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10 Group Discussions ~~~ ~~ Tea to ae effcie porn group cation ion of the mos impotent sis hat contr to profesional races the characteristis of sucessful group discussions 1 to identity areas of evaluation in selection group diseussions owing how to participate in group discussions king ou strategies for making individual contibutions ingroup discussion Knowing how to exchange opinions and suggestion in group diseussions [What is a Group Discussion? We oten Sind pope discussing various social, economic, an poll sues. These discussions might Bb both informal and formal Informal private discussions can take place ata restaurant, ata orearen ub ata college canten, at bus stop atacoffe shop, even at home. On te eer hand, formal die fusions may take place at an office, at meting place, at a conference hall, ora recrtment cent, Why do peope discuss? The most obvious answers that weinvolvein discussion in Iieto develops beerperspectve okey sues bybringingut various view points, Cea shan When we exchange difering viewson an issu, we getaclearpctre ofthe pcblem __ ean hd ae able to understand it This understanding makes us beter equipped a deal ec With problem. Thisis precisely the min purpose of discussion, Let snow try to understand the term group ditcussion’ Te literal meaning of the word ‘discuss soak abou subject in deta S, group discussion may refer to a communicative situation that allows its paricipants to express views and opinions to otberparcipans It is a systematic oral ex, F chinge of information, views nd opinions about a topic, issue, problem. or ivation among members ‘fa group who share certain common objectives. . ‘the exchange of ideas, thoupl Sree Roem mcm me ‘Cation ia order to take effective part in a group discussion. oy fhe onl penmi jams in discussion should lead to unification between the activities of indivi oe ae Spa a eS pnatescs “Poche paricipans unity ofthe group, andthe overall objectives of the discussion, cre sn pnt ou wn eaten mio cena cba cocoate mn elt esos enc ‘opportunity 10 express his/her views and comment onthe views expresed by other member: C1 See er es osprey ees el Fa fe a iy secre san sterling ly mele Eps iy se cc sl sh tet pcre oe “To conclude, we may define group discussion asa form of systematic and purpsefl oral cues Win a nt See so poe pr, sof cevelngformatn al nding nil foci ‘making or problem solving rage, persuasive tye. a ent in oral comm Group Discussion and Debate Group discussion difers from debate in nature, approach, and procedure. Debates are intended to advo cate a pariculr point of view while GDs raise a particular isue fora positive exchange of views. Unlike ‘debate, which is competitive in nature, GD is basicaly a cooperative group process. A debate follows a limited approach because the speaker must argue ether in favour or against a given point of view. On the ‘other band, in GD the approach isnot limited tothe support ofa single point of view. Although both debate and GD are formal situations, debate is more formal in procedure than GD. In ‘order to ensure that all facts, viewpoints, suggestions, or solutions are considered before a decision is taken. a flexible procedure is followed in GD. Moreover, decision in a debate depends on voting while a GD is designed to reach group consensus Importance of Group Discussion Skills et ‘The ability to take effective part in GD is one ofthe most important skis that contribute to professional sucess, Whether one isa student, a job seeker, a professional engineer, or a company executive, one needs effective GD skills A student may have to take part in academic discussions, cm cenions® student meetings, group deliberation, interactive classroom sessions, of selection ‘etienratrg sa GDS for admission to professional courses. A job seeker may be required to face perraiyiesmet, _ selection GDs as pat ofthe selection process. Professionals in different fields also have to take part in professional meetings and discussions. All these situations Fp ‘1. Anefeatve GD ensures an equitable Group Discussions . in he ability to make a significant consibuion to group deliberation and help the gr ee tion to group del ep th gry ‘hs importance of GD has increased in recent times duet its increasing role a an fective nl hen solving, () decision making, and (c) persoraty assessment. In mos ofthe organisation nes, and institutions, group discussion aids in problem solving and decision making, When 2 itn situation arises, the concemed people discuss it. They exchange thir perceptions about the Nem and is posible solutions. The atemativesolaions are discussed and analysed andthe best ns soen by hop Similar whenever risa elie essa apart ters ist discussed by a group of peope andthe different aspects ae analysed, inept, and wid. This leads to effective decisions. . a Fis also used a a technique for personality assessment of candidates for jb selection or admis io professional courses. Groups of sx to eight memters ae formed, and ae given atopic discuss hina limited time (generally 30 to 45 mines) The sven topic maybe an opinion, problem ora , The members ofthe selection committee closely evaluate the diferent skills reflected bythe candi- and those who reflect leadership qualities and emergeas natural groupleaders are normally shoe personal intervie "us, ll of us ned effective GD skills. Isean do wonders for us and may ensure academic succes alary and power in ou organisation job offer that we always waited for, or admission toa course is going to change oor life. Therefore, itis important o be able take pain a GD effectively and isa. Paripans should know howto persuade ter group members, how fo ric confidence Ie speaking, how to reflect leadership quale, and ow to make te group achieve its pols. They Id bave the ability to ake iniatives during a discussion, presat tes personal views in an effective , re wih = andro Fay race 6 beprs wth a bee, wh shared ad indo rest Go avon process aude er is acealy compete ate, cada smoaper lan pen characte of yal tb mabe. est GOs ang distribution of participation by al

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