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Plan for lecture

Comparative Analysis  Case study

and  Comparative method

Case Studies  Participant observation

MEVIT 4800 - 09.11.2010

Gunn Sara Enli, Associate Professor
Department of Media and Communication
University of Oslo

2> Department of Media and Communication

Six types of case studies

Defininition: Case Study
A case study is an empirical enquiery The case study inquiry.... Atheoretical case studies
Interpretative case studies
• Investigates a contemporary • copes with the technically distinctive
phenomenon within its real-life situation in which there will be many Hypothetic-generating case studies
more variables of interest than data
context, especially when points. Theory-confirming case studies
• the boundaries between • relies on multiple sources of evidence,
phenomenon and context are not with data needing to converge om a Theory-informing case studies
clearly defined. triangulating fashion.
Deviant case studies
• benefits from the prior development of
theoretical propositions to guide data
collection and analysis.
(Yin 1994:13)

3> Department of Media and Communication 4> Department of Media and Communication

Generating theory The Case Study Investigator:

Desired skills
Case study: Units of any size
• A basic list of skills:
RQ: • demands of a person s intellect,
ego, and emotions are far greater
- Does the incest taboo exist in all societies? than any other research strategy - ask good questions
- Are almost all nurses women? • not rutinized - be a good listener
- be adaptible and flexible
Theory confirming or theory generating. - have a firm grasp on the issues
- unbiased by previous notions

5> Department of Media and Communication 6> Department of Media and Communication

Comparative approach
A journalistic case study
All the President s Men (1974) • Scientific approach is is unavoidably comparative .
Account of the watergate scandal • The comparative approach is a broad, general method, not a
Dramatic and suspenceful book specialized, narrow technique.
Solid journalistic methods
Asking Q: How and Why? • A method or an approach?
• A research strategy (Lijphart 1971)

7> Department of Media and Communication 8> Department of Media and Communication

Anthropological and sociological

Statistical method research

• There is no clear dividing line between the statistical and Primitive societies, fewer variables than advanced societies.
comparative method;
Almost a laboratory for the quasi-experimental approach to social
• the difference depends entirely on the number of cases. phenomena.

(Lijphart 1971) But also.....

• Comparative politics
• Comparative literature

9> Department of Media and Communication 10 > Department of Media and Communication

A classic contribution
Comparative studies
Late 60s and early 70s: comparative method became widespread. Selection of cases (not random, but Selection of analytical focus

Key contribution: (Lijiphart 1971)
Apples and bananas?

11 > Department of Media and Communication 12 > Department of Media and Communication

Q: What is the most appropriate
strategy for comparative research? Most similar or most different?
Most similar systems design (Lijphart Most different design (Przeworski and
and Smelser) Teune).

In the most similar system design In the most different design the aim
this is done by chosing as research is to maximize the number of
sites political systems that are variables on which the system differ,,
similar in as many variable sas in order to investigate the
possible with the exception of the phenomenon
phenomenon to be examined. E.g.: If rates of suicide are the same
among the Zuni, the Swedes, and the
Russioan, those factors that distinguish
there three societies are irrelevant for
the explaination of suicide.

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Discussion in pairs (3-5 minutes) Combine the two?

• Ideal types rather than viable research approaches.

• A representative sample of cases could improve the study.
• Can include both most similar and most different types of

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Comparing PSB institutions in Comparative method:

four different countries Weaknesses

Selection strategy in the article The chosen institutions: • The small N problem: Many variables, small number of cases ‒
Redefining public service increase the number of cases as much as possible. ‒ reduce the
1. SVT (Partial confrontation)
broadcasting (Enli 2008): variables. ‒ chose comparable cases.
2. BBC (Opposition)
 Theoretical approach: Chosing one
PSB institution from each of four 3. NRK (Identification)
theoretical categories. • Cases are picked in accordance with the hypothesis ‒ should be
4. PBS (consolidation)
picked systematically.
 The strategy enables an
examination of similarities and
differences between the media The US case had to be justified as
insitutions engagement with an exceptional case, which highlights
audience participation. the other three because of the
institutional differences.

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Master thesis:

A Comparative analysis of P2s Dagsnytt Atten

and P4s Sytten Tretti
Case study Comparative method
1. Level: Institutional level
- NRK (public broadcaster, lisence) A single case Many cases (min. two)
- P4 (commercial, private)
2. Level: Channel level + Permits intensive examination of cases + Intensive analysis of a few cases
even with limited resources. rather than more superficial statistic
- P2 (role in the NRK universe) analysis of many cases
- P4 (here: channel, not company) - Weak capacity to sort out rival
- Contributes less to building theory explanations, especially the problem
3. Level: Production of few cases many variables .
than studies with more cases.
- Dagsnytt Atten - editoiral unit /staff
- Sytten Tretti -editorial unit/staff

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Collecting the Evidence /fieldwork
 Documents • The formal access - versus the • Media studies: Production analysis,
informal access Newsroom studies
 Archival records
• The risk of going native , - or • Anthopology: Cultural differences
 Interviews
absorbed in environments etc.
 Direct observation
 Participant observation
 Physical artefacts

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Written examination
• 9 December at 09:00
• 4 hours
• Gymsal 4 Idrettsbygningen

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