Blocked Fallopian Tubes

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Unable to get pregnant? Well, your

fallopian tubes might be blocked.
Get to know the nitty gritty about
blocked fallopian tubes: symptoms,
causes, diagnosis, treatment,
NATURAL treatment options.

Fallopian tubes are female reproductive organs that connect the ovaries and the uterus.
It’s the channel through which the egg is carried to the uterus during ovulation every month. Conception
also occur in the fallopian tubes when the egg meets with the sperm after which it moves through the
tube to the uterus for implantation.

Blocked fallopian tubes means the sperm cannot or is blocked from travelling up to meet and
fertilize the egg. It also means the fertilized egg cannot travel to the uterus for implantation.

Common reasons for blocked fallopian tubes include scar tissue, infection and pelvic adhesions.


There are no associated symptoms with blocked fallopian tubes expect that in some cases one might
experience mild, regular pain on one side of the abdomen usually associated with a type of blockage
called hydrosalpinx – where a fluid fills and enlarges a blocked fallopian tube. However, conditions that
can lead to blocked fallopian tubes can cause their own symptoms. For example, endometriosis often
causes painful and heavy periods and pelvic pain and can increase your risk for blocked fallopian tubes.

Blocked fallopian tubes is a common cause for infertility because the egg and the sperm cannot meet
for fertilization.

Pregnancy is impossible in the case where both tubes are blocked. However, if the fallopian tubes are
partially blocked, you can potentially get pregnant but with a high risk of ectopic pregnancy (a
condition where the fertilized egg/zygote gets implanted on fallopian tube)

In such case your doctor might recommend in vitro fertilization IVF [ this involves retrieving an egg
from a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm. The fertilized egg (embryo) can then be
frozen for storage or transferred to a woman’s uterus. Depending on your situation, IVF can use your
egg and your partner’s sperm, your egg and donor sperm, donor egg and your partner’s sperm, donor
egg and donor sperm, donated embryo. The embryo may also be implanted on surrogate mother.
Success rate of IVF varies. IVF live birth rate for women under 35 years is 41 to 43 percent and 13 to 18
percent for women over 40. It is expensive and invasive hence making couples to seek other fertility
treatment first like: taking fertility drugs or intrauterine insemination]

If only one tube is blocked, the blockage won’t affect fertility because the unaffected tube will allow for
fertilization and implantation. Fertility drugs will play a big role in helping you increase your chances of
ovulation on the open tube.

Cells of the fallopian tubes are affected by hormones as follows: ciliated cells whose production is
increased by estrogen; peg cells which produces tubular fluid that contains nutrients for both the
sperms and the eggs, and zygote (fertilized egg). The secretion also promotes capacitation for the
sperms which cannot mature for complete fertilization without the fluid. According to studies published
in BJOG (an international journal of obstetrics & gynecology) note that in many cases of blocked
fallopian tubes, both secretory or ciliated cells are dead or missing. Peg cells are increased in number by
progesterone while estrogen increases their height and secretory activity.

NOTE: not only is progesterone and estrogen balance vital to the menstrual cycle overall, but it is vital to
health and proper functioning of the fallopian tubes as well.


Generally, blocked fallopian tubes are usually caused by scar tissue or pelvic adhesions, which can be
caused by many factors including:

➢ Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – this is an umbrella term for a number of different problems
that create an inflammatory infection in the female reproductive system. It is mostly the direct
result of an STI such as gonorrhea or chlamydia. All of these infections can cause blockage to the
fallopian tubes by causing adhesions and scar tissue to form inside the path of the tube. The
fallopian tubes may also become stuck together to the other internal organs such as the
bladder, ovaries, uterus, bowels etc. damaged fallopian tubes can be twisted or the walls of the
tubes themselves may adhere together causing a total blockage.
➢ Endometriosis – endometrial tissue can build up in fallopian tubes into tumors causing blockage
or adhesions of the fallopian tubes if they build up on the outside of other organs.
➢ Fibrosis tumor or fibroids – are growths that can block the tubes particularly where they attach
to the uterus.
➢ Certain STIs like chlamydia or gonorrhea which can cause scaring leading to the pelvic
inflammatory disease.
➢ Past ectopic pregnancy which can scar the fallopian tubes.
➢ Past abdominal surgery like cesarean section and those especially done on the fallopian tubes
themselves can lead to pelvic adhesions that block the tubes.
➢ Tubal ligation reversal

Specific classification of causes of blocked fallopian tubes

There are different types of fallopian tubes blockages depending on which section of the fallopian tube
is affected as follows:

➢ Proximal tubal occlusion – involves the isthmus (the part that opens into the uterus). This can
occur after infection from complications from abortion, missed miscarriage, cesarean section or
PID, permanent birth control procedures essure also blocks the isthmus.
➢ Midsegment tubal obstruction of the ampullary is most often due to tubal ligation (a surgical
procedure meant to permanently block pregnancy). When a woman changes her mind about
this and wants to reverse it, there is 75% pregnancy success rate. However, it comes with risks
including development of scar tissue on top of the scar tissue already present from the initial
ligation procedure.
➢ Distal tubal occlusion – this affects the part of fallopian tube end towards the ovary. The type of
blockage is associated with hydrosalpinx (dilated and fluid filled tube) which is often caused by
chlamydia trachomatis infection. Which is a sexually transmitted disease. Untreated chlamydia
causes both pelvic and fallopian tube adhesions. In less severe cases only the fimbriae may be
damaged by being stuck together or their functionality totally damaged meaning they can no
longer sweep the ova/egg/oocyte into the fallopian tube for fertilization.


Hysterosalpingogram (HCG) is a type of x-ray used to examine the inside of the fallopian tubes using

Laparoscopy is used in case HSG fails to produce definitive results.

There are many options for healing the fallopian tubes and in many cases, they can become open once
again. It is important to recognize that fallopian tubes are very thin tubes about the size of a pencil in
circumference and once they are damaged it is difficult to reverse that damage. They are very delicate.
Any sort of trauma can alter their function and damage the tubal tissues.

Laparoscopic surgery can be used to remove the scar tissues or adhesions if they are small in amount

Salpingostomy is performed at the end of the tube affected by hydrosalpinx. A new opening is created
at the tube entrance nearest the ovary. It is temporary and always scar tissue reforms causing another
blockage within 3 to 6 months of the procedure.

Fimbrioplasty – performed on women with damaged fimbriae and cilia stuck together by scar tissue. It is
done rebuild fimbriae.

Selective tubal cannulation – performed for proximal tubal occlusion (where the tube meets the uterus)

Tubal ligation reversal - also known as tubal reanastomosis where the tied part of the tube is removed
and the two ends reattached to a complete tube.


Its possible to get pregnant following treatment for blocked fallopian tubes, but chances of pregnancy
will depend on the treatment and severity of the block. A successful pregnancy is more likely when the
blockage is near the uterus with success rate reducing if the blockage is at the end of the fallopian tube
near the ovary.

The chances for getting pregnant after surgery for tubes damaged by ectopic pregnancy or infection
depend on how much of the tube must be removed and what part is removed.


✓ Regrowth of scar tissue and adhesion – which may lead to the tube being blocked again or
adhere to the abdominal wall, other parts of the reproductive organs or other organs in the
surrounding location like the bladder.
✓ Opening the abdomen runs the risk pelvic infection
✓ Ectopic pregnancy.
While surgery is a common treatment for blocked fallopian tubes, there are natural options which can
have great results without causing additional scar tissue to form.

If you are trying to get pregnant, you may look for natural treatment to unblock them. Many commonly
used natural treatments aim to reduce inflammation in the tubes, many of these natural treatments are
found in food from our diet or supplements. They include: vitamin c, ginger, garlic, turmeric, lodhra,
dong quai (Chinese herb), ginseng (Chinese), mug wort, castor oil, goldenseal root, haw thorn, peony
root, wild yam root, maca (Peruvian plant)

Natural therapies for fallopian tubes health

▪ Fertility cleansing – uses herbs which help cleanse the entire reproductive system and increases
▪ Systemic enzyme therapy – this method helps the body clear itself of excess scar tissue,
breakdown scar tissue and cleanse blood. The enzyme is naturally found in the body.
▪ Abdominal fertility massage – helps to increase circulation and breakup adhesions (scar tissue)
▪ Castor oil therapy – increases circulation and promote healing of the tissues and organs
underneath the skin. Assist fallopian tubes by helping to soften the tissues and increases
circulation to the area.
▪ Herbal therapies
Many herbs have been traditionally used to support fallopian tubes health. Herbal medicine categorizes
herbs by different types of actions. When working to improving fallopian tubes health, 4 key actions are
focused on and they are as follows:

Antibiotic. The antibiotic herbs help to clear out any infection that may exist in the reproductive system
or fallopian tubes. Supporting immune functions with antibiotic herbs may be important if there is a
history of PID, STDs, abdominal surgery, or endometriosis.

Anti-inflammatory: anti-inflammatory herbs help to reduce inflammation which in turn reduces pain
and helps to reduce further scar tissue production. If inflammation persists in or around the fallopian
tubes, scar tissue may form.

Circulatory: the herbs that help to increase blood flow to the reproductive organ is vital to healing the
fallopian tubes. This is because fresh healthy blood will bring in vital nutrients, enzymes and oxygen for
healing cells. Once the cells have used up what they need and have renewed or replaced old damaged
or unhealthy cells, the metabolic waste (damaged tissues) is removed from the body.

Hormone balancing: remember that hormonal balance is essential for proper fallopian tube function.
When working to supporting fallopian tube health, including herbs that support hormonal balance is
How to know whether you are healed or tubes unblocked
The only way is trying to get pregnant then have a hysterosalpingogram or chromotubation test
performed. Hopefully you will already be pregnant with a healthy pregnancy by then and will not have
to have further testing.

NOTE: the longer the fallopian tissues have been damaged, the longer it may take to work to get them
to function naturally again. It depends on the extent of damage including length of time.

Those with fimbriae and cilia damaged by scar tissue may explore options that reduce scar tissue
formation, promote circulation and protect cellular health(antioxidants)

Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the main causes of infertility today. There are many natural options
to help your body support normal fallopian tubes function such as massage, enzymes and herbs. If you
think you may have blocked fallopian tubes consult with your doctor so you can get an HSG test to
determine if you have fallopian tubes blockages. Once you know the location/severity of the blockages It
will be easier to determine which route to take, whether it be a surgery, a natural therapy or an IVF.

Sources reviewed: natural fertility treatments for blocked fallopian tubes(, Harvard
mental health letter, natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes by Sian Ferguson, what you should
know about blocked fallopian tubes by Erica Hersh, signs and symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes by
Claire Sissons etc.

All images are from google.


I sure hope so

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