Chemistry Lab Report: Anchita Aurora

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Chemistry Lab Report

- Anchita Aurora
Research question:
What effect does the chain length of an alcohol have on its standard enthalpy change of combustion and
hence the efficiency of the fuel?

Background Research:

The enthalpy of a system is a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the total heat of a system. It is
equivalent to the thermal energy inside a system plus the product of pressure and volume. The change in
enthalpy can be measured using this formula:

∆H = mass x specific heat capacity x ∆temperature

The change in enthalpy is the mass, specific heat capacity and change in temperature of the substance
multiplied. The change in enthalpy is essentially the difference in energy after a chemical reaction compared
to the energy level initially. The change in enthalpy will measure the change in energy before and after
combustion in different fuels. Fuels release energy after combustion, hence a greater fuel efficiency would be
shown through a greater change in enthalpy.

An alcohol is an alkane with a hydroxyl group. It has a general formula of CnH2n+1OH. Alcohol can be used
as a fuel, and methanol, propanol, butanol and ethanol are of particular interest as they can be made
chemically or biologically (using alcoholic fermentation like of yeast). These four also have characteristics
enabling them to be used in internal combustion engines. Methanol can be produced from natural gas or
biomass, ethanol is generally made from biological processes like fermentation, bio butanol has the
advantage in combustion engines in that its energy density closer to gasoline than the simpler alcohols,
however it is relatively difficult to produce compared to methanol and ethanol.

Ethanol has 2 carbon atoms, methanol has 1, propanol has 3 and butanol has 4. Due to their increase in
importance and realisation of their usefulness, it is these alcohols whose fuel efficiency and standard
enthalpy change of combustion being measured.

Each alcohol has a different number of bonds and molar mass. These are what affect the efficiency of fuels.
The change of enthalpy will be divided by the number of moles in order to provide the change in enthalpy
per mole so that the alcohols can be compared fairly. The change in enthalpy per mole is the standard
enthalpy change.

Null: All alcohols have the same fuel efficiency and the chain length has no effect on the standard enthalpy
change of combustion

Alternate hypothesis:
The standard enthalpy of combustion should increase as the alcohol chain length increases. This is because
the hydrocarbon chain becomes longer, more energy is required to break the molecule, this is due to the fact
that each successive member of the series contains one more methylene group (-CH2-) than the previous one.
When it is burnt, there will be one extra C-C bond and two extra C-H bonds to be broken. Therefore, much
more energy is required for combustion. The alternate hypothesis can also be supported by the fact that Van
der Waals forces increase as when carbons are added to the chain the molecule’s mass increases. This means
there are stronger intermolecular forces of attraction. Therefore, this leads to an increase in the enthalpy of
combustion of the alcohols. Because the standard enthalpy change of combustion increases as chain length
increases, it can be hypothesised that butanol has the greatest standard enthalpy of combustion. This means
that the most energy is released when this alcohol is burnt hence making this the most efficient fuel. This
also means that methanol is the least efficient fuel.
Independent variable: The alcohol independently changes (methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol), methanol
has one carbon atom and each successive alcohol exceeds the previous one by one extra carbon atom (or one
extra methylene group)

Dependent variable: The change in the mass of the alcohol that is being burnt. It will be measured in grams
on a digital weighing scale.

Control variables:
Control Reason Method

Volume of water (ml) Different amounts of water will Each trial has 40ml of water
have a different effect on the measured and used
amount of heat required for the
same temperature changes
Pressure (kpa) A change in the pressure in the All trials are conducted in the
atmosphere can affect the same location under same
enthalpy change of combustion conditions

Temperature Change (degrees Only the change in mass will be Once the thermometer indicated
celsius) needed to be measured, if the that there had been an increase
temperature change is also by 10 degrees celsius, the flame
varied, a lot more complications is immediately blown and cut off
will take place that may waste

Distance of flame from the wick The greater the distance, the By looking perpendicularly at the
of the spirit burner lesser the effect on the water; set up and flame, the burner is
(centimeters) different distances will have aligned and oriented in a way that
different effects on the water the access to the flame is the
same in each trial

Table 1.1

Item Capacity Least Count Uncertainty Quantity

Measuring 50ml 1ml +-0.5ml 1


Table 1.2
Item Capacity Least Count Uncertainty Quantity

Matchstick - - - At least 16

Thermometer -30 to 110 degrees 1 degree celsius +-0.5 degrees 1

celsius celsius

Wire Gauge — - - 1

Syringe 50ml 10ml +-5ml 1

Calorimeter - - - 1

Spirit Lamp - - - 1
Item Capacity Least Count Uncertainty Quantity

Tripod - - - 1

Tongs — - - 1

Digital Weighing - 0.1g +-0.1g 1

Table 1.3

Chemical Formula Molar Mass (g/mol) Volume (ml)

Methanol CH3OH 32.04 40

Ethanol C2H5OH 46.07 40

Propanol C3H8OH 60.1 40

Butanol C4H10OH 74.1 40

Distilled Water H2O 18.0 40

Table 1.4
Safety Concerns and Measures:
1. The alcohols are extremely hazardous and flammable, hence they should be used carefully and in small
quantities. One must wear gloves while handling alcohol
2. The alcohols should be kept away from heat
3. As fire is being used there is a risk of getting burnt by mistake. One must wear gloves, goggles and a lab
coat when using fire
4. Due to the heat the spirit burner can be too hot to touch and place on the weighing scale, hence tongs are

1. Add 40ml of methanol to a spirit lamp, this was measured using a graduated syringe
2. Weigh the mass of the lamp and the alcohol together and make note of it
3. Add 40ml of water which is measured from a measuring cylinder to the calorimeter
4. Place the meter on the tripod stand on top of the wire gauze
5. Add a thermometer to the calorimeter and note the initial temperature
6. Light up the spirit lamp and observe the thermometer
7. Wait till the temperature increases by 10 degrees celsius
8. Once it has increased by that amount, blow the flame away on the spirit lamp
9. Measure the weight of the spirit lamp and alcohol again
10. Repeat this procedure 3 more times
11. Repeat this process for ethanol, propanol and butanol too, ensuring to perform 4 trials each


Qualitative Data
1. As the spirit burner is burning, there is a slightly strong smell produced, slightly pungent , it is due to the
high volatility
2. The flame formed when the alcohol is burnt is primarily yellow in colour with a little bit of blue at the
bottom of it
3. After burning, the calorimeter and spirit lamp can be too hot to touch and the calorimeter needs to be
placed on a weighing scale
Quantitative Data

Alcohol Initial Final Initial Mass Final Mass

Temperatu Temperatu (grams) (grams)
re (celsius) re (celsius)
27.0 37.0 82.2 78.1
28.0 39.0 81.3 76.8
28.0 38.0 81.6 77.5
28.0 38.0 80.2 76.0
28.0 38.0 83.9 80.0
28.0 38.0 83.1 79.0
28.0 39.0 82.4 76.2
28.0 40.0 83.8 79.8
25.0 36.0 80.1 79.6
25.0 35.0 79.8 77.0
26.0 37.0 80.8 78.2
25.0 35.0 81.3 78.6
25.0 35.0 80.7 78.4
25.0 35.0 79.3 77.2
25.0 35.0 79.6 77.8
25.0 36.0 80.3 78.4

Table 1.5

Alco Trial Tem Mass Avera Avera Stand Alc Tri Te Mass Avera Avera Standa
hol perat Chan ge ge ard ohol al mp Chang ge ge rd
ure ge chang chang deviat era e chang chang deviati
Cha (Final e in e in ion tur (Final e in e in on
nge mass mass tempe chang e mass - mass temper chang
(deg - (gram rature e of Ch initial (grams ature e of
rees initial s) (degr mass an mass) ) (degre mass
celsi mass) ees ge (grams es
us) (gram celsiu (de ) celsius
s) s) gre )
Met Eth
hano anol
l (tw
(one o
carb carb
on) ons)
1 10.0 4.1 4.23 10.5 0.09 1 10. 3.9 4.55 10.75 0.55
2 11.0 4.5 2 10. 4.1
3 10.0 4.1 3 11. 6.2
4 11.0 4.2 4 12. 4.0
Prop But
anol anol
(3 (4
carb carb
ons) ons)
1 11.1 0.5 2.15 10.78 0.55 1 10.0 2.3 2.03 10.25 0.11
2 10.0 2.8 2 10.0 2.1
3 12.0 2.6 3 10.0 1.8
4 10.0 2.7 4 11.0 1.9

Table 1.6

Relevant Formulae and Statements

Change in enthalpy = ∆H = mass x specific heat capacity x ∆temperature
Moles = mass/molar mass
The mass of water that is heated is 40g as 40ml was used and the density of water is 1g/cm^3
The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J g-1 K-1
Standard enthalpy of combustion = ∆H/n

∆H = 40 x 4.186 x 10.5 = 1758.12 = 1758J
ΔHc∘ = 1758/n
n = 4.32/32.04 = 0.13 moles
1758/0.13 = 13523
Standard enthalpy for combustion for methanol = 13523J/mol

∆H = 40 x 4.186 x 10.75 = 1800J
ΔHc∘ = 1800/n
n = 4.55/46.07 = 0.1 moles
1800/0.1 = 18000
Standard enthalpy for combustion for methanol = 18000J/mol

∆H = 40 x 4.186 x 10.78 = 1805J
ΔHc∘ = 1805/n
n = 2.15/60.1= 0.04 moles
1805/0.04 = 45125
Standard enthalpy for combustion for methanol = 45125J/mol

∆H = 40 x 4.186 x 10.25 = 1716J
ΔHc∘ = 1716/n
n = 2.03/74.1 = 0.03
1716/0.03 = 57200
Standard enthalpy for combustion for methanol = 57200J/mol

Data Presentation:

Standard Enthalpy of Combustion (J/mole)

Line of best fit
y = 1899.5x2 + 6318.1x + 3420.5
Standard Enthalpy of Combustion (J/mole)

R² = 0.9468




0 Graph 1.1
1 2 3 4
Number of Carbon atoms
Graph Analysis:

Line of best fit analysis:

The polynomial line of best fit shows a very clear relationship between the number of
carbon atoms and the standard enthalpy of combustion. As the carbon atoms increase,
so does the standard enthalpy of combustion. There is a positive gradient in the line
of best fit when this correlation is shown. The positive gradient shows that the
variables are directly related, the exponential gradient also shows that a change in the
number of carbon atoms shows a significant change in the enthalpy of combustion,
the rate of change in the enthalpy of combustion is increasing too. The R square value
of this line is 0.95, the fact that the value is so close to one indicates that there is an
extremely close correlation between the variables of this experiment.

Bar graph analysis:

The value for methanol, the first variable with the shortest chain length is 1800, while
the standard enthalpy of combustion for butanol, the final variable with the longest
chain length is 57200. The final value is 31 times greater than the first one showing
that there is a significant increase when the number of carbon atoms increase. The
length of the bar has the greatest change between ethanol and propanol. There is
shown a sudden increase in the standard enthalpy of combustion.

Standard Deviation Analysis:

The standard deviation of the change in mass for any of the alcohols wasn’t
particularly high. It was the lowest for methanol (0.09), indicating that the least
random errors took place in measuring the change of mass in this alcohol. Hence it
has the most precise data. Butanol too has a fairly low standard deviation of 0.11, this
too means that the data is fairly precise for this alcohol. However propanol and
ethanol have a relatively high standard deviation of 0.55, this means that the data
collected for these alcohols wasn’t accurate enough. Ethanol has an anomaly which
shows a change in mass of 6.2 while the other three readings show a much lower
change in mass, propanol has an anomaly which shows a change in mass of 0.5,
while the other data shows a much greater change in mass. Due to a lack of readings,
the weightage of these anomalies was higher, leading to less precise data and greater
standard deviation. The experiment should have had more readings, at least propanol
and ethanol should have had more.

Despite being successful, the experiment could have been more accurate, here are some of the
errors which if worked on could lead to better results:
Error Effect Improvement

Not enough readings Greater effect of anomalies on Instead of four, seven readings
the result should have been taken place
Error Effect Improvement

Distance between flame and The heat loss would be lower A ruler or vernier calliper should
calorimeter wasn’t constant when the distance between the be used to measure the distance
flame and calorimeter was between the flame and the
lower, hence fluctuations in the calorimeter and should be kept
distance could lead to different constant throughout
amounts of heat reaching the
water and hence the alcohol
won’t be the only variable
impacting the results

Measuring apparatus wasn’t This lead to less precise Pipettes and burettes are more
accurate enough readings and hence less accurate than syringes and
precise results measuring cylinders

Conditions of the surroundings The fluctuations would have The conditions of the
most likely fluctuated a fair impacted each trial and surroundings, like temperature,
amount as the experiment had experiment differently leading should have been measured
carried on over a long period of to varied results not only due to beforehand and implemented for
time the chain length of the alcohol each trial and alcohol, the
experiment should have taken
place in a controlled environment

Table 1.7

After collecting, processing and analysing the data and seeing potential errors and their
impacts on the experiment, it is safe to say that this experiment adhered to the alternate
hypothesis and rejected the null hypothesis. The chain length definitely impacted the
standard enthalpy of combustion, and just like the alternate hypothesis stated, as the chain
length increases so does the standard enthalpy of combustion. This is, as aforementioned,
due to the stronger Van der Waals forces of alcohols with greater masses, they need more
energy to be broken and hence lead to more energy released. It is also due to the fact that
one extra C-C bond and two extra C-H bonds will be needed to be broken and hence more
energy will be released.

The greater standard enthalpy of combustion for greater chain lengths of alcohol indicates
that in the same number of moles, butanol would release a significantly greater amount of
energy in comparison to methanol. This makes butanol the most efficient and beneficial
fuel. Unfortunately, as mentioned in the background research, it is significantly harder to
produce in comparison to propanol, methanol and Ethanol. Hence despite being the most
fuel efficient, perhaps propanol is the best potential fuel.

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