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FINAL EXAMS (2016 – 2014 - 2015 & THEIR ANSWERS)

Zagazig University 4th Grade, MGT
Faculty of Commerce January, 2016
Eng.Sec.Prog. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Time: 3 hours
(Final Exam)

Give short & direct answers for the following questions (keeping the same sequence):

1. Data are classified according to their sources into primary data & secondary
data, explain to show the difference. (4 points)

2. What is the meaning of “exploratory study”, give an example. (3 points)

3. What are the steps included in business research. (3points)

4. What are the 2 types of business research, define each with an example.

5. A scientific hypothesis must meet 2 requirements one of them is to be

“testable”. Explain with an example for a hypothesis that is not testable.

6. What are the main types of variables?. Define each with an example.
(3 points)

7. If the broad problem area is (sales drop), what would be it's probable exact
problem clarifying the variables to be studied… (3 points)

8. Define population & the different types of units of analysis. (4points)

9. “Quality health-care service”& “Patients death” (6 points)

a. State as a hypothesis in a proposition format.
b. State as a hypothesis if-then format.

10. What are the different types of scales. Define each with an example. (4points)

11. List 3 methods to collect data, with an advantage & a disadvantage/each.


12. List the points to be included in the cover letter of the questionnaire?. (3points)

13. What are the different types of information to be gathered about the
organizational background & their sources? (3points)

14. What are the key criteria to assess the quality of the problem statement?

15. Performance of English-section students & Arabic-section students. (6 points)

a. Represent as a directional hypothesis.
b. Represent as null hypo & alternative hypothesis.

16. A problem statement must be relevant from managerial perspectives and

from an academic perspective. Explain. (3 points)

17. Being a consultant for the academic coordinator of the ESP at faculty of
commerce, write a research proposal about the increasing complains of the
students (starting from the problem broad area). (9points)

18. Write a short report about your term paper showing your variables, their
definitions, hypothesis, required data & their sources. (8 points)

Best Wishes

Final 2016
Model Answer

Note: (keeping the same sequence): ‫اإلجابة بنفس ترتيب االسئلة‬

1) Secondary data: Data gathered through such existing sources.
Some secondary sources of data are:
1. Statistical bulletins.
2. Governmental or publications.
3. Published or unpublished information, available from either within or outside
the organization.
4. Data available from previous researches.
5. Case studies and library records.
6. Online data, company websites, and the internet in general.
2) Primary Data: Data gathered from the actual site of occurrence of events are
called primary data.
- Obtained by observing events, people & objectives, or by administering
questionnaires to individuals.
- Starting with secondary data can help you to focus further interviews more
meaningfully on relevant aspects found to be important in the literature.
- On the other hand, the interviews may help you to reach for relevant topics in
secondary sources.

Q.2:Exploratory Study: Is undertaken when not much is known about the situation
at hand, or not information is available on how similar problems or research issues
have been solved in the past.
Example: A service provider wants to know why his customers are switching to
other service providers.

Q.3: Steps of Research:

1. Identifying the problem.
2. Gathering information.
3. Analyzing the data.
4. Determining the causes.
5. Making decisions to deal with them.
6. Implementing the right of action.
7. Taking corrective actions to solve the problem.

Q.4:Types of business Research:
Research can be under taken for 2 different types:
1) Basic Research: To generate a body of knowledge by trying to comprehend how
certain problems that occur in organizations can be solved.
Ex: The academic research that determines the main factors affecting the sales of a
2) Applied Research: Solving a current problem faced by the manager in the work
setting, demanding a timely solution (specific case).
Ex: A particular may not be selling well and the manger might want to find the
reasons in order to take corrective actions.
Ex (2):
The existing machinery in the production department has had so many breakdowns
that production has suffered machinery has to be replaced.
Because of heavy investment costs, a careful recommendation as to. Whether it is
more beneficial o but the equipment or to lease it is needed.

Q.5: A scientific hypothesis must meet two requirements as:

1. Testable: a famous example of hypotheses that is not testable is the hypotheses
that "Good created the earth".
2. Falsifiable: must be possible to disprove it, there is a possibility that the future
research will show that it is false.

Q.6: Main types of Variable:

1) Dependent Variable "DV":
1. Is of primary interest to the researcher.
2. The goal of the research project is to understand, predict or explain the
variability of this variable… (Finding what variables influence it).
3. It is possible to have more than one dependent variables.
4. Ex: An applied researcher wants to increase the performance of bank employees
in a particular branch.
2) Independent Variable "IV":
1. Influences the DV in either positive or negative way.
2. The variance in the DV is accounted for the IV.
3. Ex: research studies indicate that successful new product development has an
influence on the stock market price of the company.
4. The success of the new product is the indep. & the stock market price id the dep.
5. The degree of perceived success of the new product developed will explain the
variance in the stock market price of the company.

Q.7: "Sales Drop"
1) Exact problem reasons:
1. High price
2. Low quality
3. Low advertising
4. Your products may be going out of date.
5. Low visibility.
2) The variables:
1. Dependent: Drop in sales.
2. Independent: The reasons (High Price – low quality – low advertising).

a. Population: refers to the entire group of people, events, or things of interest
that the researcher wishes to investigate.
b. Units of analysis:
1. Individuals.
2. Dyads (2-person groups, ex, husband/wife & supervisor/subordinate relationships)
3. Groups
4. Organizations.
5. Nations/cultures.

a. State a hypothesis in a proposition format:
A hospital which has high quality of health-care service will have less patients
b. State as a hypothesis in if-then format:
If there is a low quality of health-care service, then there will be an increase in
patient's death.

Q.10: Types of scales: There are 4 types of scales:

1. Nominal Scales: A nominal scale is one that allows the researcher to assign
subjects to certain categories or groups.
- What is your department?
o Marketing o Finance o Sales o Accounting o Production

- What is your gender?

o Male o Female

2. Ordinal Scale: it also rank-orders categories in some meaningful way.
*Example: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
o Less than High School. o College Degree o Doctoral Degree
o High school o Master Degree

3. Interval Scale: The interval scale lets us measures the distance between any two
points on the scale.
*Example: Circle the number that represents your feelings at this particular
moment best. There is no right or wrong answers. Please answer every
1. Invest more in my work than I get out of it.
I disagree completely 1 2 3 4 5 I agree completely
2. I exert myself too much considering what I get back in return
I disagree completely 1 2 3 4 5 I agree completely
3. For the efforts I put into the organization, I get much in return
I disagree completely 1 2 3 4 5 I agree completely
4. Ratio Scale: Are usually used when exact numbers on objective (as opposed to
subjective) factors are called for.
*Examples: What is your age?
 Please indicate #children you have in each of the following categories:
o Below 3 years of age.
o Between 3 & 6.
o Over 6 but under 12.
o 12 years and over.

Q.11: Methods to collect data:

1. Personal Interview:
1. Can clarify doubts about questionnaire.
2. Can pick up-non-verbal cues.
3. Relatively high response/cooperation.
4. Special visual aids and scoring devises can be used.
1. High costs and time intensive.
2. Geographical limitations.
3. Response bias / confidentiality difficult to be assured.
4. Some respondents are unwilling to talk to strangers.

1. Lowest cost option.
2. Expanded geographical coverage.
3. Requires minimal staff.
4. Perceived as more anonymous.
1. Low response rate in some modes.
2. No interviewer intervention possible for clarification.
3. Cannot be too long or complex.
4. Incomplete surveys.
3.Telephone Interview:
1. Discomfort of face is avoided.
2. Faster/number of calls per day could be high.
3. Lower Cost.
1. Interview length must be limited.
2. Low response rate.
3. No facial expressions.

Q.12: The cover letter is the introductory page of the questionnaire, it includes:
1. Identification of the researcher.
2. Motivation for respondents to fill it in.
3. Confidentiality.
4. Thanking of the respondent.

Q.13: Examples of background information on the organization:

1. The origin and history of the company (rate of growth, ownership and control
and so on).
2. Size in terms of employees, asserts or both.
3. Purpose and ideology.
4. Location: regional, national or other.
5. Resources: human and others.
6. Interdependent relationship with other institutions and the external
7. Financial position during the previous 10 years and relevant financial data.

Q.14: There are 3 Key Criteria to assess quality:
1) A problem statement is relevant meaningful:
a. From a managerial perspective: when it relates to:
1. A problem that currently exists in an organizational setting.
2. An area that manager believes needs to be improved in the organization.
b. From an academic perspective Research is relevant if:
1. Nothing is known about the topic.
2. Much is known about the topic, but the knowledge is scattered and not
3. Many researchers on the topic is available, but the results are (partly)
4. Established relationships don't hold in certain situations.
2) A problem statement is feasible:
1. If you are able to answer the problem statement within the restrictions of
the research project.
2. Restrictions are related to: [Money, Time, the availability of respondents,
the expertise of the researcher].
3. For example: the problem statement: "How does consumer behave?" is too
general wide to investigate.
3) A good problem statement may be interesting to you: To stay motivated
throughout the entire research process, since research is a time consuming
process that goes through many ups and downs.

1. Directional hypothesis:
English-section students are more performance than Arabic-section students

2. Null & alternative hypothesis:

 Null hypo: H0 : µA= µE

Or: H0: µ A - µE = 0

 Alternate hypo: HA : µA< µE

Or: HA: µ E> µ A

1) From a managerial perspective: when it relates to:
1. A problem that currently exists in an organizational setting.
2. An area that manager believes needs to be improved in the organization.
2) From an academic perspective Research is relevant if:
1. Nothing is known about the topic.
2. Much is known about the topic, but the knowledge is scattered and not
3. Many researchers on the topic are available, but the results are (partly)
4. Established relationships don't hold in certain situations.

write the report through applied (Key elements of the research proposal):
1. The purpose of the study.
2. The specific problem to be investigated.
3. The scope of the study.
4. The relevance of the study.
5. The research design offering details on:
a. The sampling design.
b. Data collection methods.
c. Data analysis.
6. Time frame of the study, including information on when the written report
will be handed over to the sponsors.
7. The budget, detailing the costs with reference to specific items of expenditure.
8. Selected bibliography.

Good Luck for all

Zagazig University 4th Grade, MGT
Faculty of Commerce January, 2015
Eng.Sec.Prog. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Time: 3 hours
(Final Exam)

Give short & direct answers for the following questions:

1. What are the different types of information to be gathered about the

organizational background & their sources? (2points)

2. The steps included in business research are. (3points)

3. Define population & the different types of units of analysis. (4points)

4. A problem does not necessarily mean that something is seriously wrong.

Comment. (1point)

5. What are the 2 types of business research, define each with an example.

6. Ethical conduct in business research applies to each of the following.

7. What is the meaning of “exploratory study”, give an example. (3 points)

8. When faculty of commerce wants to have a profile of the students who show
outstanding performance for 2 years and more, including details of their
educational background average scores, their majors, ….., and the like"
..What kind of study is this? Why? (2 points)

9. If a company faces a frequent production interruptions, define its exact

problem & the hypotheses to be tested.. (4 points).

10. What are the main 2 types of variables? Define each with an example.
(3 points)

11. How can you consider a problem statement to be relevant from an academic
perspective. (3 points)

12. List the points to be included in the cover letter of the questionnaire?. (3points)

13. Data are classified according to their sources into primary data & secondary
data, explain to show the difference. (4 points)

14. Differentiate between a "model" & a "theory". (3 points)

15. List the different types of scales . Define each with an example. (4points)

16. What is the nature of the preliminary information that should be gathered to
be able to accurately define the problem? (4points)

17. List the methods of collecting data, with an advantage for each. (4points)

18. Define probability & nonprobability sampling & their types. (5points)

19. “Women men performance” Represent (in words & in symbols) as ... (6points)
20. directional hypothesis
21. null hypo & alternate hypothesis

22. A problem statement must be feasible" Explain. (3 points)

23. define each of "element" & " subject", with an example for each (2 points)

24. “Service quality” & “customer switching” state as a hypothesis in.. (4 points)
25. Proposition format.
26. If-then format.

27. What are the key elements of the research proposal? (4points)

28. Write a short report (one page) about your term paper. (7points)

Good Luck

Zagazig University 4th Grade, MGT
Faculty of Commerce Jan, 2014
Eng. Sec. Prog. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Time: 3 hours
(Final Exam)
================================ ===================================================

Give short & direct answers for the following questions:

19. What are the steps included in business research. (3points)

20. What are the 2 types of business research, define each with an example.
21. What is the meaning of “Replicability” & “Generalizability”..as the main
characteristics of scientific research. (2points)

22. Choose ONLY ONE of the following broad problem areas …define its exact
problem & hypotheses to be tested.. (5points)
a) A drop in sales…OR .. b) Frequent production interruptions

23. A scientific hypothesis must meet 2 requirements one of them is to be

“testable”. Explain with an example for a hypothesis that is not testable.

24. What are the main types of variables? Define each. (3 points)

25. What is the meaning of “exploratory study”, give an example. (2points)

26. “When a bank manager wants to have a profile of the individuals who have
loan payments outstanding for 6 month and more, including details of their
average age, earnings, nature of occupation, full-time/part-time employment
status and the like” ..What kind of study is this?. (1point)

27. Define population & the different types of units of analysis. (4points)

28. Differentiate between “cross-sectional studies” & “longitudinal studies”..

with examples. (4points)

29. “Service quality” & “customer switching”.. (4points)
a. State as a hypothesis in a proposition format.
b. State as a hypothesis in if-then format.

30. What are the different types of scales? Define each with an example. (4points)

31. Data are classified according to their sources into primary data & secondary
data, explain to show the difference. (3points)

32. List the methods of collecting data, with an advantage for each. (4points)

33. List an advantage & a disadvantage for “personal interview”. (2points)

34. List the points to be included in the cover letter of the questionnaire?.

35. Define each of “elements” & “subject”, with an example for each. (2points)

36. Define probability & nonprobability sampling & their types. (5points)

37. List the procedures of stratified sampling & its types. (3points)

38. What are the different types of information to be gathered about the
organizational background & their sources? (2points)

39. What are the key criteria to assess the quality of the problem statement?

40. What are the key elements of the research proposal? (4points)

41. “Women men motivation”... (4points)

a. Represent as directional hypothesis
b. Represent as null hypo & alternate hypothesis

42. A problem statement must be relevant from a managerial perspectives and

from an academic perspective. Explain. (2points)

43. Write a short report (one page) about your term paper. (7points)

Best Wishes


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