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1. A jet of water of diameter 5cm moving with a velocity of 25 m/sec impinges on a
fixed curved plate tangentially at one end at an angle of 30˚ with the horizontal.
Determine force of the jet on the plate in the horizontal and the vertical direction if
the jet is deflected through an angle of 130˚. Also find direction and resultant force.
[Ans: 2216.06N, 193.88N, 2224.5N, 4.99˚] [14; V. L. Patel]
2. A jet of water impinges on a symmetrically curved vane at its center. The velocity of
the jet is 60 m/s and the diameter 120 mm. The jet is deflected through an angle of
120°. Calculate the force on the vane if the vane is fixed. Also determine the force if
the vane moves with a velocity of 25 m/s in the direction of the jet. What will be the
power and efficiency? [GTU; DEC – 2010]
3. A jet of water having a velocity of 20 m/sec strikes a curved vane, which is moving
with a velocity of 10 m/sec. The jet makes an angle of 20˚ with the direction of
motion of vane at inlet and leaves at an angle of 130˚ to the direction of motion of
vane at outlet. Calculate:
(1) Vane angles, so that the water enters and leaves the vane without shock.
(2) Work done per unit weight of water striking the vane per second.
[Ans: 37.876°, 6.565°, 20.24 N-m/N] [17.18; R. K. Bansal]
4. A jet of water having a velocity of 15 m/sec strikes a curved vane which is moving
with a velocity of 5 m/sec. The vane is symmetrical and it so shaped that the jet is
deflected through 120˚. Find the angle of the jet at inlet of the vane so that there is
no shock. What is the absolute velocity of the jet at outlet in magnitude and direction
and the work done per unit weight of water? Assume the vane to be smooth.
[Ans: 20.405°, 6.62m/s, 127.83°, 9.225 N-m/N] [17.21; R. K. Bansal]
5. A jet of water having a velocity of 15 m/sec, strikes a curved vane which is moving
with a velocity of 5 m/sec in the same direction as that of the jet at inlet. The vane is
so shaped that the jet is deflected through 135˚. The diameter of jet is 100mm.
Assume the vane to be smooth, find:
(1) Force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of motion.
(2) Power exerted on the vane.
(3) Efficiency of the vane [Ans: 1340.6N, 6.703KW, 50.5%] [17.23; R. K. Bansal]
6. A jet of water of diameter 5 cm having a velocity of 30 m/sec strikes a curved vane
horizontally at one of its tip which is moving with a velocity of 15 m/sec in the
direction of jet. The jet leaves the vane at an angle of 60˚ to the direction of motion of
the vane at outlet. Determine :
(1) The force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of motion
(2) The work done per second by jet. [Ans: 662.68N, 9.94KW] [21; V. L. Patel]
7. A jet of water having a velocity 25 m/s strikes on a series of vanes moving with a
velocity 10 m/s. The jet makes an angle of 300 with the direction of motion of vanes
when entering and leaves at an angle of 1500 with the direction of motion. Sketch
the velocity triangles and calculate,
B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1

a) Vane angles at inlet and outlet

b) Work done when the vane discharging 325 litres/s
Take loss due to friction over the vane as 10 % of relative velocity. [GTU; NOV-2011]
8. A jet of water of 40mm diameter strikes horizontally at the centre of a square plate
of uniform thickness and having a mass of 16 kg and edge 25 cm with 10 m/sec. The
square plate is suspended vertically by a hinge on its top horizontal edge. Find,
(1) The force to be applied at the lower edge of the plate to keep it vertical.
(2) The inclination of the plate with vertical under the action of the jet, if the plate is
allowed to swing freely. [Ans: 62.83N, 53.13°] [3; V. L. Patel]
9. A rectangular plate, weighing 58.86N is suspended vertically by a hinge on the top
horizontal edge. The centre of gravity of the plate is 10cm from the hinge. A
horizontal jet of water 2cm diameter, whose axis is 15cm below the hinge impinges
normally on the plate with a velocity of 5 m/sec. Find the horizontal force applied at
the centre of the gravity to maintain the plate in its vertical position. Find the
corresponding velocity of the jet, if the plate is deflected through 30˚ and the same
force continues to act at the centre of gravity of the plate.
[Ans: 11.775N, 9.175m/s] [17.9; R. K. Bansal]
10. A jet of water having a velocity of 35 m/sec impinges on a series of vanes moving
with a velocity 20 m/sec. The jet makes an angle of 30˚ to the direction of motion of
vanes when entering and leaves at an angle of 120˚. Draw the triangle of velocities at
inlet and outlet and find:
(1) The angle of vanes tips so that water enters and leaves without shock.
(2) The work done per unit weight of water entering the vanes, and The efficiency.
[Ans: 60°, 1.25°, 62.28N-m/N, 99.74%] [17.25; R. K. Bansal]
11. A jet of water having a velocity of 30 m/sec strikes a series of radial curved vanes
mounted on a wheel which is rotating at 200 r.p.m. The jet makes an angle of 20˚
with the tangent to the wheel at inlet and leaves the wheel with a velocity of 5 m/sec
at an angle of 130˚ to the tangent to the wheel at outlet. Water is flowing from
outward in a radial direction. The outer and inner radii of the wheel are 0.5m and
0.25m respectively. Determine:
(1) Vane angles at inlet and outlet (2) Work done per unit weight of water (3)
Efficiency of wheel
[Ans: 30.07°, 24.39°, 31.8N-m/N, 69.32%] [17.26; R.K. Bansal]

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2


Impulse Turbine / Pelton Wheel
1. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications:
Shaft power = 11,772 KW; Head = 380 meters; Speed = 750 rpm; Overall efficiency =
86%; Jet diameter is not to exceed one-sixth of the wheel diameter. Determine:
a) The wheel diameter,
b) The number of jets required, and
c) Diameter of the jet.
Take Kv1 = 0.985 and Ku1 = 0.45. [18.2; R. K. Bansal][Answer: 0.989m, 2 jets, 0.165m]
2. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for a head of 60m when running at 200 rpm. The
Pelton wheel develops 95.6475 kW shaft power. The velocity of the buckets = 0.45
times the velocity of the jet, overall efficiency = 85% and co-efficient of velocity =
[18.11; R. K. Bansal][Answer: D=1.44m, d=85mm, w=425mm, h=102mm, Z=24]
3. A Pelton wheel is working under a gross head of 400m. The water is supplied
through penstock of diameter 1m and length 4km from reservoir to the Pelton
wheel. The co-efficient of friction for the penstock is given as 0.008. The jet of water
of diameter 150mm strikes the buckets of the wheel and gets deflected through an
angle of 165˚. The relative velocity of water at outlet is reduced by 15% due to
friction between inside surface of the bucket and water. If the velocity of the buckets
is 0.45 times the jet velocity at inlet and mechanical efficiency as 85%, determine:
a) Power given to the runner,
b) Shaft power,
c) Hydraulic efficiency, and
d) Overall efficiency.
[18.5; R. K. Bansal][Answer: 5033.54 kW, 4278.5 kW, 90.14%, 76.62%]
4. The following data is related to Pelton wheel turbine:
a) Head at the base of the nozzle = 80 m
b) Diameter of the jet = 100 mm
c) Discharge of the nozzle = 0.30m3/s
d) Power at the shaft = 206 kW and
e) Power absorbed in mechanical resistance = 4.5 kW
Determine: (1) Power lost in nozzle and (2) Power lost due to hydraulic resistance
in the runner. [Dec-2010, Jun-2012][Answer: 16.588kW, 8.352kW]
Reaction Turbine
5. An inward flow reaction turbine has external and internal diameters as 0.9m and
0.45m respectively. The turbine is running at 200 rpm and width of the turbine at
inlet is 200mm. The velocity of flow through the runner is constant and is equals to
1.8 m/sec. The guide blades make an angle of 10˚ to the tangent of the wheel and the

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1

discharge at the outlet of the turbine is radial. Draw the inlet and outlet velocity
triangles and determine:
i. The absolute velocity of water at inlet of runner (V1 = 10.365 m/s)
ii. The velocity of whirl at inlet (Vw1 = 10.207 m/s)
iii. The relative velocity at inlet (Vr1 = 1.963 m/s)
iv. The runner blade angles (θ = 66.48 and Φ = 20.9)
v. Width of the runner at outlet (B2 = 0.4m)
vi. Mass of water flowing through the runner per second (m = 1017.8 kg/s)
vii. Head at the inlet of the turbine (H = 9.97m)
viii. Power developed & hydraulic efficiency of the turbine. (97.9KW, 98.34%)
[18.15; R. K. Bansal]
6. The runner of the Francis turbine has an outer diameter 500mm and the inner
diameter 350mm. It works under a head of 60m. The width at the inlet is 75mm. The
angle of the blades at the inlet and outlet are 93˚ and 30˚ respectively. The flow
enters the vanes at an angle of 23˚. Mechanical losses are 6% and the area taken by
the vanes is 7% of the total area, hydraulic efficiency is 90% and the flow velocity is
constant. Find the speed of the runner so that entry of water into runner is shock
less. Find power produced by the turbine.
[19; R. N. Patel][Answer: P = 526.23KW, N = 888 rpm]
7. A Kaplan turbine develops 24647.6kW power at an average head of 39m. Assuming
a speed ratio of 2, flow ratio of 0.6, diameter of the boss equals to 0.35 times the
diameter of the runner and an overall efficiency of 90%. Calculate the diameter,
speed and specific speed of the turbine.
[18.28; R. K. Bansal][Answer: 2.5m, 422.61rpm, 680.76rpm]
8. A conical draft turbine tube having inlet and outlet diameter 1.2m and 1.8m
discharges water at outlet with a velocity of 3m/s. The total length of draft tube is
7.2 m and 1.44 m of the length of draft tube immersed in water. If the atmospheric
pressure head is 10.3 m of water and loss of head due to friction in draft tube is
equal to 0.2 x velocity head at outlet of tube determine:
a. Pressure head at inlet and
b. Efficiency of draft tube. [May-2013] [Reference: 18.35; R. K. Bansal]

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2



1. Find the power required to drive a centrifugal pump which delivers 0.04 m3/s of
water to a height of 20 m through a 15 cm diameter pipe and 100 m long. The overall
efficiency of the pump is 70 % and co-efficient of friction f = 0.015 in the formulae
hf = 4flv2/2gd. GTU Dec 2010
2. A centrifugal pump raises the head of water through 4 m and delivers 1.5 m3/sec.
The speed of the impeller is 180 rpm. The impeller diameter at the outlet is 1.3 m
and area at the periphery is 0.3 m2. The ratio of the outlet at the inlet diameter is 2 m
and vane angle at the outlet is 30°. Determine (i) the hydraulic efficiency, (ii) power
required and (iii) minimum starting speed. GTU June 2011
3. A centrifugal pump has impeller of 25 cm diameter at inlet and 50 cm diameter at
outlet and runs at 1600 rpm. The vanes are set back at an angle of 300 to the outer
rim if velocity of flow through impeller is constant at 3 m/s and entry to the impeller
is radial. Calculate (i) the vane angle at inlet and (ii) work done on the wheel per kg
of water. GTU Nov 2011
4. A centrifugal pump running at 900 rpm is working against head of 18 m. The outlet
diameter of impeller is 380 mm and outlet width is 40 mm. If outlet blade angle is
280 and manometric efficiency is 78 %. Find discharge of the pump. GTU Jan 2013
5. The impeller of centrifugal pump is 1 m in diameter and rotates at 1500 rpm. The
blades are curved backward and make an angle of 30° to the tangent at the
periphery. Calculate (i) the power required if the velocity of flow at outlet is 20 m/s,
and (ii) the head to which water can be lifted when a diffuser casing reduces the
outlet velocity to 60%. GTU May 2013
6. Find the rise in pressure in the impeller of a centrifugal pump through water is
flowing at the rate of 15 liters/second. The internal and the external diameters of
the impeller are 0.20 m and 0.40 m respectively. The width of the impeller at inlet
and outlet are 1.6 cm and 0.6 cm. The pump is running at 1200 rpm. The water
enters the impellers radially at inlet and impeller vane angle at outlet is 30°. Neglect
losses through the impeller. GTU June 2014

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1

7. A centrifugal pump impeller has internal and external diameter 480 mm and 240
mm respectively. It is running at 1000 rpm. The rate of flow through the pump is
0.0576 m3/s and velocity of flow is constant and is equal to 2.4 m/s. The diameter of
suction and delivery pipes are 180 mm and 120 mm respectively and suction and
delivery heads are 6.2 m (abs) and 30.2 m of water respectively. If the power
required to drive the pump is 23.3 KW and the outlet vane angle is 450. Find (i) Inlet
vane angle (ii) Overall efficiency (iii) Manometric efficiency. GTU Dec 2014
8. During a test on a centrifugal pump the following readings were obtained Pressure
gauge reading = 1.32 bar; Vacuum gauge reading = 300 mm of Hg; Effective height
between gauges = 0.45 m; Power of electric motor = 22 kW; Discharge of pump = 85
ltrs/sec; Diameter of delivery pipe = 150 mm; Diameter of suction pipe = 200 mm
Determine overall efficiency of pump. GTU Dec 2013
9. A centrifugal pump impeller runs at 80 rpm and has an outlet vane angle is of 600.
The velocity of flow is 2.5 m/s throughout and diameter of the impeller at exit is
twice that at inlet. If manometric head is 20 m and manometric efficiency is 75%,
Calculate: 1) Diameter of impeller at exit; 2) Inlet vane angle and; 3) Tangential
velocity of impeller at inlet. GTU Nov 2016
10. The impeller of a centrifugal pump has an external diameter of 450 mm and internal
diameter of 200 mm and it runs at 1440 rpm. Assuming a constant flow velocity
through the impeller at 2.5 m/s and that the vanes at the exit are set back at angle of
250. Determine (i) Inlet vane angle (ii) The angle, absolute velocity of water makes
with the tangent at the exit and (iii) The work done per unit weight of water.
GTU Dec 2015
11. Model power P = 30 kW, Head H = 8 m and speed N = 1000 rpm. If the prototype
pump has to work against a head of 25 m, Calculate (i) the speed, (ii) the power
required and (iii) ratio of flow rates handled by the two pumps. Take Model to
prototype scale ratio is 1/5. GTU Dec 2015
12. The inner and outer diameters of an impeller of a centrifugal pump are 0.2 m and 0.4
m respectively. The vane angle and velocity of flow at outlet are 60° and 1.4 m/s
respectively. Determine minimum speed required to start the flow if manometric
efficiency is 76%. GTU Nov 2016

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2


1. A double acting reciprocating pump is fitted with an air vessel on suction side close
to pump. The suction lift of pump is 4.5 m. The length and diameter of suction pipe
are 7.5 m and 80 mm resp. The stroke of piston and its diameter both are 200 mm
each. Coefficient of friction is 0.01. The atmospheric pressure head is 10.3 m and
separation pressure head 2.5 m of water absolute. Determine: (i) The speed at which
separation commences (ii) Maximum permissible speed without air vessel.
GTU May 2013
2. A double acting reciprocating pump running at 50rpm, delivers 40 litres per seconds
has following specifications: Piston diameter = 300 mm, Poston rod diameter = 50
mm, Stroke = 400 mm, Suction head = 4 m, Delivery head = 8 m. Calculate (i) Slip (ii)
Force required to operate the pump during forward & reverse stroke of piston and
(iii) Power required to drive the pump. GTU Dec 2014
3. A triple cylinder pump raises the water level by 100 m and the discharge is
100 ltrs/sec. The diameter of the piston is 250 mm and stroke is 600 mm. The
velocity of water in the delivery pipe is 1.4 m/s. The friction losses amount to 2 m in
the suction pipe and 18 m in the delivery pipe. Taking efficiency of the pump as 90 %
and slip 2%. Find the (i) speed and (ii) power input of the pump. GTU June 2011

B.E Semester – V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1



1. A single acting single cylinder reciprocating air compressor is driven by 25 kW electric

motor. It takes air at 1.013 bar and 180C and delivers it at 8 bar. Compressor runs at
300 rpm. The index of compression and expansion is 1.32 and the clearance volume is
6 % of the swept volume. Assuming the mechanical efficiency as 85 % and bore is equal
to stroke, calculate (i) the free air delivery in m3/min, (ii) the volumetric efficiency and
(iii) the bore and stroke of the compressor. GTU Dec-15
2. A single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor compresses 7x 10-3 m3 of
air/s from pressure of 1.013 bar to 14 bar. The index of polytropic compression process
is 1.3 and mechanical efficiency is 82%. Neglecting effect of clearance, determine
power required to drive the compressor and show the process on P-V diagram.
GTU Jan-13

3. Atmospheric air at 1 bar and 200C is taken into a simple compressor having zero
clearance. It is compressed according to law PV1.2=constant to the constant discharge
pressure of 4 bar. The discharge is taken through a regulating valve into a closed vessel
of 3 m3 capacity. Here the initial conditions were 1 bar and 200C and after charging for
4.2 minutes were 3.5 bar and 250C. Calculate neglecting clearance of compressor (i)
The volume of air taken per minute if measured at atmospheric conditions, (ii) The
indicated power required to drive the machine. GTU Dec-14
4. Air at 1 bar and 200C is compressed to a pressure of 55 bar in a two stage reciprocating
air compressor. Intercooler cools the air to a temperature of 400C at 10 bar. The
diameter of low pressure cylinder is 175 mm and both the cylinders have 225 mm
stroke. If the compression follows the law pV1.2=C, find the indicated power of
compressor if it runs at 150 rpm. GTU Nov- 11
5. A two stage air compressor takes in 3.0 m3 of air per minute at a pressure of 1.0 bar and
temperature of 25°C. It delivers the air at 9.0 bar. The compression is carried out in

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1

each cylinder according to law PV1.25 = constant. The air is cooled to its initial
temperature in intercooler. Find the minimum power required to drive the compressor
neglecting the clearance volume. GTU June-14
6. Two stage single acting reciprocating air compressor takes in air at 1 bar and 300 K.
The delivery pressure is 12 bar. The intermediate pressure is ideal for minimum work
and the intercooling is perfect. The index of compression is 1.3. The flow rate air
through the compressor is 0.30 kg/s. Determine (1) The power required to drive the
compressor (2) Isothermal efficiency (3) Saving in power as compared to single stage.
GTU May-16
7. In a three stage compressor, air is compressed from 98 Pa to 20 KPa . Calculate for 1
m3 of air per second, (1) Work under ideal condition for n=1.3 (2) Isothermal work (3)
Saving in work due to multi-staging (4) Isothermal efficiency. GTU June-11
8. A three stage single acting reciprocating compressor has perfect intercooling. The
pressure and temperature at the end of suction stroke in L.P cylinder is 1.013 bar and
15°C respectively. If 8.4 m3 of free air is delivered by the compressor at 70 bar per
minute and work done is minimum, calculate 1. L.P. and I. P. delivery pressure 2. Ratio
of cylinder volume 3. Total indicated power, assume n=1.2. GTU May-15

B.E Semester - V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 2



1. A centrifugal compressor running at 1440 rpm, handles air at 101 KPa and 20°C and
compress it to a pressure of 6 bar isentropically. The inner and outer diameters of
the impeller are 14 cm and 25 cm, respectively. The width of the blade at the inlet is
2.5 cm. The blade angles are 16° and 40° at entry and exit. Calculate (i) the mass
flow rate of the air, (ii) degree of reaction, (iii) power input and (iv) width of the
blades at outlet. GTU June 2011
2. A centrifugal compressor (ηc = 0.85) runs at 14000 rpm inducting air at 200C, the
work done by the impeller is 160 kJ/kgK, Guide vanes at inlet gives the air a pre-
whirl at 250, Mean eye diameter is 225 mm, the absolute air velocity at inlet is 130
m/s. At the exit the blades are radial and the slip factor is 0.75. Calculate (i) the
pressure ratio, and (ii) impeller tip diameter. GTU Nov 2011
3. A centrifugal air compressor has a pressure ratio of 4:1 with an isentropic efficiency
88% when running at 14000 rpm and including air at 25°C. Curved vanes at inlet
give the air a pre-whirl of 18° to axial direction at all radii and the mean diameter of
eye is 245 mm. The absolute air velocity at inlet is 120 m/s. Impeller tip diameter is
580 mm. Calculate slip factor. GTU June 2012
4. A centrifugal air compressor draws in air at temperature of 270C running at 18000
rpm. The outer diameter of blade tip is 550 mm, slip factor is 0.82, isentropic total
head efficiency is 0.76. Calculate (i) The temperature rise of air passing through the
compressor, (ii) The static pressure ratio. Assume the velocities of air at inlet and
outlet are same. Take Cp = 1.005 KJ/kg K. GTU June 2016
5. A centrifugal compressor delivers free air at 18 kg/min, air is sucked at static states
of 1 bar, 27°C with inlet velocity of 50 m/s. The total head pressure ratio is 4 and
isentropic efficiency of compressor is 75%, mechanical efficiency of motor attached
to it is 90%. Determine total head temperature of air at exit of compressor and
brake power required to drive the compressor. GTU Dec 2015

B.E Semester – V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1

6. Free air delivered by a centrifugal compressor is 20 kg/min. The inlet conditions are
1 bar and 200C static. The velocity of air at inlet is 60 m/s. The isentropic efficiency
of the compressor is 0.7. The total head pressure ratio is 3. Calculate a) The total
head temperature at exit and, b) Power required by the compressor if mechanical
efficiency is 95%. GTU Nov 2016
7. A centrifugal compressor running at 12000 rpm delivers 1.3 m3/s of free air. The
pressure and temperature at inlet are 1 bar and 250C. The compression ratio is 5,
blades are radial at outlet, the velocity of flow is 58 m/s and is constant throughout.
Assume slip factor is 0.9 and isentropic efficiency is 84%. Determine (i) temperature
of air at outlet, (ii) impeller diameter (iii) blade angle at inlet and (iv) power
required. Assume inlet diameter of impeller half of outlet diameter of impeller.
GTU Dec 2015

B.E Semester – V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1



1. An axial flow air compressor stage has a mean diameter of 60 cm. and runs at 15000
rpm if the actual temperature rise and pressure ratio developed are 30°C and 1.35
respectively. Determine: (i) Power required to drive the compressor while
delivering 57 kg/s of air, if the mechanical efficiency is 86% and inlet temperature
rise is 35°C, (ii) The stage loading coefficient, (iii) The degree of reaction if the
temperature at the rotor exit is 55°C. GTU Dec 2010
2. In an axial flow compressor, overall stagnation pressure achieved is 4 and overall
stagnation isentropic efficiency 85%. The inlet stagnation pressure and temperature
are 1 bar and 300 K respectively. The mean blade velocity is 180 m/s, degree of
reaction 50% at mean radius with relative air angles of 12° and 32° at rotor inlet
and outlet respectively, the work done factor is 0.9. Calculate (i) Stagnation
polytropic efficiency (ii) Inlet temperature and pressure (iii) Number of stages (iv)
Blade height in first stage, if ratio of hub to tip diameter is 0.42 , mass flow rate is
19.5 Kg/s. GTU May 2013
3. An axial flow compressor, with compression ratio as 5 draws air at 20°C and
delivers it at 50°C. Assuming 50% degree of reaction, find the velocity of flow if the
blade velocity is 100 m/s, also find number of stages. Take work factor = 0.85,
α = 10°, β = 40° and Cp = 1 k J/kg K. GTU May 2015
4. The mass flow rate of multi stage axial flow compressor is 20 kg/s of air. The stage
efficiency is 0.9. The inlet conditions are 1 bar and 300 K. The stage pressure ratio is
constant and the temperature rise in the first stage is 200C. The temperature at the
end of isentropic compression is 500 K. Calculate (i) The delivery pressure at the
end of last stage, (ii) The total pressure ratio and (iii) The number of stages.
GTU Nov 2016

B.E Semester – V
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajkot 1

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