
M 21 N 2 12
d di1
where L1 N1 1
di1 The open - circuit mutual voltage is
d d di di di1
 v2 N 2 12
N 2 12 1 M 21 1 v2 M 21
dt di1 dt dt dt

Mutual Inductance (2/5)

self - inductances L1
Coil 1 : 
 N1 turns
self - inductances L2
Coil 2 : 
 N 2 turns
Assuming no current in coil 1,
the flux generated by coil 2 is
2 22 (only coil 2) 21 (both coils) The mutual - inductance of
d2 d di di coil 1with respect to coil 2 is
 v2 N 2 N 2 2 2 L2 2
dt di2 dt dt d
d2 M 12 N1 21 (M 21 )
where L2 N 2 di2
di2 The open - circuit mutual voltage is
d d di di di2
 v1 N1 21 N1 21 2 M 12 2
dt di2 dt dt v1 M 12


Mutual Inductance (3/5)

•We will see that M12 = M21 = M.
•Mutual coupling only exists when the inductors or
coils are in close proximity, and the circuits are driven
by time-varying sources.
•Mutual inductance is the ability of one inductor to
induce a voltage across a neighboring inductor,
measured in henrys (H).
•The dot convention states that a i1
current entering the dotted terminal
induces a positive polarity of the di
v2 M 1
mutual voltage at the dotted terminal _ dt
of the second coil.

Mutual Inductance (4/5)

i1 induces 
11 and 
12 ,
d d (
11 12 ) d di di
i2 induces 21 and 22 . v1 N1 dt N1 N1 21 L1 1 M 12 2
dt dt dt dt

1 (11 12 ) 21 v2 N 2

N 2
d (21 22 ) d di di
N 2 12 L2 2 M 21 1
2  dt dt dt dt dt
12 ( 21 22 )


Mutual Inductance (5/5)

i1 i1

+ +
di di1
v2 M 1 v2 M
dt dt
_ _

i2 i2

+ +
di2 di2
v1 M v1 M
dt dt
_ _

Series-Aiding Connection

+ v1 _ + v2 _
di di
v1 L1 M 12
dt dt
But M 12 M 21 M ,
di di
v2 L2 M 21 di
dt dt  v L1 L2 2 M 
v v1 v2 dt
 Leq L1 L2 2 M
di di di di
L1 M 12 L2 M 21
dt dt dt dt
L1 L2 M 12 M 21 


Series-Opposing Connection

+ v1 _ + v2 _
di di
v1 L1 M 12
dt dt
But M 12 M 21 M ,
di di
v2 L2 M 21 di
dt dt  v L1 L2 2M 
v v1 v2 dt
 Leq L1 L2 2M
di di di di
L1 M 12 L2 M 21
dt dt dt dt
L1 L2 M 12 M 21 

Circuit Model for Coupled Inductors

di1 di
v1 L1 M 2 V1 jL1I1 jMI 2
dt dt
di di
v2 M 1 L2 2 V2 jMI1 jL2I 2
dt dt


Example 1

+ +

_ _

Applying KVL to mesh 1 gives Substituting (1b) into (1a) gives

12 (j 4 j 5)I1 j 3I 2 0 (1a) 12
 I2  2.9114.04
Applying KVL to mesh 2 gives 4 j
( j 6 12)I 2 j 3I1 0  I1 (2 j 4)I 2 13.0149.39
12 j 6
I1  I 2 (2 j 4)I 2 (1b)

Example 2
+ -

+ _

_ +

Applying KVL to mesh 1 gives From (1a) and (1b) we get

100 (4 j 3)I1 j 6(I1 I 2 ) j 2I 2 0 4 j3 j8 
I1  100

j8 5 j18  
 (4 j3)I1 j8I 2 100 (1a)  
I 2  0 
Applying KVL to mesh 2 gives  I1 20.33.5
j 6(I 2 I1 ) j 2I 2 j8I 2 5I 2 j 2(I 2 I1 ) 0  I 2 8.69319
 j8I1 (5 j18)I 2 0 (1b)


Energy in a Coupled Circuit (1/4)

To find the stored energy as i1 I1 and i2 I 2 :
Step I : i2 0, i1 increases from 0 to I1.
p1 (t ) i1v1 i1 L1
I1 1
 w1  p1dt L1 i1di1  L1 I12
0 2
Step II : i1 I1 , i2 increases from 0 to I 2 .
di2 di
p2 (t ) i1v1 i2v2 I1M 12 i2 L2 2
dt dt
I2 I2 I II i2
 w2 
p2 dt M 12 I1 di2 L2 i2 di2 I2
0 0
1 I1
M 12 I1 I 2  L2 I 22
1 1
w w1 w2  L1 I12  L2 I 22 M 12 I1 I 2 t
2 2

Energy in a Coupled Circuit (2/4)

The analysis process can be changed as
Step I : i1 0, i2 increases from 0 to I 2 .
 w1  L2 I 22
Step II : i2 I 2 , i1 increases from 0 to I1.
 w2 M 21 I1I 2  L1I12
1 1
w w1 w2  L1I12  L2 I 22 M 21I1 I 2 i2
2 2 I II
But the total energy must equal to the i1
former case. I1
 M 12 M 21 M


Energy in a Coupled Circuit (3/4)

1 1 1 1
w  L1i12  L2i22 Mi1i2 w  L1i12  L2i22 Mi1i2
2 2 2 2

Energy in a Coupled Circuit (4/4)

For any current assignments, the
Alternative proof :
instantaneous energy stored is given as
 d (11  12 )
1 1
w  L1i12  L2i22 Mi1i2 0 L1 N1
 di1
2 2
 d (21 22 )
i1 w 1 1 L2 N 2
Let x  , f ( x)  2  L1 x 2  L2 Mx 0 di2
i2 i2 2 2 
 d d
To find the minimum f ( x), M 12 N1 21 M 21 N 2 12
 di2 di1
df ( x) M
L1 x M 0  xmin  M 12 M 21 d d21
dx L1   12
L1L2 d (
11  12 ) d (21 22 )
1 M2 1 M2
 f ( xmin )  L1 2  L2   21
2 L1 2 L1  12 1

11  
12 21  22
1 M2
 
L2  0  M 2 L1L2
2 L1 
 M 2 L1 L2


Coupling Coefficient
The coupling coefficient k is
defined as
k (0 k 1)
L1 L2
or M k L1 L2

 
k  12  21

11 12 21 22

k 1 means perfect coupling.

11 22 0

Coupling vs. Winding Style

Loosely coupled Tightly coupled

k < 0.5 k > 0.5


Q : Find k and the energy stored in the
coupled inductors at t 1 s.
M 2.5
Sol : k   0.56
L1 L2 20
For mesh 1,
(10 j 20)I1 j10I 2 6030 (1a)
v 60 cos(4t 30
For mesh 2,
j10I1 ( j16 j 4)I 2 0 (1b) 4 rad/s
I 3.90519.4
 1
I 2 3.254160.6
i1 3.905 cos(4t 19.4)

i2 3.254 cos(4t 160.6 )
 i1 (1) 3.389, i2 (1) 2.824
1 1
w  L1i12  L2i22 Mi1i2 20.73 J
2 2

Linear Transformers

R1 and R2
Zin are winding

Applying mesh analysis gives 2 M 2

 Z in R1 jL1 
V ( R1 jL1 )I1 jMI 2 (1) R2 jL2 Z L
jMI1 ( jL2 R2 Z L )I 2 0 (2)  ZP  ZR

But Z in 
V Z : primary impedance
where  P
Z R : reflected impedance


T (or Y) Equivalent Circuit

V1  jL1
 jM I1  V1  j( La Lc )
 jLc  I1 
  

V2 
  jM

jL2 
I2 
 V2 
   jLc

j( Lb Lc )
I2 

La L1 M
jL1 jM  j( La Lc ) jLc  
  Lb L2 M
 jL2 
  jLc j( Lb Lc )
 L M

П(or ) Equivalent Circuit

L2 M  1 1 1 
 
I1  jK jK  
V1  
1  jLA jLC
I jLC 
V1 
     
I 2  M L1  V2 
 

I2 
    1 1 
1 
V2 

jK jK   
 jLC jLB jLC 
where K L1 L2 M 2
 K
L 
 L2 M  1 1 1   A L2 M
    
jK jK  jLA jLC jLC  K
   L 
 M L1   1 1 1   B L1 M
   

 K
j  jK  
  j LC jLB jLC  L K



Ideal Transformers (1/3)

d d
v1 N1 v2 N 2

1 2  dt dt

1. Coils have very large reactance. (L1, L2, M ~ )

2. Coupling coefficient is equal to unity. (k = 1)
3. Primary and secondary are lossless.
(series resistances R1= R2= 0)

Ideal Transformers (2/3)

V1 jL1I1 jMI 2 (1a)

V2 jMI1 jL2 I 2 (1b)
From (1a),
I1 
V1 jMI 2 jL1 (1c)
Substituting 1(c) into (1b) gives
M  M2 
V2  V1 
L2  L jI 2
L1  1 

For perfect coupling,

k 1 or M  L1 L2
L1 L2 L
 V2  V1  2 V1 nV1
L1 L1
where n is called the turns ratio.


Ideal Transformers (3/3)

d d
v1 N1 , v2 N 2
dt dt
v N V2 N 2
 2  2 n or  n
v1 N1 V1 N1
The transformer is lossless  v1i1 v2i2
i2 v1 1 I V 1
   2  1 
i1 v2 n I1 V2 n

More Comments (1/2)

d d
v1 N1 , v2 N 2
dt dt
L1 , L2    N1 , N 2  
For finite voltages, we have
d v1
 0
dt N1
 The net stored energy approaches zero.
Absorbed power Supplied power
 v1i1 v2i2 (Lossless)


More Comments (2/2)

The stored energy must be finite.
1 1
w  L1i12  L2i22  L1L2 i1i2
2 2
1 2 L2 2 L2 
 L1  i  i 2 i1i2 
2  
1 2
 L1 L1 
1  L 
 L1 
i1  2 i2 

2  L1  
L2 2w
 i1  i2  0 (L1  )
L1 L1
i2 L 1
  1 
i1 L2 n

Types of Transformers
•When n = 1, we generally call the transformer an
isolation transformer.
•If n > 1 , we have a step-up transformer (V2 > V1).
•If n < 1 , we have a step-down transformer (V2 < V1).


Impedance Transformation
V2 N 2
  n  V
V1 N1 V  2
I  1 n
N 1 Zin
2  1  
I1 nI 2

I1 N 2 n

The complex power in the primary is The input impedance as seen

V by the source is
S1 V1I1*  2 
nI 2 V2 I *2 S 2

n V V n 1 V
Z in  1  2  2 2
The complex power supplied to the I1 nI 2 n I2
primary is delivered to the secondary Z
 Z in  2L (reflected impedance)
without loss. n
Useful for impedance matching!
 The transformer is lossless!

How to make a transformer ideal?


2 M 2
Zin R1 jL1  L2  
R2 jL2 Z L
 L2 Z L for 0
If R1 R2 0 and M  L1 L2
jL1Z L L1Z L Z L
2 M 2  Z in    2
Zin jL1  jL2 L2 n
jL2 Z L
jL1Z L 2 L1 L2 2 L1 L2 where n  : the turns ratio
 L1
Z L jL2
jL1Z L L
 For a desired n , L1  22  
jL2 Z L n


Impedance Matching

Linear network
The condition for maximum
power transfer is :
Z L
n 2 Z Th : complex Z L

 2L Z Th : Z L RL j 0

Ideal Transformer Circuit (1/3)

Linear network 1 Linear network 2


Ideal Transformer Circuit (2/3)

I1 0 I 2 I1 nI 2

 V
V V1  2
 VTh V1  2  n
V V n 1 V
V  Z Th  1  2  2 2
 s2 I1 nI 2 n I2
 22

Ideal Transformer Circuit (3/3)

c c

Equivalent 1: Equivalent 2:

c c


Applications of Transformers
•To step up or step down voltage and current (useful
for power transmission and distribution).
•To isolate one portion of a circuit from another.
•As an impedance matching device for maximum
power transfer.
• Frequency-selective circuits.

Applications: Circuit Isolation

When the relationship between
the two networks is unknown,
any improper direct connection
may lead to circuit failure.

This connection style can

prevent circuit failure.


Applications: DC Isolation

Only ac signal can pass, dc signal is blocked.

Applications: Load Matching


Applications: Power Distribution


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