MG6851-Principles of Management QP

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SEM / YEAR : VI / III year B.E.


Definition of Management – Science or Art – Manager Vs Entrepreneur - types of managers -managerial
roles and skills – Evolution of Management – Scientific, human relations , system and contingency
approaches – Types of Business organization - Sole proprietorship, partnership, company-public and
private sector enterprises - Organization culture and Environment – Current trends and issues in
Part A
Q.No BT Level Domain
1. Define Management. BTL 1 Remembering
2. Compare Entreprenuer & Manager. BTL 2 Understanding
3. Identify whether Management is Science or Art ? BTL 3 Applying
4. Classify types of managers. BTL 4 Analyzing
5. Discuss the concept of scientific management. BTL 5 Evaluating
6. Interpret the skills required by manager at different levels. BTL 6 Creating
7. Define Organization. BTL 1 Remembering
8. Compare effectiveness and efficiency. BTL 2 Understanding
9. How would you show your understanding on characteristics of BTL 3 Applying
10. What conclusion can you draw from hawthorne experiments ? BTL 4 Analyzing
11. How is environment related to management ? BTL 5 Evaluating
12. Interpret the systems approach to management . BTL 6 Creating
13. Define organization culture. BTL 1 Remembering
14. Compare time and motion study. BTL2 Understanding
15. How would you show your understanding of the term scalar BTL 3 Applying
chain and the term Espirit de corps?

16. Classify the types of partners. BTL 4 Analyzing

17. Define sole proprietorship and partnership. BTL 1 Remembering
18. Classify the types of organisation. BTL 2 Evaluating
19. Define a private enterprise. BTL 1 Remembering
20. What is Globalization? BTL 1 Remembering

Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand

Part B
1. How would you describe the various functions of BTL 1 Remembering
2. How would you summarize the concepts of scientific BTL 2 Understanding
3. How would you show your understanding of 14 principles of BTL 3 Applying
4. Classify the roles of managers BTL 4 Analyzing
5. Categorize the different schools of management. BTL 5 Evaluating
6. Evaluate Systems approach & Contingency Approach. BTL 6 Creating
7. Define Environment.What are the factors affecting BTL 1 Remembering
8. Compare Sole proprietorship and partnership. BTL 2 Understanding

9. i) Construct a plan for activities to be carried out by managers in

recent times highlighting the current trends . (8marks) BTL 3 Applying

ii) Analyse the findings of Hawthorne experiments.(8 marks) BTL 4 Analyzing

10. List the main characteristics of Public and Private Enterprises BTL 1 Remembering

Nature and purpose of planning – planning process – types of planning – objectives – setting objectives –
policies – Planning premises – Strategic Management – Planning Tools and Techniques – Decision making
steps and process.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. Define Planning. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Compare strategic planning and operation planning. BTL 2 Understanding

3. Identify the importance of setting organizational objectives in BTL 3 Applying

modern organization.

4. Classify the types of plans . BTL 4 Analyzing

5. How is planning premises related to planning? BTL 5 Evaluating
6. Interpret the objectives of planning. BTL 6 Creating
7. Define MBO. BTL 1 Remembering
8. Outline the benefits of MBO . BTL 2 Understanding

9. i)How would show your understanding of traditional objective BTL 3 Applying

setting?(8 marks)
ii)Do you feel MBO can be an alternate to it? (8 marks) BTL4 Analyzing

Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand

10. Define objectives and goals. BTL 1 Remembering

11. Define strategies and programs. BTL 1 Remembering
12. Explain Delphi technique. BTL 2 Understanding
13. What example can you state for different types of decisions? BTL 3 Applying
14. Classify the types of policies BTL 4 Analyzing
15. List the characteristics of sound policy. BTL 5 Evaluating
16. Interpret the importance of rational decision making . BTL 6 Creating
17. Define decision making. BTL 1 Remembering
18. Compare programmed and non programmed decisions. BTL 2 Understanding
19. i) Construct a SWOT analysis matrix. BTL 3 Applying
ii) Analyse each component of SWOT analysis matrix. BTL4 Analyzing
20. What is Strategic Management? BTL 1 Remembering


1. How would you describe the types of plans and their merits? BTL 1 Remembering
2. Outline the process of MBO. BTL 2 Understanding

3. i) Explain the steps involved in strategic management process BTL 1 Remembering

ii) Identify the principles of planning and analyse the types of BTL3 &4 Applying &
planning(8 marks). Analyzing

4. i) How would you understanding on the various steps in BTL3 Applying

planning?(8 marks)
ii) Categorize the types of plans.(8marks) BTL4 Analyzing
5. i) Discuss the nature and purpose of planning.(8marks) BTL5 Evaluating
ii) Interpret the concept of strategic and operational
BTL6 Creating
6. What are the different types of strategies? BTL1 Remembering

7. Distinguish programmed and non programmed decision. BTL2 Understanding

8. i) What are the essentials of formulating policies? (8marks) BTL1 Remembering

ii) How would you show your understanding on framing BTL3&4 Applying &
policies and classifying them?(8marks) Analyzing

9. i) What approach would you use for decision making in BTL3 Applying
different conditions?( 8marks)
ii) Classify the decision making techniques. (8marks) BTL4 Analyzing

10. i) Develop a suitable example fr each type of decision. (8marks) BTL 5 Evaluating

ii) Interpret the various steps involved in decision making process.

BTL6 Creating

Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand


Nature and purpose – Formal and informal organization – organization chart – organization structure –
types – Line and staff authority – departmentalization – delegation of authority – centralization and
decentralization – Job Design - Human Resource Management – HR Planning, Recruitment, selection,
Training and Development, Performance Management , Career planning and management.

Q.No Questions BT Level Domain

BTL1 Remembering
1. Define departmentation.
2. Differentiate line and staff authority. BTL2 Understandin
3. Identify the steps involved in HR planning. BTL3 Applying
4. Categorise span of management. BTL4 Analyzing
5. Discuss the concept of job design. BTL5 Evaluating
6. Interpret the importance of Human resource management. BTL6 Creating
7. What is an organization chart ? BTL1 Remembering

8. Compare formal and informal organization . BTL2 Understandin

9. How would you make use of different types of staff in BTL3 Applying
organization ?
10. What are the various categories of Departmentation? BTL4 Analyzing
11. How is career planning related to career development ? BTL5 Evaluating
12. Justify the usage of functional departmentation. BTL6 Creating
13. Define staffing, what are the selection process errors? BTL1 Remembering
14. Distinguish on the job and off the job training BTL2 Understandin
15. Show would your understanding on the concept of over BTL3 Applying
delegation and delegation.
16. Conclude your understanding on benefits of decentralization BTL4 Analyzing
17. Classify the different bases of departmentation . BTL1 Remembering
18. Illustrate with example the concept of departmention by BTL2 Understandin
functional and product . g
19. What is performance management? BTL1 Remembering
20. Define organizing. BTL1 Remembering

1. How would you describe the various organizational BTL1 Remembering
2. Compare formal and informal organization . BTL2 Understandin
3. How would you show you understanding on various sources of BTL3 Applying
4. Classify the method of training . BTL4 Analyzing
Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand

5. Delegation is the ability to get result through others develop BTL5 Evaluating
guidelines for effective delegation.
6. Evaluate the various performance appraisal techniques. BTL6 Creating
7. List the steps involved in selection process. BTL1 Remembering
8. Classify the different types of departmentation . BTL2 Understandin
9. i) How would you use the concept of decentralization in an BTL3 Applying

ii) Compare line and staff organization(8marks) . BTL4 Analyzing

10. What are types of organization structures? BTL1 Remembering

Foundations of individual and group behaviour – motivation – motivation theories – motivational
techniques – job satisfaction – job enrichment – leadership – types and theories of leadership –
communication – process of communication – barrier in communication – effective communication –
communication and IT.

Q.No Questions BT Domain

1. Who is a leader? Mention the characteristics of a good leader? BTL1 Remembering
2. Compare group and individual behavior. BTL2 Understanding
3. How do you show your understanding on the concept of BTL3 Applying
4. Classify the different types of communication. BTL4 Analyzing
5. Compile the various motivation techniques. Evaluating
6. Justify the usage of job enrichment. BTL6 Creating
7. Define communication. What are the components of BTL1 Remembering
8. Summarize the important barriers to communication. BTL2 Understanding
9. Identify the need of grapevine communication. BTL3 Applying
10. Classify the theories of leadership. BTL4 Analyzing
11. Categorise the various types of leadership styles BTL5 Evaluating
12. Can you assess the importance of leadership? BTL6 Creating
13. What is brainstorming? BTL1 Remembering
14. Compare motivators and hygiene factors. BTL2 Understanding

15. How would you show your understanding on job enrichment ? BTL3 Applying
16. Conclude your understanding on job satisfaction. BTL4 Analyzing
17. List few monetary and non monetary reward . BTL1 Remembering
18. Compare motivation and satisfaction. BTL2 Understanding
19. List the hierarchy of needs according to Maslow. BTL1 Remembering

20. Define groups. BTL1 Remembering

Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand

1. List the barriers to communication. How would you overcome BTL1 Remembering
the barriers.
2. Explain the process of communication. BTL2 Understanding
3. How would you show your understanding about the theories of BTL3 Applying
motivation ?
4. Examine the various types of leadership styles. BTL4 Analyzing

5. Discuss the various types of communications and its benefits. BTL5 Evaluating
6. Evaluate the impact of electronic media in communication BTL6 Creating
process .
7. List the different characteristics of leaders. BTL1 Remembering
8. Compare X and Y Theory and Maslow’s theory with BTL2 Understanding
Herzberg’s theory.
9. i) How would you understand by group and individual BTL3 Applying
behaviour ? (8marks)
ii) Compare group and individual behaviour . (8marks) BTL4 Analyzing
10. i)How would you explain Maslow’s needs Hierarchy BTL1 Remembering
ii)What are the various motivational techniques used in BTL1 Remembering
organizations ?(8marks)

System and process of controlling – budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques – use of computers
and IT in Management control – Productivity problems and management – control and performance –
direct and preventive control – reporting.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. Define controlling. BTL1 Remembering

2. Compare feed forward and feedback control. BTL2 Understanding

3. Identify the factors to be considered for a product BTL3 Applying

4. What do you think about budgetary control? BTL4 Analyzing
5. Can you assess the importance of purchase control? BTL5 Evaluating
6. Interpret the necessity of budgetary control in BTL6 Creating
7. List the steps involved in controlling process. BTL1 Remembering
8. Compare production and productivity. BTL2 Understanding
9. What examples can give for budgets? BTL3 Applying
10. What do you think about feedforward control? BTL4 Analyzing

Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand

11. Compile your views on reporting. BTL5 Evaluating

12. How would you evaluate the need for critical point BTL6 Creating
13. List any four types of control. BTL1 Remembering
14. Explain the principles of controlling. BTL2 Understanding
15. Give some examples for new control techniques. BTL3 Applying
16. How would you apply operations management? BTL4 Analyzing
17. What is critical point control? BTL1 Remembering

18. Distinguish between budgetory and non budgetory BTL2 Understanding

19. What is meant by preventive control? BTL1 Remembering
20. Define Reporting . BTL1 Remembering
1. What is control? Discuss the phases in control. BTL1 Remembering
2. Explain budgetary and non budgetary control BTL2 Understanding
3. Identify the steps involved in controlling and BTL3 Applying
requirements for effective control.

4. Analyse the tools used to raise productivity. BTL 4 Analyzing

5. Can you assess the importance of reporting in BTL5 Evaluating

6. How will you evaluate the various types of budgets BTL6 Creating
used in organization?
7. i)Define productivity(2 marks) BTL1 Remembering
ii)List thefactors associated with productivity
BTL1 Remembering
(14 marks) .
8. Explain the popular non budgetary techniques with BTL2 Understanding
special referred to break even and ratio analysis?

9. i) How would you show your understanding about BTL3 Applying

usage of use of computers and IT in Management
control? ( 8 marks)
ii) Can you make a distinction between various types BTL4 Analyzing
of control (8 marks)
10. List the steps involved in implementation of BTL1 Remembering
budgetary control.

Prepared by Dr. Radha Ganesh Kumar A P(Sel. Gr) , Dr. Delecta A P(O.G) & Mr. Anand

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