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ISKCON, Islam and Mental Health, Sexual

Health, Physical Health and Sathya Sai

Baba and Shiridi Sai Baba and Description
On How These Religious Organizations are
Spreading Mental illness
Subbaarayudu Challa,
(Phani Kumar Challa, BDS, MPH (Australia), )
6 Clay Avenue,
Hoppers Crossing,
VIC 3029
Subbaarayudu Challa

I-24/7 Co-ordination Sub-Directorate NCB Services and
I-24/7 Development Directorate Executive,
Directorate for Police Services Interpol General Secretariat Lyon, France.

Dear Interpol Officer ,

I already Submitted about ISKCON to International Court of Justice and Prime Minister
of India but no action till now.

International Court of Justice

Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands
Subject: ISKCON, Sathya Sai Baba and Shiridi Sai Baba are Spreading mental illness.

All words have meanings. Yoga involves chanting of several mantras. If there is a change in
spelling meaning changes.
If we hypnotize a child everyday by calling Hero! Hero! he will become a hero. If the same
child is abused a zero, zero he will become a zero. In the same way In Yoga by repeating a
word we can improve our mental health.
This will also provide a solution to improve the mental health of the world and world. Mantra
or repetition of words is a process of self-hypnosis. That is what is mantra in yoga.

Even if the person repeats the name God or happy or Good it will improve the mental health
of the individual irrespective of whatever is the language for our soul understands all
languages and reacts to it.

The ISKCON mantra is a false mantra which instead of cleaning the sins, provides the results
of sins to the person who is listening, reading, writing reciting or worshipping.
The theme for the 2018 celebration, organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the
United Nations, is 'Yoga for Peace.'
I as an Indian take this Responsibility to Spread Yoga For Peace and deliver Yoga For
By Chanting the 16 word mantra formulated by ISLAMIC people a person will attract
calamities and problems as it activates bad karma instead of cleaning the sins. The ISKCON
mantra is a false mantra which instead of cleaning the sins, provides the results of sins to the
person who is listening, reading, writing reciting or worshipping. Srila Prabhupada said that
when Lord Krishn becomes happy he will take all your wealth and that is why Krishn’s
devotees are beggars. He notes that Lord Krishn, is Milk and Lord Shiva is Curd. Shiva
worshippers are rich. Actually both devotees of Lord Shiva and Krishn lead a rich life as
chanting both Shiva mantras and Gayatri mantra, the perfect method to worship Krishn lead
to inner peace and happiness.

When they become poor they have two options

1. Join the ISKCON completely and work for only this organization. Thus they
become a part of addictive organization.

2. Find a new religion to solve the problems they have attracted by chanting
ISKCON mantra and principles. When they explore the solutions to the problems
attracted by following ISKCON, they find that Holy Quran gives them relief after
reading Second Chapter of Quran or Ayatul Qursi. This is how ISKCON and Islam are
related. Reading Holy Bible and Holy Bhagavad Gita and Holy Hindu mantras will
also solve the problems but as the problem has been created by ISLAMIC methods
Holy Quran provides quickest solution to the problems attracted by following ISKCON
ISKCON or Hare Krsna is a fake religion born in Islamic Bengal. The mantra promoted by
ISKCON activates selectively bad Karma of an individual and attracts calamities. That is why
they promote Prayers by Queen Kunti.

The two important Gods they promote are Ram and Krishn.
While giving model of devotee they do not provide model of Arjuna who is a warrior who
fights for his family and country.

Neither do they provide model of Hanuman an ardent devotee of Lord Ram. Hanuman is a
celibate and body builder.

They provide model of Kunti who prays to God for calamities.

A person who joins ISKCON is chanting a self-destructive mantra. ISKCON is no way

related to Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma. The actual name of Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma.

ISKCON is distorted form of Ancient Indian religion. It is a new religion founded by

ISLAMIC People in India to spoil Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma.

That is the reason why ISKCON encourages worship of Allah but considers Jesus Christ as
son of God and opposes worship of all other Indian Gods except Krishn. In all its books
whenever discussion arises about any other Hindu God other than Krishn and His Avatars
Srila Prabhupada opposes the worship of all other Hindu Gods by naming them as Demigods.


Mental Ill Health
The introduction of As it Is Bhagavad Gita of ISKCON first asks the reader to accept that he
can never be happy unless he pleases Krishn. By this they are introducing an unidentifiable
mental ill health. This is hypnosis. By repeatedly saying to a person and asking him to accept
that he is not happy, they are introducing a mental problem into their brain. After that they
ask then to chant Hare Krishna mantra. This 16 word mantra instead of bringing happiness
into life attracts calamities. “Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma,
Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare” this is actually a modified mantra by ISLAMIC people.

“Factually we are related to the Supreme Lord in service. The Supreme Lord is the supreme
enjoyer, and we living entities are His servitors. We are created for His enjoyment, and if we
participate in that eternal enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we become
happy. We cannot become happy otherwise. It is not possible to be happy independantly, just
as no one part of the body can be happy without cooperating with the stomach. It is not
possible for the living entity to be happy without rendering transcendental loving service unto
the Supreme Lord.”

There is a strong association between reporting of not good or fairly

good health and mortality in all countries. By reporting that they cannot be happy they are
making themselves sad.
Young H, Grundy E, O'Reilly D, Boyle P. Self-rated health and mortality in the UK: results
from the first comparative analysis of the England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland
Longitudinal Studies. Population trends. 2010 Feb 1;139(1):11-36.

In English the spelling of God is G O D, If the letter A is added to GOD and it is made as
GOAD it changes the meaning of GOD to GOAD.
GOD means
1. the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme
2. a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human
fortunes; a deity.
GOAD means
1. provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction
2. drive (an animal) with a spiked stick.
3. a spiked stick used for driving cattle.
The same is with Sanskrit Ram/Rama means God and Raaaamaaaaaaaaa means Dirty,
Leech, Woman.

Krishn/Krishna means God and Krishnaaaaaaaaaa means Demon.

That is the reason why Ram Shabda is first taught as part of Sanskrit

When addressing “Lord Ram”, He is addressed as “Hey Ram” not as “Hey Rama”.

Hare Krishna mantra

ISKCON mantra meaning Final evidence

Hare meaning attack

Hare/ हरे means Attack or Tease in Sanskrit

Krishn कृष्ण ् / Krishna कृष्ण means God Krishna.

Ram राम ् / Rama राम means God

Krishnaaaaaaaaa कृष्णा means Demon

Raamaaaaaaaaaaa/ रामा means Dirty

While chanting ISKCON mantra as हरे कृष्ण, हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण, कृष्ण, हरे , हरे । हरे राम, हरे राम, राम,राम, हरे ,
हरे । Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare. Hare Rama Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare
Hare, the person chanting is saying Attack God Krishna, Attack God Krishna, God Krishna, God Krishna
Attack, Attack. Attack God Ram Attack God Ram, God God Ram Attack Attack.
While singing ISKCON mantra as हरे कृष्णा,हरे कृष्णा , कृष्णा , कृष्णा, हरे , हरे ।हरे रामा, हरे रामा, रामा, रामा,
हरे , हरे । The person is saying Attack Demon, Attack Demon, Demon, Demon, Attack , Attack. Attack Dirty,
Attack Dirty, Dirty, Dirty, Attack, Attack.

Missing letter in Hindi and other Indo-Aryan languages.

Please take action on ISKCON

Hare Krishna (Sanskrit: हरे कृ ष्ण, Hare Kṛṣṇa) or Maha Mantra („Great Mantra“) is the

main mantra of ISKCON Vaishnavas. The purpose of this mantra is to worship

For the first time this mantra is mentioned in Kali-Santarana Upanishad – one of
the Upanishads which belongs to Yajurveda, however does not belong to the
canonical Thirteen Principal Upanishads (Vaidika Upanishads (Śruti)). In the
beginning of XVI century the founder of Gaudiya-Vaisnavism Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu popularized “Hare Krishna” mantra in India. Outside of India “Hare

Krishna” mantra was popularized by ISKCON founder Prabhupāda and his followers.

ISKCON theology claims that “Hare Krishna” mantra helps achieve the highest perfection
of life – the state of ecstatic love for Krishna.

Mantra is a poetic stanza in anuṣṭubh meter (a quatrain of four lines (pāda) of eight syllables).
Mantra consists of 16 Sanskrit words.
In the original version of mantra, which is written in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad,
the order of words in mantra is the following:

hare rāma hare rāma

rāma rāma hare hare hare
kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa

kṛṣṇa hare hare In

ISKCON Vaishnavism
the order of words in
mantra is the following:
hare kṛṣṇa hare kṛṣṇa

kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa hare hare

hare rāma hare rāma rāma

rāma hare hare

The word “Hare” can be interpreted as either vocative form of word “Hari” or the vocative

form of word “Harā”.

According to A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada the word “Harā” means “the

energy/shakti of Supreme Personality of Godhead”.

However, academic Sanskrit dictionaries translate the word “Hari” as “yellow or reddish


ISKCON claims that word “Rama” supposedly means “He who is the Source of

All Pleasure”.
However, Sanskrit word which is used in Rigveda and in Atharvaveda actually means

“dark, black, darkness, night, dirty”. [6][7]

ISKCON claims that word “Krishna” supposedly means “He who is AllAttractive”.

However, academic Sanskrit dictionaries translate the word “Krishna” (Sanskrit: कृ

ष्ण) as “black, dark-blue, kind of demon or spirit of darkness”.

Sanskrit Dictionary
Shaving and Hair removal in Iskcon
ISKCON asks Men to shave their moustache and hair saying that you are neither male nor
female and because of this state you will be liberated. They give example of Mohammadeans
men having beard to attract females but discourage ISKCON devotees to grow beard and ask
men to accept that they are neither male nor female.
When Mughals came to destroy Indian temples and Hinduism they first forced people to
shave their beards and heads. That is why Sikhism which is born to protect Ancient Religions
like Hinduism and Christianity maintain hair.

Jesus Christ maintained hair naturally this is one of the reasons given by Sikhs for not
shaving and cutting their hair.

Difference between Sex and Gender Sex:

"Sex" generally refers to biological differences.
The differences between male and female sexes are anatomical and physiological. "Sex"
tends to relate to biological differences.
The World Health Organization (WHO) definition of Gender is:
"Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms,
roles, and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to
society and can be changed.

The aim of ISKCON is to change the Gender of all males.

Four Regulative Principles of ISKCON

No meat eating, No Alcohol and intoxication, No Illicit Sex and No Gambling have been
adopted from Islam. By adding No meat eating they are introducing physical weakness.

As ISKCON promotes Vegetarian diet without Onion and Garlic it aims to spoil the sexual
Health and increase the problem of Ageing throughout the world.

Action Required
Statutory Declaration:
I declare that all this information in this letter is true to my knowledge.
If you want to test you can ask any HARE KRSNA devotee to read Holy Quran by making a
wish that Satan should run away and reading second chapter or Ayatul Kursi and he will
leave ISKCON ASAP. But we are more bothered about solution rather than problem.
Chanting Om and Worshipping the names of Bhagawan Sri Subba Rayudu or Bhagawan Sri
Karthikeya is the most effective solution to this problem.
Every word in has a meaning otherwise it is not a word. Eg. Mathew = Gift of Lord.
Rahman or Rehman (Arabic: ‫ رحمن‬,Raḥmān) is an Arabic male name meaning
Indian Godess Bhavani means Godess of Justice.
Solution to ISKCON satanic mantra as per My knowledge
Chant This mantra
Family Of Shiva
Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha
Sushma Namah Shivaya
Va!!i Devasena Vel Subba Rayudu
Swamiye Saranam Ayyapa Mallika
Ashoka Sundari
Vishnu Avatars and Hanuman
Jai Hanuman
Govinda Govinda Jai
Sri Ram.

Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha= The entire strength of Sama Veda is in OM

Va!!i Devasena Vel Subba Rayudu Or Kumar = The entire strength of Atharva veda is in
Kumar= Karthikeya

Namah Shivaya= entire Strength of Yajur Veda But the world. Panchakshari means five word
but the world chants by adding Om and the power is reduced. That is why one film director
named rajamouli who chants Panchakshari as namah Shivaya is rich while all others who
chant Om namah Shivaya are still struggling.
Clear description of Na Mah Shi Va Ya and their origin is found in this sloka.

Sushma= Entire Strength of Rig Veda

Jesus Christ = Karthikeya
Worship Jesus Christ with Bible
And Candle lighting or oil lamp lighting is a must
Reading Ayatul Kursi

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” – Einstein.

Every word has a meaning and by repeating the name the person attracts that kind of energy
by sending good or bad suggestions according to the meaning.
Sir we need to peacefully reform ISKCON.
Jesus Christ is not a Faith but reality. Jesus Christ worship and Worship Of Indian God
Karthikeya or Lord Murugan or Lord Subba Rayudu can detoxify this Hare Krsna mantra.
What is the proof that Jesus Christ is truth. If there was no person called Jesus there would be
no word called Jesus. How do we know that Jesus Christ is God. Several Christians are
worshipping Jesus and getting spiritual energy.
If you want to know what is Bharath or India just read the meanings of Indian Gods. You will
know what is Bharath or India.
Example: Bhavani- Godess of Justice. That is why Shivaji maharaj use to worship all women
as Bhavani by adding Bhavani suffix.
I have seen people like Sri Sudakara Sastry from Guntur who prepared nano-copper using
Vedic technology.
Our Sanatana dharma completely focuses on Karma Yoga. “The purpose of Yoga is Bhoga or


Let us aim “Yoga for Peace” to “Yoga for happiness”.

All religions Promote Secularism.
All religions believe in Karma
Holy Bhagavad Gita- Karmanye vadhikarasya mafaleshu kadachana
Holy BiBle – As You Sow you Reap
Quran- Chapter 2 Verse 286 You get the results of all the Good deeds you do and evil you
have earned.
All religions say that all your sins will be forgiven
Jesus Christ describes that He will forgive all the sins, if we surrender unto him (Nelson,

2016). Holy Bhagavad Gita says, “all your sins will be forgiven if you surrender unto me”
(Swami, 1986). Holy Quran describes that all sins will be forgiven if we surrender unto Allah
(Ali, 2011). All three holy books emphasize on following authorized scriptures.
Germany is studying Sanskrit and our vedas.
If there was no Lord Ram there would not be this name called Ram. There would be no
devotees of Ram or mantras on Ram. Name is the evidence that God is there. Lord Ram was
there and is there and will be there.
The same is with other religions.
If people know that God is a reality the world will be a better place.
It is also spreading Sanatana dharma. We just need to change the mantra to Govinda,
Govinda as in Tirupati and replace Prabhupada statue with Hanuman statue and Ganesh and
Murugan statues along with Shiva and Durga.
Family Of Shiva
Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha
Sushma Namah Shivaya
Va!!i Devasena Vel Subba Rayudu
Swamiye Saranam Ayyapa Mallika
Ashoka Sundari
Vishnu Avatars and Hanuman
Jai Hanuman
Govinda Govinda Jai
Sri Ram.
Sathya Sai Baba and Shiridi Sai Baba

Shiridi Sai Baba and Sathya SAI Baba are Shaitan Jins or Satanic Genies who will run away
if you read second chapter of Quran or Read the summary of Bhagavad Gita by Sri Adi
Shankaracharya and offer the results to them Or Read Bible Verses to cast out demons.
Medical evidence regarding ill health caused by Shiridi Sai Baba devotion:


He can help in doing wrong things and spoiling others lives.

Shiridi Sai Baba is worshipped as God and Guru in India and abroad. Shiridi Sai Baba is a
saint who repeatedly use to chant name “Allah Malik”. But he is worshipped as a Hindu God
according to Hindu rituals. A person who repeatedly chants name Allah cannot claim himself
as neither God or Guru. If he is claiming to be God or guru he is not a Muslim. While
following a religion it is important to follow authorized procedure. Aims and Objectives
i) Aims
The aim of this research is to prove that Shiridi Sai Baba who repeatedly chants, “Allah
Malik” is neither God nor Guru and should not be worshipped. ii)
Shiridi Sai Baba repeatedly chants the name “Allah malik”. As the name Allah is from Islam
religion he may be considered as a Muslim.

The Kalma is Islam says, “La ilaaha illal lahoo Muhammadur Rasool Ullah”
English Translation: There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
A muslim who repeatedly chants the name of Allah can neither claim himself as God nor can
claim himself as a messenger.
As Shiridi Sai Baba repeatedly chants the name of Allah and is being worshipped as God, his
so call devotees are following a wrong pathway.
People claim that Shiridi Sai Baba was a saint who is tried to establish harmony among
Hindus and Muslims. A person who promotes secularism cannot claim himself as God. Even
Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) promoted secularism. He used to ask Budhhists
to place a curtain and do their own worship. He never forced anyone into Islam. Even Guru
Nanak Dev, founder of Sikhism asks you to chant the name of the god of your religion.
Several Dargas of muslim Babas are worshipped in India, but they are worshipped only at
their Tombs. Shiridi Sai Baba is worshipped as idol and pictures. He is worshipped as per
Hindu rituals. If he is a Hindu he would not chant the name of Allah Malik. So, he is neither
Hindu nor Muslim.
As people are worshipping a self-contradicting energy, they are at a risk of psychiatric
diseases. By giving mixed messages to brain people get mixed results.
We propose that Shiridi Sai Baba should not be worshipped as God or Guru.

• Literature on topic:

On Shirdi Sai Baba

Swami Swaroopananda, an Indian religious leader, the Shankaracharya of Dwaraka

peeth noted that Shiridi Sai Baba should not be worshipped along with other Hindu
• He noted that Shiridi Sai Baba was a Muslim Fakir and should not be worshipped as
God. July 2014.
• In 2016 the Dharma Sansad declared a resolution that Shiridi Sai Baba is not God and
should not be worshipped.

People who worship Shiridi Sai Baba severely become selfish and are prone to Diabetes
As Shiridi Sai Baba controversy involves both Hindu and Muslim religions. It is important to
collect evidence from both the religions to support out statement that Shiridi Sai Baba is not

• Theoretical approach
Shiridi Sai Baba is Shaitan and to get rid of him Muslims must read Surah Al Baqarah second
chapter of Quran.
And Sanatana Dharma followers must worship
Hanuman All
these Sai Baba devotees get power because of OM AND RAM while chanting OM SAI
RAM but they give the credit to Shiridi Sai Baba.

I challenge these devotees to worship Shiridi Sai Baba without the use of Om and Ram or
Allah. If they worship to Sai Baba with only his name their body glucose levels will
drastically increase and they will get Diabetes Mellitus.
Though Hindu religious leaders provide statements that Sai Baba is not God, they are unable
to prove it due to lack of understanding about Islam.


i) Contributions:
As a public health student, I understand spiritual health plays a key role in public health. This
research is going to help me projecting the role of religion in bringing about peace in the
world. It can help me in promoting Islam, Catholic Religion and Sanatana Dharma as secular
religions. This also can help in finding a tool to reduce the religious conflicts across the
ii) Importance
Mental ill health is one of the key issues the world has been facing today. Religion is way of
life which provides inner peace and reduces the mental ill health problems. If we worship
God according to procedures prescribed by authorized personalities, it is possible to attain
spiritual and mental health. If we provide mixed suggestions to brain we may get mixed
suggestions and would result in bringing about mixed results.

Promote worship of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father and Holy Ghost or Yehova or Allah or
their respective Supreme God same. Even the repetition of Supreme God will help in ending
the problems created due to this mantra.

SOLUTION TO SHIRIDI SAI BABA according to My knowledge
Worship Karthikeya or Murugan along with ganesha and Shiva and remaining family.
Read Second Chapter of Quran
Worship Jesus Christ along with candle lighting and Heavenly father and Holy Ghost.
Sathya Sai Baba

He can help in doing wrong things and spoiling others lives.

He is a Satanic Person who promotes Satanic Behaviour through his devotees. Anyone can
worship Sathya Sai Baba and can attract number of fans for no reason. Further they can
behave like the best people in the world but turn out to be the opposite.

Example of People Who worship Sathya Sai Baba and attract several people with Zombie
Culture and do harm to the society but appear as Good and Great people
1. Sri Narendra Modi Ji Prime Minister of India. He promised economic development
but caused Economic failure by introducing Demonitization, GST Failure and Wrong
Taxation System and Is Silent over people like Nirav Modi who siphoned money
from India.

2. Pawan Kalyan a Telugu Film Actor who is attracting fans for no reason. He started
Jana Sena Party and you can watch his videos.

Sathya Sai Baba accepted and told world that He is Allah and Jesus Christ. If a person claims
himself as Allah he should have all the 99 Qualities of Allah according to 99 names of Allah.
SOLUTION TO SATHYA SAI BABA according to My knowledge
Worship Karthikeya or Murugan along with Ganesha and Shiva and remaining family.

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