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Do We Agree?

A Subject/Verb Agreement Game

Created by Lori Rosenberg @ Teaching With Love and Laughter

Do We Agree?
1. Mix the cards and lay them face down in a
2. Pick the top card and answer the question.
3. If you are correct, roll the dice and move
your token that many spaces. If you are not
correct, your turn is over and the next person
4. The first person to get to the end is the
©Lori Rosenberg @ Teaching With Love and Laughter
places Almost
with a there!

Go Go
Go back
ahead 2 ahead 1
1 space!
spaces! space!

ahead 2
©Teaching With Love and Laughter spaces!

Take an
Go back
1 space!
-1- -2- -3-
Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb. verb. verb.

Lisa ___ her hair I ___ my vegetables Our school ___ early
every morning and with dinner last night. in the morning.

a. brush b. brushes a. eat b. ate a. opens b. open

-4- -5- -6-

Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb. verb. verb.

Sid ___ his scooter My cat ___ me by I ___ an amazingly

last night. accident. good story.

a. scratch
a. rode b. rides b. scratched a. wrote b. writed
-7- -8- -9-
Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
noun and verb. noun. noun and verb.

The four ___ went to

The five (children, see a movie together.
child) (run, runs) Do the (girl, girls)
through the grass. (love, loves) to paint?
a. boy b. boys

-10- -11- -12-

Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb and noun. noun and verb. noun.

The ___ go ice skating

Please don’t Two of the on the frozen pond.
(eat, eats) all of the (pencil, pencils)
(cookie, cookies). (fall, fell) on the
floor. a. children b. child
-13- -14- -15-
Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
noun. verb. noun and verb.

The ___ smell Douglas ___ in the

incredibly sweet. pool every afternoon. Can the (kid, kids)
(ride, rode) his bike
to the park alone?
a. apple b. apples a. goes b. go

-16- -17- -18-

Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verbs. noun and verb. verb.

My fish ___ when I

Sue (hear, hears) her The three (man, men) talk to him.
dog (bark, barks). (walk, walks) very
a. listen b. listens
-19- -20- -21-
Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
noun. verb. verb.

A ___ got knocked My sister ___ to climb The crayon ___ too
over. really tall trees. dull for me to use.

a. chair b. chairs a. loves b. love a. were b. was

-22- -23- -24-

Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb and noun. noun and verb. noun and verb.

They (work, works) all The six (lady, ladies) The (ship, ships)
(day, days) long. (eat, ate) everything (sail, sails) very quickly
last night. through the water.
-25- -26- -27-
Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb. verb. verb.

Melanie ___ with her Steven ___ going to I ___ something

friend Jean on the play softball after pretty every single
track. school. day.

a. run b. runs a. is b. are a. draws b. draw

-28- -29- -30-

Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb. verb and noun. noun and verb.

The mouse ___ after

the cheese. We (grow, grows) The (boy, boys)
beautiful (wash, washes)
(flower, flowers). their own clothes.
a. goes b. go
-31- -32- -33-
Choose the correct Choose the correct Choose the correct
verb and noun. verbs. verb and noun.

We (enjoy, enjoys) She (help, helps) me Should you

(card, cards) that (clean, cleans) my (cover, covers) your
make us laugh. room. (head, heads) with
your hood?

Choose the correct
verb and noun.

My brother
(climb, climbs)
(tree, trees).
Do We Agree Answer Key
1. b. brushes 13. b. apples 25. b. runs

2. b. ate 14. a. goes 26. a. is

3. a. opens 15. kid / ride 27. b. draw

4. a. rode 16. hears / bark 28. a. goes

5. b. scratched 17. men / walk 29. grow / flowers

6. a. wrote 18. b. listens 30. boys / wash

7. children / run 19. a. chair 31. enjoy / cards

8. b. boys 20. a. loves 32. helps / clean

9. girls / love 21. b. was 33. cover / head

10. eat / cookies 22. work / day 34. climbs / trees

11. pencils / fell 23. ladies / ate

12. a. children 24. ships / sail or ship / sails

©Lori Rosenberg @ Teaching With Love and Laughter
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