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Excel worksheet

1. Enter the following data in sheet one and rename the sheet as sales. Apply all the formatting as given

Quality Computer and Computer Accessories P.L.C

Date Customer Item sold QT Unit Total Discount VAT 15% NET
name Y price payment Payment

1 ABC trading Computer 35 10,000

12 Unity university Keyboard 150 1000

30 Ministry of Mouse 500 7500


Total collection for the month

2. Write the formal that calculate

A. Total payment which is the product of QTY and unit price.

B. Discount based on the following information

 If QTY >= 30 and Total Payment >=100,000 Then discount is 10% of

the Total Payment

 If QTY >= 20 and Total Payment >=20,000 Then discount is 5% of

the Total Payment

 Else no discount

C. VAT is equal to 15 % of the product of QTY and Unit price.

D. Net payment which is the product of QTY and unit price plus VAT minus Discount

E. Total collection which is the summation of all total payments

3. Apply conditional formatting for unit price column if the unit price is between 150 and 500. Use red
font color.

4. Sort the data using customer name and item sold information in ascending order.


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