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End of Course Survey

Plant Design Project (SKKB4824)

Department of Bioprocess & Polymer Engineering at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has developed this survey to
assess the effectiveness of our engineering program. The department is deeply committed to continuous quality
improvement, and this survey is an integral part of our assessment process. Please take a few minutes to help us in
this important endeavour. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Session/Semester : 2016/2017-02
Group number:

1. In this section you are asked to rate your capability in each of the course learning outcomes (CO) on a 1 to 5
numerical scale. Please take a few moments to acquaint yourself with these criteria.

5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Neutral 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree

Please circle the most appropriate number for each item.

Numerical scale
Course Learning Outcomes
(1: lowest
(The course provides me the ability to …….)
5: highest)
1. Formulate and evaluate desired product design objectives and
requirement including project background, market survey, feasibility study
of alternative designs and site location and as well as possible constraints
for an open-ended problem.
2. Synthesize a process flowsheet capable of achieving the stated product
design objectives by employing traditional as well as novel synthesis and 4
design strategies.
3. Obtain the engineering and scientific data required for formulating and
solving the fundamental mass and energy balance, optimization and
design equations using various sources of information such as internets,
handbooks, databases, technical journals etc.
4. Manually perform mass and energy balance calculations employing
chemical engineering principles and design knowledge to achieve the 4
desired product design objectives.
5. Develop a rigorous steady state computer simulation of the process
flowsheet, using commercially available software packages, capable of
representing the process and validate it by comparing against the manual
6. Perform and evaluate process optimization and energy integration with
special emphasis on resource conservation, waste minimization and 4
energy recovery
7. Evaluate chemical processing equipment alternatives for each processing
step and select the appropriate candidates
8. Perform equipment design using chemical engineering equipment sizing
methods and standards and perform cost estimation using chemical 4
engineering cost index
9. Determine capital investment, operating costs, and cash flow estimates for
chemical manufacturing processes from process flowsheets, equipment 4
specifications, and material and energy balances.
10. Calculate profitability measures including rate of return on investment, net
present value, payback period, and discounted cash flow rate of return.
11. Perform economic sensitivity analysis in order to identify the primary
process parameters affecting the economics of the process plant
12. Demonstrate the understanding of process control, operability, general
health and hazop/safety issues of plant operation.
13. Identify and evaluate plant’s waste and propose treatment methods to
minimize the environmental impact of a process and/or product design
14. Apply computer based drawing softwares to produce process flow
diagrams (PFD) and piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) using 4
standard symbols and design codes
15. Work in a team on solving an open-ended design project and exhibiting
proficiency in developing effective task breakdowns and project plans, 4
time management and leader skills, task delegation and punctuality.
16. Prepare project reports consisting of concise, well structured and clear
language and appropriately placed and constructed tables and graphs,
with special emphasis on effective communication, neatness and
17. Prepare and deliver a professional oral presentation with appropriate
visual aids
18. Understand the inherently dynamic and evolving nature of science and
engineering and therefore appreciate the need for continuous learning 4
and reeducation
19. Demonstrate the awareness of the need for academic honesty and
professional integrity and ethical responsibilities in the practice of 4

2. In this section you are asked to rate your capability in each of the program learning outcomes (PO) on a 1 to 5
numerical scale. Please take a few moments to acquaint yourself with these criteria.

5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Neutral 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree

Please circle the most appropriate number for each item.

Numerical scale
Program Learning Outcomes
(1: lowest
(The course provides me the ability to …….)
5: highest)

1. apply knowledge of chemical / gas engineering principles, techniques,

skills, and modern engineering tools including ICT, necessary for
operating and designing systems and as well as conducting R&D

2. identify, formulate and solve chemical / gas engineering and related

problems through effective thinking skills

3. communicate effectively through written and oral modes to all levels of


4. lead a team by setting direction, providing motivation, delegating tasks

and integrating contributions.
5. work independently and function confidently as an individual and in both
single and multi-disciplinary teams.

6. perpetually seek and acquire contemporary knowledge. 4

7. Demonstrate high ethical standards in professional practice, including
safety, environmental and social issues.

8. utilize knowledge for entrepreneurship. 4

3. What most helped your learning the course materials and skills?
Groupmates and senior’s report

4. What most hindered your learning the course materials and skills?

5. Please provide any additional comments that you wish to make concerning the course (SKKB 4824), and any
suggestions that you may have to improve the Chemical-Bioprocess engineering program at FKK.
Thank you for taking to time to fill up this survey

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