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Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

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Research paper

Potential, environmental, and socio-economic assessment of biogas T

production in Ethiopia: The case of Amhara regional state
Elias W. Gabisaa,b,c, Shabbir H. Gheewalaa,b,∗
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Road, Bangkok, 10140, Thailand
Centre for Energy Technology and Environment, PERDO, Bangkok, Thailand
Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


Keywords: Bio-energy is a major energy source providing more than 80% of the energy demand in Ethiopia, particularly in
Biogas the Amhara regional state. Biogas is the emerging bio-energy in the rural area of the region through biogas
Environmental development program for potential households. The current biogas digesters are evaluated using onsite data
Socio-economic collection in collaboration with the regional biogas program office. The emissions from each stage of the biogas
production process are estimated using life cycle approach. The socio-economic benefits from the biogas im-
plementation are addressed considering well-known socio-economic indicators like net present value, payback
period, benefit cost ratio, and women's opportunity cost. The results show that there is a huge biogas potential in
the region at 223 PJ per annum. Currently, there are about 4500 operational household biogas digesters in the
region providing 0.13 PJ per year, only 0.058% of the total theoretical potential. The biogas digesters employed
(4500) reduces about 1984 tonnes CO2eq of GHG emissions per year. In addition, other indoor pollutants like CO,
NMOC, and PM10 are also reduced at 1517, 108, and 41 tonnes per annum, respectively. The benefit cost ratio of
1.8 and a short payback period (∼2 years) shows that the sector development is promising. The exhaustive
utilization of the available cow manure potential will result in women's benefit of about 890,300 US$ per
annum. Thus, the sector is very interesting and more efforts from the government and the households can
improve the sector to maximize the benefits.

1. Introduction potentially identified resources, which can provide a sufficient amount

of feedstock for the biogas, is the availability of huge amount of cattle
Bio-energy is the backbone of all energy in Ethiopia providing above as well as water in the region. Among the different available technol-
80% of the energy demand of the country [1]. The demand is fulfilled ogies, the fixed dome type is selected to be employed for the biogas
by traditional utilization of the biomass like open burning in a three generation in the region, because it is economically feasible as well as
stone stove system. Nowadays there are efforts to improve the bioe- occupies less area. The adopted biogas digester has different sizes
nergy generation and utilization as well as the handling mechanisms. ranging between 4 m3 to 10 m3. Above 75% of the digesters have a
Among those improvements, biogas is the one that is aggressively ap- capacity of 8 m3 and the remaining are shared among the different
proached by the government. Studies shows that biogas in rural sizes. The selection of the digester size is based on the number of cattle
households of sub-Saharan African country could provide a more sus- the household has so that the required amount of the dung can be
tainable energy than wood fuels in the countries there is an abundant provided to operate the digester sustainably. Despite the huge potential
water [2]. Accordingly, since 2007, the national biogas program was to produce biogas, the current practice; direct application of livestock
established throughout the different regions of the country [3]. manure, open fire combustion of biomasses and crop residues is con-
The Amhara regional state is one of the nine regions employing tributing to significant amount of emissions to the atmosphere. In ad-
biogas technology throughout the rural areas. In the region, the im- dition, the reduction in emissions to the atmosphere by utilizing che-
plementation has already been started, as there are potential resources, mical fertilizer is also significant, which can be replaced by organic
which can able to generate biogas among the households. The fertilizer from the household biogas digesters [4,5].

Corresponding author. The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha Uthit Road,
Bangkok, 10140, Thailand.
E-mail address: (S.H. Gheewala).
Received 16 November 2018; Received in revised form 31 January 2019; Accepted 4 February 2019
0961-9534/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

In this study, the theoretical potential of biogas from different going on within the system. Only concentrating on the GHG emissions
feedstock in the regional state of Amhara, which is the second largest reduction may overlook negative social or economic implications or
region in the country, was determined. In this region, the production of ignore other pollutant emissions.
animals and cereals are highly intensified for their sustainable daily life. The study also gives a clear visualization for decision and policy
The major cereals are produced in this region in large amount and this makers as it addresses all the sustainability pillars. It will also minimize
region is the provider for the other remaining regions of the country the risk of deciding the biogas development sector based on a single
next to Oromia Regional state. Actually, the high quality teff, the staple sustainability dimension. This makes the study unique as compared to
food in Ethiopia, is produced in this region, but there are no studies on earlier studies conducted in the country and it is the first of its kind
the utilization of residues from this cereal other than the traditional among the studies conducted on biogas sustainability in Ethiopia. In
ones as animal feed and as a binding fiber in village house building [6]. this regard, the employed approach in this study can be extrapolated to
The study is aimed to assess the environmental and socio-economic other regions for a similar comprehensive investigation of the biogas
performance of the biogas production in the Amhara regional state of sector. Furthermore, it is very helpful to show whether or not the sector
the country. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction as well as other development is in line with the UNDP sustainable development goals
emissions such as particulate matter (PM10), carbon dioxide (CO), and for energy [21].
non-methane organic compounds (NMOC) reductions because of biogas
utilization for the theoretical potential as well as the current opera- 2. Materials and methods
tional 4500-biogas digesters were investigated to evaluate the en-
vironmental performance of the sector. The socio-economic perfor- In addition to the calculations performed to determine the available
mance of the sector was also analyzed considering women's opportunity potential, the study uses data on bioenergy and biogas potentials from
cost for fuel collection and cooking, benefit cost ratio, net present value, previous studies in published journals in Ethiopia, sub-Sahara African
and payback period of the existing system. The net energy balance of and other developing countries to quantify the environmental and
the system is also considered to see the energy replacement rate of the socio-economical benefits. The Food and Agricultural Organization of
biogas. the United Nations (FAO) database, the Central Statistics Agency (CSA)
Household biogas system has rarely been studied for its sustain- of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Federal and Amhara regional state ministries’
ability. China has a leading position in the development as well as re- report and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are among the
searching the household and commercial biogas systems followed by sources of data used in the study. Some of the data for the existing
India and Germany [7,8]. Most of the studies conducted in these regions biogas plants were also collected through field survey. About 1900
are considering commercial biogas digesters which are dedicated to biogas digesters were surveyed in collaboration with the regional office
produce biogas electricity from different feedstocks. There is a very of biogas development program. The survey was intended to identify
limited number of studies in the literature on the life cycle assessment the household level of satisfaction with the employed technology, the
of household biogas systems [9–11]. Different studies have, however, bottlenecks observed during the operation of the plant and the level of
been conducted on the environmental performance analysis of house- utilization of the by-product bio-slurry.
hold biogas in Ethiopia and most of them are focused on the Oromia
[12,13] and Tigray [14,15] regional states and addressed a specific 2.1. Biogas production system in Ethiopia
issue, either economic or environmental. For example Mengistu et al.
[16] have studied the GHG emission reductions due to substitution of The household biogas production system in Ethiopia is the fixed
different final energy uses by biogas. In their study, only final energy dome digester model, which is known as Indian model. The technology
use substitution is considered rather than the entire value chain or life was first introduced in 1962, constructed in Ambo school of agriculture
cycle. Similarly, Amare [17] has also studied the GHG emission re- [22]. The household biogas model is widely spread in the countries
duction considering end use impacts in specific small woreda (district), where a majority of the people live in rural areas like India (4 million)
of Fogera. They try to address the GHG emission reduction considering and China (27 million) up to the year 2011 [23]. In Germany, there
only the end use fuel substitution. Lansche and Muller [18] have in- were more than 7000 anaerobic farm scale digesters producing biogas
vestigated the substitution of traditional cow dung burning with biogas from different agricultural feedstock in 2013 and increased to 8200 in
in Ethiopia. They followed an LCA approach to investigate the en- 2015, most of them of being fixed dome model [2]. A fixed dome di-
vironmental performance replacing direct combustion of cow dung by gester consists of a non-movable gasholder at the top and the digester at
biogas. In their study, they considered cow dung as the only final en- the bottom. Due to the pressure and density difference within the di-
ergy source thus allocating all the emissions reduction to only a specific gester, the bio-slurry starts to leave the digester. The displaced bio-
fuel, cow dung. slurry is directly applied to the agricultural field on a daily basis. The
However, the current study follows the LCA approach to see the moisture content (> 80%) of the bio-slurry makes it preferable to use
environmental consequences considering the entire value chain – for cultivating vegetables all over the year. Additionally, the bio-slurry
manure management to end use – as a fuel substitution and current contains useful nutrients for the growth of the vegetables, which re-
final energy source mix (wood, residue and dung) which has a sig- duces the requirement of chemical fertilizers as well.
nificant impact on the results of the study. In addition, the current study In the biogas production system shown in Fig. 1, the cow dung
does not consider only the GHG emissions reduction but also includes collected from the barn and the water brought from the nearby river/
other non-GHG emissions reductions, which are identified by the World ground water is mixed in the mixer manually by the household mem-
Health Organization as significant indoor air pollutants from indoor bers. In most of the household digesters, it takes about 30 min from the
cooking. Furthermore, the current biomass energy mix used by house- river area and the digester is located near the barn as well as the family
holds in Ethiopia are wood, crop residues and dung. Therefore, in this house, so that the cow dung can easily be channeled to the digester
study the current energy mix ratio is used (contrary to considering upon cleaning the barn. It is located near the house to minimize the cost
single energy source) to determine the emissions reduction along the of piping as well as gas loss upon transfer. The produced biogas is
life cycle as laid out by ISO standards for life cycle assessment [19,20]. transferred by hose (plastic pipe) to the biogas stoves and biogas lamps
The study, in addition to filling the knowledge gap in the scientific installed in the house. The gas is used when needed to cook, by oper-
community, gives a holistic insight rather than addressing a specific ating the gas gate valve near the stove and light lump, replacing the
issue regarding household biogas system. The suggested holistic ap- previously used fuels (cow dung, wood fuel and residues). The pro-
proach will lead to have a complete picture of the system so that the duced by-product (bio-slurry) displaces an equivalent amount (in terms
reader or the scientific community can grasp the full idea on what is of nutrient content) of chemical fertilizer thereby reducing the

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

Fig. 1. Daily material flow and system diagram of biogas production in Amhara region for single 8 m3 digester.

associated emissions from its production and application, and the RPR =
produced biogas replaces an equivalent amount (in terms of energy Y (3)
content) of biomass fuel along with the emissions from biomass com-
M = R × TS × VS × MP (4)
Where: R is the total available crop residue (tonnes), Cp is amount of
2.2. Description of the study area crop produced (t y−1), RPR is residue to yield ratio, Y is yield of product
(t ha−1 y−1), M is methane produced (m3 y−1), TS is total solid (%), VS
This study focuses on biogas development in the Amhara regional is volatile solid (%), MP is methane potential (m3 kg−1 VS).
state of Ethiopia. The state of Amhara is located in the northeast and
north central part of Ethiopia [Fig. 2]. The state shares a common 2.4. Greenhouse gas emissions along the life cycle of biogas production
boundary with neighboring states: Oromia in the south, Afar in the east,
Beneshangul Gumuz in the southwest, Tigray in the north and Republic 2.4.1. GHG emission from manure management in Amhara region
of Sudan in the west. More than 85% of the population are engaged in There are emissions to the environment along the life cycle of the
agriculture. The state is one of the major crop producers feeding the biogas digester development. Emissions which are mostly generated are
region as well as the country at large. About 26% of the livestock po- methane (from enteric fermentation, digestion leakage and manure
pulation of the country found in this region [24]. The topography of the management system) and nitrous oxide (N2O) at each life cycle stage
region is mainly subdivided into two parts basically, the highlands and [32]. The emissions are determined following the IPCC 2006, volume 4
the lowlands. The mean annual temperature of the region in the ma- chapter 10-guideline. Emissions from manure management and slurry
jority of the areas lies between 15 and 21 °C [25]. The region receives application were determined as follows. The data were sourced from
abundant amount of rainfall as high as 2000 mm per annum [26]. different scholarly articles as well national documents [33,34].

2.3. Theoretical biogas production potential Methane emission. Methane is emitted at different stages of
biogas production. The first stage where the methane starts to be
The theoretical potential of biogas production was determined fol-
emitted is during the natural process of digestion by the livestock,
lowing the method as laid down in biomass energy resource assessment which is called enteric fermentation followed by emissions during
hand book [27] and later employed by Agabu and Gheewala in Zambia
manure management. The emission from enteric fermentation is not
[28], Jimenez and Hernendez in Mexico [29], Moreda in Uragay [30] considered here, since there is no way to improve/mitigate the emission
and Scarlat et al. [31] in Europe in general. The theoretical biogas
of natural metabolic process [5]. The emission during manure
production from livestock waste was determined using Equation (1). management can be calculated using the following Equation (5).
BP = NT × VS × Bo × CV × 365/106 (1) NT
CH4 = EF ×
Where: BP is a theoretical biogas potential (TJ y ), NT is total 106 (5)
population of the livestock, VS is volatile solid part of the waste (kg
d−1), Bo is the methane potential of the livestock waste (m3 kg−1), and Where: NT is the number of livestock (cattle) used for each digester in
CV is the caloric value of biogas assuming 60% methane composition the region, EF is emission factor, kg head−1 (IPCC default).
(MJ m−3). Secondly, methane can be emitted during the managing process of
In addition, the biogas potential from crop residue is determined the manure (biogas production process). In this case, since an anaerobic
using the following equations: digestion is designed as if the methane emission is totally avoided, only
leakage is considered as an emission. Moreover, the leakage was de-
R = CP × RPR (2) termined using the following Equation (6):

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

Fig. 2. Map of the study area: Amhara regional state of Ethiopia.

1 Annual average nitrogen excretion rates can be determined, Nex:

CH4 = CH4produced × 1
CE (6)
Nex = Nrate, T × × 365
Where: CH4 produced: annual biogas production per digester, m3 y−1 and 1000 (9)
CE: methane collection efficiency (0.975 for fixed dome) [35]. −1 −1
Nrate,T: default N excretion rate, kg N (1000 kg animal mass) d (
0.6 for cattle for Africa [22], TAM is typical animal mass for livestock Nitrous oxide emission. The other emission is nitrous oxide, category T, kg animal −1.
which will be emitted during the management of manure directly or
indirectly. The direct emission of nitrous oxide from manure
2.4.2. GHG emissions from bioenergy resources consumed as a fuel (Non-
management is considered to be zero, assuming the emission factor
for an anaerobic digester is zero [22]. Indirect emissions result from
The methodological approach as indicated in IPCC 2006, volume 2,
volatile nitrogen losses that occur primarily in the form of NH3 and
for stationary combustion is followed to determine the emissions as-
NOx. Therefore, the nitrogen losses due to volatilization from manure
sociated with the fuel consumed by the household before im-
management can be determined as (kg N y−1):
plementation of biogas [36]. The following formula was extracted from
[(NT × Nex × MSTS ) × FracGas ] the guideline and used to calculate the associated emission.
Nvolatalization =
100 (7) EGHG, F = FCF × EFGHG . F (10)

Where: FracGas: Percent of managed manure nitrogen for livestock Where: EGHG, F: the emission of given GHG by `type of fuel (kg GHG),
category T those volatiles with NH3 and NOx, Nex: Annual average FCF: the amount of fuel combusted (TJ) and EF GHG, F: the default
nitrogen extraction per head of species/category T (kg N animal−1 emission factor of a given GHG by type of fuel (kg GHG TJ−1).
y−1), MS TS: fraction of total annual nitrogen excretion for each
livestock species that is managed in anaerobic digestion system. 2.4.3. GHG emissions from chemical fertilizer production
Finally, the indirect N2O emissions due to volatilization of N from Production of synthetic fertilizer emits pollutants as it consumes a
manure management can be determined with the following Equation variety of raw materials such as ammonia, nitric acid, and phosphoric
(8): acid. Each of the raw materials consumes a huge amount of fossil fuel,
which incur GHG emissions to the atmosphere. The emission from the
N2 O = (NVolatilization × EF ) × fertilizer production was estimated following Equation (11), which is
28 (8)
adopted from the international fertilizer industry association and other
Where: EF: emission factor for N2O emission from atmospheric de- published papers on the area [37,38].
position of nitrogen on soils and water surfaces, kg N2O-N (kg NH3- n
N + NOx-N volatilized)−1, default value = 0.01 kg N2O-N (kgNH3- GHGFP = Qi × PN , i × EFi × 10 6

N + NOx-N volatilized)−1 i=1 (11)

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

Table 1 be contribution to the global warming potential [41].

Carbon emission factors and carbon oxidation rates of various biomass fuels. Emissions from direct burning of firewood, dung, and residue in
Source [5,35,42]. traditional manner can be calculated using Equation (15),
Biomass type Carbon emission factor Carbon oxidation factor n
CEi = Qi × Ci × Oi ×
Firewood 0.45 0.87 12 (15)
i 1
Dung 0.40 0.85
Residue 0.39 0.85
Where: CEi is the CO2 emissions from bioenergy resource i (tonne CO2),
Qi is the quantity of bioenergy resource i consumed (tonne), Ci is the
carbon emission factor of bioenergy type i and Oi is the carbon oxi-
Where: GHG FP: greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer production
dation rate of bioenergy type i (%). The carbon emission factors and
(Gg CO2eq y−1), Qi: quantity of fertilizer type i (kg y−1), PN,i: percen-
carbon oxidation rates presented in [Table 1].
tage of nitrogen in fertilizer type i (%) and EFi: Emission factor of fer-
tilizer type i (kg CO2eq kg −1). CO2 emission reduction. Carbon dioxide emission reduction of
2.4.4. GHG emissions from fertilizer application to managed soil biogas is the difference between the CO2 emissions from burning of
Applying both chemical and organic fertilizer to soil results in biogas and direct burning of traditional biomass fuels such as wood,
greenhouse gas emissions. The emission can be occurred through ni- dung and residues [35,42]. It is formulated as the following Equation
trification and de-nitrification process in the soil. The emissions can be (16) considering the energy mix contribution from each fuel.
calculated by the following Equations (12) and (13) to determine both
direct and indirect N2O emissions:
CO2, R = CO2, TB CO2, B (16)

N2 O = NT × EF1 × 10 6 × Where: CO2, R: CO2 emission reduction when using biogas to replace the
12 (12)
energy mix, tonnes CO2 y−1, CO2, TB: CO2 emission from traditional
Where: N2O DE: direct nitrous oxide emission from fertilizer application biomass fuel burning, tonnes CO2 y−1 and CO2, B: CO2 emission from
(kg y−1), NT: consumption in nitrogen fertilizers (kg N input y−1), and biogas burning, tonnes CO2 y−1.
EF1: Emission factor for N2O emissions from N inputs (kg N2O- N kg−1
N input).
2.4.6. Life cycle GHG emission reduction
N2 O NIDE = [(FSN × FVol ) × EF4 + (FSN × Fleach) × EF5 ] (13) Greenhouse gas emissions reduction from biogas is the emission
Where: N2O-NIDE: indirect N2O emissions produced from atmospheric reduced due to introducing biogas as a substitution biomass energy in
deposition of N, Fvol: fraction of applied N fertilizer materials that vo- rural households along its life cycle. Upon replacing the biomass energy
latilizes as NH3 and NOx (kg N volatilized kg of N applied−1), EF4: sources it displaces the amount of chemical fertilizer consumed in the
emission factor for N2O emissions from atmospheric deposition of N on farmland since the bio-slurry has the potential to substitute chemical
soils and water surfaces, kg N2O-N (kg NH3-N + NOx-N volatilized) −1. fertilizers. Therefore, the emissions from production of equivalent
Fleach: fraction of applied synthetic N fertilizer materials that leaches as amount (nutrient amount) of chemical fertilizers will be credited for the
NH3 and NOX (kg N leached kg−1 of N addition) and EF5: emission biogas production in addition to the credit comes from the biomass
factor for N2O emissions from N leaching and runoff (kg N2O-N kg−1 replacement. The biogenic-CO2 emission reduction is also included to
N). fully consider the emission reduction. Accordingly, it can be described
by the following Equation (17),
2.4.5. Biogenic-CO2 emission from different biofuel combustion as a fuel GHGred = G (HGFC + GHGCFP + GHGMM GHGL) + CO2, R (17) CO2 emission from biogas combustion. Biogas burns more
efficiently compared to crop residues, livestock dung and forest Where: GHG red: Life cycle GHG emission reduction, tonne CO2eq y−1,
residues burnt directly in an inefficient stove. Biogas burns at about GHGFC: GHG emissions from biomass fuel combustion, tonne CO2eq
60% efficiency compared to firewood which has 5–8% efficiency when y−1, GHGMM: GHG emission from manure management, tonne CO2eq
burnt in an open fire place [33]. The quantity of CO2 emissions from y−1, GHGL: GHG emission by leakage during digestion, tonne CO2eq
biogas are estimated according to formula used in Pei-dong et al. [35]. y−1, and CO2, R: CO2 emission reduction when using biogas to replace
the energy mix, tonnes CO2 y−1.
CFB = QBi × Ci × EFC ×
12 (14)
Where: CFB is CO2 emission from biogas consumption (tonne of CO2), 2.5. Non-GHG emissions reduction due to biogas utilization
QBi is quantity of biogas consumed (m3), C is calorific value of biogas
per unit volume released (TJ m−3) and EFc is the carbon emission Since the fuels are consumed for cooking in the house it important
factor for biogas (tonne TJ−1). to address the other emissions which have a significant health effect on
the family members. Therefore, in this section the emission reduction
due to the replacement of the traditional fuels by biogas is determined CO2 emission from direct burning of biomass as a fuel. Types of
considering the World Health Organization (WHO) emission factors for
fuels consumed as energy sources dictates the amount of CO2 emission
indoor biomass combustion. The major indoor pollutants indicated by
to the environment [39]. The CO2 emissions from burning of biomass
WHO are carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM10), and none
ends up in the process of photosynthesis during the growing of the
plant. Therefore, it has not been accounted in the greenhouse gas methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC). The following Equation
(18) is employed to determine the emission reductions of these pollu-
emission, as they are biogenic. Biogenic CO2 emissions are CO2
emissions in relation to the naturally occurring carbon cycle as well tants:
as the emissions from the processing of the bio-based materials, EPi = Ff × EFi (18)
including harvesting, digestion, and combustion and decomposing.
The emitted CO2 during these process is sequestered in the carbon Where: EPi: emission of pollutant i, kg-p y−1, Ff: amount of fuel f con-
cycle [40]. Therefore, CO2 emitted do not increase the CO2 in the sumed, kg y−1, and EFi: emission factor for pollutant i by type of fuel,
atmosphere unlike CO2 emitted from fossil fuels and thus there will not kg-p kg−1.

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

2.6. Organic fertilizer produced because of using firewood as opposed to using biogas, which is a
modern bioenergy. The extra time spent doing these activities (col-
The amount of organic fertilizer that can be produced from a di- lecting firewood and cooking) converted into monetary terms is the
gester depends on the amount of methane that is produced, density of opportunity cost, which is lost. If biogas was fully adopted, this cost
methane and ratio of methane in the biogas according to following would be turned into a family income as the women will spend less time
formula (Equation (19)) by Ref. [28]. on cooking and literally no time on firewood collection [45,46].
MCH 4 WOCf = WOC × ETf (23)
Qf =
CH 4 × RCH 4 × VB × Dp (19)
Where: WOCf: is the women's opportunity cost for collecting and
Where: Qf: the production rate of fertilizer (kgd−1), MCH4: the mass of cooking using firewood (US$ d−1), WOC: is the women's opportunity
methane generated within a year (kgy−1), ρCH4: the density of methane cost (US$ h−1), ETf is the extra time spent on collecting firewood and
(kg m-3), RCH4: the ratio of methane in the biogas, VB: the biogas cooking using inefficient stoves (hd−1).
generated from a unit mass of fertilizer (m3 kg−1 of fertilizer), and Dp: The extra time allocated for fire firewood collection is considered to
the number of days per year of production. be 11 h per week in average and women and children travel about 2 km
to collect the fuel [12]. The women's opportunity cost (WOC) and the
2.7. Economic analysis women's share on household income (WCHI) are estimated using the
following equations:
The development of biogas digester in the Africa region has not only WCHI
provide a renewable energy, but also benefits the household insuring WOC =
cleaner household environment, better disease control as well as job
creation and economic enhancement [2]. Different indicators are used WCHI = 0.52 × HI (25)
by different researchers to investigate the economic viability of the −1
Where HL is hours of labor (h y ) and HI is the household income
rural household biogas projects. Most of the scholars used the well-
(ETB y−1).
known economic terms to evaluate the system, such as benefit cost ratio
In developing countries, the share of women in household income is
(BCR), net present value (NPV) and payback period (PBP) [4,43].
indicated as 52% [47]. The income per household in rural Amhara
region is extracted from Ethiopia rural social-economic survey (ERSS)
2.7.1. Benefit cost ratio (BCR)
conducted by Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia in collaboration
Benefit cost ratio of a digester is used to determine whether the
with the World Bank [48].
project is cost effective or not. Benefit cost ratio greater than unity
shows that the project is economically viable. In addition to showing
the project profitability, it is also helpful to compare different projects 3. Results and discussion
for the decision makers. The economic benefits derived from the re-
placement of traditional fuels with biogas are the cost savings from Gabisa and Gheewala [6] have estimated the theoretical potential
replacement of the fuels with biogas. Additionally, the bio-slurry ob- bioenergy production in Ethiopia to be 750 PJ per year from different
tained from the digester will have a potential of saving costs that could biomass residues. The study also indicates that these potential resources
be used to purchase chemical fertilizers. The cost incurred for the are distributed to the different regions of the country, Oromia, Amhara
biogas plant are initial investment cost, maintenance cost, and training and SNNP regional states of the country, accounting for about 38%,
cost for the farmers and supervisors. 25%, and 22% respectively. In this study, it is intended to investigate
the potential of one type of bioenergy, which is biogas in more details
n Bn
t = 1 (1 + i)n for specific region in the country, Amhara region. From the total op-
BCR = n Cn erational biogas-digesters in the region, about 1900 were surveyed and
t = 1 (1 + i)n (20) considered as a representative for the 4500 digesters. In the survey, the
Where: Bn - Benefit in each year (ETB) C - Cost in each year (ETB), i - level of satisfaction of the households, bio-slurry utilization efficiency,
Interest rate, (%) and n- Number of years. and the operational bottlenecks were included. About 230 (12%) re-
spondents were not satisfied with the technology and only 496 (∼26%)
respondents were using the bio-slurry on their farmlands. The reported
2.7.2. Net present value and payback period
bottleneck problems were lack of commitment from the kebele level
Net present value (NPV) and payback period are widely used to
trainers and the regional responsible sectoral office, in adequate level of
evaluate the economic feasibility of a project. NPV is used to determine
training on how to use the bio-slurry and hand on problem solving
whether the project is gaining or losing; if the project ends up with
techniques as it happens. The distance from the water source is also
positive NPV at the end of the project life, it is economically viable
reported as a problem. The average distance of water source considered
in the region to build the digester took about 30 min from the digester
Rt [49].
(1 + i)t (21) During the survey, the households were asked about social benefits
gained from the biogas technology introduction as compared to their
Where Rt: net cash flow in year t (ETB y ) and n: project lifetime (y). previous experience. Their reply was that with the help of getting
The other economic indicator used to determine the economic via- awareness from the health extension advisors on the health impacts of
bility of the project is payback period (PBP), which tells us how long it the traditional biomass utilization, the biogas technology provides a
will take to recover the initial investment cost. significant health condition improvement. There are different cooking
Initial Investment types (Injera baking, wot making and coffee/tea making) in rural
PBP = households of the region based on the types of food to be cooked. Those
Annual operation cash flow (22)
activities have impacts on the health and livelihood condition of the
households, which have different exposure time to the stove. The higher
2.7.3. Women's opportunity cost of firewood collection and cooking on the frequency of the exposure to the traditional cooking stove, the
efficient stoves higher the health impact. But, the introduction of biogas decreases this
Opportunity cost is used to estimate the social benefit that is lost exposure frequency since it replaces the traditional stove for cooking

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

Table 2 amount is 50% [58], which is about 108,689TJy−1 [6]. Having the
Theoretical biogas potential from livestock wastes in Amhara region. above information on the theoretical potential of biogas production in
Sources: Population [4] and VS and B0 [32]. the region, the actual biogas production is analyzed. Currently biogas is
Animal category Population VS (kgd−1) B0 (m3 kg−1) BP (TJy−1) produced only from cattle manure by using fixed dome anaerobic di-
gester. There are about 4500 operational household digester of volume
Cattle 15,980,000 2.67 0.2 120,000 8 m3 in average. Each household has four and above cattle which will
Goats 6,440,000 0.33 0.31 9240
provide around 60 kg on average per day. There are about 18,000 cattle
Sheep 10,740,000 0.30 0.31 14,000
Chickens 19,960,000 0.02 0.18 1000 and their manure is being used in the digester nowadays. In addition,
Humans 17,220,000 0.06 0.20 29,000 this is actually generating about 135TJy−1.
Total 173,240

3.2. GHG emission along the life cycle of biogas production

sauces and coffee/tea on traditional stoves. Eye irritation from the
3.2.1. GHG emission from manure management
smoke from traditional biomass utilization is almost avoided for all Methane emission. Methane emission from manure
cooking, except for Injera baking which requires higher temperatures
management was determined by using Equation (5). The number of
that cannot be provided by cooking with biogas. Injera baking is done
cattle providing the required amount of manure to the 4500 digesters
twice or thrice in a week, while the sauces (wot) making and coffee
were 22,500 and the IPCC default emission factor of 1 kg head−1 y−1
making are daily activities. This reduction in contact time with tradi-
was considered. Accordingly, 22.5 tonnes of CH4 (562 tonnes of CO2eq)
tional cooking stove also improves their livestyle. The other issue was
could have been emitted per year per digester, which is now avoided by
the issue of home sanitation. The cooking and baking is done in the
managing the manure in biogas digester. The other source of methane
house, which means the ash and biomass storage in the house has a
emission is during the biogas production phase in the form of leakage.
significant influence on the house sanitation. The introduction of the
This is determined using Equation (6) and methane collection efficiency
biogas has shown improvement in this regard as well. In general, the
of fixed dome digester of 0.975. The total amount of methane leaked
household's response shows that they are satisfied with the technology
from the digester is estimated to be 252.7 tonnes of methane from the
and suggested some improvement; such as proper training and stove
4500 digesters.
efficiency which can be options for future sector development.
The theoretical potential of biogas production from different bio-
mass residues, mainly livestock residue and crop residue was estimated Nitrous oxide emissions. As per Equation (7), default emission
to be 223 PJ per year [Tables 2 and 3]. It is assumed that all the factors of IPCC 2006 for specific manure management system for Africa
available residues will be consumed for biogas generation. From the and the nitrogen excretion rate of scholarly published papers in
total potential, livestock residue potential was estimated to be Zimbabwe [59] and Zambia [5] (0.63 kg N animal−1 yr−1), the N2O
173.24 PJ per year, the share of cattle is as high as 120 PJ per year emissions was estimated to be 1.23 kg per year, which is 366.54 kg
[Table 2]. From this theoretical potential, cattle dung is being used to CO2eq per year. However, it is avoided by managing the manure in fixed
produce biogas in the region. Currently, there are about 4500 opera- dome anaerobic digester for biogas generation.
tional household biogas digesters in the Amhara regional state of the
country, providing about 0.14 PJ per year, which is 0.11% of the po- 3.2.2. CH4 and N2O emissions from bioenergy resources consumed as a fuel
tential from cattle manure and 0.058% from the total biogas potential. Currently wood and cow dung are the major sources of energy in
The environmental consequences of using biomass in a traditional rural households. The annual wood fuel consumption is about 91.2
way was also analyzed so that the benefit of biogas can be clearly seen. million tonne from which 4.2 million tonne is in the form of charcoal.
Consuming biomass in traditional manner is responsible for different Taking the average heating values of wood fuel as 14.5 GJ per tonne of
emissions, directly or indirectly. The current consumption of these fuels wood used as fuel, about 1.32 EJ of energy can be produced nationally
can generate about 4.53 Gg of CO2eq in Amhara regional states per year from wood fuel and 0.3 EJ in Amhara regional state per annum, which
(see Table 4). is about 22.7% of the national consumption. Additionally, crop residues
and dung amounted 19.3 and 20.7 million tonnes respectively are
3.1. Theoretical biogas production potential consumed for fuel annually. The total energy consumed from these two
feedstocks were 0.49 EJ nationally per year, while it was about 0.14 EJ
In this section the theoretical potential of biogas from different in Amhara regional state per year.
feedstock in the regional state of Amhara, which is the second largest
region in the country was determined. 3.2.3. GHG emissions from chemical fertilizer production
The total theoretical potential of biogas production in the region Studies shows that on average GHG emissions per kg of N-fertilizer
was estimated to be 217,377 TJ y−1, which could be generated from produced is in the range of 3.3–3.63 kgCO2eq kg−1 [60]. As shown in
8000 million m3 annually. From this total, the potentially recoverable [Table 5], a total of 950GgCO2eq per year is emitted to produce the

Table 3
Theoretical biogas potential from crop residues in the Amhara regional states.
Source: Production [46], RPR [50–53] and TS, VS and MP [54–57].
Crop Production (million tonnes/y) RPR Residue (million tonnes/y) TS (%) VS (%) MP (m3 kg−1 VS) BP (TJ y−1)

Maize Stalk 1840 2.0 3680 74 82 0.28 14,400

Comb 0.3 600 30 94 0.60 2300
Wheat stalk 1200 1.0 1200 94 87 0.26 6000
Rice straw 130 1.75 230 94 87.2 0.27 1200
Sorghum straw 1400 1.75 2500 83 92 0.42 18,400
Barley straw 630 1.75 1000 60 50 0.20 1400
Sugar cane Bagasse 150 0.29 40 24 87 0.45 87
Top/leaves 0.32 50 90 98 0.33 350
Total 44,137

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

Table 4
GHG emissions from wood fuel, crop residue, and dung consumed as fuel at national level and Amhara regional state.
Biomass type Energy consumed, EJy−1 EF, kgCH4 EJ−1 EF, kgN2O EJ−1 CH4,Ggy−1 N2O,Ggy−1 CO2eq,

Ethiopia Amhara Ethiopia Amhara Ethiopia Amhara Ethiopia Amhara

Wood fuel 1.32 0.3 0.3 0.004 0.4 0.09 0.0053 0.0012 11.56 2.6
Crop residue 0.29 0.054 0.3 0.0097 0.09 0.02 0.003 0.00052 3.14 0.65
Dung 0.25 0.086 0.28 0.027 0.07 0.024 0.007 0.0023 3.82 1.28
Total 0.56 0.134 0.0153 0.004 18.52 4.53

Table 5 Carbon dioxide emission reduction. A total of 6.8 million tonnes
Greenhouse gas emissions from chemical fertilizer production. of wood, 7.95 million tonnes of dung, and 5.15 million tonnes of
Fertilizer type Quantity, kg per year EF, kg CO2/kg of CO2eq, Ggy−1
residue have been consumed by 4500 households in the Amhara
fertilizer regional state of the country. Currently, the same households have
constructed 4500 household biogas digesters to fulfill their daily energy
Urea 290,080,000 1.85 537 demand for cooking and lighting. In other ways, the above amount of
DAP 469,793,000 0.87 409
biomass fuels are saved from being consumed as a fuel, which did not
Total 950
include the biomass consumed for injera baking as the biogas is not
been used yet. Nevertheless, upon replacing the fuel sources by biogas,
chemical fertilizer used in Amhara regional state. Even though the the emission from biogas is estimated to be 1.5 Gg per year from all the
consumption of diammonium phosphate (DAP) is much higher than biogas combustion produced from 4500 digesters. Consequently, a total
urea, the higher emission comes from urea since it has a high amount of amount of 24GgCO2 emissions is reduced by shifting from traditional
nitrogen (46%) as compared to DAP (10%). biomass burning to biogas technology per year.

3.2.4. Greenhouse gas emissions from fertilizer application to managed soil 3.2.6. Life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction
Currently, the bio-slurry produced from the household biogas di- The avoided emission due to the implementation of biogas tech-
gesters is used on agricultural farm areas as a fertilizer. As a result, an nology in the Amhara regional state is calculated using Equation (14).
equivalent amount of emissions from chemical fertilizer application has The estimation was based on the amount of fuel displaced; chemical
been avoided as indicated in [Table 6]. Taking the nitrogen content of fertilizer displaced, and manure management. The methane emitted
the bio-slurry as 10% [22], the net GHG emission from fertilizer ap- during anaerobic digestion as a leakage is not credited; rather it is
plication was estimated to be 967 Gg CO2eq yr−1. Since the nitrogen subtracted as emission from the system. From the present 4500-digester
content of bio-slurry and DAP is equivalent, the bio-slurry will displace implementation, about 1984 tonnesCO2eq is reduced per annum.
an equivalent amount of DAP there by the associated emission as well, Manure management (> 80%) contributes highly to the emission re-
which is 14.4GgCO2eq per year. duction followed by chemical fertilizer displacement and biomass fuel
3.2.5. Carbon dioxide emission from bio-energy sources Carbon dioxide emission from biogas combustion. Considering 3.3. Non-GHG emission reduction from biomass fuel consumption
density of biogas as 1.15 kg m−3 [54], calorific value of biogas (60%
methane content) is 20 MJ m−3 [5] and carbon emission factor for In Amhara regional state after harvesting the crops, the residues are
biogas 15.3 tonne/TJ [38]. The biogas consumption per day per collected for further utilization as a fuel for cooking. In the case of
household is considered to be 4 m3 (∼22 kWh) [61], accordingly dung, after collecting it is allowed to dry in the sun for later utilization
each household emits 0.33 tonnes of CO2 per annum. Therefore, the as a fuel. The utilization of fuel depends on the season, during the
current operational 4500-biogas digesters have a potential of emitting harvesting the farmers prefer to use the residue, as it is available easily
1.5GgCO2 per year. on their farm field. During the rainy season, wood and cow dung, which
have been stored during the sunny season, are used. In any of the cases, Carbon dioxide emission from direct burning of biomass as a they use that fuel in open burning three stone stove system. While
fuel. Taking the consumed amount of each type of fuel and using burning the fuels there are certain emissions in addition to GHG
Equation (12), and the carbon emission factor of 0.45, 0.4, and 0.39 for emissions which are calculated by using the WHO emission factors for
wood, dung, and residue respectively [Table 1], the carbon dioxide indoor biomass fuel burning [62]. The calculations are based on the
emission of 9.3 Gg, 10 Gg, and 6.26 Gg was supposed to be emitted from current fuel mix in the region (40% wood, 30% dung, and 30% re-
wood, dung, and residue respectively. This total amount of emission is sidue). After the total energy obtained from biogas-digester, the
calculated considering the proportion of biomass fuels replaced by the equivalent amount of those fuels are determined and the calculated
biogas generated from 4500 digesters. emissions are considered as avoided emission due to the replacement by

Table 6
Direct and Indirect N2O emissions from chemical and organic fertilizer application.
Fertilizer Quantity (kgy−1) Direct N2O (kgy−1) Indirect N2O (kgy−1 CO2eq(Ggy−1)

Urea 290,080,000 290,080 942,760 363.7

DAP (Di-Ammonium phosphate) 469,793,000 469,793 1,526,827 589.0
Organic fertilizer (digestate) 19,500,000 19,500 29,250 14.4
Total 779,373 2,498,837 967.1

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

Table 7 Table 8
Total non-GHG emissions reductions from the existing 4500 digesters. Cost benefit analysis of household biogas plants.
Fuel type Amount (tonne) Emissions (t/y) Biogas Digester

CO NMOC PM10 6 m3 8 m3

Fuel wood 6480 337.5 55.08 10.8 Cost

Dung 7952 342 ____ 19.4 Investment cost 13454 14945
Residue 5148 837 53.01 10.8 Maintenance cost 1300 1300
Total 1516.5 108.1 41 Training cost 1000 1000
Total cost 15,754 17,245
From fuel replacement 6026 7231
biogas. Accordingly, the energy obtained from the biogas digester was
Bio-slurry as a N- fertilizer replacement 22680 27216
estimated to be 64.8 GJ per year per digester, which could have been Total Benefit 28706 34447
obtained from 1440 kg of wood, 1767 kg of dung, and 1144 kg of re- Benefit cost ratio (BCR) 1.8 2
sidues. Net present value (NPV) 12952 17202
The following [Table 7] shows the total non-GHG emission reduc- PBP (year) 2.15 2.38

tion by replacing biogas for cooking application for the existing op-
Note: All the units of costs and benefits are in Ethiopian birr (ETB). The con-
erational 4500 digesters. The replacement for the lighting was not
version rate of currency in the year 2018 is considered (1USD∼28 ETB). An
considered, as the use of kerosene in the region is very small (2 L/ interest rate of 4% was assumed for the calculation.
Therefore, the current biogas digesters able to reduce 1516.5tonne
of CO, 108.1tonne of NMOC, and 41tonnes of PM10 that could have
and 22 of working days per month is assumed. Besides the socio-
been emitted upon using biomass directly as a fuel.
economic benefit of biogas, it also contributes to the improvement of
household living standard as well as increases agricultural develop-
3.4. Economic analysis

3.4.1. Benefit-cost analysis

An 8 m3 biogas plant has a potential to replace 1440 kg of wood 3.4.3. Net energy balance
fuel, 1767 kg of cow dung, and 1140 kg of residue considering the en- As far as the energy balance is concerned, since there is no energy
ergy mix of the rural area of Amhara region in a year. Considering, the input to the production process of the biogas, the output energy is
average consumption of energy sources in the region, biogas has a considered as the net energy gain. Therefore, about 64 GJ per year per
potential to replace fully the current fuel consumption of the rural digester is the total energy gain from the single digester.
household. However, practically it is difficult to use biogas for all the
energy-consuming applications. For instance, injera, the staple food, 4. Conclusions and recommendations
baking with the present biogas technology is still challenging because it
requires a high temperature with a very less heat flow. With the present 4.1. Conclusions
technology, it is difficult to achieve the required temperature with an
equivalent amount of biogas energy. Above 60% of household energy in A total of 1968 tonnes of CO2eq non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions
Ethiopia is consumed for injera making [12]. The study in the Meskan per year were estimated from livestock manure management, fertilizer
(Amhara region) and Ada (Oromia region), shows that 46% of firewood production and biomass fuel burning from the current 4500 operational
and 70% of cow dung is consumed for injera baking from the total biogas digesters. Manure management has a great share of emission
energy source consumed in a year [63]. Because of this nature of the followed by fertilizer production and biomass burning. The improper
energy intensiveness of injera baking, people prefer to use firewood management (the current practice of applying directly the manure) of
widely [41]. cow manure is responsible for the emission of about 12,049GgCO2eq,
Therefore, assuming biogas is consumed for cooking purpose, which which could have been used for production of biogas. The employment
accounts about 40% of energy consumption. The net present value of 8- of biogas technology in the region avoids (reduce) this amount of
m3 shows a slightly better benefit-cost performance than the 6-m3 greenhouse gas emissions. Fully exploiting the available potential from
biogas digester considering 20 years life of the constructed digester. cow dung manure only, will reduce about 12TgCO2eq per annum. It also
Conversely, the 6-m3 biogas digester shows a slightly lower payback reduces the amount of fuel wood consumption thereby reducing de-
period [Table 8]. However, the construction of biogas plant depends on forestation significantly. Biogas produced by the current 4500 digesters
the possession of required number of cows to provide the required reduces 6580 tonnes of wood fuel, 7952 tonnes of dung, and 5148
amount of manure and the water availability. Therefore, the choice of tonnes of crop residue per year. It is also concluded that the exploitation
the digester size depending on the economic benefit is not relevant for of all the available potential from cow manure can only satisfy the daily
the case of household biogas plant construction in the region as well as energy demand of the regional household through strategic manage-
the country as large. The utilization of the bio-slurry as a fertilizer ment of the sector.
contributes a greater benefit than the substituted fuel. From the current operational biogas digesters about 10,500 tonnes
of organic fertilizer is being produced, while the implementation of the
3.4.2. Women's opportunity cost available potential will result in the production of 7,457,000 tonnes of
As per the formula indicated in the methodology section for the bio-fertilizer, which could substitute more than 15% of the current DAP
calculation of women's opportunity cost of fire wood collection was consumption. Additionally, the moisture content of the fertilizer along
estimated to be 0.28US$ per hour per household per digester. The es- the nutrient content will enhance the farmland fertility and nutrient
tablished biogas digester can save 1162 US $ (694 US$ (wood), 284 US$ retention. It can also reduce the emission associated with the equivalent
(dung) and 184 US$ (crop residue)) per year by substituting the tra- amount of chemical fertilizer production. Since biogas is used as indoor
ditional biomass fuels with the produced biogas. The average household cooking fuel, it replaces the fuel consumed for indoor cooking as well as
income in rural area of Amhara region is about 160 US$ per month lighting. The combustion of biomass fuels (wood, dung and crop re-
(HCE 2016 statistical report Amhara). Eight hours of working per day sidue) in open three stone stove system emits a significant amount of

E.W. Gabisa and S.H. Gheewala Biomass and Bioenergy 122 (2019) 446–456

toxic pollutants like CO, NMOC, and PM10. The introduction of biogas Acknowledgements
as a fuel for indoor application therefore reduces those pollutant
emissions and their consequence on health of the family members. The authors would like to gratefully thank King Mongkut's
Thus, biogas from the operational biogas digesters (4500) avoids 1517 University of Technology Thonburi for financial support from Petchra
tonnes of CO, 108 tonnes of NMOC and 41 tonnes of PM10 per year. This Pra Jom Klao Research Scholarship and also the Joint Graduate School
will reduce the chronic diseases from inhaling those pollutants. of Energy and Environment (JGSEE), King Mongkut's University of
The socio–economic aspects of the biogas in Amhara regional state Technology Thonburi.
are also addressed in this study. Net present value, benefit cost ratio and
payback period of the biogas system have been analyzed. Accordingly, References
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