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When all the particles of a rigid body move along paths which are equidistant from a
fixed plane, the body is said to undergo planar motion. There are three types of rigid body
planar motion: in order of increasing complexity, there are
(a) Translational – This type of motion occurs if every line segment on the body remains
parallel to its original direction during the motion. When the paths of motion for any
two particles of the body are along equidistant straight lines the motion is called
rectilinear translation which illustrated in Figure 8.1(a). However, if the paths of
motion are along curved lines which are equidistant the motion is called curvilinear
translation shown in Figure 8.1(b).
(b) Rotation about a fixed axis – when a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, all the
particles of the body, except those which lie on the axis of rotation, move along
circular paths, Figure 8.1(c).
(c) General plane motion – when a body is subjected to general plane motion, it
undergoes a combination of translation and rotation, Figure 8.1(d). The translation
occurs within a reference plane, and the rotation occurs about an axis perpendicular to
the reference plane.

Figure 9.1

Example of bodies undergoing these motions are shown in Figure 9.2

Figure 9.2
9.1 Translation
When a rigid body undergoes a translation, all the particles of the body have the same
acceleration, so that a G  a . Angular acceleration,  =0, gave  M G  0 .

Figure 9.3 (a)

When a body is subjected to rectilinear translation, all the particles of the body travel
along travel straight-line paths. Since I C   0 , only ma G is shown on the kinetic diagram.

F x  m( a G ) x
The equations of motion apply in this case become  F y  m(aG ) y . If point A is chosen
M G 0

which lies at a perpendicular distance d from the line of action of ma G , the following

moment equation applies:   M A   M K A ; M A  maG d . This means the sum

of moments of external forces and couple moment about A(  M A , free body diagram)

equals the moment of ma G about A (  M K  A , kinetic diagram).

Figure 9.3(b)

When a rigid body is subjected to curvilinear translation, all the particles of the body
travel along parallel curved paths. It is convenient to use an inertial coordinate oriented in
normal and tangential directions to the path of motion. The three scalar equations of
 F  m( a
n )
G n

motion are  F  m(a

t ) . If the moment equation
G t M G  0 is replaced by a moment
M  0 G

summation about the arbitrary point B, we take  (M K ) B of the two components

m( a G ) n and m( a G ) t about this point. If h and e represent the moment arm from B to the

lines of action of the components. The required moment equation therefore becomes
  M B   M K B ; M B  e[maG t ]  h[m(aG ) n ] .

= Figure 9.3(c)

Procedure for analysis

Free body diagram
 Establish the x, y or n, t inertial coordinate system and draw the free-body diagram in
order to account for all the external forces and couple moments that act on the body.
 The direction and sense of the acceleration of the body’s mass center a G should be
 Identify the unknowns in the problem.
 If it is decided that the rotational equation of motion M P   ( M K ) P is to be used

in the solution, then consider drawing the kinetic diagram, since it graphically
accounts for the components m(aG ) x , m(aG ) y , or m( a G ) t , m(aG ) n and is therefore

convenient for “visualizing” the terms needed in the moment sum  (M K )P .

Equation of Motion
 Apply the three equations of motion in accordance with the established sign
 To simplify the analysis, the moment equation M G  0 can be replaced by the

more general equation  M P   M K P , where point P is usually located at the

intersection of the lines of action of as many unknown forces as possible.

 If the body is in contact with a rough surface and slipping occurs, use the frictional
equation F   K N . Remember, F always acts on the body so as to oppose the motion
of the body relative to the surface it contacts.
 Use kinematics if the velocity and position of the body are to be determined.
aG  dvG / dt,
 For rectilinear translation with variable acceleration, use aG d SG  vG d vG ,
vG  dsG / dt

 For rectilinear translation with constant acceleration, use

v G  (v G ) 0  a G t ,
vG  (vG ) 0  2aG [ sG  ( sG ) 0 ],
2 2

s G  ( s G ) 0  (v G ) 0 t  aG t 2
( a G ) n  vG /    2  ,

 For curvilinear translation, use (aG ) t  dvG / dt,

(aG ) t dsG  vG dvG , (aG ) t  

Example 9.1
The car shown has a mass of 2 Mg and a centre of mass at G. Determine the car’s
acceleration if the “driving” wheels in the back are always slipping, whereas the front
wheels freely rotate. Neglect the mass of the wheels. The coefficient of kinetic friction
between the wheels and the road is  K = 0.25.

Figure 8.4 (a)

Free-body diagram
As shown, the rear-wheel frictional force FB pushes the car forward, and since slipping

occurs, FB  0.25N B . The frictional forces acting on the front wheels are zero, since these
wheels have negligible mass. There are three unknowns in the problem, N A , N B and a G .
Here we will sum moments about the mass center. The car (point G) is assumed to
accelerate to the left, i.e., in the negative x-direction.
Equations of motion.
There are two ways to get the solution for this problem.
  Fx  m(aG ) x ;  0.25N B  (2000kg)aG .......... .......... .(1)
   F y  m( a G ) y ; N A  N B  2000(9.81) N  0.......... .......... ....( 2)
M G  0;  N A (1.25m)  0.25N B (0.3m)  N B (0.75m)  0.......... .......... (3)

Solving, we obtains
aG  1.59 m / s 2 ; N A  6.88kN; N B  12.7kN
Another solution;
Free body and kinetic Diagrams
If the “moment” equation is applied about point A, then the unknown N A will be
eliminated from the equation. To “visualize” the moment of ma G about A, we will
include the kinetic diagram as part of the analysis.
Equation of motion
We require

M A   M K A ; N B (2m)  2000(9.81) N (1.25m)  (2000kg)aG (0.3m)

Solving this and equation (1) for a G leads to a simpler solution than the first solution.

Figure 9.4
Example 9.2
The 100-kg beam BD is supported by two rods having negligible mass. Determine the
force created in each rod if at the instant   30 and   6 rad / s .

Free-body Diagram
The beam moves with curvilinear translation since point B and D and the center of mass
G all move along circular paths, each path having the same radius of 0.5m. Using normal
and tangential coordinates, the free-body diagram for the beam is shown below. Because
of the translation, G has the same motion as the pin at B, which is connected to both the
rod and the beam. By studying the angular motion of rod AB, note that the tangential
component of acceleration acts downward to the left due to the clockwise direction of  .
Furthermore, the normal component of acceleration is always directed toward the center
of curvature (toward point A for rod AB). Since the angular velocity of AB is 6 r rad / s ,
aG n   2 r  (6 rad / s) 2 (0.5m)  18 m / s 2
The three unknowns are TB , TD and a G t . The direction of a G n and a G t have been
established, and are indicated on the coordinate axes.
Equations of motion

 F  m( a
n G ) n ; TB  TD  981 cos 30 N  100kg (18m / s 2 ).......(1)
 F  m( a
t G t ) ; 981 sin 30  100kg (aG ) t .......... .......... .( 2)
 M  0; G  (TB cos 30)(0.4m)  (TD cos 30)(0.4m)  0.......... ..(3)

Simultaneous solution of these three equations gives

TB  TD  1.32kN
aG t  4.90 m / s 2
9.2 Rotation about a fixed axis
Consider the rigid body which is constrained to rotate in vertical plane and produced
angular velocity and angular acceleration caused by the external force and couple
moment system acting on the body. Since the body’s center of mass G moves in a
circular path, the acceleration of this point is represented by its tangential and normal

Figure 9.6

The tangential component of acceleration has a magnitude of a G t  rG and must act in

a direction which is consistent with the body’s angular acceleration  . The magnitude of
the normal component of acceleration is aG n   2 rG .

From Figure 8.7, we know that the weight of the body, W  mg , and the pin reaction Fo
are included since it represent external forces acting on the body. Therefore, we can write

F n  m(aG ) n  m 2 rG
…… (4). The I G  vector acts in the same direction as  and
F t  m(aG ) t  mrG

have a magnitude of I G  , where I G is the body’s moment of inertia calculated about an

axis which is perpendicular to the page and passing through G. Therefore, M G  I G .

If the vector passes through O, we may rewrite the equation as  M o  I G  mrG  .

From the parallel-axis theorem, I o  I G  md 2 , therefore we can write M o  I o and
equation 4 remains the same. I o accounts the moment of both m a G t and I G  about
point O.

Figure 9.7

Procedures of analysis
Free-Body diagram
 Establish the inertial x, y or n, t coordinate system and specify the direction and sense

of the acceleration a G n and a G t and the angular accelerations a G n and a G t and

the angular acceleration  , whereas a G n always acts toward the axis of rotation,
point O.
 Draw the free-body diagram to account for all the external forces and couple
moments that act on the body.
 Compute the moment of inertia I G or I o .

 Identify the unknown in the problem.

 If it is decided that the rotational equation of motion M P   M K P is to be used,

i.e., P is a point other than G or O, then consider drawing the kinetic diagram in order
to help “visualize” the moments developed by the components m(aG ) n , m( a G ) t , and

I G  when writing the terms for the moment sum  M  K P .

Equation of Motion
 Apply the three equations of motion in accordance with the established sign
 If moments are summed about the body’s mass center, G, then  M G  I G , since

ma G t and maG n create no moment about G.

 If moments are summed about the pin support O on the axis of rotation, then ma G n

creates no moment about G, and it can be shown that M o  I o .

 Use kinematics if a complete solution cannot be obtained strictly from the equations
of motion.
 If the angular acceleration is variable, use  d   d
  o   c t
 If the angular acceleration is constant, use    o   o t  ac t 2
 2  o 2  2 c    0 

Example 9.3
The 30-kg uniform disk shown in Figure 8.8 is pin-supported at its center. If it starts from
rest, determine the number of revolutions it must make to attain an angular velocity of 20
rad/s. Also, what are the reactions at the pin? The disk is acted upon by a constant force
F  10N , which is applied to a cord wrapped around its periphery, and a constant couple
moment M=5 Nm. Neglect the mass of the cord in the calculation.

Figure 9.8

Free-body Diagram
From the figure, we can note that the mass center is not subjected to acceleration:
however, the disk has a clockwise angular acceleration. The moment of inertia of the disk
1 2 1
about the pin is I o  mr  (30kg)(0.2m) 2  0.6kgm2 . The three unknowns are
2 2
Ox , O y and  .

Equations of motion

F x  maG x ; Ox  0
F y  m( a G ) y ; O y  294.3 N  10N  0
O y  304N

M o  I o ;  10N (0.2m)  5 Nm  (0.6kgm2 )

  11.7rad / s 2
Since  is constant and is clockwise, the number of radians the disk must turn to obtain a
clockwise angular velocity of 20 rad/s is
 2   o 2  2 c    o 
(20rad / s ) 2  0  2(11.7rad / s 2 )  0 
  17.1 rad

 1 rev 
Hence,   17.1 rad   2.73 rev
 2 rad 

Figure 9.8

Example 9.4
The 20-kg slender rod shown in Figure 8.9 is rotating in the vertical plane, and at the
instant shown it has an angular velocity of   5 rad / s . Determine the rod’s angular
acceleration and the horizontal and vertical components of reaction at the pin at this

Figure 9.9

Free-body and Kinetic Diagrams
As shown on the kinetic diagram, point G moves in a circular path and so has two
components of acceleration. It is important that the tangential component a t  rG act

downward since it must be in accordance with the angular acceleration  of the rod. The
three unknowns are O n , Ot and  .
Equation of motion

F n  m 2 rG ; On  (20kg )(5rad / s) 2 (1.5m)

F t  mrG ;  Ot  20(9.81) N  (20kg )( )(1.5m)
M G  I G ; Ot (1.5m)  60Nm  [ (20kg )(3m) 2 ]
Solving, we obtained On  750N , Ot  19.0 N ,   5.90rad / s 2

Another solution to sum moments about point O to eliminate O n and Ot and obtain a

direct solution for  . Here,

M o   M k o ;

60Nm  20(9.81) N (1.5m)  [ (20kg)(3m) 2 ]  [20kg( )(1.5m)](1.5m)
  5.90 rad / s 2
Also, since I o  ml 2 for a slender rod, we can apply

M o  I o ;
60Nm  20(9.81) N (1.5m)  [ (20kg )(3m) 2 ]
  5.90 rad / s 2
By comparison, the last equation provides the simplest solution for  and does not
require use of the kinetic diagram.

Figure 9.9

Example 9.5
The drum shown in Figure 8.10 has a mass of 60 kg and a radius of gyration k o =0.25m. a
cord of negligible mass is wrapped around the periphery of the drum and attached to a
block having a mass of 20kg. If the block is released, determine the drum’s angular

Figure 9.10

Free-body Diagrams
Here we will consider the drum and block separately. Assuming the block accelerates
downward at a, it creates a counterclockwise angular acceleration  of the drum. The
moment of inertia of the drum is I o  mk o  (60kg )(0.25m) 2  3.75kgm2 . There are five

unknowns, namely Ox , O y , T , a and  .

Equation of motion
Applying the translation equations of motion Fx  m(aG ) x and F y  m(aG ) y to the

drum is of no consequence to the solution, since these equations involve the unknowns
O x and O y . Thus, for the drum and block, respectively,

M o  I o ; T (0.4m)  (3.75kgm2 )

F y  m(aG ) y ;  20(9.81) N  T  20a

Since the point of contact A between the cord and drum has a tangential omponent of
acceleration a , then, a  r or a   (0.4) .
T  106N
Solving the above equations, we get a  4.52m / s 2
  11.3rad / s 2

Figure 9.10

9.3 Momentum and Impulse

From 2nd Newton Law,
F  ma
mv  u 

Ft  mv  mu
Ft is the impulse and mv  mu  is the momentum change
Linear momentum for an object is given as the output of multiplication of object mass
with the velocity of the object, i.e., p  mv . Momentum is a vector quantity and the SI
unit is Ns @ kg m/s.
Linear Momentum Conservation Principle
Moving object may transfer or lose some of its momentum to another object. This
principle states that in a system with objects that strikes each other, the total of
momentum does not change provided hat there is no external force imposed to them.
Therefore, Total of momentum before impact = Total of momentum after impact.
Types of impacts can be divided into:
 Elastic collision
 Inelastic collision
1. Elastic collision
 In this type of impact, two object is moving with individual velocity collides, and
then separates and each object moves with different velocity. This is summarized in
third Newton Law which states that every action there is an equal and opposite
 Total of kinetic energy and momentum is conserved.

Equation; m1u1  m2 u 2  m1v1  m2 v2

u1 u2 v1 v2

m1 m2 m1 m2

Equation; m1u1  m2 u 2  m1v1  m2 v2

u1  u2  v1 v2

m1 m2 m1 m2

Equation; m1u1  0  m1v1  m2 v2

u1 pegun v1 v2

m1 m2 m1 m2

2. Inelastic collision
 In this collision, two objects moving with individual velocity collides and attached
together, moving with different initial velocity.
 Total of momentum is conserved but the total of kinetic energy for this system is not
 Equation: m1u1  m2 u 2  (m1  m2 )v1

Impact for elastic body

Collision between two elastic bodies for two spherical that have the same size and
elasticity behaviour but with different materials. From Newton elasticity law;
v 2  v1
 e .......... ........ 0  x  1
u1  u 2
If e = 0, the material is not elastic
If e=1, the material is fully elastic.
If e = 0, inelastic collision, v1  v2  v  m1u1  m2 u 2  (m1  m2 )v
If e = 1, elastic collision, v2  v1  u1  u 2

Example 9.6
A sphere with a mass of 6kg is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s and collides with another
spherical with a mass of 4 kg moving with a velocity of 3 m/s. Determine the velocity of
spherical after the collision if both special moving in (a) same direction (b) different
direction. Given e = 0.5.

u1 u2 v1 v2

6kg 4kg 6kg 4kg

From momentum conservation principles,

m1u1  m2 u 2  m1v1  m2 v2
6(5)  4(3)  6(v1 )  4v2
42  6v1  4v2 .......... .........(1)
v 2  v1
 0.5
u1  u 2
v 2  v1  1.0.......... .......... .( 2)
From simultaneous equation, therefore we obtained
v1  4.8 m / s v2  5.8 m / s

u1 u2 v1 v2

6kg 4kg 6kg 4kg

From momentum conservation principles,

m1u1  m2 u 2  m1v1  m2 v2
6(5)  4(3)  6(v1 )  4v2
18  6v1  4v2 .......... .........( 1)
v 2  v1
 0 .5
u1  u 2
v 2  v1  4.0.......... .......... .( 2)
From simultaneous equation, therefore we obtained
v1  4.2 m / s v2  0.2 m / s

Work or W or U is defined as the output of force, F multiply by the distance taken in the
direction of force, s.
W  F  s  F cos   s 
F cos 
SI unit is N  m or Joule, J .

For constant Force, F and fixed slope,  , a horizontal line for force versus displacement
can be obtained as shown in Figure below. Area below the graph (shredded area) between
S1 and S2 is the work been done between the specified points.
F cos  The force imposed on a body gives:-
a. Positive work: If the direction of force
parallel to its movement
b. Negative work: If the direction of force
opposite to its movement
c. Zero work: If the direction of force
perpendicular to its movement.
S1 S2

Considers a body that been imposed by few numbers of forces, say, F1 , F2 , F3 and F4 to
move it from point A to point B. Total of work done for each force upon the body are:-



Work done by force F1 , U 1  F1S

Work done by force F2 , U1  ( F2 cos  )s

Work done by force F2 , U 3  0

Work done by force F2 , U 4   F4 S

Total of work done by force system on the body is U  U1  U 2 U 3U 4

Example 9.7
A force of 4N pulls an object at the slope of 60 in horizontal line. Calculate the work
been done if the object was moved in 3m.



Direction of movement

W  F cos  x s
 4 cos 60 x 3
 6J
9.4 Energy and Work
Energy is the potential to do work. SI unit for energy is Joule, J. Example; electrical
energy, sound energy, chemical energy, light energy, magnetic energy and mechanical
energy. In mechanical energy, there is two basic energy i.e., (i) kinetic energy, and (ii)
potential energy.
(i) kinetic energy
Kinetic energy possessed by a body due to its movement. A body with a mass, m

(kg) is moving with a velocity, v m / s with kinetic energy is given as K  1 mv 2 .

Relationship between work and kinetic energy
Reaction force = a established force
= work done by force, F
W  F  s.......... .......... ......( 5)
From 2nd Newton Law, F  ma
Substitute F in equation (5), hence
W  ma  s.......... .......... .(6)
We know that
v 2  u 2  2as.......... .....( 7) assume that there is no initial velocity

2as  v 2 , hence s 
Replace s in (6)
v2 1 2
W  ma  mv
2a 2
If there is initial velocity, i.e., u  0 from (7)
2as  v 2  u 2
v2  u2
Replace s in (6)
v2  u2
W  ma
 1
 1
 m v 2  u 2  mv 2  mu 2 .......... ..body' s kinetic energy
(ii) Potential energy
Potential energy can be divided into gravitational potential energy and elastic potential
energy. Gravitational potential energy is the energy possessed by a body due to its

For a body with a mass m kg is lifted to h m,

work have been done and this work is kept in

the body as gravitational potential energy.

h (m) U = work that been done

 Force x dis tan ce

 mg x h
m(kg)  mgh

Hooke’s Law
Hooke’s Law state that force which required to stretch or compressed a spring is
proportionate to stretching or compression of a spring if the elastic limit is not exceeded.
F  kx .......... ..where k  spring cons tan t ( N / m)
Elastic potential energy is the energy due to the stretch and compression condition.
If a force, F increased with the fixed rate to stretch a spring to x m, potential energy
stored in the spring is;

U  1 Fx @ 1 Fs
2 2
 1 kx 2
 1 k (x) 2
Energy Conservation Principle
This principle states that the total of energy in a system is fixed although the energy
might change its form.
Example 9.8

Figure shows a pendulum swing where the

pendulum mass is 5 kg. The pendulum is
pushed from point A which is located 15cm
40 cm
higher than B.
(a) What is potential energy stored in
15cm pendulum at point A.
(b) Maximum velocity in the pendulum
(c) Kinetic energy in the pendulum when
reached at point B.

(a) E  mgh
 0.05 x 9.81 x 0.15
 0.0736 J

(b) 1 mv 2  mgh
1 x(0.05)v 2  0.07326
v  1.72 m / s

(c) E  1 mv 2  0.0736 J
Example 9.9
A stone with a mass of 0.1 kg is throwing straight up with a velocity of 12 m/s.
Determine the potential energy at maximum peak and kinetic energy when reached the
ground with assumption that there is no restriction.
Total of energy at B = Total of energy at A
B 1
= mv 2
= x 0.1 x (12) 2
= 7.2 J

U =12 m/s

Power is the rate of doing work or rate of transferring energy
Work W ( J )
P 
time T ( s)
SI unit is J/s or W (watt)
Engine power = F x v
From P   rate of work been done with time
dW  F  ds
PF xv
output power
Efficiency,  
imput power
Example 9.10
A lorry is moving with a constant velocity of 30 m/s along its way. If the applied friction
force is 800N, calculate the engine power.
F  ma  F  Fg
F  800N
Enginepower  Fxv
 800 x 30  24 kW
Example 9.11
A force is applied to compress a spring to the wall. If the initial length of the spring is 50
cm and the last length is 30cm while the last force applied to the spring is 20N,
(a) Calculate the work done,
(b) Kinetic elastic energy by the spring

Before compression After compression

20 N

50 cm 30 cm

(a) Work  F  (x) 2
 x 20 x (50  20) 2  4 kJ
(b) 4 kJ  the work been done by the compression of the spring.

Example 9.12
a) A car weigh 1 tan moves on the horizontal road with a constant velocity of 10 m/s
and a total of 400N friction force is applied on it. Calculate the pulling power of
the engine.
b) If the car riding up the hill with the slope of 5 at horizontal plan and assume that
friction force imposed constant at 400N, what is the engine power required to
push the car at the velocity of 15 m/s.

F  Fg  ma
where ma  0
F  400N
P  F v
 400 x 10
Fg  400N  4 kW

From 2nd Newton Law,
F F  Fg  ma
F  Fg  mg sin 5  0
F  400  1000 (9.81) sin 5
 1255N
Fs  400N P  F v
 1255 x 15  18.83 kW

Example 9.13
A mass of 200g been pushed to a spring and compressed to 15 cm from equilibrium.
The mass was shot to the right. If the friction is ignored, calculate the speed of the
mass that moves to the left when pushed.

From 2nd Newton Law:-

1 1
k (x) 2  mv 2
2 2
400(0.15)  0.2v 2

K=400 N/m v  6.71 m / s

200 g

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